This document discusses Ford Motor Company Case Study
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I. Summary Engineer Hermogenes Ancheta has just received his appointment papers from his new immediate superior, the Vice-President for perations, he has !een promoted from Assistant "anage "anagerr to "anage "anagerr of the "ainte "aintenanc nancee #epartm #epartment ent.. After After congrat congratu$a u$atin ting g him from from his promotion, his !oss gave him a ver!a$ directive that he shou$d put some order in his department and ma%e and ma%e it wor% in the most effective and efficient manner as possi!$e without incertitude. Engineer Ancheta has just passed the !oard e&amination for "echanica$ Engineering when he joined "otor!us 'ompany 'ompany in ())*. +y une ()), he informed informed his former c$assmates c$assmates at the niversity of Santo /omas /omas that he has promoted as Assistant "anager for "aintenance. He had promot promoted ed from from Assis Assistan tantt "anager "anager to "anager "anager when when Engineer Engineer 0audenc 0audencio io Inductivo, who in turn to !e at 12 years o$d. After the approva$ from VP for operations, the ne&t day afte afterr the the appr approv ova$ a$ of Engi Engine neer er Induc Inducti tivo vo reti retire reme ment nt,, Engi Enginee neerr Anchet nchetaa recei receive ved d an appointment papers promoting him to !e a "anager. +y the time on his duty as a manager he inspects the storage room and he found the uneven supp$y of parts. Some parts were in e&cessive e&cessive 3uantities 3uantities and some important important ones were inade3uate$y stoc%ed and the corner room contains a !ig vo$ume of o!so$ete parts. /he pro!$em now is that how he hand$es the operation most effective$y when he4s just new to his jo!, whi$e there are 5 more !uses added in the route for (55 !uses wi$$ servicing the various routes assigned to "otor!us 'ompany. II. Statement of the Pro!$em How How wi$$ wi$$ Engr Engr.. Anche ncheta ta mana manage ge to impr improv ovee the the oper operat atio ions ns of the the "ain "ainte tena nance nce #epartment as efficient and effective as possi!$e6
III. A$ternative 'ourses of Action (. /hey must conduct an additiona$ training for the new emp$oyee that they may hire. 2. Engr. Ancheta must fi& the pro!$em in the supp$ies. *. 'onsu$tation from the superior on what wi$$ he do, for he was on$y new to this position. IV. ustification of 'hosen A$ternative 'ourse of Action 7or Engineer Ancheta since he4s just new on the jo! as appointed "anager, he must ponder on focusing in the operations of the "otor!us 'ompany to !e ade3uate enough to wor% with it efficient and more effective !us servicing through the Phi$ippines. As a manager, he must need to %now the emp$oyee under his supervision $i%e mechanic, assistant that they might wor% with no other reasons for them to give their support to the company. /his is just giving him the idea that he need a !etter emp$oyee which has no other a$ternatives just to wor% with the company with their fu$$-time !asis. 7or that reason, they may wor% efficient$y if they wor% together in he$ping each other in the company to support their needs to have a !etter foundation of "otor!us !usiness infrastructure. /hey must conduct an additiona$ training for the new emp$oyee that they may hire, just to ma%e sure that the !us route wi$$ do a !etter service in trave$$ing !ac% to !ac% to its destinations. /he mechanic shou$d have their support as a maintenance that every unit must !e chec%ed !efore they move on their destinations.