The court has Subject Matter Jurisdiction (SMJ) over the case
SMJ cannot be waived. Court may dismiss the case at any time for lack of SMJ — 12(h)(3) Motion for lack of SMJ: Rule 12(b)(1)
Court has one type of SMJ: federal question, diversity, alienage, a!iralt", so!e others
#eeral $uestion: Arising under the constitution, treaties or la%s of the &'S' (1331) (eg, co*"right, &'S' is is a *art") Question is (one): clusive (eg, Concurrent (#+)
#eeral $uestion is foune on facts that %oul %oul a**ear in a well-pleaded co!*laint, an is not an antici*ate ashville v. Mottley ) efense ( Louisville & ashville conte!*late a feeral re!e" uner the statute statute ( Merrell !f $ is foune on federal statute: Congress conte!*late Merrell "ow) $uestion of feeral la% an %ouln-t u*set the state.feeral court balance state cause of action contains significant $uestion /iversit": Citi0ens of ifferent states, citi0en suing a foreign national ( 1332)'
/iversit" is complete (Strawbrid#e v. Curtiss ) / ( /iversit" is minimum for class actions) Amount in controversy e$ceeds 4,555 (can aggregate clai!s against single efenant) Determining citiens!ip (%hen the action commences ): "ndividual (can onl" have one): (birth or inefinite inefinite resience) resience) /o!icile (birth
6Center of gravit"7 (fact8intensive) (fact8intensive)
#orporation (has t%o): incor*oration, lus rincial lus rincial lace of of business (three tests) 9lace of incor*oration, (*rinci*le *lace of of business) $%erve center& test 'w!ere e(ecutive decisions made) 6Muscle7 test (*rinci*le activitie s test Total activities )nincorporated Association Association (la% fir!.labor union has ;illions) citi0enshi* of all all its !e!bers ccu!ulate citi0enshi*
Su**le!ental Jurisiction: Jurisiction: Clai!s that are *art of the sa!e case or controversy ( 13<) !f you have ori#inal ori#inal 'urisdiction over over counterclaim counterclaim or arty etc. don(t don(t invoke SJ Share a common nucleus of operative fact ()ibbs) iversit", clai!s b" a secon 9 against original / !a" co!e u* %.o !eeting =C ( *llaattah) =n iversit", 13<a: if case is foune on fe $uestion, an" clai!.*art" arising out of sa!e case in controvers" has SJ 13<b: =f case is foune on diversity, clai! b" original *laintiff is not allo%e if: inconsistent %ith iversit" ;urisiction, ;urisiction, and is is against a *erson !ae a *art" b": =t is inconsistent 2> (intervention) (intervention) Rule 1> (thir8*art" *ractice) Rule 1?.25 (;oiner) Rule 2> 13<c: Court !a", at its iscretion, decline to eercise SJ if : issue of state la% $uestion *reo!inates @ovel issue State $uestion Ariginal clai!s are is!isse circu!stances (econo!", convenience, convenience, fairness, an co!it" of Bibbs) (ecutive n" other reason in ece*tional circu!stances Soft%are) ote old method method of pendent and ancillary 'urisdiction: *endent is %hen 9' a**ens a clai! lacking an ine*enent basis for fe SMJ ;urisiction to a clai! *ossessing such a basis' Ancillary is %hen either 9' or /' in;ects a clai! l acking ine*enent fe SMJ via ;oiner (counterclai!, cross8clai!, 3 r *art" clai!) that co!es fro! sa!e TA as original clai! that oes have fe SMJ'
The court has personal jurisdiction over the iniviual efenant
Traitional bases for *ersonal ;urisiction (nee one): 9h"sical *resence ( +ennoyer , ,urham) /o!icile genc" (cor*orate, *artnershi*) *ress consent ( Carnival Cruise D foru! clause) =!*lie consent ( -ess) /oing business ( alies to a#encies — domicile for cororations ) %aiver.i!*ose consent (Eeauites) 9resence or an" other basis cannot be obtaine b" frau ( ickle) S*ecific ;urisiction: **l"ing a long8ar! statute: State long8ar! a**lies to state court (>k1a) =s the long8ar! constitutionalF ( need both ) Minimum contacts (contacts are
