…………………………………………………………… ……………………………………… Project Report On
……………………… CLASS—XII
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I wou! "#e to con$e% &% 'e(rt)u t'(n t'(n#* #* to ………… …………… …………… ……………+ …+Co Co&p &put ute er Sc"ence, w'o (w(%* -($e $(u(.e *u-*u--e* e*t" t"on on* * / -u"! -u"!(n (nce ce )o )or r co&p co&pe et" t"on on o) &% project0 1e 'epe! &e to un!er*t(n! / re&e&.er "&port(nt !et("* o) t'e project0 M% project '(* .een ( *ucce** on% .ec(u*e o) '"* -u"!(nce0 I (& e*pec"(% "n!ente! / I (& (*o .e'o!en to &% )r"en!*0 An! 2n(% I t'(n# to t'e &e&.er* o) &% )(&"% )or t'e"r *upport / encour(-e&ent0 encour(-e&ent0
CERTI3ICATE T'"* "* to cert")% t'(t ………………………0 o) ………0 o) ……………………………………………………… …00 '(* co&pete! '"* project un!er &% *uper$"*"on0 1e '(* t(#en proper c(re / *'own *"ncer"t% "n co&pet"on o) t'"* project0 I cert")% cert")% t'(t t'"* project project "* up to &% e4pect(t"on / (* per t'e -u"!e"ne "**ue! .% C5SE0
……………………………….. (Computer Science faculty )
Content 1. Introduction 2. Source Co Code 3. Output 4. Requirement 5. d!ant d!anta" a"e# e# and di#ad! di#ad!ant anta"e a"e# # $. Conclu#ion %. Sy#tem de de#i" #i"n
This project CANTEEN MANAGEMENT SYSTEM includes some facilities of customer's and products search, display, display, modification, delete etc. This software searches the client data which is store in the record and then gives permission to place the order by b y the customer. customer. The software used for small scale canteens which have limited customers and products and wants to maintain the records.
//*************************************************************** // HEADER FILE USED IN PROJECT //**************************************************************** #include 6oid 'odi%)cu!";d&"&7in" n+2ch&$ n'-+02ch&$ &dd-+02ch&$ 1-+08, in" (e"cu!"id78 $e"u$n cu!";id,3 ch&$ *(e"cu!"n'78 $e"u$n cn&'e,3 ch&$ *(e"cu!"&dd78 $e"u$n &dd$e!!,3 ch&$ *(e"hno78 $e"u$n hno,3 6oid cu!";inu"7in" cu!"id8 (o"o?)72@8, cou"<<555555555555555555555 cou"<<5555555555555555555555555555555 5555555555555555555555 55555555555555555555555 555555555555555555555 5555555555555555, 555555, (o"o?)7+2B8, cou"<<CUST NO>, cu!";id5cu!"id, (o"o?)7:2B8,
cou"<, CUST>, (o"o?)72B8, cincn&'e, (o"o?)7+28, cou"<<ADDRESS>, (o"o?)7::28, cin&dd$e!!, (o"o?)7+2++8, cou"<<PHONE NO.>, (o"o?)7:2++8, cinhno, (o"o?)72+:8, cou"<<555555555555555555555 cou"<<5555555555555555555555555555555 5555555555555555555555 55555555555555555555555 555555555555555555555 555555555555555, 55555, 3 6oid !ho;cu!"78 (o"o?)72@8, cou"<<555555555555555555555 cou"<<5555555555555555555555555555555 5555555555555555555555 55555555555555555555555 555555555555555555555 5555555555555555, 555555, (o"o?)7+2B8, cou"<<CUST NO>, (o"o?)7:2B8, cou"<, CUST>, (o"o?)72B8, cou"<, (o"o?)7:28, cou"<<&dd$e!!, (o"o?)7+2+8, cou"<<PHONE NO.>, (o"o?)7:2+8, cou"<<hno, (o"o?)72+:8, cou"<<555555555555555555555 cou"<<5555555555555555555555555555555 5555555555555555555555 55555555555555555555555 555555555555555555555 555555555555555, 55555, 3 6oid !ho&llcu!"7in" c8 (o"o?)7+2c8, cou"<, (o"o?)7=2B8, cou"<, (o"o?)7G2B8, cou"<, (o"o?)7=28, cou"<<&dd$e!!, (o"o?)7+2+8, cou"<<PHONE NO.>, (o"o?)7=2+8, cou"<<hno, (o"o?)72++8,
cou"<<555555555555555555555 cou"<<5555555555555555555555555555555 5555555555555555555555 55555555555555555555555 555555555555555555555 555555555555555, 55555, 3 3, //*************************'odi%) cu!"o'e$ de"&il! 6oid cu!"o'e$>>'odi%)cu!";d&"&7in" n+2ch&$ n'-+02ch&$ &dd-+02ch&$ 1-+08 ch&$ "'n'-02"'n':-02"'n'=-+0, (o"o?)72+8, cou"<<55555555555 cou"<< 5555555555555555555ANT 55555555ANT TO ODIF 555555555555555555555555555 5555555555555 555555555555555555, 5555, (o"o?)7+2+8, cou"<<CUST NO>, cu!";id5n+, (o"o?)7:2+8, cou"<, CUST>, (o"o?)7G2+8, cou"<, (o"o?)7:2+B8, cou"<<&dd$e!!, (o"o?)72+B8, cou"<<&n" "o ch&n(e "he &dd$e!!, (o"o?)7@2+B8, %l&(5, hile7+8 (e"!7"'n':8, i%7!"$len7"'n':858 %l&(5+, $e&4, 3 i%7!"$len7"'n':8558 %l&(5, $e&4, 3 3
