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CLIENTELE AND AUNDIENCES IN COUNSELING Clients go into counselling for various reasons: 1. Some Some clien clients ts are are ordere ordered d by the the court court.. e.g a) Annulmen Annulmentt cases cases involvin involving g psyc psycholo hologica gicall incapacity/potenal divorcees. b) In crimin criminal al cases cases were the defense defense of the the accused is insanity c) Prison Prisoners ers and and def defend endan ants ts who who needs needs to to receive psychological help. . !hose !hose peopl people e who" who" upon upon e#am e#amini ining ng their their situaons" feel the need for help or an improved life$style. %. Some are are refe referred rred for academi academicc and vocaonal vocaonal counseling. &. Some Some are are driv driven en by by cris crisis is.. 'owever" one of the most di(cult client to wor with is the reluctant client. *ho is the RELUCTANT CLIENT +
RELUCTANT CLIENT , is one who does not want to receive counselling but -nds him or herself in the counselling situaon.
*hat are the difcultes wih Relucan Clien + 1. !he consci conscious ous resolu resoluon on not not to coopera cooperate te mae maess change and results di(cult to achieve. . !he new new couns counselor elor can can some somemes mes feel feel inade inadeua uate te in the presence of resistance. %. eluctan eluctance ce may may someme somemess manif manifest est itself itself in in hoslity of the client" absenteeism" non$ cooperaon" strained civility" and other creave forms.
%. Show Show con-de con-denc nce e and do do not be be inmid inmidat ated. ed. &. 2o not not ignor ignore e the feel feeling ingss of the the clien client. t. 7. !ry to interp interpret ret the the reason reasonss for for the reluct reluctance ance and and use these as an opportunity for teaching the client greater self$understanding. 8. Show the clien clientt that that counsel counselling ling helps helps one to deal deal with feelings even if they are uncomfortable. 9. Paent Paent e#plor e#ploraon aon of the the client:s client:s behaviour behaviour can help reduce the reluctance. ;.
“Are you ready for us to do some things together to make your current life a happier one?” “Can we set up a goal for you to tell everything about yourself that is really disturbing you?” !he test of your strength as a counselor is in eeping calm and showing that you will not tae the responsibility of doing it by yourself. 5remember that counsling is a two$way process). >ou are commi?ed to helping him/her" but only if you are allowed to. Above all" be pro#essional in your behaviour .
Possible reasons for reluctance: 1. Some clients clients are are reluct reluctant ant because because of suspi suspicion cion.. . 0thers 0thers are are reluct reluctant ant because because they they do do not want want to change. %. Sll other otherss are afraid afraid to to admit admit any any possible possible aws they might have. esistance need not always be viewed as negave" according to 2yer and 3riend" “Resisance is an unavoidable process in every eectve rea!en" #or ha par o# he personaliy ha has has an ineres ineres #or he survival o# he paholo$y actvely proess each t!e herapy co!es close o inducin$ a success#ul chan$e%&
STRATEGIES OR DEALING !IT" T"E RELUCTANT CLIENT: 1. It is importan importantt not to allow allow feelings feelings of perso personal nal re4econ to surface. 5the counselor should not tae the reluctance personally.
. efuse efuse to consid consider er your yourself self the targ target et of the reluctance. !his will a6ect your approach to counselling the client.
INDI%IDUAL COUNSELING$ is a one on one helping relaonship that focuses on the client:s growth and changes in his/her self. *ith this" the counselor should mae an environment where the client feels safe and has con-denality on everything being taled about about in the conversaon. GROUP COUNSELING , is the roune ad4ustment or developmental e#periences provided in a group se@ng. It focuses on assisng clients to cope with their day$to$day ad4ustment and development concern. CO&&UNIT$ COUNSELING , counselling programs in the community represent a wide and various range of approaches or perspecves in giving counselling services to the clients. !he development and implementaon implementaon of these services are based on certain underlying assumpons and basic principles. !he basisc assumpon that community involvement is necessary for relevant and accountable community mental health agencies that has implicaon for the essenal principles of those agencies that are community based.