continuous an s"ste!atic — Shoe) Cause of action arises out of these contacts, lus one of the followin# : 9ur*oseful avail!ent of the state-s la%s . reasonabl" e*ect to be hale into court ( Shoe) Contacts are *ur*oseful, cognitive an volitional ( -anson) Single contact %ith 6substantial connection,7 *ur*osefull" irecte ( Mc)ee) Erunt of har! suffere in foru! state, irecte there ( Calder ) Strea! of co!!erce (deends on 'urisdiction ): *ect *rouct %ill be bought in foru! state ( %oodson ) GStrea! of co!!erce lus act *ur*osefull" irecte at foru! state ( *sahi)H Strea! of co!!erce *lus nee substantial targetIconnection, not ;ust foreseeabilit" ( icastro) Contact is not 6rano!, fortuitious7 ( ,/ ) or unilateral act of a thir *art" ( -anson) ct is not an isolate occurrence . !ere foreseeabilit" is not enough ( %oodson ) ct %oul i!*ose a buren on fa!il" relations (ulko)
Contacts e$ualing fair play and substantial justice (Shoe)' Relevant factors (%oodson ): /efenant-s buren #oru!-s interest in a;uicating bilit" to obtain relief S"ste!-s interest in getting !ost efficient resolution 6Substantive social *olicies7
0 ,ur#er /in#: +laintiff has the burden of showin# contacts1 defendant must show lack of fair lay
Beneral ;urisiction ( when no lon# arm 2 cause of action doesn(t arise from contacts ) (need both ) Continuous an s"ste!atic association Angoing an substantial relationshi* ( +erkins) 9urchases are not enough %here cause of action is unrelate ( -elicoteros) foreign subsiiaries not sub;ect to gen ;urisiction state courts on clai!s unrelate to an" activit" of the subsiiaries in the foru! state ( )oodyear ) Jurisiction base on *ro*ert" !n rem (nee both): is*ute is base on *ro*ert" ( ,alk ) *ro*ert" is *resent.attache before suit ( eff ) Quasi in rem (nee both): is*ute is base on *ro*ert" *ro*ert" is *resent.attache before suit ( eff ) Mini!u! contacts anal"sis for K=R ( Shaffer v. -eitner ) (%atch out for efa!ation) 3emedy is limited to the value of the roerty attached 4ull faith and Credit Clause does not aly 0 3elevance of 5uasi in rem 'urisdiction deends on state lon#6arm
=nternet contacts: use sliing scale, active.*assive, Caler: intentional act, targete at foru! state, brunt har! in foru! #eeral Rules 1>.1? ;oine *art" is %ithin 1558!ile 6bulge7 (>k1b) #KJ: @o state has ;urisiction, an constitution allo%s ;urisiction (>k2 D invokes Shoe F) Lo% to challenge: !f +J has not been challen#ed in the resonsive leadin#7 it is waived
**ear s*eciall" +i!ite a**earance to contest attach!ent of *ro*ert" /on-t sho% u* . challenge collaterall" ( +ennoyer )
/efenant %as given ae$uate notice and opportunity to be !eard
@otice %as reasonably calculated uner the circu!stances to give actual notice ( Mullane)
The Mullane Stanar: 9ersonal service is best /irect mail is acce*table %here kno%lege of aress Conitions o not *er!it irect notice publication (or other !etho) is not substantiall" less likel" to bring notice than an" feasible alternative @otice is to a class, an notice is reasonabl" certain to reach most !e!bers his is about what haened in servin# notice7 not whether notice was actually received A**ortunit" to be hear: /efenant ha o**ortunit" to is*ute *re8;ug!ent attach!ent ( 4uentes7 "oehr ) =f court attaches *ro*ert" %ithout o**ortunit" to be hear, it consiere these factors ( "oehr ): /ebtor-s *ro*ert" interest Risk of error =nterest of the *laintiff 888888888888888888888888888888888 /efenant %as served %ith *rocess *ro*erl" (can be %aive)