i%7%l&(55+8 !"$c)7&dd$e!!2"'n':8, 3 //*****************COPAN NAE TO //*****************COPAN TO KE ODIFIED ENDS HERE (o"o?)72+8, !"$c)7hno218, //**************** hone no. TO KE ODIF cou"<<CUSTOER PHONE NO.>, (o"o?)7:2+B8, cou"<<hno, (o"o?)72+B8, cou"<<&n" "o ch&n(e "he hone no., (o"o?)7@2+B8, %l&(5, hile7+8 (e"!7"'n'=8, i%7!"$len7"'n'=858 %l&(5+, $e&4, 3 i%7!"$len7"'n'=8558 %l&(5, $e&4, 3 3 i%7%l&(55+8 !"$c)7hno2"'n'=8, 3 //*****************ODIFIED ENDS HERE
(o"o?)72:8, cou"<<555555555555555555555 cou"<<5555555555555555555555555555555 5555555555555555555555 55555555555555555555555 555555555555555555555 555555555555555, 55555, 3 //**************************cl&!! %unc"ion cu!"o'e$ 'odi%) end! he$e
//*********************cu!"o'e$ cl&!! end! he$e********************* //****************%unc"ion "o &dd "he $eco$d! in & %ile 6oid $i"e;cu!"o'e$78 o%!"$e&' oo%%, cu!"o'e$ co, oo%%.oen7cu!"o'e$.d&"2io!>>ou"Mio!>>&8, cl$!c$78, in"$o'&in78, in" $5(e"cu!"o'e$!78, i%7$+8 //+ $5+, // $5+ 3 co.cu!";inu"7$8, oo%%.$i"e77ch&$*89co2!ieo%7cu!"o'e$88, oo%%.$i"e77ch&$*89co2!ieo%7cu!"o'e$ 88, oo%%.clo!e78, (o"o?)7+2:8, cou"<<***************CUSTOER RECORD SAED******************* , cin.i(no$e78, (e"ch78, 3 //****************%unc"ion "o &dd "he $eco$d in & %ile end! he$e //********************chec4 "he cu!"o'e$ nu'e$ &l$e&d) (i6en o$ no"******
in" (e"cu!"o'e$!78 i%!"$e&' oi%%, cu!"o'e$ cu!", in" coun"5, oi%%.oen7cu!"o'e$.d&"2io!>>in&$)8, oi%%.oen7cu!"o'e$ .d&"2io!>>in&$)8, oi%%.!ee4(72io!>>e(8, i%7oi%%8 cou"<<File could no" e oen P$e!! &n) e)..., (e"ch78, 3 //**************"e'o$&$) hidin( "he!e line! hile7oi%%.$e&d77ch&$ *8 9cu!"2 !ieo%7cu!"o'e$888 coun"QQ, 3 //***********u' "o "he l&!" line oi%%.!ee4(7coun"!ieo%7cu!"82io!>>e(8, oi%%.$e&d77ch&$ *8 9cu!"2 !ieo%7cu!"o'e$88, coun"5cu!".(e"cu!"id78, coun"QQ, oi%%.clo!e78, $e"u$n coun", 3 //***********************chec4 "he cu!"o'e$ nu'e$ end! he$e //*************************************************************** // %unc"ion "o $e&d !eci%ic $eco$d %$o' %ile //**************************************************************** 6oid di!l&);cu!";!7in" n8 i%!"$e&' o%, cu!"o'e$ cu!", in" %l&(5, o%.oen7cu!"o'e$.d&"2io!>>in&$)8 o%.o en7cu!"o'e$.d&"2io!>>in&$)8,, i%7o%8 cou"<<File could no" e oen P$e!! &n) e)..., (e"ch78, $e"u$n, 3 hile7o%.$e&d77ch&$*89cu!"2!ieo%7cu!"o'e$888 i%7cu!".(e"cu!"id7855n8 cl$!c$78, in"$o'&in78, cu!".!ho;cu!"78, %l&(5+, 3 3 o%.clo!e78, i%7%l&(558 cou"<<nn$eco$d no" e?i!", (e"ch78, 3 //**********************cu!"o'e$ $eco$d !eeci%ic****************************** !eeci%ic******************************** //****************************************************************************** // DISPLA ALL THE CUSTOER TAKULAR FOR //****************************************************************************** 6oid cu!";"&ul&$78
in" $52col5+, cu!"o'e$ cu!", i%!"$e&' inFile, inFile.oen7cu!"o'e$.d&"2io!>>in&$)8, i%7inFile8 cou"<<File could no" e oen P$e!! &n) e)..., (e"ch78, $e"u$n, 3 di!l&);≪cu!"78, hile7inFile.$e&d77ch&$ *8 9cu!"2 !ieo%7cu!"o'e$888 i%7$<5+:8 $QQ, cu!".!ho&llcu!"7col8, colQQ, 3el!e (o"o?)7:2=8, cou"<<$e!! cou"<<$e!! &n) 4e) 4e), , (e"ch78, cl$!c$78, di!l&);≪cu!"78, col5+, $5, 3 3 inFile.clo!e78, (e"ch78, 3 //**************************"&ul&$ %o$'! end!********************************** e nd!********************************** //%unc"ion "o di!l&) &ll "he $eco$d! o% $oduc" //********************************************************************** 6oid di!l&);≪cu!"78 cl$!c$78, in"$o'&in78, (o"o?)7+28, cou"<< **********************CUST **********************CUSTOER OER DETAILS***************************, DETAILS***************************, (o"o?)7+2G8, cou"<<55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555, (o"o?)7+2@8, cou"<<CUST.NO<
//************************************************************ // ODIF cu!"o'e$ RECORD //********************************************************** 6oid 'odi%);cu!";$eco$d7in" n8 cu!"o'e$ cu!"2"e', ch&$ "'n'-02"'&dd$e!!-0, i%!"$e&' inFile, in" %o!+5+, inFile.oen7cu!"o'e$.d&"2io!>>in&$)8, i%7inFile8 cou"<<File could no" e oen P$e!! &n) e)...,
