Cloud Computing is a trending technology to manipulating, configuring, and accessing the hardware and software resources remotely.
Cloud Computing is the most advanced technical platform for upcoming generation.Cloud Computing provides us a wide range of data storage space in web source.Cloud Computing work automatically as per the necessaity of user It neednot to do extra work.
Descripción y servicios disponibles de colud computing. Informe de JCYL y Plan Avanza
Cloud computing
Introduction to Cloud Computing architecture.
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Cloud Computing, Networking, Pelatihan Networking, Membuat beberapa server dalam sistem Cloud, Proxmox, Virtualization
Virtualization and virtual situations are major basics for files input in cloud adding. It is assistances for together the visitor user and the worker while it provides the first with the features needed to execute his demand, it gives the second the
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1. Amazon Amazon Web Services Services is which which type of cloud cloud computing computing distribu distribution tion model? model? A. Software as a service B. Platform as a service . !nfrastructure as a service ". #$#% &. What is private cloud? A. A standard cloud service offered via the !nternet B. A cloud architecture maintained within an enterprise data center . A cloud service inaccessible to anyone but the cultural elite ". A cloud service rendered only for private organizations not public. '. What is the name of the (ac)space cloud service? A. loud $n*"emand B. loud Servers . loud space
". %&
+. Which Amazon cloud product recently e,perienced a massive outage? A. Simple"B B.%BS . S' ". loud -ront . What is the name of the organization helping to foster security standards for cloud computing? A. loud Security Standards Wor)ing B. loud Security Alliance . loud Security Watch "og ". Security in the loud Alliance /. What is loud -oundry? A. A factory that produces cloud components . An industry wide PaaS initiative
B. 0ware*led open source PaaS ". 0ware*led closed source PaaS
2. Which of the following isn3t an advantage of cloud? A. #o worries about running out of storageB. %asier to maintain a cloud networ) . !mm !mmed edia iate te acc access ess to comp comput utin ing g reso resour urces ces ". payi paying ng onl only y for for wha whatt you you use use 4. Which company recently shut the doors on its cloud storage service? A. 5itachi "ata Systems B. Savvis . !ron ountain ". Symantec 6. Which of these services is not platform as a service? A. B. icrosoft Azure . Amazon %&
". 7oyent
18. What feature does not belong in a private cloud? A. etered billing B. Self*servi rvice portal . "ial*ho *home sup support
". (apid elasti sticit city
11. 99999999 describes a cloud service that can only be accessed by a limited amount of people. A. "ata center B. Private cloud . 0irtualization ". Public cloud 1&. 99999999 describes a distribution model in which applications are hosted by a service provider and made available to users. A. !n !nfrastructure*as*a*Service :! :!aaS; B. Pl Platform*as*a*Service :P :PaaS;
. Software*as*a*Service :SaaS;
". loud service
1'. 999999999 is the feature of cloud computing that allows the ser vice to change in size or volume in order to meet a user P; Access to a loud environment always costs more money compared to a traditional des)top environment. ; A loud environment can be accessed from anywhere in the world as long as the user has access to the !nternet. A. B$=5 P @ A(% =(% B. B$=5 P @ A(% -AS% . $#C P !S =(% ". $#C !S =(% 1. What is there no need to do with cloud computing? A. "ownload anything . se a computer or hand*held device
B. se a password ". oo) at a screen
1/. What )ind of communication is associated with cloud computing? A. (eal*time
B. -ace*to*face
. Asynchronous
". Barrier*free
12. Which of the following is an e,ample of a cloud computing application? A. -ace boo) Apps
B. S)ype
. =witter or (SS
". or Doogle Apps.
