Region IV-A Province of Laganua 3rd District Municipality of CALAUAN Created y !panis" Aut"orities in #$%& Meaning of Its Na'e derived fro' ()ala*ang+, ()ala*ang+, 'eans rust nd Class Municipality Calauan is a nd class 'unicipality "as an area of aout .,/$%0112 "ectares 'ore or less of land and lies in t"e central part of Laguna0 It is ounded on t"e Nort" y Laguna de ay, on t"e !out" y !an Palo City, on t"e 4ast y 'unicipality of Nagcarlan and on t"e 5est y 'unicipality of ay0 ay0 It is .$ 6ilo'eters fro' Manila, # 6ilo'eters fro' !ta0 Cru7, Laguna and $ 6ilo'eters fro' its neig"oring to*n, ay0 ay0 It is conveniently accessile y land transportation0 HISTORY
8"e fertile soil of Calauan attracted attention of Captain 9uan de !alcedo, *"en "e passed t"roug" Laguna Lagun a and 8ayaas :no* ;ue7on< on "is *ay * ay to icol Region in #$.&0 8en 8en years later, !panis" aut"orities estalis"ed a to*n govern'ent t*o 6ilo'eters fro' t"e site of t"e present Polacion, in *"at is no* arrio Maacan0 8"ey called t"e to*nsite (Calauan (Calauan+ + :tagalong *ord for rust<0 =ollo*ing =ollo*ing in epide'ic in #.&3, t"e to*n *as 'oved to its present site at t"e for6 of t"ree roads---no* to t"e sout"*est leading to !an Palo City, t"e ot"er sout"east*ard to !ta0 Cru7, t"e provincial capital, and t"e t"ird going Nort" to Manila0 It is said t"at a ric" *o'an of Calauan paid for t"e construction of a concrete c"urc" in #.%., and t"e arc"is"op in Manila installed !an Isidro Larador and !an Ro>ue, *"ose feast day of May #$, as Patron Patron !aint of t"e to*n0 At t"e turn of #%t" century, *"en ay *as designated as t"e provincial capital of Laguna, Calauan eca'e a sitio of ay0 ay0 Merc"ants going to !out"ern Lu7on usually usu ally pass t"roug" ay and Calauan0 ?ne of t"e', an opulent !paniard y t"e na'e of I@igo in #%# oug"t large tracts of land in Calauan0 8"e land"oldings of I@igo and, later, of "is "eirs *ere so vast t"at 'any portions *ere still unsettled0 8"e property *as and still is, 6no*n as acienda Calauan0 Aout a century later, t"e people of Calauan foug"t a (guardia civil+ during t"e P"ilippine Revolution0 asilio Beiro7a Beiro7a :etter 6no*n as Caesang asilio< and "is 'en routed a attalion of (guardia civiles+ in a ve-"our attle in ario Cupangan :no* La'ot I< in Dece'er #%2.0 During t"e suse>uent P"ilippine-A'erican "ostilities, Calauan patriots foug"t nu'erically superior forces of Beneral ?tis in arrio !an Diego of !an Palo0 5it" t"e estalis"'ent of civilian aut"ority in Calauan in #2&, t"e A'ericans assigned Mariano Marfori as rst
(presidente+0 acienda Calauan nance a construction of a "ospital in #21, and Mariano ?0 Marfori, 9r0 son of t"e rst 'unicipal presidente, as "ospital director and t"e resident p"ysician, respectively0 :8"e "ospital, unfortunately, *as destroyed in 5orld 5ar II and "as not een reuilt since t"en<0 In #232, y t"e re>uest of President ;ue7on, Do@a Margarita Roas vda0 De !oriano, granddaug"ter of t"e !paniard Inigo, sudivided acienda Calauan and sold it to t"e tenants, part of *"at re'ained *as converted into a rest "ouse and a s*i''ing pool and it eca'e one of t"e tourist attractions until #2$10 8"e to*n got its na'e fro' t"e ter' ()ala*ang+ *"ic" 'eans rust0 It *as clai'ed t"at for centuries lu'ps of rust surfaced and drifted gently on a ody of *ater called Macala*ang !pring0 8"is spring *as situated nearly t"ree :3< 6ilo'eters fro' t"e to*n proper0 Anot"er interesting pre'ise upon *"ic" t"e na'e Calauan *as c"osen "as a little story to tellE During t"e early part of !panis" sovereignty over t"e P"ilippines, t"ere *as a village located *est of t"e to*n *"ere an old 'an found a cross 'ade of stone0 !ince C"ristianity *as eing introduced in t"e to*n, t"e people felt t"ey s"ould treat suc" cross *it" reverence0 8"ey "eld a 'ass at t"e spot *"ere t"e stone cross *as found0 8o t"e surprised of all, during t"e celeration of t"e 'ass, *ater sprang out fro' t"e eact place *"ere t"e stone *as located0 8"e *ater *as yello*is" and (rusty+0 8o co''e'orate t"is 'ysterious event, t"e people uilt a c"urc" on t"is site0 8"ey sa* to it t"at altar *as constructed rig"t on t"e spot *"ere t"e *ater "ad sprung out0 8"e village "ad gro*n larger and t"en populated and t"en eca'e t"e to*n proper0 eing 'ostly far'ers, t"e people c"ose to "onor !an Isidro Larador and !an Ro>ue as t"eir Patron !aints0 May #$ and #1 respectively, "ave een t"eir celeration dates0