(e"ch78, $e"u$n, 3 in" %l&(5, hile7inFile.$e&d77ch&$ *8 9cu!"2 !ieo%7cu!"o'e$888 i%7cu!".(e"cu!"id7855n8 cl$!c$78, in"$o'&in78, cu!".!hocu!"d&"&'ul"i78, %l&(5+, 3 3 inFile.clo!e78, i%7%l&(558 cou"<<nn$eco$d no" e?i!", el!e //*******'odi%)in( "he $eco$d! !"&$"! he$e %!"$e&' File, File.oen7cu!"o'e$.d&"2io!>>in&$)Mio!>>inMio!>>ou"8, i%7File8 cou"<<File could no" e oen P$e!! &n) e)..., (e"ch78, $e"u$n, 3 hile7File.$e&d77ch&$ *8 9cu!"2 !ieo%7cu!"o'e$888 i%7cu!".(e"cu!"id7855n8 %o!+57in"8File."ell(78, $e&4, 3 3 File.!ee47%o!+!ieo%7cu!"o'e$82io!>>e(8, !"$c)7"'n'2cu!".(e"cu!"n'788, !"$c)7"'&dd$e!!2cu!".(e"cu!"&dd788, ch&$ 1+-+0, !"$c)71+2cu!".(e"hno788, (o"o?)7+2+:8, cou"<<*****************************************************************************, (o"o?)7+2+=8, cou"<<5555555555555555ENTER cou"<<5555555555555555ENTER NE ALUES FOR THE RECORDS IEN AKOE55555555555555555, AKOE5555555555 5555555, "e'.'odi%)cu!";d&"&7n2"'n'2"'&dd$e!!21+8, File.$i"e77ch&$ *8 9"e'2 !ieo%7cu!"o'e$88, File.clo!e78, 3 3 //***************************************************************************** //***************************************************************************** // DELETE THE RECORD OF THE cu!"o'e$ AAILAKLE //**************************************************************************** 6oid dele"ecu!";$eco$d7in" n8 cu!"o'e$ cu!", i%!"$e&' inFile, inFile.oen7cu!"o'e$.d&"2io!>>in&$)8, i%7inFile8 cou"<<File could no" e oen P$e!! &n) e)..., (e"ch78, $e"u$n,
3 in" %l&(5, hile7inFile.$e&d77ch&$ *8 9cu!"2 !ieo%7cu!"o'e$888 i%7cu!".(e"cu!"id7855n8 cl$!c$78, in"$o'&in78, cu!".!hocu!"d&"&'ul"i78, %l&(5+, 3 3 inFile.clo!e78, ch&$ ch, i%7%l&(558 cou"<<nn$eco$d no" e?i!", el!e //*******dele"ion o% "he $eco$d! !"&$"! %$o' he$e (o"o?)7+2+8, cou"<<*****************************************************************************, (o"o?)72+G8, cou"<<555555DO OU ANT TO DELETE THE RECORDS IEN AKOE-ES78 OR NO 7N855555555, (o"o?)7:2+@8, cinch, i% 7"oue$7ch8558 o%!"$e&' ou"File, ou"File.oen7Te':.d&"2io!>>in&$)8, ou"File.oen7Te':.d&"2io!>>in&$)8, i%!"$e&' oi%%7cu!"o'e$.d&"2io!>>in&$)8, oi%%7cu!"o'e$.d&"2io!>>in&$)8, oi%%.!ee4(72io!>>e(8, hile7oi%%.$e&d77ch&$ *8 9cu!"2 !ieo%7cu!"o'e$888 i%7cu!".(e"cu!"id785n8 ou"File.$i"e77ch&$ *8 9cu!"2 !ieo%7cu!"o'e$88, 3 3 ou"File.clo!e78, oi%%.clo!e78, $e'o6e7cu!"o'e$.d&"8, $en&'e7Te':.d&"2cu!"o'e$.d&"8, &(&inoen&ndclo!ecu!"78, (o"o?)7=2:8, cou"<< cou"<<Reco$d Reco$d Dele"ed Dele"ed, , 3 3 (e"ch78, 3 //***********************dele"e $eco$d end!******************************* en d!************************************ ***** 6oid &(&inoen&ndclo!ecu!"78 i%!"$e&' inFile, cu!"o'e$ cu!", inFile.oen7cu!"o'e$.d&"2io!>>in&$)8, i%7inFile8 (e"ch78, $e"u$n, 3 hile7inFile.$e&d77ch&$ *8 9cu!"2 !ieo%7cu!"o'e$888 3 inFile.clo!e78, 3
//***********************!e&$ch "he cu!"o'e$*********************** in" !e&$chcu!"7in" 8 cu!"o'e$ cu!", in" "'$"5, i%!"$e&' inFile, inFile.oen7cu!"o'e$.d&"2io!>>in&$)8, i%7inFile8 cou"<<File could no" e oen P$e!! &n) e)..., (e"ch78, $e"u$n +, 3 in" %l&(5, hile7inFile.$e&d77ch&$ *8 9cu!"2 !ieo%7cu!"o'e$888 i%7cu!".(e"cu!"id78558 cl$!c$78, in"$o'&in78, cu!".!hocu!"d&"&'ul"i78, %l&(5+, "'$"57in"8inFile."ell(78, $e&4, 3 3 inFile.clo!e78, i%7%l&(558 $e"u$n +, //cou"<<nn$eco$d no" e?i!", el!e $e"u$n "'$", 3 3
//*******************cu!"o'e$ in%o$'&"ion end!********************* cl&!! $oduc" in" $odid, ch&$ n&'e-0, ch&$ co'&n)-0, in" 1"), %lo&" $ice2di!, ulic> $oduc"78 1")5, $ice5, di!5, 3 6oid 'odi%)d&"&7in" n+2ch&$ !n'-+02ch&$ co'&n)n'-+02in" 18, //***************************************************************************** //************************************ ***************************************** 6oid !hod&"&'ul"i78 (o"o?)72@8, cou"<<555555555555555555555 cou"<<5555555555555555555555555555555 5555555555555555555555 55555555555555555555555 555555555555555555555 5555555555555555, 555555, (o"o?)7+2B8, cou"<<PROD NO>, (o"o?)7=2B8, cou"<<$odid, (o"o?)72B8, cou"<<NAE OF PROD>, (o"o?)7G2B8, cou"<
