DPL Manual DIgSILENT PowerFactory Version 12.1 DIgSILENT GmbH Gomaringen, Germany 2003
Publisher: DIgSILENT GmbH Buchenstrasse 10 D-72810 Gomaringen Tel : (07072)9168-0 Fax : (07072)9168-88
Visit our homepage at: www.digsilent.de
Copyright DIgSILENT GmbH. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form without permission of the publisher. doc 103 05 06 920
Contents 1
DPL 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8
DPL Manual
The DPL Command Object . . . . . . . . . . The DPL Script Language . . . . . . . . . . . Access to Other Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . Access to Locally Stored Objects . . . . . . . Accessing the General Selection . . . . . . . Accessing External Objects . . . . . . . . . . Remote Scripts and DPL command Libraries DPL Functions and Subroutines . . . . . . .
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DIgSILENT PowerFactory
The DIgSILENT Programming Language “DPL” serves the purpose of offering an interface for automating tasks in the PowerFactory program. The DPL method distinguishes itself from the command batch method in several aspects: • DPL offers program decision and flow commands • DPL offers the definition and use of user-defined variables • DPL has a flexible interface for input-data and external objects • DPL offers mathematical expressions The DPL adds a new dimension to the DIgSILENT PowerFactory program by allowing the creation of new calculation functions. Such user-defined calculation commands can be used in all areas of power system analysis, such as • Network optimizing • Cable-sizing • Protection coordination • Stability analysis • Parametric sweep analysis • Contingency analysis • etc. etc. Such new calculation functions are written as program scripts which comprise • flow commands like ‘if-then-else and ‘do-while’ • DIgSILENT commands (i.e. load flow or short-circuit commands) • Input and output routines • Mathematical expressions • DIgSILENT object procedure calls • subroutine calls Such program scripts are executed by DPL command objects. To understand the DPL philosophy and the resulting hierarchical structure of DPL scripts, the following is important to understand:
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• A DPL command either executes its own script or the script of another, remote, DPL command. In the first case, the DPL command is called a ‘root command’ and the script is called a ‘local script’. In the second case, the DPL command is called a ‘referring’ command and the script is called a ’remote script’. • A root command may define interface variables that are accessible from outside the script and which are used to define default values. • Each root command may define one or more external objects. External object are used to make a DPL command run with specific power system objects, selections, commands, etc. • A referring command may overrule all default interface values and all selected external objects of the remote command. • Each DPL command can be called as a subroutine by other DPL commands. The use of remote scripts, external objects and interface variables makes it possible to create generic DPL commands, which may be used with different settings in many different projects and study cases.
1.1 The DPL Command Object The DPL command object holds a reference to a remote DPL command when it is not a root command. The example depicted in Fig. 1.1 is apparently a referring command, since its “DPL script” reference is set to the remote command \L IBRARY\DPL C OMMANDS\C HECK VL OADING. A root command has its own script on the “script” page of the dialog. A referring command uses the script of the remote DPL command. The DPL command also holds a reference to a selection of objects (“General Selection”). The general selection in the example is empty. Only one single “General Selection” is valid at a time for all DPL scripts. This means that setting the “General Selection” in one DPL command dialog, will change the “General Selection” for all DPL commands in the database. The interface section is used to define variables that are accessible from outside the DPL command itself. DPL commands that call other DPL commands as subroutines, may use and change the values of the interface variables of these DPL subroutines. The list of External Objects is used to execute the DPL command for specific objects. A DPL command that, for example, searches the set of lines for which a short-circuit causes too deep a voltage dip at a specific busbar, would access that specific busbar as an external object. Performing the same command for another busbar would then only require setting the external object to the other busbar. The most important part of a DPL root command is of course the actual DPL program script. That script is written on the “Script” page of a DPL root command dialog.
1.2 The DPL Script Language The DPL script language uses a syntax quite similar to the C++ programming language. This type of language is intuitive, easy to read, and easy to learn. The basic command set has been kept as small as possible.
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Figure 1.1: A DPL command
The syntax can be divided into the following parts: • variable definitions • assignments and expressions • program flow instructions • method calls The statements in a DPL script are separated by semicolons. Statements are grouped together by braces. Example: statement1; statement2; if (condition) { groupstatement1; groupstatement2; }
1.2.1 Variable Definitions DPL uses the following internal parameter types • double, a 15 digits real number • int, a integer number
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• string, a string • object, a reference to a DIgSILENT object • set, a container of objects Vectors and Matrices are available as external objects. The syntax for defining variables is as follows: [VARDEF] [TYPE]
= =
[TYPE] varname, varname, ..., varname; double | int | object | set
All parameter declarations must be given together in the top first lines of the DPL script. The semicolon is obligatory. Examples: double int string object set
Losses, Length, Pgen; NrOfBreakers, i, j; txt1, nm1, nm2; O1, O2, BestSwitchToOpen; AllSwitches, AllBars;
1.2.2 Assignments and Expressions The following syntax is used to assign a value to a variable: variable variable variable
= += -=
expression expression expression
The add-assignment “+=” adds the right side value to the variable and the subtract-assignment “-=” subtracts the right-side value. Examples: double x,y; x = 0.5*pi(); y = sin(x); x += y; y -= x;
! ! ! !
x y x y
now now now now
equals equals equals equals
1.5708 1.0 2.5708 -1.5708
The following operators and functions are available: • arithmetic operators: +, -, *, / • standard functions: sin(x) cos(x) acos(x) atan(x) tanh(x) exp(x) abs(x) min(x,y) trunc(x) frac(x) pow(x,y) modulo(x,y) rand()
tan(x) sinh(x) ln(x) max(x,y) round(x) ceil(x)
asin(x) cosh(x) log(x) (basis 10) sqrt(x) (square root) sqr(x) (power of 2) floor(x)
All trigonometric functions are based on radians (RAD). The function ‘rand()’ returns a uniform distributed random number in the range [0, 1].
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1.2.3 Program Flow Instructions The following flow commands are available. if if do while
( [boolexpr] ) ( [boolexpr] ) [statlist] ( [boolexpr] )
[statlist] [statlist] while [statlist]
else ( [boolexpr] )
in which [boolexpr] [boolcomp] [statlist]
= = =
expression [boolcomp] expression ”<” | ”>” | ”=” | ”>=” | ”>=” | ”<>” statement; | { statement; [statlist] }
• Unary operators: ”.not.” • Binary operators: ”.and.” | ”.or.” | ”.nand.” | ”.nor.” | ”.eor.” • Parentheses: {logical expression} Examples: if (a<3) b = a*2; else b = a/2; while (sin(a)>=b*c) { a = O:dline; c = c + delta; } if ({.not.a}.and.{b<>3}) { err = Ldf.Execute(); if (err) { Ldf:iopt_lev = 1; err = Ldf.Execute(); Ldf:iopt_lev = 0; } }
Break and Continue The loop statements ‘do-while’ and ‘while-do’ may contain ‘break’ and ‘continue’ commands. The ‘break’ and ‘continue’ commands may not appear outside a loop statement. The ‘break’ command terminates the smallest enclosing ‘do-while’ or ‘while-do’ statement. The execution of the DPL script will continue with the first command following the loop statement. The ‘continue’ command skips the execution of the following statements in the smallest enclosing ‘do-while’ or ’while-do’ statement. The execution of the DPL script is continued with the evaluation of the boolean expression of the loop statement. The loop statement list will be executed again when the expression evaluates to TRUE. Otherwise the loop statement is ended and the execution will continue with the first command following the loop statement. Examples:
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O1 = S1.First(); while (O1) { O1.Open(); err = Ldf.Execute(); if (err) { ! skip this one O1 = S1.Next; continue; } O2 = S2.First(); AllOk = 1; DoReport(0); !reset while (O2) { err = Ldf.Execute(); if (err) { ! do not continue AllOk = 0; break; } else { DoReport(1); ! add } O2 = S2.Next(); } if (AllOk) { DoReport(2); ! report } O1 = S1.Next(); }
1.2.4 Input and Output The “input” command asks the user to enter a value. input(var, string); The input command will pop up a window with the string and a input line on which the user may enter a value. The value will be assigned to the variable “var”. The “output” command writes a line of text to the output window. output(string); The string may contain “=”-signs, followed by a variable name. The variable name will then be replaced by the variable’s value. Example: input(diameter, ’enter diameter’); output(’the entered value=diameter’); The example results in the pop up of a window as depicted inFig. 1.2. The following text will appear in the output window: DIgSI/dpl - the entered value=12.3400
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Figure 1.2: The input window The output command is considered obsolete and has been replaced by the more versatile “printf” and “sprintf” functions. See “sprintf” in 1.8.3, page 21 and “printf” in 1.8.3, page 21 for more information.
1.3 Access to Other Objects With the syntax for the parameter definitions, program flow and the input and output, it is already possible to create a small program. However, such a script would not be able to use or manipulate variables of ‘external’ objects. It would not be possible, for instance, to write a script that replaces a specific line by possibly better alternatives, in order to select the best line type. Such a script must be able to access specific objects (the specific line) and specific sets of objects (the set of alternative line types). The DPL language has several methods with which the database objects and their parameters become available in the DPL script: • The most direct method is to create an object, or a reference to an object, in the DPL command folder itself. Such an object is directly available as “object” variable in the script. The variable name is the name of the object in the database. • The general selection may be used. This method is only useful when the order in which the objects are accessed is not important. The general selection is automatically filled when a selection is right clicked in either the single line graphic or the database browser and the option “Execute DPL script” is selected. • The list of external objects is mainly used when a script should be executed for specific objects or selections. The list of external objects is nothing more than a list of ‘aliases’. The external object list is used to select specific objects for each alias, prior to the execution of the script.
1.3.1 Object Variables and Methods If a database object is known to the DPL command, then all its methods may be called, and all its variables are available. For example, if we want to change a load flow command in order to force an asymmetrical load flow calculation, we may alter the parameter “iopt net”. This is done by using an assignment: Ldf:iopt_net = 1; ! force unbalanced In this example, the loadflow objects is known as the objects variable “Ldf”. The general syntax for a parameter of a database object is
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objectname:parametername In the same way, it is possible to get a value from a database object, for instance a result from the load flow calculations. One of such a result is the loading of a line object, which is stored in the variable “c:loading”. The following example performs the unbalanced loadflow and reports the line loading: 00. 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09.
int error; double loading; Ldf:iopt_net = 1; ! force unbalanced error = Ldf.Execute(); ! execute load flow if (error) { exit(); } else { loading = Line:c:loading; ! get line loading output(’loading=loading’); ! report line loading }
This examples is very primitive but it shows the basic methods for accessing database objects and their parameters.
1.4 Access to Locally Stored Objects The access to locally stored (references to) objects is only possible if the name of the object qualifies as a variable name in the DPL script. It will not be possible to access an object which name is “My Loadflow\~{}1*”, for instance. An example is shown in Fig. 1.3, where a DPL script is shown on the left which has a load flow command and a reference to a line in its contents folder on the right.
Figure 1.3: DPL contents The example DPL script may now access these objects directly, as the objects “Ldf” and “Line”. In the following example, the object “Ldf”, which is a load flow command, is used in line 01 to perform a load flow. 00. 01. 02. 03. 04. 05.
int error; error = Ldf.Execute(); if (error) { output(’Load flow command returns an error’); exit(); }
In line 01, a load flow is calculated by calling the method “Execute()” of the loadflow command. The details of the loadflow command, such as the choice between a balanced single phase or an
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unbalanced three phase load flow calculation, is made by editing the object “Ldf” in the database. Many other objects in the database have methods which can be called from a DPL script. The DPL contents are also used to include DPL scripts into other scripts and thus to create DPL “subroutines”.
1.5 Accessing the General Selection Accessing database objects by storing them or a reference to them in the DPL command would create a problem if many objects have to be accessed, for instance if we want to search the line with the highest loading. It would be impractical to create a reference to each and every line. A more elegant way would be to use the DPL global selection and fill it with all lines. The database browser offers several ways in which to fill the DPL selection with little effort. The selection may then be used to access each line indirectly by a DPL “object” variable. In this way, we may create a loop in which we search for the highest loading. This is shown in the following example. 00. 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.
int error; double max; object O, Omax; set S; error = Ldf.Execute(); if (error) exit();
! execute a loadflow ! exit on error
S = SEL.AllLines(); ! Omax = S.First(); ! if (Omax) { max = Omax:c:loading; ! } else { output(’No lines found in exit(); ! } O = S.Next(); ! while (O) { ! if (O:c:loading>max) { max = O:c:loading; ! Omax = O; ! } O = S.Next(); } output(’max loading=max for Omax.ShowFullName();
get all selected lines get first line initialize maximum selection’); no lines: exit get next line while more lines update maximum update max loaded line
line’); !output results
The object “SEL” used in line 08 is the reserved object variable which equals the “General Selection” in the DPL command dialog. The “SEL” object is available in all DPL scripts at all times and only one single “General Selection” object is valid at a time for all DPL scripts. This means that setting the “General Selection” in the one DPL command dialog, will change it for all other DPL commands too. The method “AllLines()” in line 08 will return a set of all lines found in the general selection. This set is assigned to the variable “S”. The lines are now accessed one by one by using the set methods “First()” and “Next()” in line 09, 16 and 22. The line with the highest loading is kept in the variable “Omax”. The name and database location of this line is written to the output window at the end of the script by calling “ShowFullName()”.
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1.6 Accessing External Objects The DPL contents makes it possible to access external object in the DPL script. The special general selection object (“SEL”) is used to give all DPL functions and their subroutines access to a central selection of objects. Although flexible, this method would create problems if more than one specific object should be accessed in the script. By creating references to those objects in the DPL command itself, the DPL command would become specific to the current calculation case. Gathering the objects in the general selection would create the problem of selecting the correct object. To prevent the creation of calculation-specific DPL commands, it is recommended practice to reserve the DPL contents for all objects that really ‘belong’ to the DPL script and which are thus independent on were and how the script is used. Good examples are load flow and short-circuit commands, or the vector and matrix objects that the DPL command uses for its computations. If a DPL script must access a database object dependent on where and how the DPL script is used, an “External Object” must be added to the external object list in the DPL root command. Such an external object is a named reference to a external database object. The external object is referred to by that name. Changing the object is then a matter of selecting another object. In Fig. 1.4, an example of a external object is given. This external object may be referred to in the DPL script by the name “Bar1”, as is shown in the example.
Figure 1.4: DPL external object table Example: sagdepth = Bar1:u;
1.7 Remote Scripts and DPL command Libraries The easiest way to develop a new DPL command is to create a new ComDpl in the currently active study case and to write the script directly in that DPL object. In such a way, a DPL “root command” is made. If this root command needs DPL subroutines, then one or more DPL command objects may be created in its contents. Each of these subroutines will normally also be written as root functions. The newly written DPL command with its subroutines may be tested and used in the currently active study case. However, it cannot be executed when another study case is active. In order to use the DPL command in other study cases, or even in other projects, we would have to copy the
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DPL command and its contents. This, however, would make it impossible to alter the DPL command without having to alter all its copies. The solution is in the use of ‘remote scripts’. The procedure to create and use remote scripts is described as follows. Suppose we have created and tested a new DPL command in the currently active study case. We would like to store this DPL command in a save place and make it possible to use it in other study cases and projects. This is done by the following steps: • copy the DPL command to a library folder. This will also copy the contents of the DPL command, i.e. with all it’s DPL subroutines and other locally stored objects. • “Generalize” the copied DPL command by resetting all project specific external objects. Set all interface variable values to their default values. To avoid deleting a part of the DPL command, make sure that if any of the DPL (sub)commands refers to a remote script, all those remote scripts are also stored in the library folder. • Activate another study case. • Create a new DPL command object (ComDPL) in the active study case. • Set the “DPL script” reference to the copied DPL command. • Select the required external objects. • Optionally change the default values of the interface variables • Press the Check button to check the DPL script The Check or Execute button will copy all parts of the remote script in the library that are needed for execution. This includes all subroutines, which will also refer to remote scripts, all command objects, and all other objects. Some classes objects are copied as reference, other classes are copied completely. The new DPL command does not contain a script, but executes the remote script. For the execution itself, this does not make a change. However, more than one DPL command may now refer to the same remote script. Changing the remote script, or any of its local objects or sub-commands, will now change the execution of all DPL commands that refer to it.
1.7.1 Subroutines and Calling Conventions A DPL command object may be included in the contents of another DPL command. In that case, the included DPL “subroutine” may be called in the script of the enclosing DPL command. In principle, this is not different from calling, for example, a load flow command from a DPL script. As with most other command objects, the DPL command only has one method: int Execute() ; executes the DPL script. The difference is that each DPL subroutine has different interface parameters, which may be changed by the calling command. These interface parameters can also be set directly at calling time, by providing one or more calling arguments. These calling arguments are assigned to the interface parameters in order of appearance. The following example illustrates this. Suppose we have a DPL sub-command “Sub1” with the interface section as depicted in Fig. 1.5. The calling command may then use, for example:
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Figure 1.5: Interface section of subroutine ! set the parameters: Sub1:step = 5.0; Sub1:Line = MyLine; Sub1:Outages = MySelection; ! execute the subroutine: error = Sub1.Execute(); However, using calling arguments, we may also write: ! execute the subroutine: error = Sub1.Execute(5.0, MyLine,
1.8 DPL Functions and Subroutines The DPL syntax is very small because it mainly serves the purpose of basic operations like simple calculations, if-them-else selections, do-while’ loops, etc.. The strength of the DPL language is the possibility to call functions and to create subroutines. A function which can be called by a DPL command is called a “method” . Four types of methods are distinguished: Internal methods These are the build-in methods of the DPL command. They can be called always. Set methods These methods are available for the DPL ‘set’ variables. Object methods These methods are available for the DPL ‘object’ variables. External methods These are the methods which are available for certain external DIgSILENT objects, such as the loadflow command, the line object, the asynchronous machine, etc.