14. on which part of the $S! reference model would application protocols li)e 5==PE -=PE SS5E =elnet be mapped? A. -rame (elay B. ayer 2 . ayer 18 ". ore protocols 16. Which of the following is #$= a benefit of virtualization? A. !mproved database performance B. -ail*over between machines . ultiple guest operating systems running on the physical machine ". Better hardware capacity usage &8. What could be the impact of networ) downtime when using loud computing? A. !ntegrity of data can be compromised B. Application available may be lower for the user . Service provider assumes responsibility for Service evel ". -ail*over to a local networ) is reFuired &1. Which is not one of the three main categories of cloud computing services? A. !nfrastructure*as*a*Service :!aaS; B. Platform*as*a*Service :PaaS; . ommunication*as*a*Service :aaS; ". Software*as*a*Service :SaaS; &&. Which model of cloud computing services provides the serversE storage devicesE and networ)s for a subscriber? A. !nfrastructure*as*a*Service :!aaS; B. Platform*as*a*Service :PaaS; c. ommunication*as*a*Service :aaS; ". Software*as*a*Service :SaaS;
&'. Which cloud deployment model is operated solely for a single organization and its authorized users? A. ommunity cloud B. 5ybrid cloud . Public cloud ". Private cloud &+. Which cloud characteristic refers to the ability of a subscriber to increase or decrease its computing reFuirements as needed without having to contact a human representative of the cloud provider? A. (apid elasticity B. $n*demand self service . Broad networ) access ". (esource pooling &. Which cloud deployment model is managed by a cloud providerE has an infrastructure that is offsiteE and is accessible to the general public? A. ommunity cloud B. 5ybrid cloud . Public cloud ". Private cloud &/. !n which category of SaaS ser vices does customer relationship management :(; software fall? A. onsumer services B. ommunication services . !nfrastructure services ". Business services &2. Which statistic correctly represents cloud computing? A. !n &886E Western %urope received a maGority of cloud computing revenue. B. Dlobal cloud computing revenue for &886 e,ceeded H1/ million. . loud computing growth is five times greater than any traditional != product ". !n &886E the main cloud computing service was PaaS. &4. Which is considered the most widely used cloud computing service? A. !nfrastructure*as*a*Service :!aaS; B. Platform*as*a*Service :PaaS; . ommunication*as*a*Service :aaS; ". Software*as*a*Service :SaaS; &6. !nteroperability is enabled by 999999999. A. a cloud operating system B. middleware. a community cloud ". a composite cloud '8. Which refers to the practice of a pr imary cloud provider offering services that are distributed through another cloud provider? A. 5ybrid cloud B. omposite cloud . 0irtualization ". Drid computing '1. What is loud omputing replacing? A. orporate data centers B. %,pensive personal computer hardware . %,pensive software upgrades ". All of the above '&. What is the number one concern about cloud computing? A. =oo e,pensive B. Security concerns . =oo many platforms ''. Which of these companies is not a leader in cloud computing? A. Doogle B. Amazon . Blac)board ". icrosoft
". Accessibility
'+. Doogle "ocs is which type of cloud computing. A. SASS B.PASS . !ASS
'. Which one of these is not a cloud computing pricing model? A. -ree B. Pay per se . Subscription ". adder '/. Which of these is not a maGor type of cloud computing usage? A. 5ardware as a Service B. Platform as a Service . Software as a Service ". !nfrastructure as a Service '2. An !nternet connection is necessary for cloud computing interaction. A. =rue B. -alse '4. Which is not a maGor cloud computing platform? A. Doogle 181 B. !B "eep blue . icrosoft Azure
". Amazon %&
'6.IloudI in cloud computing represents what? A. Wireless B. 5ard drives
". !nternet
. People
+8. Which of these should a company consider before implementing cloud computing technology? A. %mployee satisfaction B. Potential cost reduction . !nformation sensitivity ". All of the above +1. Which of the following is the B%S= definition for the loud? A. A large pool of usable and accessible virtualized resources B. A software pac)age from Doogle for $ffice use . A series of interconnected Web sites ". %thernet based access to virtualized applications +&. What would be a typical use for the JPP protocol? A. !nstant essaging and Presence Service B. #etwor) Analyzer . Antivirus functionality for firewalls ". Systems management of virtual servers +'. Which functionality is best suited to provide single sign*on on a cloud application using your own Active "irectory server? A. -ederation services B. 0irtual Private #etwor) . 5yperte,t =ransfer Protocol ". #one of the above ++. Which of the following is most typical of a ocal loud implementation? A. !t is not shared with other users B. Servers are )ept in*house . =he application runs as a service ". =he Service Provider ensures end*to*end coverage +. Which of the following may typically have a negative impact on the business case for loud computing? A. osts of bandwidth and networ)ing B. osts of operational staffing . osts of new hardware investments ". =echnical )nowledge of the Service "es)
+/. When read access to data by unauthorized people from the !nternet is a threatE which aspect of security is at ris)? A. onfidentiality B. !ntegrity . Availability ". Authentication +2. What is the hypervisor used for? A. in)ing between applications ". 0irtualization
B. Strong authentication
+4. Who are called as the father of cloud computing? A. 7ohn carthy B. 7ohn carthyE harles Babbage ic)liderE ". All of the above. +6. 0irtual computing reFuires a A. hypervisor B. supervisor computing environment.
. Privacy regulations
c. 7ohn carthyE 7..(.
. cloud computing environment
". distributed
8. Which statement best describes the relationship between applicationE serverE and client in a multitenancy environment? A. Single instance of software running on a ser ver and serves one client. B. Single instance of software running on a server and serves multiple clients. . ultiple instances of software running on a server and serves multiple clients. ". ultiple instances of software running on multiple servers and serves one client.