cou"<<COPAN>, (o"o?)7=28, cou"<, (o"o?)7G28, cou"<<$ice, (o"o?)7+2+8, cou"<<VUANTIT>, (o"o?)7=2+8, cou"<<1"), (o"o?)72+8, cou"<<DISCOUNT, (o"o?)7G2+8, cou"<, $odid5$n+, (o"o?)7:2B8, cou"<<$odid, (o"o?)7=2B8, cou"<<NAE OF PROD>, (o"o?)72B8, cinn&'e, (o"o?)7+28, cou"<<COPAN>, (o"o?)7::28, cinco'&n), (o"o?)7=28, cou"<<VUANTIT, (o"o?)728, cin1"), (o"o?)7+2++8, cou"<<PROD PRICE, (o"o?)7:2++8, cin$ice, (o"o?)7=2++8, cou"<<DISCOUNT, (o"o?)72++8, cindi!, (o"o?)72+:8, cou"<<555555555555555555555 cou"<<5555555555555555555555555555555 5555555555555555555555 55555555555555555555555 555555555555555555555 555555555555555, 55555, 3 6oid !ho;$od78 //******************************** (o"o?)72@8, cou"<<555555555555555555555 cou"<<5555555555555555555555555555555 5555555555555555555555 55555555555555555555555 555555555555555555555 5555555555555555, 555555, (o"o?)7+2B8, cou"<<PROD NO>, //$ollno5$n+, (o"o?)7:2B8, cou"<<$odid, (o"o?)7=2B8,
cou"<<NAE OF PROD>, (o"o?)72B8, cou"<, (o"o?)7:28, cou"<, (o"o?)728, cou"<<$ice, (o"o?)7+2+8, cou"<<DISCOUNT>, (o"o?)7:2+8, cou"<, (o"o?)72+8, cou"<<1"), (o"o?)72++8, cou"<<555555555555555555555 cou"<<5555555555555555555555555555555 5555555555555555555555 55555555555555555555555 555555555555555555555 555555555555555, 55555, 3 //!ho //!ho d&"& "&ul&$ %o$' %o$' 6oid !ho&ll7in" c8 (o"o?)7+2c8, cou"<<$odid<
//*************************'odi%) $oduc" 6oid $oduc">>'odi%)d&"&7in" n+2ch&$ !n'-+02ch&$ co'&n)n'-+02in" 18 ch&$ "'n'-02"'n':-0, (o"o?)72+8, cou"<<55555555555 cou"<< 5555555555555555555ANT 55555555ANT TO ODIF 555555555555555555555555555 5555555555555 555555555555555555, 5555, (o"o?)7+2+8, cou"<<PROD NO>, $odid5n+,
(o"o?)7:2+8, cou"<<$odid, (o"o?)72+8, !"$c)7n&'e2!n'8, cou"<<NAE OF PROD>, (o"o?)7G2+8, cou"<, (o"o?)7:2+B8, cou"<
//**************************************************** (o"o?)72:8,
cou"<<PRICE>, (o"o?)7+2:8, %lo&" "'$5, %l&(5+, hile7+8 cin"'$, i%7"'$58 %l&(5+, $e&4, 3el!e %l&(5, $e&4, 3 3 i%7%l&(55+8 $ice5"'$, 3 el!e 3 //****************************************************
//**************************************************** (o"o?)7::2:8, cou"<<INCREASE VUANTIT>, VUANTIT>, (o"o?)72:8, in" "'1")5, cin"'1"), 1")51, 1")51")Q"'1"), //***************************************************
//*************************************************** (o"o?)72:8, cou"<<DISCOUNT>, (o"o?)7G=2:8, %lo&" "'di!5, cin"'di!, di!5"'di!, //***************************************** (o"o?)72::8, cou"<<555555555555555555555 cou"<<5555555555555555555555555555555 5555555555555555555555 55555555555555555555555 555555555555555555555 555555555555555, 55555, 3 //**************************cl&!! %unc"ion ou"!ide %!"$e&' %, $oduc" $, //*************************************************************** // %unc"ion "o $i"e in %ile //**************************************************************** 6oid $i"e;oo478 %.oen7$oduc".d&"2io!>>ou"Mio!>>&8, cl$!c$78, in"$o'&in78, in" $nn5(e"$oduc"78, i%7$nn+8
$nn5+, 3 $.c$e&"e;$od7$nn8, $.c$e&"e;$od7$nn8, %.$i"e77ch&$*89$2!ieo%7$oduc"88, %.$i"e77ch&$*89$2!ieo%7$oduc"88, %.clo!e78, (o"o?)7+2:8, cou"<<***************PRODUCTS RECORD SAED******************* SAED******************* , cin.i(no$e78, (e"ch78, 3 //********************chec4 "he $oduc" nu'e$ &l$e&d) (i6en o$ no"****** in" (e"$oduc"78 i%!"$e&' oi%%, $oduc" !", in" coun"5, oi%%.oen7$oduc".d&"2io!>>in&$)8, oi%%.!ee4(72io!>>e(8, i%7oi%%8 cou"<<File could no" e oen P$e!! &n) e)..., (e"ch78, 3 //**************"e'o$&$) hidin( "he!e line! hile7oi%%.$e&d77ch&$ *8 9!"2 !ieo%7$oduc"888 coun"QQ, 3 //***********u' "o "he l&!" line oi%%.!ee4(7coun"!ieo%7!"82io!>>e(8, oi%%.$e&d77ch&$ *8 9!"2 !ieo%7$oduc"88, coun"5!".$e"no78, coun"QQ, oi%%.clo!e78, $e"u$n coun", 3 //*************************************************************** // %unc"ion "o $e&d !eci%ic $eco$d %$o' %ile //**************************************************************** 6oid di!l&);!7in" n8 in" %l&(5, %.oen7$oduc".d&"2io!>>in8, i%7%8 cou"<<File could no" e oen P$e!! &n) e)..., (e"ch78, $e"u$n, 3 hile7%.$e&d77ch&$*89$2!ieo%7$oduc"888 hile7%.$e&d77ch&$*89$ 2!ieo%7$oduc"888 i%7$.$e"no7855n8 i%7$.$e"no7855n8 cl$!c$78, in"$o'&in78, $.!ho $.!ho;$od78, ;$od78, %l&(5+, 3 3 %.clo!e78, i%7%l&(558 cou"<<nn$eco$d no" e?i!", (e"ch78, 3
