Descripción: Al igual que Foundation o Bootstrap, Materialize CSS es un framework para el desarrollo frontend responsivo que nos proporciona una serie de componentes CSS y ficheros JavaScript para trabajar. Me...
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Grade Level: 11 Da$e: '1*+'1,
S!"e#$: %OMP&TER SYSTEM SERVI%ING N% II Se/0: ' 0 (TVL) 23 0 (TVL)
OBJE%TIVES %/0$e0$ S$a0dard: Per4/ra0#e S$a0dard: %/5e$e0#6: LC Code #: K S A
II. %ONTENT III.. LEA III LEARNI RNING NG RES RESO&R O&R%ES %ES Learning Sources: Materials: IV.. PR IV PRO% O%ED ED&R &RE E Before the Lesson A. PREPARA PREPARATI! TI! Motvaton:
Actviy: Analysis: "uring the Lesson B. PRES PRESEN ENT TATION TION Absracton: Absracton:
PRA%TI%E: Applicaton:
The learners demonstrate an understanding of one’s PECs in computer system servicing. The learners shall be able to create a plan of acon that strengthens/ develops one’s PECs in computer system servicing. Develop and strengthen personal competencies and skills PECs! needed in computer systems servicing. T"E#PEC$%&'(&))&( *denfy areas for improvement+ development and gro,th. Create a plan of acon that ensures success of his/her business/career choice. Displays acve cooperaon on the involvement of every acvity. $trengthening and developing further one’s PECs C-+ odules Chalkboard
o, ,as your e0perience in discovering the strengths and the areas you need to develop1 Did you gain a valuable e0perience in e0changing insights ,ith your classmates1 23er performing the acvies on the importance of PECs+ let’s determine ho, much you have learned.
&4evie, on Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies. &Check students learning by asking 5uesons. -ather the needed informaon from the given assignment refer to previous D"P! to supply ans,er/s to ro, ' in the table belo,+ a3er ,hich+ 6ll out the second ro, ,ith your PECs. 7rite it in a separate sheet of paper.
Using the information on the table above, analyze and reect on the similarities and dierences in your answers. Put your reection on the table below and write your conclusion.
Conclusion: Prepare an acon plan that indicates alignment of your PECs to the PECs of a successful entrepreneur in computer system servicing in your province.
Aer the Lesson D. ASSESSMENT:
2ns,er the follo,ing 5uesons8 '. o, does your acon plan help sustain your strong PECs and/or address your development areas1 (. 7hat plan of acon ,ill you uli9e to address your development areas1