Checklist ini dapat digunakan untuk menerapkan 5S dalam hal kebersihanDeskripsi lengkap
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Checklist ini dapat digunakan untuk menerapkan 5S dalam hal kebersihanFull description
check list
Checklist for Piping Isometrics
Checklist when planning the Further Oral Assessment (FOA) for IB English Language and Literature students.Full description
Audit Checklist for POSDescripción completa
DRRM CHECKLIST EBEIS ID No. of School: _________________________________ School Name: School Head:
Contact No.
School DRRM Coordinator:
Contact No.
Adoted5Adated 5 localied e6is!ng olicies rela!ng to DRRM in educa!on 5 school safet+ Designated School DRRM Coordinator and his Alternate 7ormed School DRRM 3eam consis!ng of ersonnelf rom di8erent o9ces 1ith de2ned mem*ershi; roles and resonsi*ili!es 5 func!ons Has comrehensi"e School DRRM #lan 1hich includes CCA and EiE measures; co"ering ris/ assessment; ris/ reduc!on and reha*ilita!on and reco"er+ Students ar!ciated in the lanning rocess Integrated DRRM into the School Imro"ement #lan $SI#% &''( comle!on of DRR related )ues!ons in the EBEIS Regular DRRM ac!"i!es are suorted *+ school *udget School has artnershis that could *e taed to suort its DRRM rograms and ac!"i!es; including those a?; s. >'&@% Incororated results of student=led school 1atching and haard maing in the School DRRM #lan and SI# -in/ed student=led school 1atching and haard maing 1ith the communit+ haard mas of -s ro"ided *+ D,S3 School #lanning 3eam ha"e lin/ed the communit+ haard mas 1ith educa!on data to *eer understand the schools ris/ School su*mied Raid Assessment of Damage Reort $RADAR% 1ithin >hrs a
SCH,,- ID on roof School Info*oard Classroom DRRM Info*oard E"acua!on Ma Haard Ma Emergenc+ Hotline Num*ers Sace for Class #rogram Schedule $for all doors of classrooms% Sace for -ist of Students $for all doors of classrooms% #oc/et Slee"e for Actual No. of resent students5uils for the da+ $for all doors of classrooms% In"entor+ of School Buildings Ris/ Assessment of School Buildings 0 of school *uildings 1ith ris/ assessment 0 of unsafe school *uildings iden!2ed Iden!2ed classrooms5school *uildings for temorar+ e"acua!on during disaster School Heads are clear 1ith the roles and func!ons fo the school in cam management "is=F="is the - and DS4D as er Goint Memorandum Circular No. &; series of >'&? uidelines on E"acua!on Center Coordina!on and Mangement and RA &'>& Childrens Emergenc+ Relief and #rotec!on Act and its corresonding IRR ,thers:
Pillar 2:
School Disaster Management
3raining on DRRM of SDRRM and School 4atching 3eam
Conduct of A1areness and Caacit+ *uilding for families and learners Comrehensi"e DRRM #lan $including CCA and EiE% Con!ngenc+ #lan $#rearedness #lan turned into resonse ac!ons 1hen disaster stri/es%
School has necessar+ func!oning e)uiment in case of a disaster $2re e6!nguisher; handheld5*ase radio; generator;e tc.% School has re=iden!2ed saces for ung u 3emorar+ learning Saces 5 Shelters in the a
Pillar 3:
Disaster Risk Redc!on in Edca!on
Regular Conduct of Haard Drills $Documenta!on and Reorts% Integra!on of DRR and CCA in the Curriculum $ Chec/ the D--s% Kear 1hen DRR and CCA integra!on in the curriculum started rade le"els and su*Lects 1here DRR and CCA ha"e *een integrated S/ills and cometencies of students assessed through measura*le learning and ris/ reduc!on $RR% outcomes #ercentage of students ac!"el+ ar!cia!ng in "arious DRRM5CCA.EiE ac!"i!es School has a DRRM caacit+ *uilding lan for teachers and school ersonnel Num*er of ersonnel trained on DRRM and5or CCA School has a"aila*le and accessi*le )ualit+ and u=to=date DRRM materials #resence of DRRM corner 1ith udated IEC materials osted in it in e"er+ classroom School carr+ out monitoring and e"alua!on to assess sustaina*le imlementa!on ,thers:
Monitored and e"aluated *+: ___________________________________________________ Conforme: _______________________________________________
School DRRM Coordinator ________________________________________________ School Head