Service cannot be obtaine b" frau ( ickle, %yman) Eut can 6flush out7 those *resent in state / %ho enters state s*ecificall" to efen against cri!inal charge is i!!une to service ( Sivnitsky) efenant in ;ail is sub;ect to service, if he entere the state voluntaril" ( Sivnitsky) #eeral Rules for Service of 9rocess ( need one — >e): Service uner the la% of the foru! state, in the istrict %here fe court is sitting (>e1) 9ersonal service on the iniviual (>e2a) +eaving the co*" at a resience %ith so!eone of suitable age iscretion (>e2b) Substituted service on agent %here there is 6high likelihoo7 that service %ill be *asse on ( S8hukent , >e2c) Cor*orations, *artnershi*, unicor*' association like on hu!ans (e1) or on agent '+!, %ho is so integrate that he kno%s %hat to o %ith it (Lellenic) /efenses !f imroer notice2service is not asserted in the answer7 it is waived 12b> !otion: i!*ro*er *rocess (constitutional) 12b4: i!*ro*er service (statutor".rule8base) 888888888888888888
Can efenant remove to feeral courtF ( 1>>1) (re!oval is onl" *ossible fro! state to feeral)
ction coul have been originally brought in this feeral court (SMJ, 9J, venue)
9art" seeking re!oval is an ori#inal efenant ll efenants consent to re!oval Re!oval is sought %ithin 35 a"s fro! %hen basis for re!oval a**ears in the case (co!*laint)
=f suit is base on diversity, efenants (seeking) are not residents of the foru! state
Separate (not
C@A#) clai!s !a" be brought u* in federal 5uestion cases, but %ill be re!ane if state clai!
49L* cases may not be removed
3emember: this mi#ht actually be a 5uestion about SMJ So!eti!es 9 brings a clai! that can onl" be hear in state court, an later a!ens it (a!ount in controvers", fe $uestion) so that it coul be hear in feeral court' Then / can re!ove u* to 35 a"s after the clai! %as a!ene' 2 &SC 1>><' /efense: 3emoval is waived if the defendant has take substantial defensive action
Court has *ro*er venue
/eter!ining venue ( 13?1a): (re!e!ber that so!e fe statutes have their o%n venue statutes) =n cases foune solely on diversity (nee N1 or N2, efault to 3): Ohen all efenants resie in sa!e state, the state %here the" resie Ohere a substantial *art of the events occurre, or %here the *ro*ert" is "efault : Ohere an" efenant is sub;ect to *ersonal ;urisiction %hen the action is brought .b =n feeral $uestion cases (nee N1 or N2, efault to 3): Ohen all efenants resie in sa!e state, the state %here the" resie Ohere a substantial *art of the events occurre, or %here the *ro*ert" is "efault : Ohere an" efenant may be found
S*ecial rules: #orporations resie %herever the" are sub;ect to 9J' ach istrict is treate as se*arate state' 13?1c liens !a" be sue in an" istrict Ohere efenant is &'S' agent.agenc" no real *ro*ert" involve, default is %here *laintiff resies Ohere efenant is a foreign state, see 13?1(f) 0ocal Actions: in cases involving in;ur" to lan, venue is %here lan is ( but see 3easor6-ill ) 1ransitory Action: 9roble!s of 9J *rohibit local action, bring case %here / resies ( 3easor6-ill ) Transfer ( 1>5>a) Convenience of *arties an %itnesses =n the interest of ;ustice /estination !ust be court %ith original SMJ, 9J an venue ( -offman v. ,laski) P =f on test Q if it asks if venue is *ro*er in ne% court, !ake sure SMJ 9J an venue *ro*er P ransferee court alies the law of the transferor court 0 Can(t transfer to where suit could not have been brou#ht initially 0 Multistate Liti#ation : Cases %ith sa!e C@A# !a" be transferre to one court for *re8trial, then !ove back ( 1>5)' Tranferee court !a" kee* the case %ith *arties- consent' #oru! non conveniens (re$uires dismissal ): n alternative foru! eists ()ilbert ) Ather foru! has over*o%ering interest ( +ier ) &suall", court %ill re$uire efenant to consent to a;uication in alternative foru!, %aive So+ 9 cannot efeat foru! non !otion ;ust b.c la% in ne% state %oul be unfavorable (9i*er) P "efendant must overcome stron# resumtion in favor of laintiff(s choice of forum 8888888