//****************************************************************** // %unc"ion e%o$e l&ce o$de$ o$de$ &nd "hen c&ll l&ce o$de$ %unc"ion //****************************************************************** in" e%o$e;o$de$78 in" %5+2nu'5, cu!"o'e$ cu!", cl$!c$78, in"$o'&in78, (o"o?)7+2B8, cou"<<*****ENTER THE CUST ID TO KE SEARCHED>, (o"o?)728, cinnu', i%!"$e&' inFile, inFile.oen7cu!"o'e$.d&"2io!>>in&$)8, i%7inFile8 cou"<<File could no" e oen P$e!! &n) e)..., (e"ch78, $e"u$n +, 3 hile7inFile.$e&d77ch&$ *8 9cu!"2 !ieo%7cu!"o'e$888 i%7cu!".(e"cu!"id7855nu'8 cl$!c$78, in"$o'&in78, cu!".!hocu!"d&"&'ul"i78, %5+, //"'$"57in"8inFile."ell(78, $e&4, 3 3 inFile.clo!e78, $e"u$n %, 3
//*************************************************************** // %unc"ion "o l&ce o$de$ &nd (ene$&"in( ill %o$ PRODUCT PURCHASED //****************************************************************
6oid l&ce;o$de$78 o$de$ o+-0, in" c52$+5, %lo&" &'"52d&'"52"o"&l52""&?"5, in" 4521+, ch&$ ch5, in" 6&lue5e%o$e;o$de$78, i%76&lue55+8 cl$!c$78, $od;"&ul&$78, cl$!c$78, in"$o'&in78, (o"o?)7=28, cou"<<55555555555555555555 cou"<<5555555555555555555555555555, 55555555, (o"o?)7=28, cou"<< PLACE OUR ORDER,
(o"o?)7=2G8, cou"<<55555555555555555555 cou"<<5555555555555555555555555555, 55555555, do cl$!c$78, (o"o?)72+8, cou"<<ENTER THE PRODUCT NO> , (o"o?)72+8, cin$+, 45!e&$ch7$+8, i%748 (o"o?)72+:8, cou"<<En"e$ "he Vu&n"i")>, (o"o?)7:B2+:8, cin1+, ch&n(e1")7$+21+8, co)'e742o+21+2c8, 3el!e cou"<<PRODUCT no" %ound, 3 cl$!c$78, (o"o?)7+2:8, cou"<<Do )ou &n" u$ch&!e 'o$e 7e!- ) o$ 0 o$ NO -n o$ N08, (o"o?)7+2:+8, cinch, 3 hile7ch55) MM ch558, //***************hile end! ) "he!e line!
cl$!c$78, (o"o?)7:2:8, cou"<<Th&n4 ou ou Fo$ Pl&cin( The O$de$.........., (e"ch78, cl$!c$78, in"$o'&in78, (o"o?)7+=28, cou"<<*************************INOICE************************, (o"o?)7+2G8, cou"<<PR.No.<
))QQ, 3 ""&?"5, (o"o?)7=2))8, cou"<< cou"<< , , ))QQ, (o"o?)7:2))8, cou"<<TOTAL>, (o"o?)7=2))8, cou"<<"o"&l, ))QQ, (o"o?)7:2))8, cou"<<TAXW>, (o"o?)7=G2))8, cou"<<Q<<""&?", ))QQ, (o"o?)7:2))8, cou"<< cou"<<, , ))QQ, (o"o?)7:2))8, cou"<<NET TOTAL>, (o"o?)7=2))8, cou"<<7"o"&lQ77""&?"*"o"&l8/+88, ))QQ, (o"o?)7=2))8, cou"<< cou"<< , , 3el!e cl$!c$78, (o"o?)7:2=8, cou"<<************OUR ID IS RON ************************************, ************************************, 3 //*****************ch&n(e &" "he &o6e (e"ch78, 3 //********************%uc"ion "o co) &ll $eco$d "o & !"$uc"u$e 6oid co)'e7in" 4:2o$de$ o$de$+-02in" 1+2in" 9c:8 i%!"$e&' oi%%:7$oduc".d&"2io!>>in&$)8, $oduc" 4+, oi%%:.!ee4(74:!ieo%7$oduc"88, oi%%:.$e&d77ch&$*894+2!ieo%7$oduc"88, !"$c)7o$de$+-c:0.n&'e+24+.(e"n&'e788, !"$c)7o$de$+-c:0.co')+24+.(e"co'&n)788, o$de$+-c:0.di!+54+.$e"di!78, o$de$+-c:0.$ice+54+.$e"$ice78, //*********************co) $eco$d*********************** o$de$+-c:0.1")+51+, c:QQ, oi%%:.clo!e78, 3 //*************************************************************** // INTRODUCTION FUNCTION //**************************************************************** 6oid in"$o78 (o"o?)72:8, cou"<<****************************CANTEENANAEENT********** cou"<<****************************CAN TEENANAEENT*************************, ***************, (o"o?)7+:28, cou"<<55555555555555555555 cou"<<5555555555555555555555555555555 55555555555555555555555 5555555555555555555555 5555555555555555, 555555, (o"o?)728, cou"<<****************************S55S5T5E5********************** cou"<<****************************S5 5S5T5E5********************************, **********, (o"o?)72+8, cou"<<PROJECT>,