Loo6ing outside 'y *indo* is a 'ature agras tree t"at stands 'agnicently despite t"e attering of typ"oons00000000 I 6eep t"in6ing of t"e attle scenes fro' t"e Lord of t"e Rings and Avatar 'ovie, *"erein century old forest trees played a vital role to for' a strategic alliance *it" 'an, eings and ot"er creatures in order to save t"e *orld0 8"oug" ctional, t"ese 'ovies entail realis' of our present *orld and *"at could "appen in t"e future0 In t"e prole's *e face today, cli'ate c"ange is our greatest ene'y0 5e ourselves "ave destroyed t"e forest fortress and t"at t"e alance of life "as een disrupted0 8"e ele'ents of eart", re, air, *ater and Baia see' to "ave turned against us, 'agnifying natureFs intensity into t"e li6es of "ailstor's, tsuna'iFs, el nino, landslides, forest res, droug"t and t"e li6e0 My >uestion no* is "o* are *e going to
*in t"is attle *"en al'ost all of t"e *orldFs giant trees :our allies< are already felled or *"en constant use of fossil fuel and garage continue to pollute our surroundingsG It is easy to say t"at tree planting is t"e solution0 IFd say t"at it is partly correct, ecause *e need to start so'e*"ere in order to ring ac6 t"e trees0 5"at *e do not "ave is t"e ele'ent of ti'e, ecause it too6 years, centuries and 'illenniu's in order to gro* t"ose trees0 !o'e seedlings do not stand a c"ance fro' etre'e c"anges in te'perature *"et"er "ot or cold0 8"ey are si'ilar to infants t"at need nurturing and care for t"e' to gro* strong and "ealt"y, ot"er*ise t"ey *ill Hust *it"er a*ay0 est *ay is to plan carefully as to *"at species to plant t"at *ould est adapt to an area0 8"ere s"ould e a follo* up on giving care and 'aintenance *"ile seedlings are still estalis"ing t"e'selves0 =inally, everyody s"ould 'a6e it a conscious eort to Hoin t"is attle, after all it is t"e survival of every species on t"e planet t"at is at sta6e including 'an0 Read 'oreJ "ttpJKKp"ilippinenativeforesttrees0logspot0co'K&K&.Kcli'atec"ange-attle-*e-all-need-to0"t'li773tyPPd9!
5e often "ear designers and arc"itects associate 'odernis' to si'plicity, clean, uncluttered and 'aintenance free0 8"is is *"at 'ost of us *ant to ac"ieve in t"is 'odern *orld ecause *e *ant our lifestyle to reect eauty, co'fort and style 'inus t"e "eadac"es0 Concepts are 'ade and for'ulated to 'eet de'ands and re>uire'ents, ut no 'atter *"at t"e end result is everyt"ing s"ould serve a purpose0 Not"ing s"ould e put to c"ance ot"er*ise all eorts *ill e *asted0 I *is" t"at I can say t"e sa'e aout rainforestation0 8"at I can Hust plant seedlings in ro*s and *atc" t"e' gro* t"eir *ay into t"e garden of 4den t"at *e envision t"e' to e0 It ta6es 'ore t"an t"at ecause t"ere is life in trees and plants and t"at *e can never control nature, ti'e or t"e ele'ents0 5e often say t"at life is unfair0 5ell, life as *e 6no* it is certainly full of uncertainties0 Unepected t"ings could "appen to your seedlingsKtrees li6e for ea'ple your rot"erFs pitull ate your one and only ger'inating Manaring :lit"ocarpus sp0< seed, *"ic" you collected fro' a forest in 8agaytay0 ?r *"en t"e ti'e t"at your Hade vine *as already 'a6ing itFs *ay up t"e fence t"at a sudden infestation of 'ot" larvae gorged on t"e leaves t"at it *as too late for you to ta6e drastic 'easures to save it0 8"ere *as even an instance *"en uneperienced you 'ade so'e unforseen errors in "andling and storing 8indalo seeds t"at *"en t"e ti'e you got ac6 fro' t"e trip and planted it, al'ost all of it peris"ed due to fungus or acteria0 5"at a *asteO In t"e end, you try to learn fro' t"ese 'ista6es and "ope to never ever do it again0
4noug" aout re'iniscing t"e past ecause t"ere is not"ing to it0 Not"ing to ring it ac6 I 'ean so 'ig"t Hust face life "ead on0 Li6e in a forest, life is tea'ing *it" species, one dependent on t"e ot"er to for' t"at sy'iotic relations"ip or an ecosyste'0 Rainforestation is 'i'ic6ing and ringing ac6 t"at ecosyste'0 It is t"e closest t"ing t"at *e can oer ecause *e can never ever recreate t"e original virgin rainforest once it is destroyed0 Diversity is t"e 6ey0 8"e *ea6ness of one *ill e t"e strengt" of ot"er species0 I a' tal6ing aout t"e layer upon layer of plant and tree species in one area0 8ry to adapt t"at concept and 'aye t"en youFll agree *it" 'e t"at in rainforestation, 'ore is 'oreO Read 'oreJ "ttpJKKp"ilippinenativeforesttrees0logspot0co'K&K&.Kin-designso'eti'es-less-is-'ore-ut-in0"t'li773tyPuP/