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Sirius Astrology Software [cracked] download!fe2"#c/$ownload%full%software%cracked%&2'%crack%key.ra r Sirius Astrology Software [cracked] download Sirius can !e used !y people with any le(el of e)perience* fro+ no(ice to profes sional or ad(anced professional astrologer or researcher. ,e ha(e +ade it possi! le !y ha(ing well organi-ed +enus* easy to custo+i-e* +ake your own chart wheels * duplicate a chart wheel* create a new wheel to your likings* etc. o(ices can stick to the !asics* and e)perts use the ad(anced features. Sirius Astrology Software [cracked] download Sirius pening ,indowSirius is the +ost co+prehensi(e astrology progra+ in the w orld* with ad(anced features in al+ost e(ery area of astrology* including +odern * 0edic* 1edie(al* ellenistic* u!er* har+onics* sy++etrical astrology* cos+o!i ology* financial astrology* and research. 3ncludes a huge atlas and our e)clusi( e* highly accurate ti+e -one and daylight sa(ing ta!les. Sirius pro(ides interpretations and analysis of indi(iduals* relationships* relo cation* har+onics* (edic* future trends* A$ 1uch 1uch 1ore444 Sirius is !eautiful and AS 7 8S 3t is the worlds irst Astrology Software t hat pro(ides co+prehensi(e research and electional astrology* co+plete ,estern a nd 0edic Astrology* and the +ost ad(anced astro+aps all in one progra+4 Sirius 1ain Screen7he infor+ation is in plain nglish so you can understand it* and uses the latest* +ost sophisticated astrological analytical techni;ues to pro(ide accuracy. Sirius also pro(ides a huge nu+!er of technical calculations f or the ad(anced or professional astrologer. As for no(ices* dont worry a!out th is ad(anced techni;ue* you can still use Sirius and will e(entually grow into th ese ad(anced techni;ues as you ad(anced yourself learning astrology. 7he Sirius 1ain Screen is where you are likely to spend the +ost ti+e. 7his wind ow is the pri+ary place where you do al+ost e(erything in Sirius. All Sirius fun ctions are in this window. Selections can +ade with either the +enu ite+s in wo rds at the (ery top of the screen or with the icons directly !elow the +enu word s. So+e users prefer to use the words* !ut +ost users find that using the icons is faster and +ore intuiti(e. 3t does not +atter whether you use the words or th e icons< the functions are the sa+e. ,hen you +o(e the +ouse cursor o(er the ico ns* there is a s+all window that pops up to infor+ you what that icon does. Sirius Astrology Software [cracked] download Sirius 0edic Syste+3f you are a student and using Sirius* you will ne(er outgrow this progra+ and will ne(er ha(e to purchase any other astrology progra+s as yo u ad(anced your studies into any astrological techni;ues that you +ight !e inter ested in. Sirius also co+es with a (ast a+ount of fa+ous peoples data!ase that you can use as you ad(anced yourself into astrological research or si+ply use it if you are curious a!out a fa+ous persons chart. Sirius is a re(olutionary product unlike anything else: so co+plete and easy to
use that a co+plete no(ice can use it to o!tain useful infor+ation* !ut so sophi sticated that it uses cutting edge astrological theory =har+onics and cos+o!iolo gy. >1?87@ @83@17: Sirius re;uires a co+puter with a >$ ro+ dri(e* ,indows op erating syste+ including ,indows B C ,indows# =either D2 or 6 !itE D2 1' @A1 +e +ory or +ore* and 2 gig of hard disk space. Speakers are not re;uired !ut are re co++ended. Sirius Astrology Software [cracked] download Sirius also runs on ?ower1ac co+puters with 0irtual ?> software installed or an y ?> software e+ulator such as ?arallel/,indows* 01ware/,indows* >ross(er1ac* ' oot>a+p/,indows* etc. Accuracy and 7i+e @ange of >alculations: ?lanets can !e calculated fro+ the year s 5FF '> to 5D99 A$* e)cept the asteroids and # transneptunian planets which in so+e cases cannot !e calculated !efore "FFF A$. Accuracy of all planets is less than " second of arc. Atlas: Sirius co+es with a co+plete atlas of the world with o(er 26F*FFF cities and the +ost upGtoGdate ti+e -one and daylight sa(ings ti+e ta!les. 7his is a!so lutely necessary in order to calculate a chart accurately444 asyGtoG use: 7ype i n upper or lower case* see cities as you type* and narrow the search to a specif ic country or state if desired* free for+ data entry screen to si+ply type !irth data in any for+at you wantto use.Sirius elp Syste+ le)i!ility C AS 8S:>usto+i-easpects and or!s* and ha(e up to D preGdefine d aspect sets. dit any feature of an interpreti(e report* translate reports to a different language* or e(en create your own interpreti(e reports fro+ scratch4 ou can custo+i-e regular wheels* !iwheels* triwheels using the +ost ad(anced a nd true drag and drop ?age $esigner feature* transitGtoGnatal aspects* progresse dGtoGnatal aspects* ?rofile @eports and 7i+e Hine details. Select any 7rue7ype f ont for use in interpretations. 7he a!o(e list is a sa+ple of so+e of the featur es that can !e custo+i-ed* and is not a co+plete list. Sirius Astrology Software [cracked] download