1.8.1 DPL Internal Methods The DPL program language has a small set of DPL-specific internal commands: Random validLDF validRMS validSHC validSIM AllRelevant ActiveCase SummaryGrid ActiveProject Write
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returns a random number checks for a valid loadflow result checks for a valid simulation result checks for a valid short-circuit result checks for a valid simulation result returns all calculation relevant objects returns the active calculation case returns the summary grid returns the active project writes a report
DIgSILENT PowerFactory
ResetCalculation PostCommand Exe ClearCommands GetLanguage Delete EchoOn EchoOff GetGraphBoard GetCaseCommand printf sprintf Error Warn Info NoFinalUpdate GetLocalLib GetGlobalLib
resets the calculations adds a command to the command pipe executes a command clears the command pipe returns the current language deletes the object Re-activates the user interface Freezes (de-activates) the user-interface Returns the currently active Graphics Board Returns default command objects Outputs a formatted string Returns a formatted string Emits a formatted error Outputs a formatted warning Outputs a formatted information Prevents “EchoOn()” at end of execution Returns a local library folder Returns a global library folder
More information about these commands can be found in the on-line manual.
1.8.2 DPL Set Methods Set methods are functions for the set type parameters. set . [SETMETHOD] ( arguments ) ; The following [SETMETHOD] methods are available: Clear IsIn Add Remove Count First Next Firstmatch Nextmatch FirstFilt NextFilt SortToVar SortToClass SortToName MarkInGraphics
removes all objects from the set searches for an object in the set adds an object removes an object returns the number of stored objects returns the first objects returns the next object returns the first matching object returns the next matching object returns the first matching object returns the next matching object sorts the objects to a variable value sorts the objects to their class sorts the objects to their names marks the objects in the graphic
More information about these commands can be found in the on-line manual.
1.8.3 Object Methods The object methods are specific for each type of object class. A result file object (ElmRes), for instance, has a “Write” method, which would not make sense for a load flow command object. The general syntax for an object method equals that of the set method: object . [OBJMETHOD] ( arguments ) ;
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The following overview lists all the non-specific [OBJMETHOD] methods which are available for all classes. Unom MarkInGraphics ShowFullName IsClass AddCopy CreateObject Edit GetParent GetContents HasResults IsRelevant IsOutOfService GetConnectionCount GetCubicle Move IsInFeeder VarExists
returns the nominal voltage marks the object in the graphic prints the full database path and name checks for a certain class adds a copy of an object creates a new object opens the object dialog Returns the parent folder Returns the stored objects returns if the object has result parameters Returns if the object is used for calculations Returns if the object is out of service Returns the number of electrical connections returns the object’s cubicle Moves an objects to this folder Returns if the object belongs to the feeder Checks a variable name
More information about these commands can be found in the on-line manual. The following overview lists all the available object specific [OBJMETHOD] methods. Calling these methods for the wrong class will result in an error message. ComRes.ExportFullRange ComEcho.Off SetFilt.Get IntMat.Get IntMat.Init IntMat.NRow IntMat.RowLbl IntVec.Get IntVec.Init IntVec.Size ElmCoup.Open ElmCoup.IsClosed ElmLne.GetType ElmLne.IsNetCoupling TypLne.IsCable ElmRes.Clear ElmRes.Draw ComRel3.Execute ComLdf.Execute StaSwitch.Close StaSwitch.IsOpen SetFeeder.GetAll SetFeeder.GetBranches SetPath.GetBusses SetPath.AllBreakers SetPath.AllOpenBreakers SetSelect.Clear SetSelect.AllLines SetSelect.AllLoads
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ComEcho.On ComTime.Execute ComDpl.Execute IntMat.Set IntMat.Resize IntMat.NCol IntMat.ColLbl IntVec.Set IntVec.Resize ElmCoup.Close ElmCoup.IsOpen ElmLne.HasRoutesOrSec ElmLne.IsCable ElmLne.SetCorr ElmLne.SetNomCurr ElmRes.Write ElmRes.WriteDraw ComInc.Execute ComShc.Execute StaSwitch.Open StaSwitch.IsClosed SetFeeder.GetBuses SetPath.GetAll SetPath.GetBranches SetPath.AllClosedBreakers SetSelect.AddRef SetSelect.AllElm SetSelect.AllBars SetSelect.AllAsm
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SetSelect.AllSym SetSelect.All SetSelect.AllBreakers SetSelect.AllOpenBreakers
SetSelect.AllTypLne SetSelect.GetAll SetSelect.AllClosedBreakers IntForm.SetText
More information about these commands can be found in the on-line manual.
LoadResData void LoadResData (object O) Loads the data of a result file (ElmRes) in memory. An error is produced when O is not a ElmRes object. Arguments object O (obligatory) : The result file object Return value void Example Example. object obj, res; double x; int Nvar, Nval, n, ix,iy; string str; obj = GetCaseCommand(’ComInc’); res = obj:p_resvar; LoadResData(res); Nvar = ResNvars(res); Nval = ResNval(res,0); printf(’Nvar=%d Nval=%d’, Nvar, Nval); ix = 0; while (ix
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30.73286 30.73286 30.73286 30.73286 30.73286 30.73286 30.73286 30.73286
12.91360 12.91360 12.91360 12.91360 12.91360 12.91360 12.91360 12.91360
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0.030000 : 0.040000 : 0.050000 :
0.12676 0.12676 0.12676
30.73286 30.73286 30.73286
12.91360 12.91360 12.91360
ResNvars int ResNvars (object O) returns the number of variables (columns) in result file. An error is produced when O is not a ElmRes object. Arguments object O (obligatory) : The result file object Also see “LoadResData()” in 1.8.3, page 16 .
ResNval int ResNval (object O, int iCrv) returns the number of values stored in result object for curve iCrv. An error is produced when O is not a ElmRes object. Arguments object O (obligatory) : The result file object int iCrv (obligatory) : The curve number, which equals the variable or column number. Also see “LoadResData()” in 1.8.3, page 16 .
GetResData int ResNval (double x, object O, int iX, int iCrv) Returns a value from a result object for row iX of curve iCrv. An error is produced when O is not a ElmRes object. Arguments double d (obligatory) : the returned value object O (obligatory) : The result file object int iX (obligatory) : the row index int iCrv (optional) : The curve number, which equals the variable or column number, first column value (time,index, etc.) is returned when omitted. Return value 0 when ok 1 when iX out of bound 2 when iCrv out of bound 3 when invalid value is returned (‘INFINITY’, ‘DUMMY’, etc.) Also see “LoadResData()” in 1.8.3, page 16 .
GetCaseObject object GetCaseObject (string ClassName) Returns the first found object of class “ClassName” from the currently active calculation case. Creates such an object when no object of the given class was found in the calculation case. Arguments string ClassName (optional) : Class name of the object Return value The found or created object. Example The following example gets the SetTime object. object Obj; Obj = GetCaseObject(’SetTime’);
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if (Obj) { ... } Also see “GetCaseCommand()” in 1.8.3, page 18 .
GetCaseCommand object GetCaseCommand (string ClassName) Returns the default command object of class “ClassName” from the currently active calculation case. Creates such a command when possible and when the calculation case not yet contains a command of the given class. Initializes newly created commands according to the project settings. The buttons on the main menu for loadflow, short-circuit, transient simulation, etc. also open the corresponding default command from the currently active study case. Using ”GetCaseCommand()” in a DPL script will return the same command. Arguments string ClassName (optional) : Class name of the command Return value The found or created command. Example The following example executes the default loadflow command. object Com; Com = GetCaseCommand(’’ComLdf’); if (Com) { Com.Execute(); } Also see “GetCaseObject()” in 1.8.3, page 17 .
EchoOn void EchoOn () Re-activates the user interface. Arguments none Return value void Example The following example de-activates the user-interface to speed up the calculations, after which the user-interface is re-activated again. EchoOff(); .. do some calculation ... EchoOn(); Also see “EchoOff()” in 1.8.3, page 18 . Also see “NoFinalUpdate()” in 1.8.3, page 19 .
EchoOff void EchoOff () Freezes (de-activates) the user-interface. For each EchoOff(), a EchoOn() should be called. A EchoOn() is automatically executed at the end of a DPL execution, except for when “NoFinalUpdate()” has been called. Arguments none
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Return value void Example Example. Example The following example de-activates the user-interface to speed up the calculations, after which the user-interface is re-activated again. EchoOff(); .. do some calculation ... EchoOn(); Also see “EchoOn()” in 1.8.3, page 18 . Also see “NoFinalUpdate()” in 1.8.3, page 19 .
NoFinalUpdate void NoFinalUpdate () Prevents the automatic “EchoOn()” at end of execution. Arguments none Return value void Example Example. EchoOff(); .. do some calculation ... NoFinalUpdate(); Also see “EchoOff()” in 1.8.3, page 18 . Also see “EchoOn()” in 1.8.3, page 18 .
GetLocalLib object GetLocalLib ([string ClassName]) Returns the local library for object-types of class “ClassName”. ClassName may be omitted, in which case the complete local library folder is returned. Arguments string ClassName (optional) : The classname of the objects for which the library folder is sought Return value The library folder Example The following example shows the contents of the local library for line types. object Lib, O; set S; Lib = GetLocalLib(’TypLne’); S = lib.GetContents(); O = S.First(); while (O) { O:ShowFullName(); O = S.Next(); } Also see “GetGlobalLib” in 1.8.3, page 20 .
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GetGlobalLib object GetGlobaleLib ([string ClassName]) Returns the global library for object-types of class “ClassName”. ClassName may be omitted, in which case the complete global library folder is returned. Arguments string ClassName (optional) : The classname of the objects for which the library folder is sought Return value The library folder Example The following example shows the contents of the global library for line types. object Lib, O; set S; Lib = GetGlobalLib(’TypLne’); S = lib.GetContents(); O = S.First(); while (O) { O:ShowFullName(); O = S.Next(); } Also see “GetLocalLib” in 1.8.3, page 19 .
Format String Syntax The string printing commands “printf” , “sprintf” , “Error” , “Warn” , and “Info” all use the same format string syntax. The format string must contain a valid place holder for every given argument. The placeholder format is [flags] [width] [.precision] type Where “type” is one of the following specifiers: ’d’ or ’i’ For an integer value. ’e’ For a double value. The printed format is “[ ]d.dddd e [sign]ddd” where d is a single decimal digit, “‘dddd” is one or more decimal digits, “ddd” is exactly three decimal digits, and “[sign]” is “+” or “”. ’E’ Identical to the e format except that “E” in stead of “e” is used. ’f’ For a double value. Printed format is “[ ]dddd.dddd”, where “dddd” is one or more decimal digits. The number of digits before the decimal point depends on the magnitude of the number, and the number of digits after the decimal point depends on the requested precision. ’g’ For a double value. Printed format is the “f” or “e” format, whichever is more compact for the given value and precision. The e format is used only when the exponent of the value is less than 4 or greater than or equal to the precision argument. Trailing zeros are truncated, and the decimal point appears only if one or more digits follow it. ’G’ Identical to the “g” format, except that “E” in stead of “e”, is used (where appropriate). ’s’ For a string. The optional “flag” can be one of the following specifiers: ’-’ : Left align the result within the given field width.
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’+’ : Prefix the output value with a sign (+ or ) The optional “width” specifies the number of characters to be printed and the optional “.precision” specifies the number of decimals printed. Example The following examples shows various placeholder definitions. double x; int i; string s; x = 123456789.987654321; i = 2468; s = ’hello dpl’; printf(’%f|%15.3f|%E|%.2e|%+f|’, x,x,x,x,x); printf(’%d|%6d|%-6d|’, i,i,i); printf(’%s|%-20s|%20s|’,s,s,s); ! string concat is possible: s = ’this’; s = sprintf(’%s %s’, s, ’DPL script’); ! print and assign in one action: s = printf(’%s %s "%s"’, s, ’is called’, this:loc_name); printf(’%s (again)’,s); ! print again:
fWrite The command “fWrite” is obsolete and has been replaced by the “printf” command. See “printf” in 1.8.3, page 21 for more information.
ToStr The command “ToStr” is obsolete and has been replaced by the “sprintf” command. See “sprintf” in 1.8.3, page 22 for more information.
printf string printf (String Format,String T | double X | int I, ...) Outputs a formatted string. The printf() command uses the C++ printf() formatting syntax. Arguments String Format (obligatory) : The format string String T (optional) : string argument double X (optional) : double argument int I (optional) : int argument Return value The formatted string The output format is defined by the format string. The passed arguments and the passed format string must match. An error message will be produced when, for instance, a format string for two strings is used together with three doubles. See the “format string syntax” in 1.8.3, page 20 for more information. Also see “sprintf” in 1.8.3, page 22 . Also see “Error” in 1.8.3, page 22 . Also see “Warn” in 1.8.3, page 23 . Also see “Info” in 1.8.3, page 23 . Also see “Write” in 1.8.3, page 24 .
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sprintf string sprintf (String Format, String T | double X | int I, ...) Returns a formatted string. The sprintf() command uses the C++ printf() formatting syntax. Arguments String Format (obligatory) : The format string String T (optional) : string argument double X (optional) : double argument int I (optional) : int argument Return value The formatted string Example The following example redirects the output to a file. The filename is formatted from a path and the name of the current calculation case. “Redirect” is an ComOp and “StopRedirect” is an ComCl object in the DPL command Redirect:f = sprintf(’%s%s.out’, ’c:\\MyDocuments\\results0813\\’, O:loc_name); Redirect.Execute(); Form.WriteOut(Lines); ! write a report StopRedirect.Execute(); ! stop redirection The output format is defined by the format string. The passed arguments and the passed format string must match. An error message will be produced when, for instance, a format string for two strings is used together with three doubles. See the format string syntax in 1.8.3, page 20 for more information. Also see “printf” in 1.8.3, page 21 . Also see “Error” in 1.8.3, page 22 . Also see “Warn” in 1.8.3, page 23 . Also see “Info” in 1.8.3, page 23 . Also see “Write” in 1.8.3, page 24 .
Error string Error (String Format,String T | double X | int I, ...) Writes a formatted string as error message to the output window. The DPL execution will continue, but a pop-up error message box will appear at the end of execution. Arguments String Format (obligatory) : The format string String T (optional) : string argument double X (optional) : double argument int I (optional) : int argument Return value The formatted string Example The following example writes an error to the output window. Error(’Index could not be calculated.’); The output format is defined by the format string. The passed arguments and the passed format string must match. An error message will be produced when, for instance, a format string for two strings is used together with three doubles. See the format string syntax in 1.8.3, page 20 for more information.
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Also see “printf” in 1.8.3, page 21 . Also see “sprintf” in 1.8.3, page 22 . Also see “Warn” in 1.8.3, page 23 . Also see “Info” in 1.8.3, page 23 . Also see “Write” in 1.8.3, page 24 .
Info string Info (String Format, String T | double X | int I, ...) Writes a formatted string as information message to the output window. Arguments String Format (obligatory) : The format string String T (optional) : string argument double X (optional) : double argument int I (optional) : int argument Return value The formatted string Example The following example writes an info message to the output window. Info(’Trying to calculate first index...’); The output format is defined by the format string. The passed arguments and the passed format string must match. An error message will be produced when, for instance, a format string for two strings is used together with three doubles. See the format string syntax in 1.8.3, page 20 for more information. Also see “printf” in 1.8.3, page 21 . Also see “sprintf” in 1.8.3, page 22 . Also see “Error” in 1.8.3, page 22 . Also see “Warn” in 1.8.3, page 23 . Also see “Write” in 1.8.3, page 24 .
Warn string Warn (String Format, String T | double X | int I, ...) Writes a formatted string as warning to the output window. Arguments String Format (obligatory) : The format string String T (optional) : string argument double X (optional) : double argument int I (optional) : int argument Return value The formatted string Example The following example writes a warning message to the output window. Warn(’No loads attached: using approximation.’); The output format is defined by the format string. The passed arguments and the passed format string must match. An error message will be produced when, for instance, a format string for two strings is used together with three doubles.
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See the format string syntax in 1.8.3, page 20 for more information. Also see “printf” in 1.8.3, page 21 . Also see “sprintf” in 1.8.3, page 22 . Also see “Error” in 1.8.3, page 22 . Also see “Info” in 1.8.3, page 23 . Also see “Write” in 1.8.3, page 24 .
