Creator – Jessica Inthavong Lesson Procedure: 1. Pre-Reading a. Review headings- Teacher (T) asks students (Ss) what is a title, heading and main idea, which they learned about in the prior lesson. (Title- The name of a book, newspaper article or written work. Heading- A line of text above a paragraph or paragraphs indicating what the paragraph(s) is/are about. Main Idea- What the sentences are about/the author‟s author‟s most most important point about the topic.) T asks Ss to explain how to find the main idea of a paragraph. (Identify the topic and then discover what the author wants the reader to know about the topic.) b. T hands out the Match Headings with the Title worksheet and worksheet and goes over the directions. Whole class- Ss read the headings aloud and try to figure out what title would best correspond to the related paragraph headings. Ss have 7 titles to choose from (1 is excluded since it‟s the answer to the example question). Ss complete the worksheet and then the T goes over the answers. c. T writes “Hiker “Hiker who cut off arm: My future son saved me” on me” on the board and tells the Ss that it‟s the name of the article that they‟ll be reading. Making Predictions: T asks Ss what they think the article will be about. T writes the Ss‟ answers on the board as a list underneath underneath the article title. (T activates Ss‟ Ss‟ prior schemata by asking them what they know about this topic or if they have any hiking experience.) d. T asks Ss, “What are some words you might expect to see in the article?” a rticle?” T writes Ss‟ answers on the board. e. T hands out the “Hiker “Hiker who cut off arm: My future son saved me” article and has Ss find the headings and circle or highlight them. T calls on an individual student (S) to read the first heading aloud (“ (“Agonizing choice” choice”). T asks the class, “What might this section be about?” and about?” and waits for Ss to give their answers. T calls on a different S to read the next heading aloud (“Life of adventure” adventure”). T asks the class, “What will the „Life of adv enture‟ section be about?” T calls on another S to read the last heading aloud (“Who‟ll “Who‟ll play play him?” him?”). T asks the class what this section will be about. f. T teaches Ss about skimming and scanning and writes the definitions on the board (skimming- reading quickly for the main idea, scanning- reading quickly to find specific information). T gives further explanation and asks Ss questions to ensure that they understand wh at skimming and scanning is. T has Ss skim the two beginning b eginning paragraphs to see if they can understand and explain what the first 2 paragraphs are about and to see if the Ss‟ prior guesses about what the article would be about are correct. T asks Ss what the first and second paragraph are about. T points to the list on the board under “Hiker who cut off arm: My future son saved me” and asks if any of their guesses are true so far. If any of them are correct, the T circles them. T tells Ss that they are going goin g to put their “Hiker who cut off arm: My future son saved me” article aside for a while and read it later. T explains how they will now focus on finding the meaning of some of the vocabulary words from the article. The words ma y be familiar to some of
Creator – Jessica Inthavong the Ss or unknown. Ss will uncover word meanings by using context clues and in turn, knowledge of o f these words will aid in reading comprehension. g. Unknown Vocabulary Words Exploration- T tells the class that before they start reading the “Hiker who cut off arm: My future son saved me” article, they are going to look at some vocabulary words that might be unfamiliar to them and try to identify the meaning mean ing of the words. T hands out the Vocabulary Word worksheet and goes over the directions, reminding them to use context clues and not their dictionaries to find the meaning. T says each vocabulary word and has the Ss repeat after her so that she can check for proper pronunciation. T divides Ss into pair groups. i. Ss work in pair groups to complete the worksheet. (While Ss are working, T circulates around the classroom to assist if necessary.) ii. T goes over the worksheet with the whole class. T calls on individual Ss to answer. T answers any an y questions, if needed. iii. T shows pictures of [some of the] vocabulary words for better understanding. h. T hands out the Reading Comprehension Questions worksheet and goes over the questions. Ss underline key ke y words that will help them to know what they are looking for in the article. 2. Reading a. Popcorn Class Reading- The class takes their th eir article, “Hiker who cut off arm: My future son saved me,” me,” out again and reads it as a group taking turns reading one paragraph each. The T calls on one S to begin reading. When he/she finishes reading a paragraph, he/she stops and Ss paraphrase what the paragraph was about [so T can check for understanding]. Then the S who has just read chooses a new student to read the next paragraph. When he/she finishes reading a paragraph, he/she stops and Ss paraphrase what the paragraph was about. Popcorn reading continues until the article has been fully read without any an y S reading two times (unless the class size is small and requires double reading). Before read ing begins, T reminds Ss to underline key details and make ma ke notes in the margin, if desired, while reading. T also reminds them not to focus on translating every word; read for the gist. 3. Post-Reading a. Reading Comprehension- T tells Ss to take out the Reading Comprehension Questions worksheet. Whole Class: The class works together on the first 2 questions. T sees if Ss are having any difficulty and if they have any questions. Individual Work: Ss work independently on the rest of the worksheet. When Ss have finished, the class goes over the answers. b. T hands out the Fill-in-the-blanks worksheet. T ex plains the directions and reminds Ss to pay attention to grammar when filling in the blanks and to scan the article when looking for answers. The class does an example together. T assigns pair groups. Ss work in pairs to complete the
Creator – Jessica Inthavong worksheet. worksheet. T circulates around the classroom to ensure that Ss are staying on task, practicing their English, correctly completing the assignment and to offer help, if needed. When everyone has finished the worksheet, T goes over the answers with the Ss. 4. Conclusion - Discussion of what was learned for the day and review of what strategies should be used when tackling new texts. T explains the homework assignment. 5. Evaluation - Assessment has occurred inconspicuously throughout the lesson plan. For instance, reading comprehension activities such as paraphrasing during popcorn reading and the Reading Comprehension Questions and Fill-in-the blanks worksheets have allowed the T to assess assess the Ss‟ comprehension of the article. By the student‟s completion of the homework assignment, assignment, which must be completed individually, the T can see if he/she was able to complete the assignment independently and utilize the knowledge gained from today‟s lesson.
Homework Assignment: “Trapped climber cuts off arm with penknife” article that article that involves the same topic as the first article. However, this article is missing the headings. Ss complete the worksheet by reading the article and writing a headline in each of the three blanks.
Follow-up activities/lessons: Read Reading Passage 3 on page 143 in Barron’s IELTS IELTS and do questions 27-30 (p. 143) and questions 31-40 (p. 145). In the future, practice speed-reading and scanning for specific words/details.
Referencess of Articles Used Reference 4
Creator – Jessica Inthavong
Inbar, M. (2009, December 8). Hiker who cut off arm: My future son saved me. The Today Show website. Retrieved from ns/today-today_people/#
Wapshott, N. (2005, June 18). Trapped climber cuts off arm with penknife. The Times. Times. Retrieved from books/books_group/article534005.ece [NOTE: Blank lines have been inserted into the article for where Ss will write headings]