Lave an" efenses been waivedF
Cannot %aive SMJ 9J, enue, @otice, Service, !ust be in or before ans%er n" efense in law or fact shoul be asserte in a res*onsive *leaing ll !otions !ust be consoliate (12g2)' =f stuff is o!itte fro! the *re8ans%er, it-s gone
12b< !otion, ;oiner of re$uire *art", state a legal efense: =n an" *leaing E" 12c !otion after *leaings
2rie octrine
@o conflict a**l" state la% 1win aims of Erie v. Tompkins: 9revent ine$uitable a!inistration of la%s
/iscourage foru!8sho**ing
Conflict bet%een state *ractice an a Rule of Civil 9roceure: (Rules nabling ct, 252): Rule is on point, in irect conflict %ith state *olic" (if not, go to net section) Conflict turns on intent (%alker ) cco!!oate state *olic" ()aserini) Lanna *art 2 anal"sis: Rule is constitutional (allo%e b" Congress) consistent %ith *art 1 Rules nabling ct ( 252) /oes not enlarge, abrige or !oif" a substantive right, *art 2 of R =f the rule is arguabl" *roceural, it falls %ithin the Court-s authorit" to *ro!ulgate rules, an it oesn-t !atter if the rule abriges state la% (Sha" Brove) Ohere feeral *ractice is at issue, a**l" Lanna *art 1 test *t issue are the win *ims of 9rie:forum shoin# and ine5uitable administration of the law; #eeral *olic" is *roceural, not substantive ( 9rie) #eeral *olic" is not substantiall" outco!e8eter!inative (
Ohere a statute is at issue, it governs if it is a vali eercise of authorit"' Must also *ass Lanna *art 2 test ( Stewart )
scertaining state la%
#eeral court sitting in iversit" !ust a**l" state-s conflict of la% rules ( /la$on) +a% travels %ith a transfer of venue (=an "eusen ) Ohen a /istrict Court !a" reinter*ret state la% ( Mason): #eeral istrict court !a" behave as a state su*re!e court (can use icta, lo%er court rulings) +ast case on *oint is outate /irection of state la% inicates a change #eeral Co!!on +a%: (usuall" have to use Lanna *art 1) 4or olicy 5uestions : Court !a" create co!!on la% in s*ecific areas, such as: Substantial feeral interest (BC-s efense) #e' statutes %ith *rivate causes of action Ba*8filling in statutes Traition, necessit" Ohen a significant conflict eists bet%een feeral *olic" or interest an state la%, an state la% a**lication %oul frustrate s*ecific ob;ectives of the feeral legislation, fe co!!on la% %ill tru!* state la%' (Eo"le)
Reverse rie Suremacy clause : State courts !ust a**l" feeral la% %hen hearing feeral $uestion cases **l" %. care an eference ( "ice) =n #+, an fe $uestion cases, state court !ust a**l" #RC9 rule to construe *leaings in light !ost favorable ( ,rown)
*leadings (Rule )
9leaings have a strictl" notice8giving function' Low threshold : ffir!ativel" establish SMJ State!ent of facts cause !a" be inferre ( "io#uardi ) 9 oesn-t have to *rove *ri!a facie case in *leaing (Swierkiewic8 ) #air notice of clai! grouns on %hich it rests (Conley) *d damnum clause: %hat is sought D default 'ud#ment shall not e$ceed this amount (Rule 4>c) Ma" *lea alternativel", h"*otheticall" or inconsistentl" () P Jury may award more than in the a a!nu! clause ( ,ail ) P )enerally7 courts are not empowered to create hi#her leadin# standards ( Leatherman) @e% stanar uner T%o!bl" an =$balF Re$uire!ent for showin# the *leaer is entitle to relief is translate as plausibility' Juges shoul use their co!!on sense an ;uicial e*erience to ecie on a case8b"8case basis P he effect of this is not yet understood. his could si#nal a move away from ure notice leadin# ' ns%er (Rule b) D "efendant must systematically resond : !ission Beneral /enial Kualifie /enial S*ecific /enial /enial of kno%lege or infor!ation /enial base on infor!ation belief /enials !ust be in good fait! ( >elinski, ?liver ) Affirmative defenses S*ecial *leaing rules (Rule ?): Must state circu!stances of frau.!istake %ith *articularit" (?b) Conitions 9receent: sufficient to aver generall" (?c) Ca*acit" (?a) S*ecial /a!ages (?g)' See >iervo#el : car accient une*ecte a!ages !ust be s*ecifie Leightene 9leaing (9S+R, ellabs) cce*t all allegations as true Consier sources orinaril" ea!ine Make inference of scienter onl" if it is cogent at least as co!