Write int Write (string Format, [object aObj | set aSet], ...) Writes out a line of formatted text, using the DIgSILENT output language. Arguments string Format (obligatory) : The format string object aObj (optional) : An object which is used to get data from set aSet (optional) : A set which is used to get objects from Return value 0 on success, 1 on error The “Write” command is used to quickly output a line of formatted output, using the same formatting language as is used for defining reports and result-boxes. See “The DIgSILENT output language” in ??, page ?? for more information. Because data or parameters of more than object is often written out, the DIgSILENT output language has the special macro “ACC(x)” to distinguish between these objects. Prior to execution, all given objects and all objects in the given sets are listed together in a single list. The “ACC(x)” macro returns the object with the index “x” in that list. The ACC (“acc”=“access”) macro can be used more than once for the same object. Interface variables of the DPL script can also be used in the format string by the “DEF” macro. If the DPL script has “ResX” as an interface double, then “DEF:ResX” will access that variable. Example In the following example, two lines of output are written out. The first line only contains normal text. The second line writes the name and loading of two lines. In this example, “ACC(1)” refers to the object “LineA’, and “ACC(2)” to “LineB” Write(’The following results are found’); Write(’# : #.## # , # : #.## # $N, ACC(1):loc_name,ACC(1):c:loading,[ACC(1):c:loading, ACC(2):loc_name,ACC(2):c:loading,[ACC(2):c:loading’, LineA, LineB); Also see “printf” in 1.8.3, page 21 . Also see “sprintf” in 1.8.3, page 22 . Also see “Error” in 1.8.3, page 22 . Also see “Warn” in 1.8.3, page 23 . Also see “Info” in 1.8.3, page 23 .
strftime string strftime (String Format) Creates a formatted time string. Arguments
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String Format (obligatory) : The format string The following formatting codes are recognized in the format string. %a Abbreviated weekday name %A Full weekday name %b Abbreviated month name %B Full month name %c Date and time representation appropriate for locale %d Day of month as decimal number (01 31) %H Hour in 24-hour format (00 23) %I Hour in 12-hour format (01 12) %j Day of year as decimal number (001 366) %m Month as decimal number (01 12) %M Minute as decimal number (00 59) %p Current locales A.M./P.M. indicator for 12-hour clock %S Second as decimal number (00 59) %U Week of year as decimal number, with Sunday as first day of week (00 53) %w Weekday as decimal number (0 6; Sunday is 0) %W Week of year as decimal number, with Monday as first day of week (00 53) %x Date representation for current locale %X Time representation for current locale %y Year without century, as decimal number (00 99) %Y Year with century, as decimal number %z, %Z Time-zone name or abbreviation; no characters if time zone is unknown %% Percent sign Return value The formatted time string Example The following example shows the date. str = strftime(’Today is %A, day %d of %B in the year %Y.’); printf(’%s’, str); Output Today is Wednesday, day 30 of April in the year 2003.
strlen int strlen (string S) returns the length of a string. Arguments string S (obligatory) : The string
strcmp int strcmp (string S1, string S2, int count) Compares two strings. Arguments string S1 (obligatory) : The first string string S1 (obligatory) : The second string int count (optional) : Number of characters to compare Return value -1 when S1 ¡ S2, for up to count characters 0 S1 = S2, for up to count characters 1 when S1 ¿ S2, for up to count characters
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strcpy String strcpy (string S, int start, int count) copies a substring from a string. Arguments string S (obligatory) : The string int start (obligatory) : The start position in S int count (optional) : Number of characters to copy Return value The copied substring Example Example. string S1, S2; S1 = ’The brown fox’; S2 = strcpy(S1, 4, 5); ! S2 now equals ’brown’
strstr int strcpy (string S1, String S2) Searches for a substring in a string. Arguments string S1 (obligatory) : The string string S2 (obligatory) : The substring Return value The first position in S1 where S2 was found, or -1 when S2 was not found. Example Example. string S1, S2; int i; S1 = ’The brown fox’; i = strstr(s1, ’brown’); S2 = strcpy(S1, i, 5); ! S2 now equals ’brown’
GetPageLen int GetPageLen (int orientation) Returns the number of lines per page according to the currently selected printer and paper size. Arguments int orientation (obligatory) : Paper orientation: 0: landscape, 1: portrait Return value The maximum number of lines that can be printed on a single sheet of paper.
Delete void Delete (object O | set S) Deletes an object or a set of objects from the database. The objects are not destroyed but are moved to the recycle bin. Arguments object O (optional) : The object to delete set S (optional) : The set of objects to delete Return value
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void Example The following example removes all ”Dummy” fuses from the network. The ‘DummyType’ variable is a local variable in the DPL script. A set of objects-to-delete is created first and then that set is deleted. This has the advantage that one single entry in the recycle bin is created which contains all deleted fuses. Manually restoring (‘undelete’) the deleted fuses, in case of a mistake, can then be done by a single restore command. object O; set S, Del; S = AllRelevant(); O = S.Firstmatch(’RelFuse’); while (O) { if (O:typ_id=DummyType) { Del.Add(O); } O = S.Nextmatch(); } Delete(Del);
Random double Random ([double x1 [,double x2]]) Returns a pseudo random value. If x1 and x2 are omitted, a value in the range of [0 ... 1] is returned. If only x1 is given, the possible range is [0 ... x1] and with both x1 and x2, [x1 ... x2]. Arguments double x1 (optional) : upper/lower limit double x1 (optional) : upper limit Return value A pseudo-random number Example The following example sets a load to a random active power prior to calculating a loadflow. double P; Load:plini = Random(1.2, 2.3); Ldf.Execute();
validLDF int validLDF () Checks to see if the last load flow results are still valid and available. Arguments none Return value 0 if no load flow results are available Example The following example checks if a loadflow is available, and performs one when not. int valid; valid = validLDF(); if (.not.valid) { Ldf.Execute(); }
validRMS int validRMS ()
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Checks to see if the last RMS simulation results are still valid and available. Arguments none Return value 0 if no RMS simulation results are available Example The following example checks if a RMS simulation is available, and performs one when not. int valid; valid = validRMS(); if (.not.valid) { Rms.Execute(); }
validSHC int validSHC () Checks to see if the last short-circuit results are still valid and available. Arguments none Return value 0 if no short-circuit results are available Example The following example checks if a short-circuit result is available, and performs one when not. int valid; valid = validSHC(); if (.not.valid) { Shc.Execute(); }
validSIM int validSIM () Checks to see if the last simulation results are still valid and available. Arguments none Return value 0 if no simulation results are available Example The following example checks if a simulation result is available. int valid; valid = validSIM(); if (.not.valid) { output(’No simulation result available’); }
AllRelevant Set AllRelevant () Returns a set with all objects which together form the target for all calculations. These are the objects that are check-marked in the database browser. The set of calculation relevant objects is determined by the currently active study case and the currently active grids. Arguments none Return value
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The set of all calculation relevant objects Example The following example writes the full path and name of all calculation relevant objects in the output window. set S; object O; S = AllRelevant(); O = S.First(); while (O) { O.ShowFullName(); O = S.Next(); }
ActiveCase Object ActiveCase () Returns the currently active Study Case. Arguments none Return value A “IntCase” object Example The following example writes the name of the active study case to the output window. object aCase; aCase = ActiveCase(); aCase.ShowFullName();
SummaryGrid Object SummaryGrid () Returns the summary grid in the currently active Study Case. The summary grid is the combination of all active grids in the study case. Arguments none Return value A “ElmNet” object, or a ‘NULL’ object when no grids are active Example The following example performs a loadflow and returns the total grid active power losses. object SumGrid; SumGrid = SummaryGrid(); if (SumGrid) { Ldf.Execute(); output(’Active Power Losses=SumGrid:c:LossP’); }
ActiveProject Object ActiveProject () Returns the currently active project Arguments none Return value A “IntPrj” object Example The following example prints the name of the active project to the output window.
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object Prj; Prj = ActiveProject(); Prj.ShowFullName();
ResetCalculation void ResetCalculation () Resets all calculations and destroys all volatile calculation results. Arguments none Return value void (no return value) Results that have been written to result objects (for display in graphs) will not be destroyed. All results that are visible in the single line diagrams, however, will be destroyed. Example The following example resets all calculations. ResetCalculation();
PostCommand void PostCommand (string Command) Adds a command to the command pipe in the input window. The posted commands will be executed after the DPL command has finished. Arguments string Command (obligatory) : The command string Return value void (no return value) Example The following command causes the DIgSILENT program to end after the DPL script has finished. PostCommand(’exit’);
Exe void Exe (string Command) Immediately executes the command, bypassing the command pipe in the input window. The DPL command will continue after the command has been executed. The ‘Exe’ command is provided for compatibility and testing purposes only and should only be used by experienced users. Arguments string Command (obligatory) : The command string Return value void (no return value) Example The following command causes the output or graphical window to be printed. PostCommand(’pr’);
ClearCommands void ClearCommands () Clears the command pipe of the input window. Arguments none Return value void (no return value)
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Example The following command clears the input window. ClearCommands();
ClearCommands void ClearOutput () Clears the output window. Arguments none Return value void (no return value) Example The following command clears the output window. ClearOutput();
GetLanguage int GetLanguage () Returns the current program language setting. Arguments none Return value 0 = English, 1 = German Example The following example displays a different message, depending on the language. int err, lng; lng = GetLanguage(); err = Ldf.Execute(); if (err) { if (lng) { output(’Loadflow command returned an error’); } else { output(’Fehler im Lastfluss Kommando’); } exit(); }
GetGraphBoard SetDeskTop GetGraphBoard () Returns the currently active Graphics Board. Arguments none Return value The graphics board object Example The following example looks for an opened Graphics Board and sets its default results to the results object named ’Results’. object aGrf; ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard();
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if (aGrf) { ! Set default results object aGrf.SetResults(Results); } Also see SetDeskTop.GetPage in 1.8.36, page 80 SetDeskTop.SetResults in 1.8.36, page 81 SetDeskTop.SetXVar in 1.8.36, page 81 SetDeskTop.SetScaleX in 1.8.36, page 81 SetDeskTop.SetAutoScaleX in 1.8.36, page 82 SetDeskTop.SetAdaptX in 1.8.36, page 83
Clear void Set.Clear () Clears the set. Arguments none Return value void Example The following example clears a set set Sbig; Sbig = SEL.AllLines(); ... Sbig.Clear();
IsIn int Set.IsIn (object O) Checks if the set contains object ’O’. Arguments object O (obligatory) : an object Return value 1 if the O is in the set. Example The following example collects all not selected lines. set Ssel, Srel, Snsel; object lne; int i; Ssel = SEL.AllLines(); Srel = AllRelevant(); lne = Srel.Firstmatch(’ElmLne’); while (lne) { i = Ssel.IsIn(lne); if (i=0) Snsel.Add(lne); lne = Srel.Nextmatch(); }
Add int Set.Add ([object O | set S]) Adds an object or all objects from a set to the set.
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Arguments One of the following two parameter has to be given object O (optional) : an object set S (optional) : a set of objects Return value 0 on success Example The following example collects all loads and lines and the first breaker from the general DPL selection set S, Sbig; object O; Sbig = SEL.AllLines(); S = SEL.AllLoads(); Sbig.Add(S); S = SEL.AllBreakers(); O = S.First(); Sbig.Add(O);
Remove int Set.Remove (object O) Removes an object from the set. Arguments object O (obligatory) : the object to remove Return value 0 on success Example The following example removes al short lines from a set set S; object O; double l; S = SEL.ALLLines(); O = S.First(); while (O) { l = O:dline; if (l<1) { S.Remove(O); } O = S.Next(); }
Count int Set.Count () Returns the number of objects in the set. Arguments none Return value The number of objects in the set. Example The following example terminates the DPL script when the general selection is found to contain no lines. set S; int n; S = SEL.AllLines();
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n = S.Count(); if (n=0) { exit(); }
Obj int Set.Obj (int Index) Returns the object at the given index in the set. Arguments int Index (obligatory) : the index of the object. Return value The object at the given index in the set, when “Index” is in range, NULL otherwise.
First Object Set.First () Returns the first object in the set Arguments none Return value The first object or 0 when the set is empty Example The following example writes the full names of all line in the general selection to the output window. set S; object O S = SEL.AllLines(); O = S.First(); while (O) { O.ShowFullName(); O = O.Next(); }
Next Object Set.Next () Returns the next object in the set Arguments none Return value The next object or 0 when the last object has been reached Example The following example writes the full names of all line in the general selection to the output window. set S; object O S = SEL.AllLines(); O = S.First(); while (O) { O.ShowFullName(); O = O.Next(); }
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Firstmatch Object Set.Firstmatch (String WildCard) Returns the first object from the set which class name matches the wildcard Arguments String WildCard (obligatory) : class name, possibly containing ‘*’ and ‘?’ characters Return value The first matching object, or 0 when no such object Example The following example writes all two and three winding transformers to the output window set S; object O; S = AllRelevant(); O = S.Firstmatch(’ElmTr?’); while (O) { O.ShowFullName(); O = S.Nextmatch(); }
Nextmatch int Set.Nextmatch () Returns the next object from the set which class name matches the wildcard Arguments none Return value The next object, or 0 when no next object Example The following example writes all two and three winding transformers to the output window set S; object O; S = AllRelevant(); O = S.Firstmatch(’ElmTr?’); while (O) { O.ShowFullName(); O = S.Nextmatch(); }
FirstFilt Object Set.FirstFilt (String WildCard) Returns the first object from the set which name matches the wildcard. The wildcard may contain (parts of the) name and classname. Arguments String WildCard (obligatory) : class name, possibly containing ‘*’ and ‘?’ characters Return value The first matching object, or NULL when no first object exists. Example The following example writes all two and three winding transformers whose name start with a “T” to the output window set S; object O; S = AllRelevant(); O = S.FirstFilt(’T*.ElmTr?’); while (O) {
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O.ShowFullName(); O = S.NextFilt(); } Also see “NextFilt” in 1.8.3, page 36 .
NextFilt int Set.NextFilt () Returns the next object from the set which name matches the wildcard. Arguments none Return value The next object, or NULL when no next object exists. Example The following example writes all two and three winding transformers to the output window set S; object O; S = AllRelevant(); O = S.FirstFilt(’T*.ElmTr?’); while (O) { O.ShowFullName(); O = S.NextFilt(); } Also see “FirstFilt” in 1.8.3, page 35 .
SortToVar int Set.SortToVar (int R, string V1, · · · , string V5) Sorts the objects in the set to the variable names. Sorts the objects to the values for V1. Within the sorting for V1, a sub-sorting for V2, sub-sub-sorting for V3, etc., until V5 can be performed. The sorting is from higher values to lower when R == 1, and reverse when R == 0. Arguments int R (obligatory) : sorting direction string V1 (obligatory) : first variable name string V2 (optional) : , · · · , string V5 (optional) : 2nd..5th variable names Return value 0 on success Example The following example writes all lines to the output window, sorted to cable or OHL, nominal voltage, and length. set S, Sl; object O; S = AllRelevant(); Sl = S.AllLines(); Sl.Sort(0, ’t:aohl_’, ’t:uline’, ’dline’); O = Sl.First(); while (O) { O.ShowFullName(); O = S.Next(); }
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SortToClass int Set.SortToClass (int R) Sorts the objects in the set to their class. Sorts the objects in the set to their class name. The sorting is from A..Z when R = 0 and reverse when R = 1. Arguments int R (obligatory) : sorting direction Return value 0 on success Example The following example writes all objects to the output window, sorted to classes. set S; object O; S = AllRelevant(); S.SortToClass(0); O = S.First(); while (O) { O.ShowFullName(); O = S.Next(); }
SortToName int Set.SortToName (int R) Sorts the objects in the set to their name. Sorts the objects in the set to their name. The sorting is from A..Z when R = 0 and reverse when R = 1. Arguments int R (obligatory) : sorting direction Return value 0 on success Example The following example writes all objects to the output window, sorted to names. set S; object O; S = AllRelevant(); S.SortToName(0); O = S.First(); while (O) { O.ShowFullName(); O = S.Next(); }
MarkInGraphics void Set.MarkInGraphics () Marks all objects in the set in the currently visible graphic by hatch crossing them. Arguments none Return value void Example The following example will try to mark a set of lines in the single line graphic.
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set S; object O; S = SEL.AllLines(); S.MarkInGraphics();
GetParent object Object.GetParent () Returns the parent folder. Arguments none Return value The parent folder object. Example The following example returns the folder in which a line is stored. The function “GetBestLine()” is an example DPL script wich returns a line. object Lne, Fold; Lne = GetBestLine(); Fold = Lne.GetParent(); ... Also see “GetContents” in 1.8.3, page 42 .
HasResults void Object.HasResults () returns ‘true’ when the object has calculated result parameters. Arguments none Return value ‘true’ (1) or ‘false’ (0) Example example. example is in preparation
GetConnectionCount int Object.GetConnectionCount () Returns the number of electrical connections. Arguments none Return value The number of connections. Example example. example is in preparation
GetCubicle object Object.GetCubicle (int N) returns the cubicle in which the object is stored, or NULL when the object is not stored in a cubicle. Arguments int N (obligatory) : The connection number.
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Return value The cubicle object or NULL. Example example. example is in preparation
Move void Object.Move (object O | set S ) Moves an object or a set of objects to this folder. Arguments object O (optional) : Object to move set S (optional) : Set of objects to move Return value 0 on success, 1 on error. Example example. example is in preparation
IsInFeeder void Object.Function (object Feeder [, double OptNested=0] ) Returns if the object belongs to the feeder area defined by “Feeder”. Arguments object Feeder (obligatory) : The Feeder definition object double OptNested (optional) : “Nested feeders” option (1 or 0) Return value 1 if “Feeder” is a feeder definition and the object is in the feeder area, 0 otherwise.
VarExists void Object.VarExists (string VarName) Checks to see if this object has a currently valid variable called “VarName” Arguments string VarName (obligatory) : The name of the variable. Return value 1 when “VarName” is the name of a currently valid variable for this object. Example The following example calculates the total length of cables and lines. double x; int i; set s; object O; s = AllRelevant(); O = s.First(); while (O) { i = O.VarExists(’dline’); if (i) { x += O:dline; } O = s.Next(); } printf(’Total length = %d’, x);
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IsNode int Object.IsNode () Returns 1 if object is a node (terminal or busbar). Arguments none Return value 1 if object is s node, 0 otherwise
GetSize int Object.GetSize (string VarName,int rows,int cols) Returns the size of the variable “VarName” when this variable is a vector or a matrix. Arguments string VarName (obligatory) : The name of the variable int rows (obligatory) : The number of rows for a vector or matrix int cols (optional) : The number of columns for a matrix Return value 0 when “VarName” is a valid variable name, else 1. Example The following example prints the matrix resistances from a Tower model with 2 circuits. int ierr; double x; int r, rows, c, cols; string s; ierr = Tower.GetSize(’R_c’,rows, cols); if (.not.ierr) { r=0; while (r
0.016869 0.066832 0.016701 0.016576 0.016445 0.016408
0.016594 0.016701 0.066738 0.016372 0.016408 0.016516
0.016851 0.016576 0.016372 0.067073 0.016869 0.016594
0.016576 0.016445 0.016408 0.016869 0.066832 0.016701
0.016372 0.016408 0.016516 0.016594 0.016701 0.066738
Also see “GetVal” in 1.8.3, page 40 .
