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Name: Subhadip Chakraborty Roll no: 150103179 Section C Case study analysis: anal ysis: ‘SCORPIO’ from Mahindra Developing Brand Identity
Company nalysis Mahindra ! Mahindra "M!M# $as esta%lished in &'()* It $as +onverted into a pu%li+ limited +ompany in &'(,* Manufa+turing a+tivities started sta rted in &')( in +olla%oration $ith -illy’s -illy’s Overland Corporation* Produ+tion of .ight +ommer+ial /ehi+les /ehi+les ".C/# started starte d in &'0)* 1our 1our Manufa Manufa+tu +turin ring g Plants Plants:: 2 in Maharas Maharashtr htraa "Mum%a "Mum%ai3 i3 4asi53 4asi53 Igatpu Igatpuri#3 ri#3 & in ndhr ndhraa Pradesh* It a+6uired International 7ra+tor Company of India in &'88* 7ra+tor Brand Mahindra $as esta%lished in &',9 nder the flagship +ompany3 there $ere t$o main se+tors: utomotive utomotive se+tor "utility " utility vehi+les3 .C/’s3 three $heelers# 9# 7he farm e6uipment Se+tor "7ra+tors and other farm implements# 7he net $orth of the +ompany in 9;;2 $as Rs*&)*8 %illion Rationalieep produ+tion ? first utility vehi+le* It imported and assem%led $illy’s >eep* It also manufa+tured three $heelers ? pi+5up3 goods +arrier and produ+ed hard top and soft top three $heelers* Currently Mahindra has the ‘Mahindra Champion’ and and the ‘Mahindra lfa’ in its three $heeler segment* @en+e it fo+used primarily on the rural areas* So $hen it de+ided to enter the +ity mar5et3 it rationali
Redesigning eAisting Brand RMD to Mahindra Bolero in ug 9;;; %y +hanging aestheti+s3 physi+al features and +reature +omforts3 thus entering +ity mar5et* Brand promise: ‘luxurious toughness’ motional Benefit: ‘break free’ Marshal laun+hed as Ma offering more spa+e "stage +arriage vehi+les3 e+onomi+ +ontra+t +arriage3 pi+5 up vehi+les#* Invader $as laun+hed neAt $hi+h targeted at the young ri+h3 espe+ially in rural areas pri+ed at ;*2, million* Camper $as also laun+hed $hi+h $as a Multi utility vehi+le"M/# pri+ed at ;*( million* 7hese realignments $ere highly appre+iated %y the targeted audien+es and had high re+all* s is evident from the ad>oining graph3 the fa+t that Bolero resulted in a+hieving a high opinion even though it $as a ne$ rollout points to the fa+t that M!M $as su++essful in its portfolio restru+turing*
Name: Subhadip Chakraborty Roll no: 150103179 Section C /R R7I4 O4 O/R.. OPI4IO4
#*era+e Ratin+ #rmada %rand $arhal #rmada Tata Sa"a ri !olero Toyota Quali Tata Sumo 0
#*era+e Ratin+
Mahindra and Mahindra"M!M# laun+hed their ne$ sports utility vehi+le ES+orpioF in ug3 9;;9* During the first year3 &9;;; vehi+les $ere sold3 $hi+h rose to 9(;;; in the neAt year* In 9;;23 S+orpio $as rated as the most su++essful ne$ %rand in the +ountry*
Pro>e+t ‘S+orpio’ O%>e+tive: -orld +lass3
Produ+t development pro+ess $as termed as IDM "Integrated design and manufa+turing#* 7he multifun+tional pro>e+t team +onsisted of people from different fun+tional departments su+h as design and development3 testing and validation3 mar5eting3 manufa+turing3 and supplier development3 et+* 7he pro>e+t group $as further divided into &' +ross=fun+tional teams $hi+h ensured 6ui+5 de+isions $ith %uilt in +he+5s and %alan+es* Brand positioning Mar5et dynami+s: 7he Indian automotive mar5et $as sho$ing a shift to$ards the trend of ‘poa+hing’ of C=+lass or luAury segments %y the evolving / segments* lso the semi luAurious +ar segment "B# $as rapidly gro$ing at the rate of (2G in 9;;& and the luAury +ar segment $as maintaining a gro$th of a%out &(G* Category de+lined from ))G in &''' to a%out 2(G in 9;;&* @en+e if the ne$ vehi+le appealed to Category C and +ategory B %uyers3 then it $ould result in higher sales*
Name: Subhadip Chakraborty Roll no: 150103179 Section C CR 1OR /@IC. SM47S I4 9;;&
%ro,th Rate
%ro,th Rate
Stati+ Drive Clini+ for positioning: Sample: People %elonging to the age group of 9& to 0; yrs $ho o$ned a small or mid si
S77IC • • •
2o,er 2ick up Quietne o" the *ehicle -ae o" +ear hi"tin+ Smoothne
Name: Subhadip Chakraborty Roll no: 150103179 Section C Category ‘C’ and ‘D’ $ere target %uyers* Promise of the %rand: ‘.RH O1 CR* 7@RI.. O1 4 S/’ Pri+ing de+isions: Base version: ;*)) million 1ully .oaded version: ;*0 million "lesser than leading S/ %y 8)3;;;#
Brand identity Retailing and servi+e eAperien+e: &); dealer sho$rooms3 %ut in rural and semi ur%an areas* 4o ‘up mar5et’ appearan+e* Sales and servi+e pro+esses $hi+h $ere follo$ed $ere largely fun+tional* @en+e3 it $as de+ided to ‘Redesign and revamp the dealer net$or5’:
