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Vibration case study
PGBM03 WEEK 1 Case Study SolutionsFull description
PGBM03 WEEK 1 Case Study SolutionsFull description
motorbus company
Descripción: These are the slides from the third eCommerce lecture on Ocado case study at the Business School - University of Hertfordshire.
Week 3
Analysis of David Sokol's trades leading up to his resignation from Berkshire Hathaway, and his potential violations of certain CFA standards.
Week 3Descripción completa
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Globe University / Minnesota School of Business
Case Study 3 & 4 Santa Cruz Guitar Company & Orbitz
Huyen T Bui
Week Week 3 case study for Santa San ta Cruz Guitar Company and rbitz as part pa rt of assi!nment of MG"#$% Mana!ement Models for the &'st Century Workforce (nstructor% )atricia *n!ulo *n!ulo
Santa Cruz Guitar Company Edward Deming is a true “management gurus” in the quaity re!oution with his insights on measuring" managing" and impro!ing quaity ha!e greaty in#uen$ed the pra$ti$es that organizations use today %E!ans" '(3)* Create and pubish to a empoyees a statement o+ the aims and purposes o+ the $ompany or other organization* ,he management must demonstrate $onstanty their $ommitment to this statement* Santa Cruz Guitar Company %SCGC) is a sma-s$ae guitar manu+a$turing with ony (4 craftspeople “uthiers” that ta.e part in the main produ$tion pro$ess* Ea$h o+
the guitar is hand $ra+ted and $an be $ustomized i+ needed* E!en though SCGC doesn/t ha!e a written poi$y regard ,01" howe!er" they ha!e embra$ed the phiosophy o+ Deming and his (4 points o+ ,01*
2s the $ompany ony hires those +ho desire to +ork in a team environment and have a passion for !uitar makin!, SCGC place their trust on employees- With . +orkstations at +hich the !uitars are pro!ressively assembled as they move from station to station, each reuires hi!h level of precise and corrections- SCGC has removed the barriers of micro0mana!in! that
rob peope o+ pride o+ wor.manship , instead, they have driven out fear, created a trustin! environment in +hich each luthiers allo+ed to make their o+n uality decisions, staff each station- 12vans, '3
2t SCGC" wor.ers are en$ouraged to +urther enhan$e their s.is either by ta.ing eterna $ourses or by a pra$ti$e that aows them to buid two instruments a year +or persona use* ,hese opportunities aow the
$ra+tspeope to epore new te$hniques in guitar buiding and be$ome +amiiar with the entire guitar buiding pro$ess* SCGC wor.ers are e!en en$ouraged to go out on their own to open a uthier business someday* ,hat has re#e$ted the phiosophy o+ Deming in en$ouraging edu$ation opportunities and se+-impro!ement +or e!eryone* %E!ans" '(3)
SCGC $ommits to bring e$een$e quaity into ea$h guitar $ients $an $ustomize their guitar to 5t in usage* 6rom $hoosing raw materias" bending them into shapes" testing to per+e$tion and $ontinuing a+ter pur$hase ser!i$es that ha!e made SCGC truy an inno!ati!e and $onstanty stri!e +or best pra$ti$e*
,his $ase study is about the great $ustomer ser!i$e eperien$e that S$ott 7aton" an editor-at-arge +or 0uaity Digest" had with Orbtiz" a tra!eing website* ,hrough the story" we earned that he had bad eperien$e with deaing with $ustomer ser!i$e either onine or $a to the hotine $enter* 8owe!er" the pro$ess o+ getting hep at Orbitz has made 1r* 7aton surprised and impressed* 6rom the $arity o+ dire$tion +or $ustomer ser!i$e to the qui$. and easy !oi$emai na!igation system that di!ides $as by type o+ inquiry* 9y input the preiminary in+ormation su$h as phone number" hep options" Orbitz had qui$.y identi+y and na!igated 1r* 7aton to the right representati!e whom then heped him with best $ustomer etiquette and probem so!ing* 6rom Orbitz $ase study" we $an see that they impemented the 7o.ayo.e methodoogy as an approa$h +or mista.e-proo5ng pro$esses using automati$ de!i$es or methods to a!oid simpe human error* 7o.a-yo.e is +o$used on two aspe$ts: predi$tion or re$ognizing that a de+e$t is about to o$$ur and pro!iding a warning and dete$tion" or re$ognizing that a de+e$t has o$$urred and stopping the pro$ess* %E!ans" '(3) 7hone ser!i$e has been a nightmare +or $ustomer" with ong waiting time and numerous o+ trans+erred $as* ;n order to o!er$ome the $haenges" Orbitz has ta.en
6or eampe" in the 1anagement >esponsibiity se$tion" one requirement is “,op management sha ensure that $ustomer requirements are determined and are met with the aim o+ enhan$ing $ustomer satis+a$tion*” %?indsay" '(') Orbitz not ony so!ed the dupi$ate $harging probem" but they aso go beyond by sending a @A' dis$ounted gi+t $ard +or the net pur$hase*