GetVal int Object.GetVal (double|object X, string VarName,int rows,int cols) Returns the value of the variable “VarName” when this variable is a vector or a matrix, for the given row and column. Arguments
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double|object X (obligatory) : The variable in which to return the result string VarName (obligatory) : The name of the variable int rows (obligatory) : The row number for a vector or matrix int cols (optional) : The column number for a matrix Return value 0 when “VarName” is a valid variable name and row number and column number are in range, else 1. Example see “GetSize” in 1.8.3, page 40
lnm string Object.lnm (string VanName) Returns the long variable name. Arguments string VarName (obligatory) : The variable name Return value The long name. Example The following example prints information about the length of a line. string s1,s2,s3; s1 = Line.lnm(’dline’); s2 = Line.snm(’dline’); s3 = Line.unm(’dline’); printf(’%s (%s) = %5.3f [%s]’,s1, s2, Line:dline, s3); Example output: Length of Line (Length) = 0.547 [km] Also see “snm” in 1.8.3, page 41 Also see “unm” in 1.8.3, page 41
snm string Object.snm (string VanName) Returns the short variable name. By default, the short name equals the long variable name. In some cases, the variable also has a short name which is used to save space in reports or dialogs. Arguments string VarName (obligatory) : The variable name Return value The short name. Example see “lnm” in 1.8.3, page 41 Also see “unm” in 1.8.3, page 41
unm string Object.unm (string VanName) Returns the unit of the variable. Arguments string VarName (obligatory) : The variable name Return value The unit name. Example
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see “lnm” in 1.8.3, page 41 Also see “snm” in 1.8.3, page 41
GetContents set Object.GetContents () Returns the set of objects that are stored in the object. Returns an empty set when if the object’s container is empty or if the object is not capable of storing objects. Arguments none Return value The set of objects Example The following example collects all terminals that are stored in line objects. set S, Lns, Trms; object O; Lns = SEL.AllLines(); O = Lns.First(); while (O) { S = O.GetContents(); O = S.Firstmatch(’ElmTerm’); while (O) { Trms.Add(O); O = S.Nextmatch(); } O = Lns.Next(); }
Unom double Object.Unom () Returns the nominal voltage of the object. Arguments none Return value The nominal voltage Example The following example collects all high voltage lines. set S, Shv; object O; double U; S = SEL.AllLines(); O = S.First(); while (O) { U = O.Unom(); if (U>VoltageLevel) { Shv.Add(O); } O = S.Next(); }
MarkInGraphics void Object.MarkInGraphics ()
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Marks the object in the currently visible graphic by hatch crossing it. Arguments none Return value void When the currently visible single line graphic does not contain the object, nothing will happen. Example The following example will try to mark a set of lines in the single line graphic. set S; object O; S = SEL.AllLines(); O = S.First(); while (O) { O.MarkInGraphics(); O = S.Next(); }
ShowFullName void Object.ShowFullName () Writes the complete path and name to the output window. Arguments none Return value void Because the complete database path is written to the output window, the written names can be right clicked in the output window to edit the objects. This procedure is therefore useful for selecting objects which should be inspected or edited after the DPL script has finished. Example The following example will write all overloaded lines from the selection to the output window. set S; object O; S = SEL.AllLines(); O = S.First(); while (O) { if (O:c:loading>100.0) { O.ShowFullName(); } O = S.Next(); }
IsClass int Object.IsClass (string ClassName) Checks to see if the object is of a certain class. Arguments string ClassName (obligatory) : The name of the class. Return value 1 when the object is of the given class, 0 otherwise Example The following example write all overloaded lines and transformers to the output window, where a different maximum loading is used for lines or transformers. set S; object O;
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int i; S = AllRelevant(); O = S.First(); while (O) { i = O.IsClass(’ElmLne’); if (i) { if (O:c:loading>0.85) O.ShowFullName(); } else { i = O.IsClass(’ElmTr2’); if (i) { if (O:c:loading>0.95) O.ShowFullName(); } } O = S.Next(); }
GetClass string Object.GetClass () Returns the class name of the object. Arguments none Return value The class name of the object Example The following example checks to see if two sets start with the same class. object O1, O2; O1 = S1.First(); O2 = S2.First(); i = O1.IsClass(O2.GetClass()); if (i) { output(’Both sets start with the same class’); }
AddCopy void Object.AddCopy (set aSet | object aObj [, string | int NM1, ...]) Copies a single object or a set of objects to the target object. “Fold.Copy(aObj)” copies object ‘aObj’ into the target object ‘Fold’, “Fold.Copy(aSet)” copies all objects in ‘aSet’ to “Fold”. “Fold.Copy(aObj, nm1, nm2, ...)” will copy aObj and rename it to the result of the concatenation of ‘nm1’, ‘nm2’, etc. The target object must be able to receive a copy of the objects. The function “Fold.Copy(aObj,...)” returns the copy of “aObj”, “Fold.Copy(aSet)” returns “Fold”, when the copy operation was successful. A “NULL” object is returned otherwise. Copying a set of objects will respect all internal references between those objects. Copying a set of lines and their types, for example, will result in a set of copied lines and line types, where the copied lines will use the copied line types. Arguments set aSet (obligatory) : The set of objects to copy or object aObj (obligatory) : The object to copy string | int NM1 (optional) : The first part of the new name string | int NM2 (optional) : The next part of the new name ...
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Return value void Example The following example copies a fuse to a set of cubicles. The copies will be named “Fuse Nr.0”, “Fuse Nr.1”, etc. object target, copy; set Cubs; Cubs = SEL.GetAll(’StaCubic’); target = Cubs.First(); while (target) { copy = target.AddCopy(aFuse, ’Fuse Nr’, n); if (copy) copy.ShowFullName(); target = Cubs.Next(); }
CreateObject object Object.CreateObject (string ClassNm [, string | int NM1, ...]) Creates a new object of class ‘ClassNm’ in the target object. The target object must be able to receive an object of the given class. A fatal DPL error will occur when this is not the case, causing the running DPL command to exit. “Fold.CreateObject(aClass, nm1, nm2, ...)” will create a new object of class aClass and names it to the result of the concatenation of ‘nm1’, ‘nm2’, etc. Arguments string ClassNm (obligatory) : The class name of the object to create string | int NM1 (optional) : The first part of the object name string | int NM2 (optional) : The next part of the object name ... Return value The created object, or NULL when no object was created Example The following example creates a fuse in a set of cubicles. The new fuses will be named “Fuse Nr.0”, “Fuse Nr.1”, etc. object target; set Cubs; int n; Cubs = SEL.GetAll(’StaCubic’); target = Cubs.First(); n = 0; while (target) { target.CreateObject(’RelFuse’, ’Fuse Nr’, n); target = Cubs.Next(); n+=1; }
Edit void Object.Edit () Opens the edit dialog of the object. Command objects (like the ComLdf) will have their ‘Execute’ button disabled. The execution of the running DPL script will be halted until the edit dialog is closed again. Editing of DPL command objects ComDPL is not allowed. Arguments none Return value void
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Example The following example opens a line dialog, prior to calculating a loadflow. MyLine.Edit(); Ldf.Execute();
IsRelevant int Object.IsRelevant () Returns 1 if the object is currently used for calculations. Returns 0 otherwise. Arguments none Return value 0 when not used Example The following example checks if a line is used in the calculation. i = MyLine.IsRelevant(); if (i) { MyLine.ShowFullName(); }
IsOutOfService int Object.IsOutOfService () Returns 1 if the object is currently out of service. Returns 0 otherwise. Arguments none Return value 0 when not out of service Example The following example checks if a line is out of service. i = MyLine.IsOutOfService(); if (i) { MyLine.ShowFullName(); }
1.8.4 ComOutage Methods SetObjs int ComOutage.SetObjs (set S) Sets the list of objects according to S. Arguments set S (obligatory) : the set of objects Return value O on success, 1 on error.
GetObj object ComOutage.GetObj (int i) Returns the object at position i in the list of objects. Arguments int i (obligatory) : the index is the list. Return value The object at position i, or NULL when i is out of bound.
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1.8.5 ComSimoutage Methods Reset int ComSimoutage.Reset () Resets the intermediate results of the outage simulation. Arguments none Return value O on success, 1 on error.
ExecuteCntcy int ComSimoutage.ExecuteCntcy (object O) Executes an (additional) ComSimoutage, without resetting results. The results of the outage analyses will be added to the intermediate results. Object “O” must be a ComSimoutage object. Outage definitions in O which have already been analyzed will be ignored. Arguments object O (obligatory) : The ComSimoutage object Return value O on success, 1 on error.
AddCntcy int ComSimoutage.AddCntcy (object O, string name) Executes an (additional) ComOutage, without resetting results. The results of the outage analysis will be added to the intermediate results. Object “O” must be a ComOutage object. If the outage definition has already been analyzed, it will be ignored. The ComOutage will be renamed to “name” when “name” is given. Arguments object O (obligatory) : The ComOutage object string name (optional) : A name for the outage Return value O on success, 1 on error.
SetLimits int ComSimoutage.SetLimits (double vlmin, double vlmax, double ldmax) Sets the limits for the outage simulation. Arguments double vlmin (obligatory) : The minimum voltage double vlmax (obligatory) : The maximum voltage double ldmax (obligatory) : The maximum loading Return value 1 always Example The following example analyses all selected outage definitions and adds the results to the intermediate results. set s; object o; s = SEL.GetAll(’ComOutage’); o = s.First(); while (o) { CA.AddCntcy(o); o = s.Next(); }
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1.8.6 IntCase Methods Activate int IntCase.Activate () Activates the study case. Deactivates other study cases first. Arguments none Return value 0 on success, 1 on error.
Deactivate int IntCase.Deactivate () De-activates the study case. Arguments none Return value 0 on success, 1 on error.
1.8.7 IntPrj Methods Activate int IntPrj.Activate () Activates the project. Deactivates other projects first. Arguments none Return value 0 on success, 1 on error.
Deactivate int IntPrj.Deactivate () De-activates the project. Arguments none Return value 0 on success, 1 on error.
1.8.8 TypAsm Methods CalcElParams int typAsm.CalcElParams () Calculates the electrical parameters from the input data. Arguments none
1.8.9 TypAsmo Methods CalcElParams int typAsmo.CalcElParams () Calculates the electrical parameters from the input data.
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Arguments none
1.8.10 Elmfeeder Methods GetAll set Elmfeeder.GetAll (int iNested) Returns a set with all objects belonging to this feeder. Arguments int iNested (optional) : In case of nested feeders, all elements will be returned when iNested=1, otherwise only the objects up to the next feeder will be returned. Return value The set of feeder objects.
GetBuses GetBranches GetNodesBranches set Elmfeeder.GetBuses/GetBranches/GetNodesBranches (int iNested) Returns a set with all Buses and/or Branches belonging to this feeder. Arguments int iNested (optional) : In case of nested feeders, all elements will be returned when iNested=1, otherwise only the objects up to the next feeder will be returned. Return value The set of feeder objects.
GetObjs set Elmfeeder.GetObjs (string ClassNameint iNested) Returns a set with all objects of class ‘ClassName” which belong to this feeder. Arguments int iNested (optional) : In case of nested feeders, all elements will be returned when iNested=1, otherwise only the objects up to the next feeder will be returned. Return value The set of feeder objects.
1.8.11 ComNmink Methods AddRef void ComNmink.AddRef ([object O | set S]) Adds shortcuts to the objects to the existing selection Arguments One of the following two parameter has to be given object O (optional) : an object set S (optional) : a set of objects Return value void Example The following prepares and executes an outage simulation for all high loaded lines. PrepOut.Clear(); S = AllRelevant(); O = S.Firstmatch(’ElmLne’);
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while (O) { if (O:c:loading>75) { PrepOut.AddRef(O); } O = S.Nextmatch(); } PrepOut.Execute();
Clear void ComNmink.Clear () Empties the selection. Arguments none Return value void Example The following example creates a selection of all loads. PrepOut.Clear(); S = AllRelevant(); O = S.Firstmatch(’ElmLne’); while (O) { if (O:c:loading>75) { PrepOut.AddRef(O); } O = S.Nextmatch(); } PrepOut.Execute();
GetAll Set ComNmink.GetAll (String ClassName) Returns all objects which are of the class ‘ClassName’. Arguments String ClassName (obligatory) : The object class name. Return value The set of objects Example The following example writes all three winding transformers in the preparation command to the output window. set S; object O; S = Prep.GetAll(’ElmTr3’); O = S.First(); while (O) { O.ShowFullName(); O = S.Next(); }
1.8.12 ElmComp Methods Slotupd int ElmComp.Slotupd ()
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Performs a slot update for the composite model, to automatically select available models for the slots. Arguments none Return value 0 Example
1.8.13 ComRes Methods ExportFullRange int ComRes.ExportFullRange () Executes the export command for the whole data range. Arguments none Return value 1 Example The following example exports a range of results object O; set S; S = SEL.GetAll(’ElmRes’); O = S.First(); while (O) { Export:pResult = O; Export.ExportFullRange(); O = S.Next(); }
FileNmResNm int ComRes.FileNmResNm () Sets the filename for the data export. Arguments none Return value 1
1.8.14 ComEcho Methods On int ComEcho.On () Turns on the user interface ComEcho.On() is obsolete. Use the internal command EchoOn() instead. Arguments none Return value 0 on success Example The following example turns off the user interface, calls a subroutine and turns it back on again.
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aEcho.Off(); PerformCalculation(); aEcho.On();
Off int ComEcho.Off () Turns off the user interface ComEcho.Off() is obsolete. Use the internal command EchoOff() instead. Arguments none Return value 0 on success Example The following example turns off the user interface, calls a subroutine and turns it back on again. aEcho.Off(); PerformCalculation(); aEcho.On();
1.8.15 SetTime Methods Date void SetTime.Date () Sets the current date. Arguments none Return value none Example The following example executes a load flow for 14:30 at the current day (the computer’s system date). object Time, Com; Time = GetCaseObject(’SetTime’); Com = GetCaseCommand(’ComLdf’); Time.Date(); Time:hour = 14; Time:min = 30; Com.Execute();
Time void SetTime.Time () Sets the current time. Arguments none Return value none Example The following example executes a load flow for the current time and date (the computer’s system time).