a b c d
4ni"orm cutomer e.perience acro all touch point pro"eional input o" a reputed architect ima+erie o" mo*ement6 technolo+y and portine8 Sho,room dei+n: Reception area6 iplay area6 cutomer dicuion room6 loun+e e -.clui*e ale people: appropriate manner6 pleain+ appearance6 adeuate ophitication " & phae launch: ;irt 2hae: main metro citie Second 2hae: another &0 citie < in ' month 50 to,n < in a year Brand %uilding initiatives for multiple audien+es: 7argeted audien+es: Male3 1emale3 Houng3 1amilies Male:
a Sportine in ho,room b Technolo+y and urban touch c Thrill o" an S4=
a b c d
Com"ortability #d depicted ,oman dri*in+ the car Spaciou and lu.uriou 2oitionin+ around Car8
a Sportine and technolo+y oriented b Thrill o" an S4=6 dominance c National Campai+n and Tar+eted co*era+e
Name: Subhadip Chakraborty Roll no: 150103179 Section C 1amilies:
a Sa"ety6 reliability and trut in $ahindra8 b Cutomer relationhip mana+ement c Com"ortability and paciou "or the "amily
Brand Identity Prism
Styling3 international loo5s3 po$erful +ar li5e +omfort
Po$erful3 in=+ontrol3 sophisti+ated
Atension of lifestyle
Su++essful3 ne$ e+onomy3 self made people
C.7R .iving life at o$n terms
S.1 IM Ape+ts %est from life3 nothing else $ill do
Communi+ation Strategy: 7he responsi%ility for planning and eAe+uting +ommuni+ation strategy $as entrusted to Interfa+e Communi+ations3 a reputed advertisement and +ommuni+ation strategy situated near the main manufa+turing fa+ility and hen+e promised %etter +oordination* 7he strategy adopted the positioning along the theme ? E.uAury of a +ar3 thrill of an S/F* 7he advertisement spe+ifi+ations for television and print medium: 1irst o%>e+tive: Dual advantages of luAury and thrill of S/* Se+ond o%>e+tive: premium imagery of S/ in the +ity +onteAt* 7hird o%>e+tive: @ero has to %e the produ+t* 1ourth o%>e+tive: Similar loo5 and feel a+ross tv ads and print mediums*
7elevision: emotional %enefits3 international imagery Print medium: fun+tional %enefits
Name: Subhadip Chakraborty Roll no: 150103179 Section C 7he s+orpio laun+h advertisements $ere aired on ugust &)3 the independen+e day of India so as to have a positive ru% off of patriotism and Indianness and also it $as a national holiday so in+reased visi%ility* In total the entire de+i%el message of s+orpio $as provided %y "in one year#:
Quantity &50
Tele*iion Spo no rhip
;ull pa+e #d*ertiment
$a+a>ine inertion
Safe driving +ampaign: In order to promote safe driving3 &8 Indian automotive >ournalists drove S+orpio a+ross 9' states in India travelling a distan+e of nearly &)3;;; 5ilometres*
S+orpio Speedster: 7he +ompany3 in asso+iation $ith SP4 and 7imeA3 sponsored the ‘s+orpio speedster’ +ompetition for identifying the fastest Indian +ri+5et %o$ler*
Customer relationship management: O%>e+tive: to %uild a +ustomer data%ase and use it for favoura%le $ord of mouth pu%li+ity and provide superior +ustomer eAperien+e* Su%se6uently3 to in+rease the lifetime value for the +ustomers* Buyers had to fill a detailed form to %e+ome mem%er of ‘7op ear Clu%’ ? response rate "()G#*
Name: Subhadip Chakraborty Roll no: 150103179 Section C 7o improve the response rate3 the +ompany tied up $ith JC Mahindra trust that does +harita%le $or5 ‘4anhi Jali’ for the edu+ation of poor girls* It donated Rs*); for every ‘7op ear +lu%’ form fill up "8)G response rate#* Relationship Management program: 9 +alls ? 8 days from pur+haseK 2; days from pur+hase Spe+ial offers "7$i+e a year# 9 ne$sletters annually Birthday and anniversary +ards for %uyers 1uture Initiatives
a !rand Community: !uildin+ a brand community o" the buyer o" Scorpio encoura+in+ them to +o on ca*alcade throu+hout the country on e*ery anni*erary o" Scorpio or pecial national e*ent to build a loyal cutomer bae ;or e+6 n the /rt anni*erary o" the corpio launch6 a ca*alcade "rom ?andi*eli to Naik6 acti*ely participated in by 75 cutomer ,a or+ani>ed b !rand re*itali>ation: $akin+ it more youth centric and ad*enturou The launch o" T4=300 in September &015 i a bi+ tep at makin+ the S4= nimbler6 horter and ti@er ;ocuin+ on the ad*enture and o@Aroadin+ capabilitie o" the product n the tatic and dri*e8 clinic6 it ,a "ound that the youn+er a+e +roup ho,ed a propenity to pay a hi+her price "or the *ehicle than the older a+e +roup
Referen+es: http:LL$$$*
Name: Subhadip Chakraborty Roll no: 150103179 Section C