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Case Analysis
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M Fareed Ahsan
M Mohsin Ali
Fiza Naqvi
Umair Asif
Qumail Shahid
SM Zohaib Haider
Sanwal Zafar
Sadaf Siam
Introduction about the case.
Identify the critical issues and Problems.
Generate Alternative Solutions.
Plan of Implementation.
Theory Application.
The Regency grand hotel is a five star hotel located in Bangkok. established by a local consortium of investors 15 years ago. Operated by Thai GM since its inception. Recently the hotel was acquired by a large American hotel chain. The GM working since its inception decided to take early retirement. John Becker, an American with 10 years experience with the Hotel chain appointed as new GM.
Thai Management
American Management
Job Security
High rate Salaries
No Innovation
Reward system which is not performance based.
Bureaucratic Structure throughout the Organization.
Encourage Innovation.
Delegation of Powers.
Introduction of Empowerment.
Work Style Changes.
Delegate Leadership Style.
Cultural differences.
Certain change in Leadership Style.
Confusion in decision Making by employees because of change in management style.
Communication Gap.
Lack of Feedback.
Lack of Relationship.
High Turnover and Absenteeism.
Individualistic Culture
Community Culture
Need for Urgency
No need for Urgency
They show there Ego Very loudly
Gentle and humble
Few culture and social rules
Many Social and Culture rules
The one possible plan of action could be to revise the history. He could adopt the old bureaucratic style of the ex-manager. In order to do so, he would have to adopt an autocratic style and to again centralize the power and authority.
The alternate solution could be implementing the following
He may use Consult team style in which the leader present the problem to the employees get there suggestions and make the decision. Positive Consequence
Negative consequence
Involvement of employees keep them motivated
Conflict may arise
Performance based reward system should be introduced in order to keep the employees motivated. Positive Consequence
Negative consequence
Better performance due to more motivation
Increase in cost due to monetary rewards
He should define specified goals to the employees to remove confusion and communication gap. Positive Consequence
Negative consequence
Employees are clear about the goals and how to achieve them
No innovation and creativity by the employees resulting in low growth
The GM should have high need of power with Moderate need of Affiliation and Achievement. Positive Consequence High need of power by Manager helps managing properly avoiding ciaos and misunderstanding
Negative consequence
Continuous feedback should be given to the employees for better performance. Positive Consequence
Negative consequence
This will keep them motivated towards there goals
If the feedback is negative it will demotivate the employees.
Job design and description of each employee should be clearly stated.
Positive Consequence
Negative consequence
Every one knows what to do and how to do resulting in better performance
No one would be ready to serve the customer out of the way resulting in low customer satisfaction
Make proper arrangements for the training of employees. Enhance their competence and empowerment learning by on-the-job and off-the-job training. Positive Consequence
Negative consequence
Enhance their competence and empowerment learning
Increase in Cost of the Organization
First of all there is a need to change the leadership style which is Consult Team Style in which the leader present the problem to the employees get there suggestions and make the decision.
Performance based reward should be introduced.
There is a need to specify the goals to the employees and defined there roles.
Maslow’s Hierarchy Theory of need.
Vroom Jago Leadership model
McClelland’s Theory of Need.
Path Goal theory.
Thai management
American management
Good employee benefits including good salary and Job security.
Employee turnover rate reached an all time high rate of employee turnover showing low job security
Thai Management
American Management
Employee have good relationship and affection with each other. They have good belongings and prestige associated with the hotel.
The good relationship that was established earlier was severely strained. They were no longer united and supportive.
Under new management the employee who take initiatives and made good decision rarely received positive feedback.
Initially employees were discouraged by Thai management from innovative ideas and risk taking hence resulting in less growth
Thai GM
American GM
He uses Decide style i.e. employee work according to the instructions given by management.
He uses Delegate Style i.e. He permits employee to make the decision in specified limits.
Thai GM
American GM
High nPOW
High nACH
Mod nACH
Mod nPOW
Mod nAFF
Mod nAFF
Thai GM
American GM
The Thai manager was path-goal oriented. He does have clear cut objectives and goals and for that reason, hotel was in a good position during his management
Becker on the other hand, lacked in this He emphasized more on employee motivation and empowerment. He didn’t define the goals clearly to the staff. There was no proper plan of action to attain the goals which resulted in the downfall and deterioration of the hotel.