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object Time, Com; Time = GetCaseObject(’SetTime’); Com = GetCaseCommand(’ComLdf’); Time.Date(); Time.Time(); Com.Execute();
1.8.16 IntMon Methods PrintVal void IntMon.PrintVal () Prints the values of the selected variables to the output window. Arguments none Return value none
PrintAllVal void IntMon.PrintAllVal () Prints a description for all available variables to the output window. Arguments none Return value none
NVars int IntMon.NVars () returns the number of selected variables or, more exact, the number of lines in the variable selection text on the second page of the IntMon dialog, which should contain one variable name per line. Arguments none Return value The number of selected variables. Example
GetVar string IntMon.GetVar (int row) Returns the variable name on the given row of the variable selection text on the second page of the IntMon dialog, which should contain one variable name per line. Arguments none Return value The variable name. Example
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RemoveVar int IntMon.RemoveVar (string name) Removes the variable “name” from the list of selected variable names. Arguments The variable name. Return value 1 when the variable name was not found, 0 otherwise. Example
ClearVars int IntMon.ClearVars () Clears the list of selected variable names. Arguments none Return value none Example
AddVar int IntMon.AddVar (string name) Appends the variable “name” to the list of selected variable names. Arguments The variable name. Return value none Example
1.8.17 SetFilt Methods Get Set SetFilt.Get () Returns a container with the filtered objects. Arguments none Return value The set of filtered objects Example The following example shows the names of objects filtered by the FiltLongLines.SetFilt filter set S; object O; S = FiltLongLines.Get(); O = S.First();
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while (O) { O.ShowFullName(); O=S.Next(); }
1.8.18 ComDpl Methods Execute int ComDpl.Execute (user defined arguments) Executes an External DPL script as a subroutine. Arguments user defined arguments Return value 0 on success Example The following example performs a loadflow and calls the DPL subroutine “CheckVoltages” to check the voltage conditions. int err; err = Ldf.Execute(); if (.not.err) err = CheckVoltages(0.94, 1.05); if (err) printf(’Voltage conditions are violated’);
1.8.19 IntMat Methods Get double IntMat.Get (int row, int col) Returns the (row, col) value from the matrix. An run-time error will occur when ‘row’ or ‘col’ are out of range. Arguments int row (obligatory) : row in matrix: 1..NRow() int col (obligatory) : column in matrix: 1..NCol() Return value Value in matrix. Example The following example multiplies two matrices int r,c,z,s,s1r,s2c; double v1,v2,v; s = M1.NCol(); r = M2.NRow(); if (s<>r) {exit();} s1r = M1.NRow(); s2c = M2.NCol(); M3.Init(s1r,s2c); r=1; while (r<=s1r) { c=1; while (c<=s2c) { z=1; v=0.0; while (z<=s) { v1=M1.Get(r,z); v2=M2.Get(z,c); v+=v1*v2; z+=1;
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} M3.Set(r,c,v); c+=1; } r+=1; }
Set int IntMat.Set (int row, int col, double V) Set the value at position (row,col) in the matrix to V. The matrix is automatically resized if necessary. Arguments int row (obligatory) : row number: 1..NRows() int col (obligatory) : col number: 1..NCols() double Vj (obligatory) : value Return value 0 on success Example See “IntMat.Get” in 1.8.19, page 55 for an example
Init int IntMat.Init (int NRows, int NCols) Initializes the matrix. The size is set to (NRows, NCols), all values are set to 0. Arguments int NRows (obligatory) : number of rows int NCols (obligatory) : number of columns Return value 0 on success Example See “IntMat.Get” in 1.8.19, page 55 for an example
Resize int IntMat.Resize (int NRows, int NCols) Resizes the matrix. Existing values will not be changed. Added values will be set to 0. Arguments int NRows (obligatory) : number of rows int NCols (obligatory) : number of columns Return value 0 on success Example The following example gets a value from the matrix, possibly resizing it first. int Nc,Nr,x,y; Nr = Mat.NRows(); Nc = Mat.NCols(); x=5;y=3; if ({x>Nr}.or.{y>Nc}) { Mat.Resize(x,y); } v = Mat.Get(x,y);
NRow int IntMat.NRow ()
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Returns the number of rows in the matrix. The function “NRow()” replaces the obsolete function “SizeX()”. Arguments none Return value The number of rows Example See “IntMat.Get” in 1.8.19, page 55 for an example
NCol int IntMat.NCol () Returns the number of columns in the matrix. The function “NCol()” replaces the obsolete function “SizeY()”. Arguments none Return value The number of columns Example See “IntMat.Get” in 1.8.19, page 55 for an example
RowLbl int IntMat.RowLbl (String S, int R) Sets the label of the R’th row. Arguments String S (obligatory) : Labelstring int R (obligatory) : Number of the row Return value 0 on success Example The following example labels some rows. Mat.RowLbl(’overloaded’,1); Mat.RowLbl(’overvoltage’,2); Mat.RowLbl(’undervoltage’,3);
ColLbl int IntMat.ColLbl (String S, int C) Sets the label of the C’th column. Arguments String S (obligatory) : Labelstring int C (obligatory) : Number of the column Return value 0 on success Example The following example labels some columns. Mat.ColLbl(’transformers’,1); Mat.ColLbl(’lines’,2); Mat.ColLbl(’busbars’,3);
1.8.20 IntVec Methods Get
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double IntVec.Get (int i) Returns the value at index i. Arguments int i (obligatory) : Vector index. Return value Value at index i. Example The following example adds two vectors. int i,j; double v1,v2; i = Vec1.Size(); j = Vec2.Size(); if (i<>j) { output(’invalid operation’); exit(); } Vec3.Init(i); i=1; while (i<=j) { v1 = Vec1.Get(i); v2 = Vec2.Get(i); Vec3.Set(i,v1+v2); i+=1; }
Set double IntVec.Set (int i, double V) Sets the value at index i to V. Valid indexes are in [1, IntVec.Size()] Arguments int i (obligatory) : Vector index. double V (obligatory) : The value to set. Return value 0 on success Example See “IntVec.Get” in 1.8.20, page 57 for an example
Init int IntVec.Init (int Size) Initializes the vector. Sets the length to Size and all values to 0. Arguments int Size (obligatory) : The initial size. Return value 0 on success Example See “IntVec.Get” in 1.8.20, page 57 for an example
Resize int IntVec.Resize (int Size) Resizes the vector. Added values are set to 0.0. Arguments none
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Return value 0 on success Example The following example adds a value to a dynamically scaled vector. int i,s; i = 5; s = Vec.Size(); if (i>s) { Vec.Resize(i); } Vec.Set(i,V);
Size int IntVec.Size () Returns the size of the vector. Arguments none Return value The size of the vector Example See “IntVec.Get” in 1.8.20, page 57 for an example
1.8.21 ElmCoup Methods Close int ElmCoup.Close () Closes the buscoupler Arguments none Return value 0 on success Example The following example gathers all open couplers before closing them. int opn; set S, So; object O; S = Couplers.AllElm(); O = S.First(); while (O) { opn = O.IsOpen(); if (opn) { O.Close(); So.Add(O); }; }
Open int ElmCoup.Open () Opens the buscoupler Arguments none
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Return value 0 on success Example The following example gathers all closed couplers before opening them. int cl; set S, Sc; object O; S = Couplers.AllElm(); O = S.First(); while (O) { cl = O.IsClosed(); if (opn) { O.Open(); Sc.Add(O); }; }
IsOpen int ElmCoup.IsOpen () Returns 1 when the coupler is open. Arguments none Return value 1 when open, 0 when closed Example See “ElmCoup.Close” in 1.8.21, page 59 for an example
IsClosed int ElmCoup.IsClosed () Returns 1 when the coupler is closed. Arguments none Return value 1 when closed, 0 when open Example See “ElmCoup.Open” in 1.8.21, page 59 for an example
1.8.22 ElmLne Methods HasRoutes int ElmLne.HasRoutes () Returns if the line is subdivided into routes. Arguments none Return value 0 when the line is a single line, 1 when it is subdivided into routes. Example The following example reports all lines with routes. set S; object O; int i; S = AllRelevant(); O = S.Firstmatch(’ElmLne’);
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while (O) { i = O.HasRoutes(); if (i) O.ShowFullName(); O = S.Nextmatch(); }
HasRoutesOrSec int ElmLne.HasRoutesOrSec () Returns if the line is subdivided into routes or sections. Arguments none Return value 0 when the line is a single line, 1 when it is subdivided into routes, 2 when into sections. Example The following example reports all lines with sections. set S; object O; int i; S = AllRelevant(); O = S.Firstmatch(’ElmLne’); while (O) { i = O.HasRoutesOrSec(); if (i=2) O.ShowFullName(); O = S.Nextmatch(); }
GetType int ElmLne.GetType () Returns the line type object. Arguments none Return value The TypLne object Example The following example reports all ‘untyped’ lines set S; object O, T; S = AllRelevant(); O = S.Firstmatch(’ElmLne’); while (O) { T = O.GetType(); if (T=0) { O.ShowFullName(); } O = S.Nextmatch(); }
IsCable int ElmLne.IsCable () Returns if the line is a cable. Arguments none Return value
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1 when the line is a cable, otherwise 0. Example The following example reports the loading of all cables. set S; object O; int i; S = AllRelevant(); O = S.Firstmatch(’ElmLne’); while (O) { i = O.IsCable(); if (i) { Write(’# : #.## $N, @ACC(1):loc_name, @ACC(1):c:loading, O); } O = S.Nextmatch(); }
IsNetCoupling int ElmLne.IsNetCoupling () Returns if the line connects two grids. Arguments none Return value 1 when the line is a coupler, otherwise 0. Example The following example reports all the loading of all couplers set S; object O; int i; S = AllRelevant(); O = S.Firstmatch(’ElmLne’); while (O) { i = O.IsNetCoupling(); if (i) { Write(’# : #.## $N, @ACC(1):loc_name, @ACC(1):c:loading, O); } O = S.Nextmatch(); }
SetCorr int ElmLne.SetCorr () Sets the correction factor of the line, according to IEC364-5-523. Arguments none Return value 0 on success, 1 on error; Example The following example sets a correction factor. BuriedLine.SetCorr();
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int ElmLne.CreateFeederWithRoutes (double dis,double rem,object O[int sw0,int sw1]) Creates a new feeder in the line by splitting the line in 2 routes and inserting a terminal. Arguments double dis (obligatory) : double rem (obligatory) : object O (obligatory) : A branch object that is to be connected at the inserted terminal. int sw0 (optional) : when true, a switch is inserted on the one side int sw1 (optional) : when true, a switch is inserted on the other side Return value 0 on success, 1 on error; Example
1.8.23 ElmLneroute Methods IsCable int ElmLneroute.IsCable () Returns if the route is a cable. Arguments none Return value 1 when a cable, otherwise 0. Example The following example reports all cable routes. set S; object O; int i; S = AllRelevant(); O = S.Firstmatch(’ElmLneroute’); while (O) { i = O.IsCable(); if (i) O.ShowFullName(); O = S.Nextmatch(); }
HasSections int ElmLneroute.HasSections () Returns if the line route is subdivided into sections. Arguments none Return value 1 when subdivided sections, 0 otherwise Example The following example reports all lines routes with sections. set S; object O; int i; S = AllRelevant(); O = S.Firstmatch(’ElmLneroute’); while (O) { i = O.HasSections(); if (i) O.ShowFullName(); O = S.Nextmatch(); }
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1.8.24 TypLne Methods IsCable int TypLne.IsCable () Returns if the line type is a cable type. Arguments none Return value 1 when the line type is a cable type, otherwise 0. Example The following example reports all cable types. set S; object O; int i; S = AllRelevant(); O = S.Firstmatch(’TypLne’); while (O) { i = O.IsCable(); if (i) O.ShowFullName(); O = S.Nextmatch(); }
SetNomCurr int ElmLne.SetNomCurr () Sets the nominal current of the line type, according to IEC364-5-523. Arguments none Return value 0 on success, 1 on error. Example The following example sets the correction factor. BuriedLineType.SetNomCurr();
1.8.25 ElmRes Methods Init int ElmRes.Init () Initializes the result object. This is required for all result files that are not stored in the DPL command object. Arguments none Return value 0 on success Example The following example initializes the result object. Res.Init();
Clear int ElmRes.Clear () Clears the result object. Arguments none
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Return value 0 on success Example The following example clears the result object. Res.Clear();
Write int ElmRes.Write () Writes the current results to the result object. Arguments none Return value 0 on success Example The following example performs load flows for a number of load levels and writes the results to the result object double P; double i; P = LoadMin; i = 1; while ({P
Draw int ElmRes.Draw () Updates all graphics that display values from the result object. Arguments none Return value 0 on success Example The following example updates the graphics every 10 steps to save time and yet follow the results while calculating double i,n; Ld:pini = LoadMin; i = 1; n = 0; while ({Ld:pini9) { Res.Write(); n = 0;
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} }
WriteDraw int ElmRes.WriteDraw () Writes to and displays the result objects. Arguments none Return value 0 on success Example The following example performs load flows for a number of load levels and writes the results to the result object double P; double i; P = LoadMin; i = 1; while ({P
SetAsDefault void ElmRes.SetAsDefault () Sets this results object as the default results object. Arguments none Return value none Example
AddVars void ElmRes.AddVars (object O, string v1 [,string v2,...]) Adds variables to the list of monitored variables for the Result object. Arguments object O (obligatory) : an object. string v1 (obligatory) : variable name for object O. string v2..v9 (optional) : optional further variables names for object O. Return value none Example object Res; Res = MyResults(); Res.AddVars(MyLine,’m:Ikss:busshc’,’m:I:busshc’);
GetObj object ElmRes.GetObj (int index)
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Returns the objects used in the result file. Positive index means objects for which parameters are being monitored (i.e. column objects). Negative index means objects which occur in written result rows as values. Arguments int index (obligatory) : index of the object. Return value the object, when found. Example
1.8.26 ElmZone Methods GetAll set ElmZone.GetAll () Returns all objects which belong to this zone. Arguments none Return value The set of objects
GetBuses set ElmZone.GetBuses () Returns all buses which belong to this zone. Arguments none Return value The set of objects
GetBranches set ElmZone.GetBranches () Returns all branches which belong to this zone. Arguments none Return value The set of objects
GetObjs set ElmZone.GetObjs (string classname) Returns all objects of the given class which belong to this zone. Arguments string classname (obligatory) : name of the class. Return value The set of objects
1.8.27 ComRel3 Methods Execute int ComRel3.Execute () Executes the Level 3 reliability assessment calculations Arguments
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none Return value 0 on success Example The following example executes a ComRel3 Command named ‘Rel3’ Rel3.Execute();
1.8.28 ComInc Methods Execute int ComInc.Execute () Executes a calculation of initial values. Arguments none Return value 0 on success Example The following example executes the ComInc command named ‘Inc’ Inc.Execute();
1.8.29 ComLdf Methods Execute int ComLdf.Execute () Execute a load flow calculation Arguments none Return value 0 on success Example The following example executes the ComLdf command name ‘Ldf’ Ldf.Execute();
1.8.30 ComShc Methods Execute int ComShc.Execute () Executes a short-circuit calculation Arguments none Return value 0 on success Example The following example execute the ComShc command named ‘Shc’ Shc.Execute();
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1.8.31 StaSwitch Methods Close int StaSwitch.Close () Closes the switch Arguments none Return value 0 on success Example The following example gathers all open switches before closing them. int opn; set S, So; object O; S = Switches.AllElm(); O = S.First(); while (O) { opn = O.IsOpen(); if (opn) { O.Close(); So.Add(O); }; }
Open int StaSwitch.Open () Arguments none Return value 0 on success Example The following example gathers all closed switches before opening them. int cl; set S, Sc; object O; S = Couplers.AllElm(); O = S.First(); while (O) { cl = O.IsClosed(); if (opn) { O.Open(); Sc.Add(O); }; }
IsOpen int StaSwitch.IsOpen () Checks if the switch is open. Arguments none Return value
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1 when open, 0 when closed Example See “StaSwitch.Close” in 1.8.31, page 69 for an example
IsClosed int StaSwitch.IsClosed () Checks if the switch is closed. Arguments none Return value 1 when closed, 0 when open Example See “StaSwitch.Open” in 1.8.31, page 69 for an example
1.8.32 SetFeeder Methods GetAll Set SetFeeder.GetAll () Returns all objects in the feeder. Arguments none Return value The set with all objects Example The following example gets all feeder objects set S; S = Feeder1.GetALL();
GetBuses Set SetFeeder.GetBuses () Returns all busbars and terminals in the feeder. Arguments none Return value The set with all busbars and terminals Example The following example gets all feeder bars set S; S = Feeder1.GetBusses();
GetBranches Set SetFeeder.GetBranches () Returns all branches in a feeder. Arguments none Return value The set with all branches Example The following example gets all feeder branches
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set S; S 0 Feeder1.GetBranches();
1.8.33 SetPath Methods GetAll Set SetPath.GetAll () Returns all objects in the path definition. Arguments none Return value The set of objects Example The following example writes all objects in the path definition to the output window. set S; object O; S = aPath.GetAll(); O = S.First(); while (O) { O.ShowFullName(); O = S.Next(); }
GetBusses Set SetPath.GetBusses () Returns all busbars and terminals in the path definition. Arguments none Return value The set of objects Example The following example writes all busbars and terminals in the path definition to the output window. set S; object O; S = aPath.GetBusses(); O = S.First(); while (O) { O.ShowFullName(); O = S.Next(); }
GetBranches Set SetPath.GetBranches () Returns all branches in the path definition. Arguments none Return value The set of objects Example The following example writes all branches in the path definition to the output window.
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set S; object O; S = aPath.GetBranches(); O = S.First(); while (O) { O.ShowFullName(); O = S.Next(); }
AllBreakers Set SetPath.AllBreakers () Returns all breakers in the path definition. Arguments none Return value The set of objects Example The following example writes all breakers in the path definition to the output window. set S; object O; S = aPath.AllBreakers(); O = S.First(); while (O) { O.ShowFullName(); O = S.Next(); }
AllClosedBreakers Set SetPath.AllClosedBreakers () Returns all closed breakers in the path definition. Arguments none Return value The set of objects Example The following example writes all closed breakers in the path definition to the output window. set S; object O; S = aPath.AllClosedBreakers(); O = S.First(); while (O) { O.ShowFullName(); O = S.Next(); }
AllOpenBreakers Set SetPath.AllOpenBreakers () Returns all open breakers in the path definition. Arguments none Return value
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The set of objects Example The following example writes all open breakers in the path definition to the output window. set S; object O; S = aPath.AllOpenBreakers(); O = S.First(); while (O) { O.ShowFullName(); O = S.Next(); }
1.8.34 SetSelect Methods AddRef void SetSelect.AddRef ([object O | set S]) Adds a reference to the objects to the existing selection Arguments One of the following two parameter has to be given object O (optional) : an object set S (optional) : a set of objects Return value void Example The following example adds all loads and lines from the general DPL selection to the selection “MySelection”. set S; S = SEL.AllLines(); MySelection.AddRef(S); S = SEL.AllLoads(); MySelection.AddRef(S);
Clear void SetSelect.Clear () Empties the selection. Arguments none Return value void Example The following example creates a selection of all loads in the general DPL selection. set S; S = SEL.AllLines(); MySelection.Clear(); MySelection.AddRef(S);
AllElm Set SetSelect.AllElm () Returns all elements (Elm*) in the selection. Arguments none
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Return value The set of objects Example The following example writes all objects in the general DPL selection to the output window. set S; object O; S = SEL.AllElm(); O = S.First(); while (O) { O.ShowFullName(); O = S.Next(); }
AllLines Set SetSelect.AllLines () Returns all lines and line routes in the selection. Arguments none Return value The set of objects Example The following example writes all lines and line routes in the general DPL selection to the output window. set S; object O; S = SEL.AllLines(); O = S.First(); while (O) { O.ShowFullName(); O = S.Next(); }
AllBars Set SetSelect.AllBars () Returns all busbars and terminals in the selection. Arguments none Return value The set of objects Example The following example writes all bars in the general DPL selection to the output window. set S; object O; S = SEL.AllBars(); O = S.First(); while (O) { O.ShowFullName(); O = S.Next(); }
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AllLoads Set SetSelect.AllLoads () Returns all loads in the selection. Arguments none Return value The set of objects Example The following example writes all loads in the general DPL selection to the output window. set S; object O; S = SEL.AllLoads(); O = S.First(); while (O) { O.ShowFullName(); O = S.Next(); }
AllAsm Set SetSelect.AllAsm () Returns all asynchronous machines in the selection. Arguments none Return value The set of objects Example The following example writes all asynchronous machines in the general DPL selection to the output window. set S; object O; S = SEL.AllAsm(); O = S.First(); while (O) { O.ShowFullName(); O = S.Next(); }
AllSym Set SetSelect.AllSym () Returns all synchronous machines in the selection. Arguments none Return value The set of objects Example The following example writes all synchronous machines in the general DPL selection to the output window. set S; object O; S = SEL.AllSym(); O = S.First(); while (O) {
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O.ShowFullName(); O = S.Next(); }
AllTypLne Set SetSelect.AllTypLne () Returns all line types in the selection. Arguments none Return value The set of objects Example The following example writes all line types in the general DPL selection to the output window. set S; object O; S = SEL.AllTypLne(); O = S.First(); while (O) { O.ShowFullName(); O = S.Next(); }
All Set SetSelect.All () Returns all objects in the selection. Arguments none Return value The set of objects Example The following example writes objects in the general DPL selection to the output window. set S; object O; S = SEL.All(); O = S.First(); while (O) { O.ShowFullName(); O = S.Next(); }
GetAll Set SetSelect.GetAll (String ClassName) Returns all objects in the selection which are of the class ‘ClassName’. Arguments String ClassName (obligatory) : The object class name. Return value The set of objects Example The following example writes all three winding transformers in the general DPL selection to the output window.
