Urbano vs. Intermediate Appellate Court case digest
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Dan Fue Leung v. Hon. Intermediate Appellate Court and Leung Yiu G.R. No. 7092 !anuar" #$% $9&9 Fa't() This case originated from a complaint filed by respondent Leung Yiu to recover the sum equivalent to twenty-two percent (22%) of the annual profits derived from the operation of un !ah "anciteria since #ctober$ &'' from petitioner an ue Leung*
The un !ah "anciteria$ a restaurant$ located at lorentino Torres treet$ ta* +ru,$ anila$ anila$ was establishe established d sometim sometime e in #ctober #ctober$$ &''* &''* .t was registered registered as a single single proprietorship and its licenses and permits were issued to and in favor of an ue Leung as the sole proprietor* proprietor* /bout /bout the time the un !ah "anciteria started to become operational$ Leung Yiu gave "0$111*11 as his contribution to the partnership* This is evidenced by a receipt wherein an ue Leung acnowledged his acceptance of the "0$11 "0$111* 1*11 11 by affi affi3in 3ing g his signa signatur ture e there thereto* to* The The recei receipt pt was was writt written en in +hine +hinese se characters so that the trial court commissioned an interpreter in the person of s* lorence Yap to translate its contents into 4nglish* !itnesses o ia and /ntonio /h 5eng corroborated Yiu 6s testimony to the effect that they were both present when the receipt was signed* ia further testified that he himself received from Leung a similar receipt evidencing delivery of his own investment in another amount of "0$111*11* urthermore$ the Yiu from the Leung the amount of "2$111*11 covered by the latter7s 4quitable 4quitable 8aning +orporation +hec 9o* ::;&0<1-8 ::;&0<1-8 from the profits of the operation of the restaurant for the year &<0* Leung denied having received Yiu the amount of "0$111*11* /llegedly$ he used his savings from his salaries as an employee at +amp totsenberg in +lar ield and later as waiter at the Toho =estaurant amounting to a little more than "2$111*11 as capital in establishing un !ah "anciteria* To bolster his contention$ Leung presented various government licenses and permits showing the un !ah "anciteria was and still is a single proprietorship solely owned and operated by himself alone* ue Leung also flatly denied having issued 4quitable 8aning +orporation7s +hec 9o* ::;&0<1 8 in the amount of "2$111*11* /s between the conflicting evidence evidence of the parties$ the trial court gave credence credence to that of the plaintiff$ Yiu* Leung appealed the trial court7s amended decision to the then .ntermediate /ppellate +ourt affirming it in toto* 8oth the trial court and the appellate court found that the Yiu is a partner in the setting up and operations of the panciteria* 5ence$ the two courts declared that the private petitioner is entitled to a share of the annual profits of the restaurant* Leung argues that the courts erroneously interpreted 7financial assistance7 to mean the contribution of capital by a partner to a partnership*> 5e also raises the issue of prescription since the alleged receipt is dated #ctober $
&'' and the complaint was filed only on ?uly :$ &<; or after the lapse of twenty-two (22) years$ nine (&) months and twelve (2) days considering no written demands were ever made by Yiu* I((ue) whether or not the private respondent is a partner of the petitioner in the establishment of un !ah "anciteria* Ruling) The lower courts did not err in construing the complaint as one wherein the private respondent asserted his rights as partner of the petitioner in the establishment of the un !ah "anciteria$ notwithstanding the use of the term financial assistance therein* !e agree with the appellate court7s observation to the effect that >*** given its ordinary meaning$ financial assistance is the giving out of money to another without the e3pectation of any returns therefrom7* .t connotes an ex gratia dole out in favor of someone driven into a state of destitution* 8ut this circumstance under which the "0$111*11 was given to the petitioner does not obtain in this case*7The complaint e3plicitly stated that >as a return for such financial assistance$ plaintiff would be entitled to twenty-two percentum (22%) of the annual profit derived from the operation of the said panciteria*7
The private respondent is a partner of the petitioner in un !ah "anciteria* The requisites of a partnership which are @ ) two or more persons bind themselves to contribute money$ property$ or industry to a common fundA and 2) intention on the part of the partners to divide the profits among themselves (/rticle
=egarding the prescriptive period within which the private respondent may demand an accounting$ /rticles ;1B$ ;1<$ and ;1& show that the right to demand an accounting e3ists as long as the partnership e3ists* "rescription begins to run only upon the dissolution of the partnership when the final accounting is done*