(o"o?)72+:8, cou"<<ADE K > SNEHIT CHANDRA, (o"o?)7+2+8, cou"<<SCHOOL > DOON PUKLIC SCHOOL, SCHOOL, (e"ch78, 3 //*************************************************************** // ADINSTRATOR ENU+ FUNCTION //**************************************************************** 6oid &d'in;'enu+78 cl$!c$78, ch&$ ch:, in" nu', //************************************************************ cl$!c$78, in"$o'&in78, (o"o?)7:2G8, cou"<<55555555555555555ADIN cou"<<55555555555555555ADIN ENU555555555555555555 ENU55555555555555555555, 55, (o"o?)7::2@8, cou"<<+.CREATE CUSTOERS DETAILS, (o"o?)7::2B8, cou"<<:.DISPLA ALL CUSTOERS DETAILS, (o"o?)7::28, cou"<<=.SEARCH RECORD7VUER8 , (o"o?)7::2+8, cou"<<.ODIF CUSTOERS RECORDS, (o"o?)7::2++8, cou"<<.DELETE CUSTOERS RECORDS, (o"o?)7::2+:8, cou"<<G.KAC TO AIN ENU, (o"o?)7+B2+=8, cou"<<Ple&!e En"e$ ou$ Choice 7+G8 , (o"o?)72+=8, //********************************************************** ch:5(e"che78, !i"ch7ch:8 c&!e +> cl$!c$78, $i"e;cu!"o'e$78, $e&4, c&!e :> cu!";"&ul&$78, $e&4, c&!e => //******************** cl$!c$78, in"$o'&in78, (o"o?)7+2B8, cou"<<*****ENTER THE CUST ID TO KE SEARCHED>, (o"o?)728, cinnu', di!l&);cu!";!7nu'8, $e&4, c&!e > cl$!c$78, in"$o'&in78, (o"o?)7+2B8, cou"<<*****ENTER THE CUST ID TO KE SEARCHED AND ODIF>, ODIF>, (o"o?)728, cinnu', 'odi%);cu!";$eco$d7nu'8, $e&4, c&!e > cl$!c$78,
in"$o'&in78, (o"o?)7+2B8, cou"<<*****ENTER THE CUST ID TO KE SEARCHED AND TO DELETE>, (o"o?)728, cinnu', dele"ecu!";$eco$d7nu'8, $e&4, c&!e G> $e&4, de%&ul">cou"<<&,&d'in;'enu+78, 3 3 //***********************ENU + CUSTOERS ENDS HERE*************************
// // //*************************************************************** // ADINSTRATOR ENU: FUNCTION //**************************************************************** 6oid &d'in;'enu78 cl$!c$78, ch&$ ch:, in" nu', //************************************************************ cl$!c$78, in"$o'&in78, (o"o?)7:2G8, cou"<<55555555555555555ADIN cou"<<55555555555555555ADIN ENU555555555555555555 ENU55555555555555555555, 55, (o"o?)7::2@8, cou"<<+.CREATE cou"<<+.CREATE PRODUCTS, (o"o?)7::2B8, cou"<<:.DISPLA ALL PRODUCTS AAILAKEL, (o"o?)7::28, cou"<<=.SEARCH RECORD7VUER8 , (o"o?)7::2+8, cou"<<.ODIF PRODUCTS, (o"o?)7::2++8, cou"<<.DELETE PRODUCTS, (o"o?)7::2+:8, cou"<<G.KAC TO AIN ENU, (o"o?)7+B2+=8, cou"<<Ple&!e En"e$ ou$ Choice 7+G8 , (o"o?)72+=8, //********************************************************** ch:5(e"che78, !i"ch7ch:8 c&!e +> cl$!c$78, $i"e;oo478, $e&4, c&!e :> $od;"&ul&$78,//di!l&);&ll78, $e&4, c&!e => //******************** cl$!c$78, in"$o'&in78, (o"o?)7+2B8, cou"<<*****ENTER THE PROD ID TO KE SEARCHED>, (o"o?)728, cinnu', di!l&);!7nu'8, $e&4, c&!e > cl$!c$78, in"$o'&in78,
(o"o?)7+2B8, cou"<<*****ENTER THE PROD ID TO KE SEARCHED AND ODIF>, ODIF>, (o"o?)728, cinnu', 'odi%);$eco$d7nu'8, $e&4, c&!e > cl$!c$78, in"$o'&in78, (o"o?)7+2B8, cou"<<*****ENTER THE PROD ID TO KE SEARCHED AND TO TO DELETE>, (o"o?)728, cinnu', dele"e;$eco$d7nu'8, $e&4, c&!e G> $e&4, de%&ul">cou"<<&,&d'in;'enu78, 3 3 //*************************************************************** // THE AIN FUNCTION OF PRORA //**************************************************************** 6oid '&in78 ch&$ ch, in"$o78, do //****************TEPORAR*********************** cl$!c$78, in"$o'&in78, (o"o?)7:2G8, cou"<<55555555555555555AIN cou"<<55555555555555555AIN ENU5555555555555555555 ENU55555555555555555555, 5, (o"o?)7:B2@8, cou"<<+. PRODUCTS REPORT ENERATOR, (o"o?)7:B2B8, cou"<<:. ADINISTRATOR, ADINISTRATOR, (o"o?)7:B28, cou"<<=. EXIT, (o"o?)7:2+8, cou"<<555555555555555555555 cou"<<55555555555555555555555555555555 5555555555555555555555 55555555555555, 555, (o"o?)7:2+:8, cou"<<Ple&!e Selec" ou$ O"ion 7+=8 , (o"o?)7=2+8, ch5(e"che78, !i"ch7ch8 c&!e +> cl$!c$78, o$de$45, l&ce;o$de$78, (e"ch78, $e&4, c&!e :> 'iddle&d'in'enu78, $e&4, c&!e =>e?i"78, de%&ul" >cou"<<&, 3 3hile7ch5=8, 3 //***************'&in in"$o 6oid in"$o'&in78 cl$!c$78, (o"o?)7+2:8,