*elling as an" co!*eting inference !en!ents to *leaings (Rule 14): Ma" a!en once before ans%er (14a) after that, %ith court-s leave (shoul be liberally granted) =f evience is ob;ecte to at trial, court 6shoul freel" *er!it7 (14b1) Ab;ecting *art" has buren to sho% a!ission %oul *re;uice =f evience is trie b" e*ress.i!*lie consent, 9s !a" be a!ene even after ;ug!ent (14b2) 9art" !a" seek su**le!ental *leaing regaring ne% events (14) %hen an amendment relates back to the date of an ori#inal leadin# (14c nee one): +a% allo%s relation back Clai! arose fro! to Changes the *art" (see 14c1C) P Some courts don(t allow relation back7 so there are rie issues here Rule 23'1: /erivative suits !a" be brought b" one %ho oes not unerstan the ocu!ent ( Surowit8 ) Sanctions: Sanctions uner Rule 11 are no longer !onetar" or !anator", to eter not *unish' The $safe !arbor& *rovision re$uires ob;ecting attorne" to give the offening one 21 a"s to !oif" the *a*er in $uestion' Challenges: Rule 12b !otions
Motion to Strike (12e)
More efinite state!ent (12e)
Joiner of clai!s (Rule 1): 9art" !a" ;oin any clai!s it has against o**osition 0 3ule @Ab is the safety valve : court !a"*arate for virtuall" an" reason 9er!issive ;oiner of *arties (Rule 25 D nee both): Sa!e transaction occurrence, or series Co!!on $uestions of la% or fact %ill arise P he re5uirements are the same for 'oinin# laintiffs or defendants can(t destroy diversity need +J; Re$uire ;oiner of *arties (Rule 1? D failure !eans dismissal for non;oiner) ( need one): Cannot other%ise co!*lete relief (1?a1), or 9art" clai!s an interest relating to the sub;ect, lus one of the follo%ing (1?a1E): /is*osition %oul i!*air his abilit" to *rotect that interest +eave an e$istin# *art" %ith a risk of !ulti*le or inconsistent obligations =f ;oiner is not feasible (1?b), court consiers these factors to ecie %hether it can *rocee (see other): Oill ;ug!ent *re;uice absent.eisting *artiesF Ooul ;ug!ent be ae$uateF =f case is is!isse for non;oiner, %ill the *laintiff have an ae$uate re!e"F Can *re;uice be lessene b": *rotective *rovisions, tailore relief, or other !easuresF P 4easibility7 of course7 is a diversity7 +J 5uestion ' Counterclai!s (Rule 13): 9er!issive counterclai! (13b) D any claim (!ust carr" its o%n basis for SMJ) (unlikel" SMJ uner 13<) Co!*ulsor" counterclai! (13a D nee both): rises out of the sa!e transaction occurrence /oes not re$uire aing another *art" over %ho! the court can-t get ;urisiction 9$cetions: Ohen clai! %as alrea" the sub;ect of a *ening action or o**osing *art" initiate suit in a %a" that in-t establish 9J, an *leaer oes not assert an" 13b clai!' Crossclai!s against a co*art" (Rule 13g D need one): !a" take su** ;urisiction rises out of the sa!e to Relates to *ro*ert" involve in the original action Thir89art" 9ractice ( imleader D 5uestions of SMJ7 +J7 notice ) (Rule 1>): !a" take su** ;urisiction (Can-t estro" iversit" bet%een 3 r *art" 9 an 3 r *art" / in iversit" onl" original 9 3 r /) /efenant (or *laintiff efening a counterclai!) alleges non*art" is liable for all or *art This is generall" unerstoo to be the transaction 3 occurrence stanar Thir8*art" efenant-s efenses (1>a2): Must assert Rule 12 efenses Must bring 13a clai!s Ma" bring 13b clai!s Ma" bring an" clai! against the original *laintiff that is t3o8relate (1>a2/) Ma" bring an" aitional *arties uner Rule 1>