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set S; object O; S = SEL.GetAll(’ElmTr3’); O = S.First(); while (O) { O.ShowFullName(); O = S.Next(); }
AllBreakers Set SetSelect.AllBreakers () Returns all breakers in the selection. Arguments none Return value The set of objects Example The following example writes all breakers in the general DPL selection to the output window. set S; object O; S = SEL.AllBreakers(); O = S.First(); while (O) { O.ShowFullName(); O = S.Next(); }
AllClosedBreakers Set SetSelect.AllClosedBreakers () Returns all closed breakers in the selection. Arguments none Return value The set of objects Example The following example writes all closed breakers in the general DPL selection to the output window. set S; object O; S = SEL.AllClosedBreakers(); O = S.First(); while (O) { O.ShowFullName(); O = S.Next(); }
AllOpenBreakers Set SetSelect.AllOpenBreakers () Returns all open breakers in the selection. Arguments none Return value
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The set of objects Example The following example writes all open breakers in the general DPL selection to the output window. set S; object O; S = SEL.AllOpenBreakers(); O = S.First(); while (O) { O.ShowFullName(); O = S.Next(); }
1.8.35 IntForm Methods SetText int IntForm.SetText (String Text) Sets the format text of a report form. Arguments String Text (obligatory) : The format text string Return value 0 on success Example The following example sets a format string and writes the report for two sets set SLines,SLoads; ... fill SLines and SLoads ... OvlReport.SetText(’ | Loading of lines: |$H $LOOP,_EXTERNAL |# #.# |$N,loc_name,loading $END ’); OvlReport.WriteOut(SLines, SLoads); See also IntForm.WriteOut, page 78
WriteOut int IntForm.WriteOut (Set ListSet, Set PoolSet) Write the report to the output window. The report form object will write a report to the output window, based on the format text, for the objects in the ListSet and the PoolSet. The ListSet is used in the _EXTERNAL macro. All format lines between the $LOOP,_EXTERNAL and the $END macro’s will be written for each object in the Listset, which is therefore called the ‘sequential set’. In the format text itself, objects from the PoolSet may be referenced directly by the “ACC(x)” macro, which is replaced by the x’th object in the PoolSet. The PoolSet is therefore called the ‘random access set’. The ListSet or PoolSet may be empty. The command object that is normally reached by the macro “DEF” in report forms will always return the main DPL command that is running at the moment, even when the ‘WriteOut’ call is made in a DPL subscript. Arguments
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Set ListSet (obligatory) : The sequential set of objects Set PoolSet (optional) : The random access set of objects Return value 0 on success Example The following example reports the loading of a list of objects for a certain load condition. The objects for the loading are sequentially listed. The load conditions are reported for a special set of loads, which are given as a pool of objects. set SLines,SLoads; ... fill SLines and SLoads ... OvlReport.WriteOut(SLines, SLoads); If OvlReport has the following format string: ---------------------$H, | command : # |$H,DEF:loc_name | Load settings: |$H | # #.# |$H,ACC(2):loc_name,ACC(2):plini | # #.# |$H,ACC(3):loc_name,ACC(3):plini ---------------------$H, | Loading of lines: |$H $LOOP,_EXTERNAL |# #.# |$N,loc_name,loading $END ---------------------$F, the following report could be the result: --------------------| command : FindWL | | Load settings: | | Ld12a 3.43 | | Ld14b 2.52 | --------------------| Loading of lines: | | Ln1 95.6 | | Ln2 92.1 | | Ln3 90.4 | | Ln4 85.3 | | Ln5 84.7 | | Ln6 84.2 | | Ln7 82.6 | | Ln8 62.5 | --------------------See also IntForm.SetText, page 78
1.8.36 SetDesktop Methods Show int SetDesktop.Show ([string name—object O]) Shows the page with the same name as ‘O” or the page with name “name” in the Graphics Board. The object “O” is typically a ViPage object but, as only its name is used, it may be any other type of object. Arguments
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string name (obligatory) : Name of graphics page. object O (optional) : An object. Return value 0 on success, 1 on error. Example The following example activates all pages in the graphics board one by one and exports them as WMF pictures. object GrBr,Pg; set Pgs; int n; GrBrd = GetGraphBoard(); if (GrBrd) { Pgs = GrBrd.GetContents(); Pg = Pgs.First(); while (Pg) { GrBrd.Show(Pg); GrBrd.WriteWMF(sprintf(’c:\\mydoc\\%s%d’, n, Pg:loc_name)); Pg = VI.Next(); } }
WriteWMF void SetDesktop.WriteWMF (string filename) Exports the currently open graphic in the graphics board to a WMF picture. Arguments string name (obligatory) : Filename without extension. Return value none. Example See “SetDeskTop.Show()” in 1.8.36, page 79
GetPage object SetDesktop.GetPage (string name, int create) Searches, activates and returns a graphics page in the currently open Graphics Board. If “create” is true, then a new ViPage will be created added to the graphics board when no page with the name was found. Arguments string name (obligatory) : Name of the page. int create=1 (optional) : create ¿ 0 =¿ create panel if not exists. Return value Virtual Instrument Panel (SetVipage) Example The following example looks for the Virtual Instrument Panels named Voltage, Current and Power in the Graphics Board currently opened. The pages are created if they do not exist. object aGrf; object aPageV; object aPageC; object aPageP; ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Search or create Virtual Instrument Panels aPageV=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1); aPageC=aGrf.GetPage(’Current’,1);
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aPageP=aGrf.GetPage(’Power’,1); }
SetResults void SetDesktop.SetResults (object res) Sets default Results (ElmRes) of Graphics Board. Arguments object res (obligatory) : Results to set (ElmRes) or NULL to reset. Return value none Example The following example looks for an opened Graphics Board and sets its default results to the results object named ’Results’. object aGrf; ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Set default results object aGrf.SetResults(Results); }
SetXVar void SetDesktop.SetXVar (object obj, string varname) Sets x-axis variable. If obj and varname are empty the default x-axis variable (time) is set. Arguments object obj (optional) : x-axis object string varname (optional) : variable of obj Return value none Example The following examples look for an opened Graphics Board and set its x-axis variable. The first example sets a user defined x-axis variable. The second one sets the default x-axis (time). object aGrf; ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Set user defined x-axis variable aGrf.SetXVar(line,’m:U1:bus1’); }
object aGrf; ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Set default x-axis variable (time) aGrf.SetXVar(); }
SetScaleX void SetDesktop.SetScaleX (double min, double max, int log)
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Sets scale of x-axis. Invalid arguments like neg. limits for log. scale are not set. No arguments =¿ automatic scaling. Arguments double min (optional) : Minimum of x-scale. double max (optional) : Maximum of x-scale. int log (optional) : ¿ 0 =¿ x-scale is logarithmic. Return value none Example The following examples look for an opened Graphics Board and set its x-axis scale. There are three different examples. 1. Example: Scale x-axis automatically 2. Example: Set minimum to 0 and maximum to 20. 3. Example: Set minimum to 1 and maximum to 1000. Changes to a log. scale ! Scale x-axis automatically object aGrf; ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Scale automatically aGrf.SetScaleX(); }
! Set minimum and maximum without changing map mode object aGrf; ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Set minimum and maximum aGrf.SetScaleX(2,10); }
! Set minimum and maximum, change to log. scale object aGrf; ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Set minimum and maximum aGrf.SetScaleX(1,1000,1); }
SetAutoScaleX void SetDesktop.SetAutoScaleX (int mode) Sets the automatic scaling mode of the x-scale. Arguments int mode (obligatory) : Possible values: 0 never, 1 after simulation, 2 during simulation Return value none Example The following example looks for an opened Graphics Board and sets its auto scale mode to off. ! Set autoscale mode to off object aGrf;
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! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Turn off automatic scaling of x-scale aGrf.SetAutoScaleX(0); }
SetAdaptX void SetDesktop.SetAdaptX (int mode, double trigger) Sets the adapt scale option of the x-scale. Arguments int mode (obligatory) : Possible values: 0 off, 1 on double trigger (optional) : Trigger value, unused if mode is off or empty. Return value none Example The following example looks for an opened Graphics Board and sets its adapt scale option. object aGrf; ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Turn on adapt scale, use a trigger value of 3 aGrf.SetAdaptX(1,3); ! Turn off adapt scale aGrf.SetAdaptX(0,3); ! Turn on adapt scale again, do not change the trigger value aGrf.SetAdaptX(1); }
1.8.37 SetVipage Methods GetVI object SetVipage.GetVI (string name, string class, int create) Searches for a virtual instruments on the Virtual Instrument Panel. Arguments string name (obligatory) : Name of Virtual Instrument string class=’VisPlot’ (optional) : classname of Virtual Instrument. int create=1 (optional) : create ¿ 0 =¿ create panel if not exists. Return value Virtual Instrument. Example The following example looks for a Plot (VisPlot) named RST on a Virtual Instrument Panel. The plot is created if it was not found. object aGrf; object aPage; object aPlot; ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Get Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage aPage=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1); if (aPage) { ! Get plot named RST. Create the plot if not exists
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aPlot=aPage.GetVI(’RST’,’VisPlot’,1); } }
SetStyle void SetVipage.SetStyle (string name) Sets style folder of Virtual Instrument Panel. Arguments string name (obligatory) : Name of style. Return value none Example The following example looks for a Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage and sets its style to ’Paper’. object aGrf; object aPage; ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Get Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage aPage=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1); if (aPage) { ! Set style named Paper aPage.SetStyle(’Paper’); } }
SetTile void SetVipage.SetTile (int tile) Rearranges the Virtual Instruments. Arguments int tile=1 (optional) : tile ¿ 0 =¿ tile Virtual Instruments, tile=0 =¿ arrange them horizontally. Return value none Example The following example looks for a Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage and rearranges the Virtual Instrument. object aGrf; object aPage; ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Get Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage aPage=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1); if (aPage) { ! Arrange the VIs horizontally aPage.SetTile(0); ! Tile VIs (default input parameter is 1) aPage.SetTile(); } }
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SetResults void SetVipage.SetResults (object res) Sets default Results (ElmRes) of Virtual Instrument Panel. Arguments object res (obligatory) : Results to set (ElmRes) or NULL to reset. Return value none Example The following example looks for a Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage and resets its default results. object aGrf; object aPage; ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Get Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage aPage=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1); if (aPage) { ! Set default results on page aPage.SetResults(NULL); } }
SetXVar void SetVipage.SetXVar (object obj, string varname) Sets x-axis variable. If obj and varname are empty the default x-axis variable (time) is set. Arguments object obj (optional) : x-axis object string varname (optional) : variable of obj Return value none Example The following examples look for a Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage and set the x-axis variable. The first example sets a user defined x-axis variable of the Virtual Instrument Panel. The second one sets the default x-axis (time). object aGrf; object aPage; ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Get Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage aPage=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1); if (aPage) { ! Set x-scale from 100 to 120 aPage.SetScaleX(100,120); ! Set x-scale variable aPage.SetXVar(line,’m:U1:bus1’); } }
object aGrf; object aPage;
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! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Get Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage aPage=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1); if (aPage) { ! Set x-scale from 100 to 120 aPage.SetScaleX(100,120); ! Set default x-scale variable (time) aPage.SetXVar(); } }
SetScaleX void SetVipage.SetScaleX (double min, double max, int log) Sets scale of x-axis. Invalid arguments like negative limits for logarithmic scale are not set. No input arguments =¿ automatic scaling. Arguments double min (optional) : Minimum of x-scale. double max (optional) : Maximum of x-scale. int log (optional) : ¿ 0 =¿ x-scale is logarithmic. Return value none Example The following examples look for a Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage and set its x-axis scale. There are three different examples. 1. Example: Scale x-scale automatically. 2. Example: Set minimum to 0 and maximum to 20. 3. Example: Set minimum to 1 and maximum to 1000. Changes to a log. scale ! Scale x-scale automatically. object aPage; object aGrf; ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Get Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage aPage=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1); if (aPage) { ! Automatic scaling aPage.SetScaleX(); } }
! Set minimum and maximum without changing map mode object aPage; object aGrf; ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Get Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage aPage=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1); if (aPage) { ! Set minimum and maximum aPage.SetScaleX(0,20);
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} }
! Set minimum and maximum, set map mode to log. object aPage; object aGrf; ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Get Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage aPage=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1); if (aPage) { ! Set minimum and maximum, change to log. scale aPage.SetScaleX(1,1000,1); } }
SetDefScaleX void SetVipage.SetDefScaleX () Sets default scale of x-axis (SetDesktop). Arguments none Return value none Example The following example looks for a Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage and resets the option ’Use local x-Axis’ to 0. After that the x-scale used is the Graphics Board (SetDesktop). ! Set default x-scale object aPage; object aGrf; ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Get Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage aPage=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1); if (aPage) { ! Reset option ’Use local x-Axis’ aPage.SetDefScaleX(); } }
SetAutoScaleX void SetVipage.SetAutoScaleX (int mode) Sets automatic scaling mode of the x-scale for local scales. Arguments int mode (obligatory) : Possible values: 0 never, 1 after simulation, 2 during simulation Return value none Example The following examples look for a Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage and change its auto scale mode. The first example works fine, the second one generates an error message because the x-scale is unused.
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! Set autoscale mode Off object aGrf; object aPage; ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Get Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage aPage=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1); if (aPage) { ! Set limits to change x-scale of page to used scale aPage.SetScaleX(0,10); ! Turn off automatic scaling of x-scale aPage.SetAutoScaleX(0); } }
! Try to set autoscale mode to online object aGrf; object aPage; ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Get Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage aPage=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1); if (aPage) { ! Reset option ’Use local x-Axis’ of Virtual Instrument Panel aPage.SetDefScaleX(); ! Try to set automatic scaling of x-scale to Online aPage.SetAutoScaleX(2); } }
SetAdaptX void SetVipage.SetAdaptX (int mode, double trigger) Sets the adapt scale option of the x-scale for local scales. Arguments int mode (obligatory) : Possible values: 0 off, 1 on double trigger (optional) : Trigger value, unused if mode is off or empty Return value none Example The following examples look for a Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage and sets its adapt scale option. The first example works fine, the second one generates an error message because the x-scale is unused. ! Modify adapt scale option of Virtual Instrument Panel object aPage; object aGrf; ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Get Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage aPage=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1); if (aPage) {
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! Set x-scale limits to set option ’Use local x-Axis’ aPage.SetScaleX(0,20); ! Turn on adapt scale, use a trigger value of 3 aPage.SetAdaptX(1,3); ! Turn off adapt scale aPage.SetAdaptX(0,3); ! Turn on adapt scale again, do not change the trigger value aPage.SetAdaptX(1); } }
! Try to turn on adapt scale object aPage; object aGrf; ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Get Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage aPage=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1); if (aPage) { ! Reset option ’Use local x-Axis’ of Virtual Instrument Panel aPage.SetDefScaleX(); ! Try to turn on adapt scale, use a trigger value of 3 ! Leads to error message because scale is not local aPage.SetAdaptX(1,3); } }
GetScaleObjX object SetVipage.GetScaleObjX () Returns used object defining x-scale. The returned object is either the Virtual Instrument Panel itself or the Graphics Board. Arguments none Return value Object defining the x-scale. Example The following examples look for a Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage and get the used x-scale object. GetScaleObjX of the first example gets the Graphics Board, in the second one the Virtual Instrument Panel itself is returned. ! Used scale is Graphics Board object aPage; object aGrf; object aScale; ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Get Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage aPage=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1); if (aPage) { ! Reset option ’Use local x-Axis’ of Virtual Instrument Panel aPage.SetDefScaleX(); ! Get object defining scale
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aScale=aPage.GetScaleObjX(); if (aPage=aScale) { output(’The scale used is the Virtual Instrument Panel itself.’); } else if (aGrf=aScale) { output(’The scale used is the Graphics Board.’); } else { output(’The scale used was not found.’); } } } ! Used scale is Virtual Instrument Panel itself object aPage; object aGrf; object aScale; ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Get Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage aPage=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1); if (aPage) { ! Set x-scale to change it to local aPage.SetScaleX(1,100); ! Get object defining scale aScale=aPage.GetScaleObjX(); if (aPage=aScale) { output(’The scale used is the Virtual Instrument Panel itself.’); } else if (aGrf=aScale) { output(’The scale used is the Graphics Board.’); } else { output(’The scale used was not found.’); } } }
1.8.38 VisPlot Methods AddVars void VisPlot.AddVars (string V, object O1,...,O8) void VisPlot.AddVars (object O, string V1,...V8) Appends variables to the SubPlot. Variables which are already in the plot are not added. Arguments object O (obligatory) : Object for which variables V1..V8 are added string V1..V8 (obligatory) : One to eight variables names for object O or string V (obligatory) : Variable name which is added for objects O1..O8 object O1..O8 (obligatory) : One to eight objects variable V Return value none Using AddVars a single object with different variables or one variable with several objects can be add to the Subplot. To append a list of variables of a single object the first input parameter is an object followed by a list of maximum nine variables. To append the same variable for several objects the first input parameter is the variable name followed by a list of maximum nine objects.
