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Sagar Bansal MGG 650 Consulting Best Practices
Deloitte and Touché Case Study Analysis Introduction
Maria Chen, a senior consultant at Deloitte and Touché Consulting Group was hired by SKS Manufacturing, a Pontiac, Michigan based auto supplier to reduce inventory levels in the the ain ain plan plant! t! This This was was agre agreed ed to be a "#$w "#$wee ee% % enga engage gee ent nt!! &s a seni senior or consultant, she was e'pected to analy(e data, ta%e initiative and responsibility of sub$ pro)ects and presentations, anage client teas and help prepare client proposals! *er ob)ectives with SKS were to synchroni(e production operations with the sales and purchasing purchasing departent, departent, reduce inventory levels by +" illion, understand understand and fi' the probles faced because of lac% of counication within the different departents of SKS and ensure productivity of processes! My assessment o Maria Chen!s "erormance
- would li%e to divide Maria.s Chen.s perforance assessents into two parts! The first part part is the the #Tim #Time e $ero $ero% % "has "hase e /initial phase0 wherein Chen was very e'cited and an'ious to a%e a good first ipression on the client! 1ut Chen failed to establish initial rapport with SKS tea and failed to include the in the process! Maria Chen also failed to establish connection with the Client.s tea, her Deloitte colleagues and anagers! She also loo%ed at the proble fro her perspective without establishing connection with the client.s site anager to obtain the present process and hence understand correctly what was re2uired to change! -nstead Maria focused on the technical analysis and started building a spreadsheet odel without getting first$hand inforation fro the actual people wor%ing on the client.s site /li%e fro 3anovich0! Though she was using techni technical cal tools but she was buildi building ng the spreadsh spreadsheet eet odel odel based based on inaccu inaccurat rate e preises! She did not %now if she would be able to ipleent the spreadsheet odel in real tie! She ade things even ore cople' and hence the process less productive! Maria Chen by wor%ing on the odel virtually wasted the first three wee%s! She did not wor% with 1en 4ohan.s /Consultant on the engageent tea0 tea, though her wor% should be overlapping with that of his tea! -n the second "hase& this is the tie when Chen began to reali(e the iportance of oving to the place where all the action too%
Sagar Bansal MGG 650 Consulting Best Practices
place! She established connection with the very e'perienced personnel on the shop floor naed 3anovich! 5ith these encounters she understood the cru' of the probles faced by SKS such as scheduling wor% done outside the coputeri(ed syste, shortcuts ta%en as alternatives to avoid coputeri(ed syste! She also reali(ed the lac% of counication between the departents within SKS! Though her progress in this second phase was slow but it was gradual and she was now hitting on the right doors and understanding the core nature of the probles! Maria Chen and the consulting team at the u"coming Steering Committee
Considering the present circustances where Maria Chen and consulting tea having ade slow progress, are behind the originally anticipated progress! They should accept full responsibility of the slow progress but at the sae tie they should also present the positives which the tea gained fro the second phase of the 6 wee%s! Maria Chen should ac%nowledge that her pre$ature idea of only concentrating on building the spreadsheet odel was not a good idea! 1ut she should not stop there, she should ephasi(e the progress ade after the initial phase and also highlight the future action plan and the revised copletion date of the pro)ect! -t would be credible if they use consulting terinology to e'plain their future course of action! - would suggest the to use the Kolb.s cycle which would be to analy(e the core proble identified, then reflect on the proble, after which they need to draw conclusions and docuent the learning fro the reflections! &fter that they should organi(e tea eetings to get the tea.s opinion on the learning and assign individuals to specific tas%s! &fter this stage they would need to focus their attention on tactful e'perientation! During this process there needs to be a lot of analysis done to understand the effect of the changes ade! 7nce everything loo%s good, they should ipleent the e'perient as peranent change! There should be appropriate training provided to the eployees involved with the process change and also proper docuentation of the sae! This process would help Maria Chen and the consulting tea loo% good in front of the Steering Coittee!
Sagar Bansal MGG 650 Consulting Best Practices
'essons on consulting that can (e dra)n rom the case
The engageent between Deloitte 8 Touché consulting group and SKS Manufacturing offers a nuber of invaluable lessons in the field of 5or%force 9ngageent, Pro)ect Manageent, :egotiations, tea wor%, counication, and odes of proble solving! The case also discusses the iportant role played by leaders fro both the sides! -t also throws light on how counication is iportant within any organi(ation and with the clients! The case also ephasi(ed the need for selecting the tea of personnel who will be representing your copany to the client! The tea selection should be done in a balanced way! Proper balance should be aintained between e'perience and s%ills! There should be ore focus on the core copetencies which would be helpful in engaging with the clients! The tea should have a both technical %nowledge and s%ills to be able to successfully coplete the pro)ect! The case also brought about iportant lessons on effective tie anageent and resource anageent! The case also brings out iportant learning on planning and e'ecution process followed by consulting copanies and how the two processes could potentially lead to e'treely unfavorable outcoes if not dealt at the right tie and by the right people!