SELF-DISCIPLINE By Robin S. Sharma Study anyone who has achieved a measure of greatness, from the CEOs and entrepreneurs who have built wildly successful businesses to the best mothers, fathers, teachers and poets and you will be studying discipline in motion. Discipline is the cornerstone of self-mastery. self-mastery. The ancie ancient nt Easte Eastern rn book book of wisdo wisdom, m, the Bhag Bhagava avad-G d-Gita ita says: says: "witho "without ut discip disciplin line e he has has no understanding understanding of inner-power; without inner-power, inner-power, he has no peace; and without peace, where is joy? Self- discipline is a fundamental fundamental virtue to inner-power. Discipline is the source, the wellspring that lets you live the life that you deserve. deserve. You must strengthen your your inner core if you are truly dedicated to manifesting manifesting your highest potential potential for personal and professional professional success. With discipline, you will possess the inner fire needed to focus on your primary goals and realize r ealize your dreams. The Real Secret of Discipline I define discipline as the virtue that gives you the courage and the inner resolve to do what you said you would would do - when when you said you you would do it. Discipline is all all about promise promise keeping. keeping. I am not talking only about those promises you have made to others such as your promise to your child to take her to the zoo this weekend or your promise to your partner that you will become a better better listener, for example. example. I am also talking about about the promises that you make to yourself; those small daily resolutions ranging from the promise to read thirty minutes a day to a personal commitment commitment you have made to raise r aise the standards of your work at the office. Discipline means that you take time away from the little emergencies which seem to eat up your day to kindle the fire of self-mastery. self-mastery. Discipline means means that you get up early to go for a run on a freezing winter's day because you made this one of your personal mastery milestones and you are dedicated to raising raising the level of your physical fitness. Discipline means means that you refuse an invitation to go out to a party on Saturday night because you had planned to review your goals and refine your purpose statement and think deeply about where your personal, professional and spiritual life is going. going. Discipline is having the the power to turn off the TV TV and go into your study to read some of those books books that you know will truly improve improve your effectiveness. effectiveness. Discipline is having the bravery and the inner-strength to stop giving so much time to the unimportant things in your life and to start directing your energy to those high-impact activities which will truly make a measurable difference difference in the richness of your life. Integrating the habit habit of discipline into your days takes effort, willpower and courage. courage. Having the discipline to follow through on the life goals you have set for yourself and living the kind of life you have imagined imagined in your mind's mind's eye is a very brave way way to live. It is a very noble way to live. live. It is also a very liberating way to live because you have become the master of your own life. You begin to take take control of your destiny. destiny. It's the source of great enlightenme enlightenment. nt. You set your course and then you have the resolve to follow it. And this also leads to tremendous amounts amounts of confidence because you realize that you alone are the influencer of your life and if you don't like what you see, you can change it. You shape your circumstances rather than letting them shape you. You become the master of your life rather than letting life master you. Building Discipline How do you build build self-discipline? self-discipline? The principle principle can be stated in in nine words: put off short short term gratification for long term satisfaction. satisfaction. You build discipline by sacrificing what what is easy to do for what is right to do. When you put off doing what is impulsive, those things that simply feel good in the moment but offer no long-term benefits and start doing what your heart tells you is good, you start to build discipline. discipline. When you do the things things you don't like to do but know you you should do, you build discipline. This This is the seed of greatness. As H.P. H.P. Liddon noted sagely: "What "What we
Robin Sharma
do upon some great occasion will probably depend on what we already are; and what we already are will be the result of previous years of self-discipline." The top performers on the playing fields of business and life continuously continuously raise their standards. They realize they are bound for glory and destined to actualize the full extent of their personal genius. So they have done their inner inner work and are focused on achieving personal personal excellence. excellence. They They know that they are here for a life of meaning meaning and action. action. Leaders Leaders have the wisdom wisdom to understand that that self-mastery comes one one day at a time. And the days slip into weeks. weeks. And the weeks into months. And a time comes when those small, daily improvements in their discipline levels have created extraordinary results in life quality. 3 Lessons For Creating Self Discipline 1. Finish What You Start As a trial lawyer with many competing demands demands on my my time, it is essential that I, at all times, have the strength of will to follow the daily plan I have set for myself and concentrate only on those pursuits which are central to my mission. To cultivate the kind of discipline required to be able to do this, a philosophy that I apply in my own life is to finish what I start. This simple practice is enormously effective because, in practicing it, you are no longer a slave to your weaker impulses which silently prod you to take the path of least resistance and quit before your goal is reached, no matter matter how small that goal may be. Instead, you are in full control control of your self and use your inner power to accomplish worthy ends, whether this means completing completing a hot new book on creativity, learning a new language or growing a dynamic business. 2. Be Silent As I discovered when researching my first book MegaLiving!, the Buddhist monks have a favorite strategy to build willpower - one that has been used by many cultures over the years to build enormo enormous us amounts amounts of inner-stre inner-strength ngth and resolve. resolve. It is the vow of silence. silence. You might wonder how would staying quiet quiet for days on end build willpower? It is because you are exerting force on your will. You are not giving into the impulse telling you to talk. You made a promise and set a goal that you would be silent for a few hours or maybe even a full day and then you had the courage to keep this promise. And this courage and capacity capacity quickly spills over into every other areas of your life. Following through through on this small goal builds your your capacity to follow through on larger goals like managing your time more efficiently or building richer relationships or mastering your physical endowments.
3. Get Up Early Early rising is one of the key life habits of so many of the highly successful people I have studied from Ted Ted Turner Turner to Nelson Mandela. In my own life, I've now trained myself to get up around 5 am since I have found that rising at this time allows me the time I need to write peacefully and and think deeply deeply Without a doubt, doubt, it's one one of the best best things I do for myself. But I earned the rewards that I have received from getting getting up early. early. I wasn't always an early riser. Yet, the more I studied the lives of the people who were truly creating happier, healthier and more meaningful meaningful lives than others, the more I realized the value of getting up early. And the more I exercised the power of my will and got up from a warm bed to do what I had promised myself I would do, the stronger it became. Above all else, however, the real key is to appreciate that discipline in your outer world comes from a disciplin disciplined ed inner-world. inner-world. And a discipli disciplined ned innerworld innerworld comes from thinking thinking correct, correct, inspir inspiring ing,, discip disciplin lined ed and and enlig enlighte htene ned d thoug thoughts hts.. Your though thoughts ts form form your your world. world. Life Life manage management ment begins begins with mind managemen management. t. And as you exercise exercise your character character power to build self-disc self-disciplin ipline, e, meditate meditate on these words of Emerson Emerson:: "That "That which which we persist in doing doing becomes easier to do, not that the nature of the thing has changed but that our ability to do has increased." Robin Sharma
Robin S. Sharma, LL.M. Is an internationally known speaker on executive development topics and the best-selling author of MegaLiving! For more information call Shashi Tangri Tangri at 1-888774-2762.
Robin Sharma