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Example The following examples look for a Subplot named RST on Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage and append a list of variables. 1. Example: Append several variables for one single object. 2. Example: Append one variable for a list of objects. ! Append several variables for one single object. object object object object
aPage; aGrf; aPlot; aScale;
! Note: object load is an interface parameter, therefore it is not defined here ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Get Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage aPage=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1); if (aPage) { ! Get subplot named ’RST’ aPlot=aPage.GetVI(’RST’,’VisPlot’,1); if (aPlot) { ! Clear variable list aPlot.Clear(); ! Append variables aPlot.AddVars(load, ’m:U1:bus1’,’m:U1l:bus1’,’m:phiu1:bus1’); } } }
! Append several objects with one single variable object object object object
aPage; aGrf; aPlot; aScale;
! objects load,line and xnet are interface parameters, ! therefore they are not defined here. ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Get Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage aPage=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1); if (aPage) { ! Get subplot named ’RST’ aPlot=aPage.GetVI(’RST’,’VisPlot’,1); if (aPlot) { ! Clear variable list aPlot.Clear(); ! Append variables
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aPlot.AddVars(’m:U1:bus1’,load, line, xnet); } } }
AddResVars void VisPlot.AddResVars (object Res, string V, object O1,...,O7) void VisPlot.AddResVars (object Res, object O, string V1,...V7) Appends variables frmo a specific result file to the SubPlot. Combinations of result file and variables which are already in the plot are not added. Arguments object Res (obligatory) : Result object plus object O (obligatory) : Object for which variables V1..V8 are added string V1..V8 (obligatory) : One to eight variables names for object O or string V (obligatory) : Variable name which is added for objects O1..O8 object O1..O8 (obligatory) : One to eight objects variable V Return value none See “AddResVars” in 1.8.38, page 92 for more information.
Clear void VisPlot.Clear () Removes all variables from SubPlot Arguments none Return value none Example The following example looks for a Subplot named RST on Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage and removes all variables from the plot. ! Remove all variables in Subplot named RST on Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage object aPage; object aGrf; object aPlot; ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Get Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage aPage=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1); if (aPage) { ! Get Subplot named ’RST’ aPlot=aPage.GetVI(’RST’,’VisPlot’,1); if (aPlot) { ! Remove all variables from Subplot aPlot.Clear(); } } }
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void VisPlot.SetXVar (object obj, string varname) Sets x-axis variable. If obj and varname are empty the default x-axis variable (time) is set. Arguments object obj (optional) : x-axis object string varname (optional) : variable of obj Return value none Example The following examples look for a Subplot named RST and set its x-axis variable. The first example sets a user defined x-axis variable of the plot. The second one sets the default x-axis variable (time). ! Set user defined x-axis variable object aPage; object aGrf; object aPlot; ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Get Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage aPage=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1); if (aPage) { ! Get Subplot named ’RST’ aPlot=aPage.GetVI(’RST’,’VisPlot’,1); if (aPlot) { ! Set x-scale from 100 to 120 aPlot.SetScaleX(100,120); ! Set x-scale variable aPlot.SetXVar(line,’m:U1:bus1’); } } }
! Set default x-axis variable (time) object aPage; object aGrf; object aPlot; ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Get Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage aPage=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1); if (aPage) { ! Get Subplot named ’RST’ aPlot=aPage.GetVI(’RST’,’VisPlot’,1); if (aPlot) { ! Set x-scale from 100 to 120 aPlot.SetScaleX(100,120); ! Set default x-scale variable (time) aPlot.SetXVar(); } } }
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void VisPlot.SetScaleX (double min, double max, int log) Sets scale of x-axis. Invalid arguments like negative limits for logarithmic scale are not set. No arguments =¿ automatic scaling. Arguments double min (optional) : Minimum of x-scale. double max (optional) : Maximum of x-scale. int log (optional) : ¿ 0 =¿ x-scale is logarithmic. Return value none Example The following examples look for a Subplot named ’RST’ and set its x-scale. There are three different examples. 1. Example: Perform auto scaling on x-axis. 2. Example: Set minimum to 0 and maximum to 20. 3. Example: Set minimum to 1 and maximum to 1000. Changes to a log. scale ! Automatic scaling of x-scale object aPage; object aGrf; object aPlot; ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Get Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage aPage=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1); if (aPage) { ! Get subplot named ’RST’ aPlot=aPage.GetVI(’RST’,’VisPlot’,1); if (aPlot) { ! Automatic scaling aPlot.SetScaleX(); } } }
! Set minimum and maximum without changing map mode object aPage; object aGrf; object aPlot; ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Get Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage aPage=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1); if (aPage) { ! Get subplot named ’RST’ aPlot=aPage.GetVI(’RST’,’VisPlot’,1); if (aPlot) { ! Set minimum and maximum aPlot.SetScaleX(0,20); } } }
! Set minimum and maximum, set map mode to log.
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object aPage; object aGrf; object aPlot; ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Get Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage aPage=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1); if (aPage) { ! Get subplot named ’RST’ aPlot=aPage.GetVI(’RST’,’VisPlot’,1); if (aPlot) { ! Set minimum and maximum, change to log. scale aPlot.SetScaleX(1,1000,1); } } }
SetScaleY void VisPlot.SetScaleX (double min, double max, int log) Sets scale of y-axis. Invalid arguments like negative limits for logarithmic scale are not set. No arguments =¿ automatic scaling. Arguments double min (optional) : Minimum of y-scale. double max (optional) : Maximum of y-scale. int log (optional) : ¿ 0 =¿ y-scale is logarithmic. Return value none Example The following examples look for a Subplot named ’RST’ and set its y-axis scale. There are three different examples. 1. Example: Perform auto scaling on y-Axis. 2. Example: Set minimum to 0 and maximum to 20. 3. Example: Set minimum to 1 and maximum to 1000. Changes to a log. scale ! Automatic scaling of y-scale object aPage; object aGrf; object aPlot; ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Get Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage aPage=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1); if (aPage) { ! Get subplot named ’RST’ aPlot=aPage.GetVI(’RST’,’VisPlot’,1); if (aPlot) { ! Automatic scaling aPlot.SetScaleY(); } } }
! Set minimum and maximum without changing map mode
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object aPage; object aGrf; object aPlot; ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Get Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage aPage=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1); if (aPage) { ! Get subplot named ’RST’ aPlot=aPage.GetVI(’RST’,’VisPlot’,1); if (aPlot) { ! Set minimum and maximum aPlot.SetScaleY(0,20); } } }
! Set minimum and maximum, set map mode to log. object aPage; object aGrf; object aPlot; ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Get Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage aPage=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1); if (aPage) { ! Get subplot named ’RST’ aPlot=aPage.GetVI(’RST’,’VisPlot’,1); if (aPlot) { ! Set minimum and maximum, change to log. scale aPlot.SetScaleY(1,1000,1); } } }
SetDefScaleX void VisPlot.SetDefScaleX () Sets default scale of x-axis (SetDesktop or SetVipage). Arguments none Return value none Example The following example looks for a Subplot named ’RST’ and sets the option ’Use local x-Axis’ to 0. After that the x-scale used is the Graphics Board (SetDesktop) or the Virtual Instrument Panel (SetVipage). ! Reset option ’Use local x-Axis’ object aPage; object aGrf; object aPlot; ! Look for opened graphics board.
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aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Get Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage aPage=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1); if (aPage) { ! Get subplot named ’RST’ aPlot=aPage.GetVI(’RST’,’VisPlot’,1); if (aPlot) { ! Reset option ’Use local x-Axis’ aPlot.SetDefScaleX(); } } }
SetDefScaleY void VisPlot.SetDefScaleY () Sets default scale of y-axis (IntPlot). Arguments none Return value none Example The following example looks for a Subplot named ’RST’ and sets its option ’Use local y-Axis’ to 0. After that the y-scale used is the Plot Type (IntPlot). ! Reset option ’Use local y-Axis’ object aPage; object aGrf; object aPlot; ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Get Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage aPage=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1); if (aPage) { ! Get subplot named ’RST’ aPlot=aPage.GetVI(’RST’,’VisPlot’,1); if (aPlot) { ! Reset option ’Use local y-Axis’ aPlot.SetDefScaleY(); } } }
SetAutoScaleX void VisPlot.SetAutoScaleX (int mode) Sets automatic scaling mode of the x-scale for local scales. Arguments int mode (obligatory) : Possible values: 0 never, 1 after simulation, 2 during simulation Return value none Example The following example looks for a Subplot named ’RST’ and change its auto scale mode. The first example works fine, the second one generates an error message because the x-scale is unused.
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! Set autoscale mode of x-scale to off object aPage; object aGrf; object aPlot; ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Get Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage aPage=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1); if (aPage) { ! Get subplot named ’RST’ aPlot=aPage.GetVI(’RST’,’VisPlot’,1); if (aPlot) { ! Set limits to change x-scale of page to used scale aPlot.SetScaleX(0,10); ! Turn off automatic scaling of x-scale aPlot.SetAutoScaleX(0); } } }
! Try to set autoscale mode of x-scale to online object aPage; object aGrf; object aPlot; ! Look for opened Graphics Board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Get Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage aPage=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1); if (aPage) { ! Get subplot named ’RST’ aPlot=aPage.GetVI(’RST’,’VisPlot’,1); if (aPlot) { ! Reset option ’Use local x-Axis’ of Subplot aPlot.SetDefScaleX(); ! Try to set automatic scaling of x-scale to Online aPlot.SetAutoScaleX(2); } } }
SetAutoScaleY void VisPlot.SetAutoScaleY (int mode) Sets automatic scaling mode of the y-scale for local scales. Arguments int mode (obligatory) : Possible values: 0 never, 1 after simulation, 2 during simulation Return value none Example The following example looks for a Subplot named ’RST’ and change its auto scale mode. The first example works fine, the second one generates an error message because the y-scale is unused.
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! Set autoscale mode of y-scale to off object aPage; object aGrf; object aPlot; ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Get Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage aPage=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1); if (aPage) { ! Get subplot named ’RST’ aPlot=aPage.GetVI(’RST’,’VisPlot’,1); if (aPlot) { ! Set limits to change y-scale of page to used scale aPlot.SetScaleY(0,10); ! Turn off automatic scaling of y-scale aPlot.SetAutoScaleY(0); } } }
! Try to set autoscale mode of y-scale to online object aPage; object aGrf; object aPlot; ! Look for opened Graphics Board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Get Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage aPage=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1); if (aPage) { ! Get subplot named ’RST’ aPlot=aPage.GetVI(’RST’,’VisPlot’,1); if (aPlot) { ! Reset option ’Use local y-Axis’ of Subplot aPlot.SetDefScaleY(); ! Try to set automatic scaling of y-scale to Online aPlot.SetAutoScaleY(2); } } }
SetAdaptX void VisPlot.SetAdaptX (int mode, double trigger) Sets the adapt scale option of the x-scale for local scales. Arguments int mode (obligatory) : Possible values: 0 off, 1 on double trigger (optional) : Trigger value, unused if mode is off or empty Return value none Example The following examples look for a Subplot named ’RST’ and change its adapt scale option. The first example works fine, the second one generates an error message because the x-scale is unused.
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! Modify adapt scale option of Subplot object aPage; object aGrf; object aPlot; ! Look for opened Graphics Board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Get Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage aPage=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1); if (aPage) { ! Get subplot named ’RST’ aPlot=aPage.GetVI(’RST’,’VisPlot’,1); if (aPlot) { ! Set x-scale limits to set option ’Use local x-Axis’ aPlot.SetScaleX(0,20); ! Turn on adapt scale, use a trigger value of 3 aPlot.SetAdaptX(1,3); ! Turn off adapt scale aPlot.SetAdaptX(0,3); ! Turn on adapt scale again, do not change the trigger value aPlot.SetAdaptX(1); } } }
! Try to turn on adapt scale of x-scale object aPage; object aGrf; object aPlot; ! Look for opened Graphics Board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Get Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage aPage=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1); if (aPage) { ! Get subplot named ’RST’ aPlot=aPage.GetVI(’RST’,’VisPlot’,1); if (aPlot) { ! Reset option ’Use local x-Axis’ of Subplot aPlot.SetDefScaleX(); ! Try to turn on adapt scale, use a trigger value of 3 ! Leads to error message because scale is not local aPlot.SetAdaptX(1,3); } } }
SetAdaptY void VisPlot.SetAdaptY (int mode, double offset) Sets the adapt scale option of the y-scale for local scales. Arguments int mode (obligatory) : Possible values: 0 off, 1 on double trigger (optional) : Offset, unused if mode is off or empty Return value
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none Example The following examples look for a Subplot named ’RST’ and change its adapt scale option of the y scale. The first example works fine, the second one generates an error message because the y-scale is unused. ! Modify adapt scale option of Subplot object aPage; object aGrf; object aPlot; ! Look for opened Graphics Board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Get Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage aPage=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1); if (aPage) { ! Get subplot named ’RST’ aPlot=aPage.GetVI(’RST’,’VisPlot’,1); if (aPlot) { ! Set y-scale limits to set option ’Use local y-Axis’ aPlot.SetScaleY(0,20); ! Turn on adapt scale, use a trigger value of 3 aPlot.SetAdaptY(1,3); ! Turn off adapt scale aPlot.SetAdaptY(0,3); ! Turn on adapt scale again, do not change the trigger value aPlot.SetAdaptY(1); } } }
! Try to turn on adapt scale for y-scale object aPage; object aGrf; object aPlot; ! Look for opened Graphics Board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Get Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage aPage=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1); if (aPage) { ! Get subplot named ’RST’ aPlot=aPage.GetVI(’RST’,’VisPlot’,1); if (aPlot) { ! Reset option ’Use local y-Axis’ of Subplot aPlot.SetDefScaleY(); ! Try to turn on adapt scale, use a trigger value of 3 ! Leads to error message because scale is not local aPlot.SetAdaptY(1,3); } } }
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object VisPlot.GetScaleObjX () Returns used object defining x-scale. The returned object is the Subplot itself, the Virtual Instrument Panel or the Graphics Board. Arguments none Return value Object defining the x-scale. Example The following examples look for a Subplot named ’RST’ and get the used x-scale object. There are three different examples. 1. Example: Used scale is Graphics Board 2. Example: Used scale is Virtual Instrument Panel 3. Example: Used scale is Subplot itself. ! Used scale is Graphics Board object aPage; object aGrf; object aPlot; object aScale; ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Get Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage aPage=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1); if (aPage) { ! Reset option ’Use local x-Axis’ of Virtual Instrument Panel aPage.SetDefScaleX(); ! Get subplot named ’RST’ aPlot=aPage.GetVI(’RST’,’VisPlot’,1); if (aPlot) { ! Reset option ’Use local x-Axis’ of Subplot aPlot.SetDefScaleX(); ! Get object defining scale aScale=aPlot.GetScaleObjX(); if (aPlot=aScale) { output(’The scale used is the Subplot itself.’); } else if (aPage=aScale) { output(’The scale used is the Virtual Instrument Panel.’); } else if (aGrf=aScale) { output(’The scale used is the Graphics Board.’); } else { output(’The scale used was not found.’); } } } }