9laintiff !a" assert an" clai!s against thir8*art" efenant that arise fro! to llo%s thir *art" to bring 13b 13g clai!s Must bring 13a clai!s =n iversit", original *laintiff cannot sue thir8*art" / if suit %oul kill iversit" ( /ro#er )
=nter*leaer (Rule 22): Stakeholer e*osits *ro*ert" %ith court for intereste *arties to fight =ntervener (Rule 2>): 9art" has ri#ht uner statute or to *revent *re;uice of his o%n interests (fli* of Rule 1?) +ermissive intervener: Co!!on $uestions of la% or fact
#lass actions /eter!ining sub;ect8!atter ;urisiction: #K: Class action is base on a feeral clai! /iversit": Mini!al iversit" (an" !e!ber v' an" efenant) P See B DDAc;D;6@; for 2D & A2D e$cetions to minimal diversity
ggregate over 4 !illion
Constitutional rights of absent class !e!bers in a!age actions ( Shutts ): Oithout an" affiliation to the action, foru! state cannot a**l" its o%n la% ( Shutts) e$uac" @otice Must be given the o**ortunit" to o*t out Certification ( need all ): There is a class (definable #rou ) 9laintiff is a re*resentative of the class @u!erosit" (23a1 D 'oinder is imracticable ) Co!!on $uestions of la% or fact (23a2) heightene, OM T"*icalit" (23a3 D claims are tyical of class ) e$uac" (23a> D reresentative7 lawyer ) 9reo!inanceF !nterlocutory aeal is *er!itte on certification $uestions (23f) Classification (23b D ick one) *nti6re'udice : 9rotect / fro! !ulti*le rulings (23b1) $uitable istribution (23b1E) =n;unctive relief (23b2 D historical class action1 ,rown v. ,oard ) @on8natural class ( e.#.7 mass torts D 23b3) (need both ) +redominance : Co!!on $uestions *reo!inate over iniviuali0e $uestions Sueriority: Class action is su*erior to other for!s 0 3elevant factors include : !e!bers- interests in iniviuall" controlling the action, etent to %hich an" litigation has alrea" begun, esirabilit" of the *articular foru!, !anagerial ifficulties P * class that seeks money and an in'unction is a h"bri b28b3' @otice: @o notice re$uire!ent for b1, b2 classes, but lingering constitutional $uestion #or b3 classes, best notice that is *racticable uner the circu!stances ( e.#.7 Mullane ) (23c2E) !ndividual notice to !e!bers %ho can be ientifie %ith reasonable efforts (su*er Mullane) Juge !a" orer notice at an" ti!e for an"thing, not boun b" Mullane stanar Settle!ent: =f settle!ent %oul bin class !e!bers, *arties !ust sho% it is fair, reasonable, ae$uate (23e2) This can be a tough stanar if !e!bers are not ae$uatel" re*resente ( *m Chem) #or 23b3 classes, !ust give a ne% o**ortunit" to o*t out (23e>) ( recent amendment ) n" class !e!ber !a" ob;ect, an the ob;ection !a" be %ithra%n onl" %ith courts a**roval (23e4) ttorne": Consier (23g1): Oork one *erience no%lege Resources Ather ttorne"-s fees !ust be reasonable' Consier: Statutor" (nor!al rate) Must re*resent the !arket*lace for contingent fee la%"ers 9roble!s: 458state la% *roble! for national classes (a**l" la% of state of class !e!bers, Schutts), goes to sueriority an !anageabilit" Court can eercise 9J over absent class !e!bers %ith if no !ini!u! contacts =niviual $uestions of causation (gent Arange) =f class action fails, an la%"er-s ae$uac" is $uestione, a !e!ber !a" collaterally attack
#lass Action 4airness Act of 5667: Easicall" thrust all class actions into feeral court b" reucing iversit" to a !ini!u! re$uire!ent an aggregating the a!ount in controvers" to ecee 4 !illion' Bave efenants re!oval *o%er' 4or supplemental jurisdiction issues8 see *llaattah'