cou"<<**********CANTEEN******ANAEENT****SSTE******PROJECT**********************, cou"<<**********CANTEEN******ANAEENT****SSTE******PR OJECT**********************, (o"o?)7+2=8, cou"<<******************************************************************************, 3 //****************************************************************************** // DISPLA ALL THE PRODUCT TAKULAR FOR //****************************************************************************** 6oid $od;"&ul&$78 in" $52col5+, $oduc" !", i%!"$e&' inFile, inFile.oen7$oduc".d&"2io!>>in&$)8, i%7inFile8 cou"<<File could no" e oen P$e!! &n) e)..., (e"ch78, $e"u$n, 3 di!l&);&ll78, hile7inFile.$e&d77ch&$ *8 9!"2 !ieo%7$oduc"888 i%7$<5+:8 $QQ, !".!ho&ll7col8, colQQ, 3el!e (o"o?)7:2=8, cou"<<$e!! cou"<<$e!! &n) 4e) 4e), , (e"ch78, cl$!c$78, di!l&);&ll78, col5+, $5, 3 3 inFile.clo!e78, (e"ch78, 3 //**************************"&ul&$ %o$'! end!********************************** e nd!********************************** //*******************"&ul&$! %o$'! he&din(!************************************ //%unc"ion "o di!l&) &ll "he $eco$d! o% $oduc" //********************************************************************** 6oid di!l&);&ll78 cl$!c$78, in"$o'&in78, (o"o?)7+28, cou"<< **********************PRODUC **********************PRODUCTS TS DETAILS***************************, DETAILS***************************, (o"o?)7+2G8, cou"<<55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555, (o"o?)7+2@8, cou"<<PROD.NO<
ch&$ "'n'-02"'co'&n)-0, i%!"$e&' inFile, in" %o!5+, inFile.oen7$oduc".d&"2io!>>in&$)8, i%7inFile8 cou"<<File could no" e oen P$e!! &n) e)..., (e"ch78, $e"u$n, 3 in" %l&(5, hile7inFile.$e&d77ch&$ *8 9!"2 !ieo%7$oduc"888 i%7!".$e"no7855n8 cl$!c$78, in"$o'&in78, !".!hod&"&'ul"i78, %l&(5+, 3 3 inFile.clo!e78, i%7%l&(558 cou"<<nn$eco$d no" e?i!", el!e //*******'odi%)in( "he $eco$d! !"&$"! he$e %!"$e&' File, File.oen7$oduc".d&"2io!>>in&$)Mio!>>inMio!>>ou"8, i%7File8 cou"<<File could no" e oen P$e!! &n) e)..., (e"ch78, $e"u$n, 3 hile7File.$e&d77ch&$ *8 9!"2 !ieo%7$oduc"888 i%7!".$e"no7855n8 %o!57in"8File."ell(78, $e&4, 3 3 File.!ee47%o!!ieo%7$oduc"82io!>>e(8, !"$c)7"'n'2!".(e"n&'e788, !"$c)7"'co'&n)2!".(e"co'&n)788, in" 1+5!".(e"1")78, (o"o?)7+2+:8, cou"<<*****************************************************************************, (o"o?)7+2+=8, cou"<<5555555555555555ENTER cou"<<5555555555555555ENTER NE ALUES FOR THE RECORDS IEN AKOE55555555555555555, AKOE5555555555 5555555, "e'.'odi%)d&"&7n2"'n'2"'co'&n)21+8, File.$i"e77ch&$ *8 9"e'2 !ieo%7$oduc"88, File.clo!e78, 3 3 //***************************************************************************** // DELETE THE RECORD OF THE PRODUCTC NOT AAILAKLE //**************************************************************************** 6oid dele"e;$eco$d7in" n8 $oduc" !", i%!"$e&' inFile, inFile.oen7$oduc".d&"2io!>>in&$)8, i%7inFile8
cou"<<File could no" e oen P$e!! &n) e)..., (e"ch78, $e"u$n, 3 in" %l&(5, hile7inFile.$e&d77ch&$ *8 9!"2 !ieo%7$oduc"888 i%7!".$e"no7855n8 cl$!c$78, in"$o'&in78, !".!hod&"&'ul"i78, %l&(5+, 3 3 inFile.clo!e78, ch&$ ch, i%7%l&(558 cou"<<nn$eco$d no" e?i!", el!e //*******dele"ion o% "he $eco$d! !"&$"! %$o' he$e (o"o?)7+2+8, cou"<<*****************************************************************************, (o"o?)72+G8, cou"<<555555DO OU ANT TO DELETE THE RECORDS IEN AKOE-ES78 OR NO 7N855555555, (o"o?)7:2+@8, cinch, i% 7"oue$7ch8558 o%!"$e&' ou"File, ou"File.oen7Te'+.d&"2io!>>in&$)8, ou"File.oen7Te'+.d&"2io!>>in&$)8, i%!"$e&' oi%%7$oduc".d&"2io!>>in&$)8, oi%%.!ee4(72io!>>e(8, hile7oi%%.$e&d77ch&$ *8 9!"2 !ieo%7$oduc"888 i%7!".$e"no785n8 ou"File.$i"e77ch&$ *8 9!"2 !ieo%7$oduc"88, 3 3 ou"File.clo!e78, oi%%.clo!e78, $e'o6e7$oduc".d&"8, $en&'e7Te'+.d&"2$oduc".d&"8, &(&inoen&ndclo!e78, (o"o?)7=2:8, cou"<< cou"<<Reco$d Reco$d Dele"ed Dele"ed, , 3 3 (e"ch78, 3 //***********************dele"e $eco$d end!******************************* en d!************************************ ***** 6oid &(&inoen&ndclo!e78 i%!"$e&' inFile, $oduc" !", inFile.oen7$oduc".d&"2io!>>in&$)8, i%7inFile8 (e"ch78, $e"u$n, 3 hile7inFile.$e&d77ch&$ *8 9!"2 !ieo%7$oduc"888