! Used Scale is Virtual Instrument Panel object aPage; object aGrf; object aPlot; object aScale; ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Get Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage aPage=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1);
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if (aPage) { ! Set x-scale to change it to local aPage.SetScaleX(1,100); ! Get subplot named ’RST’ aPlot=aPage.GetVI(’RST’,’VisPlot’,1); if (aPlot) { ! Reset option ’Use local x-Axis’ of Subplot aPlot.SetDefScaleX(); ! Get object defining scale aScale=aPlot.GetScaleObjX(); if (aPlot=aScale) { output(’The scale used is the Subplot itself.’); } else if (aPage=aScale) { output(’The scale used is the Virtual Instrument Panel.’); } else if (aGrf=aScale) { output(’The scale used is the Graphics Board.’); } else { output(’The scale used was not found.’); } } } }
! Used Scale is Subplot itself object aPage; object aGrf; object aPlot; object aScale; ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Get Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage aPage=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1); if (aPage) { ! Reset option ’Use local x-Axis’ of Virtual Instrument Panel aPage.SetDefScaleX(); ! Get subplot named ’RST’ aPlot=aPage.GetVI(’RST’,’VisPlot’,1); if (aPlot) { ! Set x-scale of Subplot to change it to local aPlot.SetScaleX(1,100); ! Get object defining scale aScale=aPlot.GetScaleObjX(); if (aPlot=aScale) { output(’The scale used is the Subplot itself.’); } else if (aPage=aScale) { output(’The scale used is the Virtual Instrument Panel.’); } else if (aGrf=aScale) { output(’The scale used is the Graphics Board.’); } else { output(’The scale used was not found.’); } } } }
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GetScaleObjY object VisPlot.GetScaleObjY () Returns used object defining y-scale. The returned object is either the Subplot itself or the Plot Type (IntPlot). Arguments none Return value Object defining the y-scale. Example The following examples look for a Subplot named ’RST’ and get the used y-scale object. There are three different examples. 1. Example: Used scale is Plot Type. 2. Example: Used scale is Subplot itself. ! Used scale is Plot Type object aPage; object aGrf; object aPlot; object aScale; ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Get Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage aPage=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1); if (aPage) { ! Get subplot named ’RST’ aPlot=aPage.GetVI(’RST’,’VisPlot’,1); if (aPlot) { ! Reset option ’Use local y-Axis’ of Subplot aPlot.SetDefScaleY(); ! Get object defining scale aScale=aPlot.GetScaleObjY(); if (aScale=aPlot) { output(’The y-scale used is the Subplot itself.’); } else { output(’The y-scale used is the Plot Type.’); } } } }
! Used scale is Subplot itself object aPage; object aGrf; object aPlot; object aScale; ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Get Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage aPage=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1); if (aPage) { ! Get subplot named ’RST’ aPlot=aPage.GetVI(’RST’,’VisPlot’,1); if (aPlot) { ! Set x-scale of Subplot to change it to local
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aPlot.SetScaleY(1,100); ! Get object defining scale aScale=aPlot.GetScaleObjY(); if (aScale=aPlot) { output(’The y-scale used is the Subplot itself.’); } else { output(’The y-scale used is the Plot Type.’); } } } }
SetCrvDesc object VisPlot.SetCrvDesc (int index, string desc [, string desc1]...) Sets the description of curves starting at curve number ’index’. A list of descriprions can be set. Arguments int index (obligatory) : Row of first curve to change the description. string desc (obligatory) : Description to set for curve in row index. string desc1 (optional) : Description to set for curve in row index+1. Object defining the y-scale. Example The following examples look for a Subplot named ’RST’ sets the description for the curves defined in row two and three. The first variable’s description remains unchanged. ! Modify descriptions object object object object
aPage; aGrf; aPlot; aScale;
! Note: object load is an interface parameter, therefore it is not defined here ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Get Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage aPage=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1); if (aPage) { ! Get subplot named ’RST’ aPlot=aPage.GetVI(’RST’,’VisPlot’,1); if (aPlot) { ! Clear variable list aPlot.Clear(); ! Append variables aPlot.AddVars(load, ’m:U1:bus1’,’m:U1l:bus1’,’m:phiu1:bus1’); ! Set description of row 2 and 3 aPlot.SetCrvDesc(2,,’Line-Line Voltage’,’Angle’); } } }
1.8.39 IntPlot Methods SetScaleY
DPL Manual
DIgSILENT PowerFactory
void IntPlot.SetScaleX (double min, double max, int log) Sets scale of y-axis. Invalid arguments like negative limits for logarithmic scale are not set. No arguments =¿ automatic scaling. Arguments double min (optional) : Minimum of y-scale. double max (optional) : Maximum of y-scale. int log (optional) : ¿ 0 =¿ y-scale is logarithmic; 0 =¿ y-scale is linear. Return value none Example The following example looks for a Subplot named ’RST’ and set its y-axis scale. There are three different examples. 1. Example: Perform auto scaling on y-Axis. 2. Example: Set minimum to 0 and maximum to 20. 3. Example: Set minimum to 1 and maximum to 1000. Changes to a log. scale ! Automatic scaling of y-scale object aPage; object aGrf; object aPlot; object aScale; ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Get Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage aPage=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1); if (aPage) { ! Get subplot named ’RST’ aPlot=aPage.GetVI(’RST’,’VisPlot’,1); if (aPlot) { ! Reset option ’Use local y-Axis’ of subplot aPlot.SetDefScaleY(); ! Get object defining scale (now IntPlot) aScale=aPlot.GetScaleObjY(); if (aScale) { ! Perform auto scaling aScale.SetScaleY(); } } } }
! Set minimum and maximum without changing map mode object aPage; object aGrf; object aPlot; object aScale; ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Get Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage aPage=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1); if (aPage) { ! Get subplot named ’RST’ aPlot=aPage.GetVI(’RST’,’VisPlot’,1); if (aPlot) {
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! Reset option ’Use local y-Axis’ of subplot aPlot.SetDefScaleY(); ! Get object defining scale (now IntPlot) aScale=aPlot.GetScaleObjY(); if (aScale) { ! Perform auto scaling aScale.SetScaleY(0,20); } } } }
! Set minimum and maximum, set map mode to log. object aPage; object aGrf; object aPlot; object aScale; ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Get Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage aPage=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1); if (aPage) { ! Get subplot named ’RST’ aPlot=aPage.GetVI(’RST’,’VisPlot’,1); if (aPlot) { ! Reset option ’Use local y-Axis’ of subplot aPlot.SetDefScaleY(); ! Get object defining scale (now IntPlot) aScale=aPlot.GetScaleObjY(); if (aScale) { ! Perform auto scaling aScale.SetScaleY(1,1000,1); } } } }
SetAutoScaleY void IntPlot.SetAutoScaleY (int mode) Sets automatic scaling mode of the y-scale. Arguments int mode (obligatory) : Possible values: 0 never, 1 after simulation, 2 during simulation Return value none Example The following example sets the auto scale mode of the Plot Type to On. ! Set autoscale option of Plot Type object aPage; object aGrf; object aPlot;
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object aScale; ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Get Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage aPage=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1); if (aPage) { ! Get subplot named ’RST’ aPlot=aPage.GetVI(’RST’,’VisPlot’,1); if (aPlot) { ! Reset option ’Use local y-Axis’ of subplot aPlot.SetDefScaleY(); ! Get object defining scale (now IntPlot) aScale=aPlot.GetScaleObjY(); if (aScale) { ! Set auto scale option to on aScale.SetAutoScaleY(1); } } } }
SetAdaptY void IntPlot.SetAdaptY (int mode, double offset) Sets the adapt scale option of the y-scale. Arguments int mode (obligatory) : Possible values: 0 off, 1 on double offset (optional) : Offset, unused if mode is off or empty Return value none Example The following examples look for a Subplot named ’RST’, gets its Plot Type and changes the adapt scale option of the scale. ! Modify adapt scale option of Plot Type object aPage; object aGrf; object aPlot; object aScale; ! Look for opened graphics board. aGrf=GetGraphBoard(); if (aGrf) { ! Get Virtual Instrument Panel named Voltage aPage=aGrf.GetPage(’Voltage’,1); if (aPage) { ! Get subplot named ’RST’ aPlot=aPage.GetVI(’RST’,’VisPlot’,1); if (aPlot) { ! Reset option ’Use local y-Axis’ of subplot aPlot.SetDefScaleY(); ! Get object defining scale (now IntPlot) aScale=aPlot.GetScaleObjY(); if (aScale) { ! Set y-scale limits to set option ’Use local y-Axis’ aScale.SetScaleY(0,20);
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DIgSILENT PowerFactory
! Turn on adapt scale, use a offset of 3 aScale.SetAdaptY(1,3); ! Turn off adapt scale aScale.SetAdaptY(0,3); ! Turn on adapt scale again, do not change the offset aScale.SetAdaptY(1); } } } }
DPL Manual
DPL Manual
Index abs, 5 acos, 5 Activate(IntCase), 48 Activate(IntPrj), 48 Add(Set), 32 AddCntcy(ComSimoutage), 47 AddCopy(Object), 44 AddRef(ComNmink), 49 AddRef(SetSelect), 73 AddResVars(VisPlot), 92 AddVar(IntMon), 54 AddVars(ElmRes), 66 AddVars(VisPlot), 90 All(SetSelect), 76 AllAsm(SetSelect), 75 AllBars(SetSelect), 74 AllBreakers(SetPath), 72 AllBreakers(SetSelect), 77 AllClosedBreakers(SetPath), 72 AllClosedBreakers(SetSelect), 77 AllElm(SetSelect), 73 AllLines(SetSelect), 74 AllLoads(SetSelect), 75 AllOpenBreakers(SetPath), 72 AllOpenBreakers(SetSelect), 77 AllSym(SetSelect), 75 AllTypLne(SetSelect), 76 Arguments, 12 asin, 5 Assignment, 5 atan, 5 Automating tasks, 2 Boolean expression, 6 Break, 6 Buscoupler Methods, 59 CalcElParams(typAsm), 48 CalcElParams(typAsmo), 48 Calling conventions, 12 ceil, 5 Clear(ComNmink), 50 Clear(ElmRes), 64 Clear(Set), 32 Clear(SetSelect), 73 Clear(VisPlot), 92
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ClearVars(IntMon), 54 Close(ElmCoup), 59 Close(StaSwitch), 69 ColLbl(IntMat), 57 ComDpl, 3 Execute, 55 ComEcho Off, 52 On, 51 ComInc Execute, 68 ComLdf Execute, 68 ComNmink AddRef, 49 Clear, 50 GetAll, 50 ComOutage GetObj, 46 SetObjs, 46 ComRel3 Execute, 67 ComRes ExportFullRange, 51 FileNmResNm, 51 ComShc Execute, 68 ComSimoutage AddCntcy, 47 ExecuteCntcy, 47 Reset, 47 SetLimits, 47 Continue, 6 cos, 5 cosh, 5 Count(Set), 33 Coupler Methods, 59 CreateFeederWithRoutes(ElmLne), 62 CreateObject(Object), 45 Date(SetTime), 52 Deactivate(IntCase), 48 Deactivate(IntPrj), 48 DIgSILENT Programming Language, 2 do, 6 double (DPL variable), 4
DPL assignement, 5 Boolean expression, 6 calling subroutines, 12 command object, 3 expressions, 5 external objects, 11 Flow instructions, 6 input, 7 internal methods, 13 Macros, 12 Methods, 55 object methods, 14 output, 7 set methods, 14 Subroutines, 12 syntax, 3 variables, 4 DPL functions, 5 Draw(ElmRes), 65
ElmZone GetAll, 67 GetBranches, 67 GetBuses, 67 GetObjs, 67 else, 6 Execute(ComDpl), 55 Execute(ComInc), 68 Execute(ComLdf), 68 Execute(ComRel3), 67 Execute(ComShc), 68 ExecuteCntcy(ComSimoutage), 47 exp, 5 ExportFullRange(ComRes), 51 Expressions, 5 External objects, 11
Feeder Methods, 70 FileNmResNm(ComRes), 51 Filter Edit(Object), 45 Methods, 54 ElmComp First(Set), 34 Slotupd, 50 FirstFilt(Set), 35 ElmCoup Firstmatch(Set), 35 Close, 59 floor, 5 IsClosed, 60 Flow instructions, 6 IsOpen, 60 Form Open, 59 Methods, 78 Elmfeeder frac, 5 GetAll, 49 Function(Object), 39 GetFunctions Buses/GetBranches/GetNodesBranches, DPL internal, 13 49 DPL objects, 14 GetObjs, 49 DPL sets, 14 ElmLne functions, 5 CreateFeederWithRoutes, 62 Get(IntMat), 55 GetType, 61 Get(IntVec), 57 HasRoutes, 60 Get(SetFilt), 54 HasRoutesOrSec, 61 GetAll(ComNmink), 50 IsCable, 61 GetAll(Elmfeeder), 49 IsNetCoupling, 62 GetAll(ElmZone), 67 SetCorr, 62 GetAll(SetFeeder), 70 SetNomCurr, 64 GetAll(SetPath), 71 ElmLneroute GetAll(SetSelect), 76 HasSections, 63 GetBranches(ElmZone), 67 IsCable, 63 GetBranches(SetFeeder), 70 ElmRes GetBranches(SetPath), 71 AddVars, 66 GetBuses(ElmZone), 67 Clear, 64 GetBuses(SetFeeder), 70 Draw, 65 GetBuses/GetBranches/GetNodesBranches(Elmfeeder), GetObj, 66 49 Init, 64 GetBusses(SetPath), 71 SetAsDefault, 66 GetClass(Object), 44 Write, 65 GetConnectionCount(Object), 38 WriteDraw, 66
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GetContents(Object), 42 GetCubicle(Object), 38 GetObj(ComOutage), 46 GetObj(ElmRes), 66 GetObjs(Elmfeeder), 49 GetObjs(ElmZone), 67 GetPage(SetDesktop), 80 GetParent(Object), 38 GetScaleObjX(SetVipage), 89 GetScaleObjX(VisPlot), 101 GetScaleObjY(VisPlot), 104 GetSize(Object), 40 GetType(ElmLne), 61 GetVal(Object), 40 GetVar(IntMon), 53 GetVI(SetVipage), 83 HasResults(Object), 38 HasRoutes(ElmLne), 60 HasRoutesOrSec(ElmLne), 61 HasSections(ElmLneroute), 63 if, 6 Init(ElmRes), 64 Init(IntMat), 56 Init(IntVec), 58 Input instruction, 7 int (DPL variable), 4 IntCase Activate, 48 Deactivate, 48 Interactive instructions, 7 IntForm SetText, 78 WriteOut, 78 IntMat ColLbl, 57 Get, 55 Init, 56 NCol, 57 NRow, 56 Resize, 56 RowLbl, 57 Set, 56 IntMon AddVar, 54 ClearVars, 54 GetVar, 53 Methods, 53 NVars, 53 PrintAllVal, 53 PrintVal, 53 RemoveVar, 54 IntPlot methods, 105 SetAdaptY, 108
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SetAutoScaleY, 107 SetScaleX, 105 IntPrj Activate, 48 Deactivate, 48 IntVec Get, 57 Init, 58 Resize, 58 Set, 58 Size, 59 IsCable(ElmLne), 61 IsCable(ElmLneroute), 63 IsCable(TypLne), 64 IsClass(Object), 43 IsClosed(ElmCoup), 60 IsClosed(StaSwitch), 70 IsIn(Set), 32 IsNetCoupling(ElmLne), 62 IsNode(Object), 40 IsOpen(ElmCoup), 60 IsOpen(StaSwitch), 69 IsOutOfService(Object), 46 IsRelevant(Object), 46 Line Methods, 60 Line Route Methods, 63 Line Type Methods, 64 ln, 5 lnm(Object), 41 log, 5 logarithm, 5 Loop control, 6 Macros, 12 MarkInGraphics(Object), 42 MarkInGraphics(Set), 37 Matrix Methods, 55 max, 5 method, definition, 13 min, 5 modulo, 5 Move(Object), 39 NCol(IntMat), 57 Next(Set), 34 NextFilt(Set), 36 Nextmatch(Set), 35 NRow(IntMat), 56 NVars(IntMon), 53 Obj(Set), 34 Object
AddCopy, 44 CreateObject, 45 Edit, 45 Function, 39 GetClass, 44 GetConnectionCount, 38 GetContents, 42 GetCubicle, 38 GetParent, 38 GetSize, 40 GetVal, 40 HasResults, 38 IsClass, 43 IsNode, 40 IsOutOfService, 46 IsRelevant, 46 lnm, 41 MarkInGraphics, 42 Move, 39 ShowFullName, 43 snm, 41 unm, 41 Unom, 42 VarExists, 39 object (DPL variable), 4 Object Methods, 14 Off(ComEcho), 52 On(ComEcho), 51 Open(ElmCoup), 59 Open(StaSwitch), 69 Output instruction, 7 Path Methods, 71 pow, 5 PrintAllVal(IntMon), 53 PrintVal(IntMon), 53 Programming language, 2, 3 Remove(Set), 33 RemoveVar(IntMon), 54 Reset(ComSimoutage), 47 Resize(IntMat), 56 Resize(IntVec), 58 Results Methods, 64 root, 5 round, 5 RowLbl(IntMat), 57 Script, 3 Selection Methods, 73 Set Add, 32 Clear, 32 Count, 33
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First, 34 FirstFilt, 35 Firstmatch, 35 IsIn, 32 MarkInGraphics, 37 Next, 34 NextFilt, 36 Nextmatch, 35 Obj, 34 Remove, 33 SortToClass, 37 SortToName, 37 SortToVar, 36 set (DPL variable), 4 Set Methods, 14 Set(IntMat), 56 Set(IntVec), 58 SetAdaptX(SetDesktop), 83 SetAdaptX(SetVipage), 88 SetAdaptX(VisPlot), 99 SetAdaptY(IntPlot), 108 SetAdaptY(VisPlot), 100 SetAsDefault(ElmRes), 66 SetAutoScaleX(SetDesktop), 82 SetAutoScaleX(SetVipage), 87 SetAutoScaleX(VisPlot), 97 SetAutoScaleY(IntPlot), 107 SetAutoScaleY(VisPlot), 98 SetCorr(ElmLne), 62 SetCrvDesc(VisPlot), 105 SetDefScaleX(SetVipage), 87 SetDefScaleX(VisPlot), 96 SetDefScaleY(VisPlot), 97 SetDesktop GetPage, 80 methods, 79 SetAdaptX, 83 SetAutoScaleX, 82 SetResults, 81 SetScaleX, 81 SetXVar, 81 Show, 79 WriteWMF, 80 SetFeeder GetAll, 70 GetBranches, 70 GetBuses, 70 SetFilt Get, 54 SetLimits(ComSimoutage), 47 SetNomCurr(ElmLne), 64 SetObjs(ComOutage), 46 SetPath AllBreakers, 72 AllClosedBreakers, 72 AllOpenBreakers, 72
GetAll, 71 GetBranches, 71 GetBusses, 71 SetResults(SetDesktop), 81 SetResults(SetVipage), 85 SetScaleX(IntPlot), 105 SetScaleX(SetDesktop), 81 SetScaleX(SetVipage), 86 SetScaleX(VisPlot), 93, 95 SetSelect AddRef, 73 All, 76 AllAsm, 75 AllBars, 74 AllBreakers, 77 AllClosedBreakers, 77 AllElm, 73 AllLines, 74 AllLoads, 75 AllOpenBreakers, 77 AllSym, 75 AllTypLne, 76 Clear, 73 GetAll, 76 SetStyle(SetVipage), 84 SetText(IntForm), 78 SetTile(SetVipage), 84 SetTime Date, 52 Time, 52 SetVipage GetScaleObjX, 89 GetVI, 83 methods, 83 SetAdaptX, 88 SetAutoScaleX, 87 SetDefScaleX, 87 SetResults, 85 SetScaleX, 86 SetStyle, 84 SetTile, 84 SetXVar, 85 SetXVar(SetDesktop), 81 SetXVar(SetVipage), 85 SetXVar(VisPlot), 92 Show(SetDesktop), 79 ShowFullName(Object), 43 sin, 5 sinh, 5 Size(IntVec), 59 Slotupd(ElmComp), 50 snm(Object), 41 SortToClass(Set), 37 SortToName(Set), 37 SortToVar(Set), 36 sqr, 5
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sqrt, 5 square root, 5 StaSwitch Close, 69 IsClosed, 70 IsOpen, 69 Open, 69 string (DPL variable), 4 Switch Methods, 69 Syntax, 3 tan, 5 tanh, 5 Time Methods, 52 Time(SetTime), 52 trigonometric, 5 trunc, 5 typAsm CalcElParams, 48 typAsmo CalcElParams, 48 TypLne IsCable, 64 unm(Object), 41 Unom(Object), 42 VarExists(Object), 39 Variable Definitions, 4 Variable Set Methods, 53 Vector Methods, 57 VisPlot AddResVars, 92 AddVars, 90 Clear, 92 GetScaleObjX, 101 GetScaleObjY, 104 methods, 90 SetAdaptX, 99 SetAdaptY, 100 SetAutoScaleX, 97 SetAutoScaleY, 98 SetCrvDesc, 105 SetDefScaleX, 96 SetDefScaleY, 97 SetScaleX, 93, 95 SetXVar, 92 while, 6 Write(ElmRes), 65 WriteDraw(ElmRes), 66 WriteOut(IntForm), 78 WriteWMF(SetDesktop), 80