3 inFile.clo!e78, 3 //***********************!e&$ch "he $oduc"*********************** in" !e&$ch7in" 8 $oduc" !", in" "'$"5, i%!"$e&' inFile, inFile.oen7$oduc".d&"2io!>>in&$)8, i%7inFile8 cou"<<File could no" e oen P$e!! &n) e)..., (e"ch78, $e"u$n +, 3 in" %l&(5, hile7inFile.$e&d77ch&$ *8 9!"2 !ieo%7$oduc"888 i%7!".$e"no78558 cl$!c$78, in"$o'&in78, !".!hod&"&'ul"i78, %l&(5+, "'$"57in"8inFile."ell(78, $e&4, 3 3 inFile.clo!e78, i%7%l&(558 $e"u$n +, //cou"<<nn$eco$d no" e?i!", el!e $e"u$n "'$", 3 3 //********************ch&n(e 1u&n"i")************************* 6oid ch&n(e1")7in" $+2in" 1++8 1++8 $oduc" !", in" %o!5+, %!"$e&' File, File.oen7$oduc".d&"2io!>>in&$)Mio!>>inMio!>>ou"8, i%7File8 cou"<<File could no" e oen P$e!! &n) e)..., (e"ch78, $e"u$n, 3 hile7File.$e&d77ch&$ *8 9!"2 !ieo%7$oduc"888 i%7!".$e"no7855$+8 %o!57in"8File."ell(78, $e&4, 3 3 File.!ee47%o!!ieo%7$oduc"82io!>>e(8, in" 1+5!".(e"1")78, 1+51+1++, !".!e"1")71+8, File.$i"e77ch&$ *8 9!"2 !ieo%7$oduc"88, File.clo!e78, 3 6oid 'iddle&d'in'enu78
ch&$ ch, do //****************TEPORAR*********************** cl$!c$78, in"$o'&in78, (o"o?)7:2G8, cou"<<55555555555CUSTOERSPR cou"<<55555555555CUSTOERSPRODUCTS ODUCTS ENU55555555555, ENU55555555555, (o"o?)7:B2@8, cou"<<+. CUSTOERS ENU, (o"o?)7:B2B8, cou"<<:. PRODUCTS ENU, (o"o?)7:B28, cou"<<=. KAC TO AIN, (o"o?)7:2+8, cou"<<555555555555555555555 cou"<<55555555555555555555555555555555 5555555555555555555555 55555555555555, 555, (o"o?)7:2+:8, cou"<<Ple&!e Selec" ou$ O"ion 7+=8 , (o"o?)7=2+8, ch5(e"che78, !i"ch7ch8 c&!e +> &d'in;'enu+78, $e&4, c&!e :> &d'in;'enu78, $e&4, c&!e => $e&4, de%&ul" >cou"<<&,&d'in;'enu78, 3 3hile7ch5=8, 3
//*************************************************************** // END OF PROJECT //***************************************************************
if choice is 1:
product report generator:
if found
Printer, Printer, to print the required documents of the project Compact Drive Processor intel !am "#$ %& or more than "#$%& arddis( )* +& or more than )*+&.
perating system -indows P Turbo C//, for e0ecution of program and %s word, for presentation of output.
Customer does not have to wait in long queues.
Customer does not need to worry about buying products.
This software reduces paper wor(.
1t is easy to handle customer2s record and products records for future
This software saves the time.
1nformation of the customer stores permanently.
This system suitable for only small canteens.
nline facility is not available.
#O!#$USIO! This software is efficient in maintaining customer2s details and can easily perform operations on customer2s records and also wor(s to handles the information information of the products products available in a cant cantee een. n. This his soft softw ware are also also redu reduce cess the the wor( or( load load of the the canteens. 1n future, this system can launch web site for easy online canteen facilities.
S%STE& DESI"! Then 'e (egan 'ith the design phase of the s)ste*+ S)ste* design is a so,ution- a .HOW TO/ approach to the creation of a ne' s)ste*+ It trans,ates s)ste* re0uire*ents re0uire*ents into 'a)s () 'hich the) can (e *ade operationa,+ It is a trans,ationa, fro* a user oriented docu*ent to a docu*ent oriented progra**ers+ For that- it proides the understanding and procedura, detai,s necessar) for the i*p,e*entation+ i*p,e*entation+ Here 'e use F,o'chart to supp,e*ent the 'or2ing of the ne' s)ste*+ The s)ste* thus *ade shou,d (e re,ia(,e- dura(,e and a(oe a,, shou,d hae ,east possi(,e *aintenance costs+ It shou,d oerco*e a,, the dra'(ac2s of the O,d e3isting s)ste* and *ost i*portant of a,, *eet the user re0uire*ents+
#.generate the invoice $.administrator 5.e0it
16 C1C7 8 # 16 C1C7 8 $ 16 C1C7 8 5
1T +797!4T7 +797!4T7 T7 19:1C7 19:1C 7 46T7! T7 P!D;CT P;!C437D &< T7 C;3T%7!3
1T -!=3 6! 4DD19+ D7>7T19+ %D16<19+ 374!C19+ T7 !7C!D 6 C;3T%7! 49D P!D;CT3
BIBLIOGRAPHY The ($e&" hel %$o' ou$ %&cul") 'e'e$! &nd ') $oec" (uide "h&" led "he !ucce!!%ul co'le"ion o% "he $oec". Ke!ide! "h&"2 I "oo4 "he hel o% !o'e oo4! &nd e!i"e! "o de6elo "he $oec". The) &$e >
3umita 4rora @ Computer 3cience with C// 7. &alagurusami @ C// !obert >afore @ Turbo C//