Republic of the Philippines Department of Education
Region VIII (Eastern Visayas) BAYBAY CITY DIVII!" Baybay "ational #igh chool Baybay City$ %eyte
* Listen for important points signaled by volume, projection, and stress. (EN8LC!a".#$
* )EEC+ 3une #, 56#7 E-%/E)0 1'L%2E, /'3EC!'N, and )/E))
* %se t&e correct
* 4'/D )/E))
%E A R"I " & ACTIVITY * Contrast Listening Drill * Listening for stressed syllables in a 9ord * Listen for &ig&lig&ted:stressed points or 9ords in ; ! am an -frican C&ild<
REERE"CE 1oyages in Englis& for =rade 8 Essential Englis& 8 Englis& E>press9ays !!
3une #, 56#7 sounds in Englis&. (EN8'L!a.##$
1oyages in Englis& for * /eading and identifying stressed syllables
=radeluency 8 'ral 4or?boo? Essential Englis& 8
3une #", 56#7 *Listen for important points signaled by 1olume and rojection. (EN8LC!a".#$
* )EEC+ E-%/E)0 1'L%2E and /'3EC!'N
* 4'/D )/E))
3une #7, 56#7
*%se correct sounds in Englis&. (EN8'L!a.##$
3une #@, 56#7 *!dentify t&e distinguis&ing features of a notable -frican poem. (EN8L!a8.#$
*E-%/E) in a 'E2
* air /eading (9ords Englis& E>press9ays !! as nouns and as verbs$ * )peec& est (observing correct 1oyages in Englis& for stress$ =rade 8 'ral luency 4or?boo? * -udio recorded Essential Englis& 8 speec& Listening Drill Englis& E>press9ays !! * Dyad Listening for &ig&lig&ted 9ords 9it& 1olume and rojection * Listening -ssessment for ?ey essential 9ords and points in a speec&
1oyages in Englis& for =rade 8 'ral luency 4or?boo? Essential Englis& 8 Englis& E>press9ays !!
* /eading Drill (observing correct stress$ * /eading and grouping 9ords as to its stressed syllables * 'ral /eading C&ec? (observing correct 1oyages in Englis& for sounds in Englis&$ =rade 8 'ral luency 4or?boo? Essential Englis& 8 * oetry /eading Englis& E>press9ays !! * !nterpreting
3une 56, 56#7 * !diomatic *Determine t&e e>pressions and meaning of !diomatic Conte>tual Clues e>pressions by noting Conte>t clues. (EN81!b#6.5$
3une 5#, 56#7
* =uessing 4ord meanings * inding clues to deBne unfamiliar 9ords in sentences * !nterpreting !diomatic e>pressions * Lin?ing clues to t&e meaning derived from idiomatic e>pressions
* Conte>tual Clues *%se conte>t clues from t&e material vie9ed to determine t&e meaning of unfamiliar 9ords:e>pressions. (EN81C!b8$
meaning, feelings, persona, and e>perience from t&e poem read * !dentifying features of t&e poem, ;! am an 1oyages in Englis& 8 -frican c&ild< Essential Englis& 1!!!
Essential Englis& 1!!! 1oyages in Englis& 8 Englis& E>press9ays !! 999.slides&
3une 55, 56#7 * =iving meaning to unfamiliar 9ords t&roug& icture clues * Lin?ing clues to ?ey 1oyages in Englis& 8 9ords Essential Englis& 1!!! * DeBning ?ey9ords Englis& E>press9ays !! from a video t&roug& a video s&o9n
* C'NEA Clues * %se conte>t clues to give meaning to unfamiliar 9ords. (EN81C!b8$ 3une 5, 56#7
* Loo?ing for clues to
* resent ideas using a variety of grap&ic organiers. (EN84C!a#.#.7.#$
unfamiliar 9ords met in a te>t * =iving meaning to unfamiliar 9ords t&roug& identiBed clues * 1ocabulary C&ec?
* =/-+!C 'rganiers in presenting ideas
1oyages in Englis& 8 Essential Englis& 1!!! Englis& E>press9ays !!
3une 5, 56#7 * =etting t&e main idea and support in * )?im to determine ?ey ideas. (EN8/C!c#.".#$
* )!22!N= for E !DE-)
3une 5@, 56#7
* Listen for important points signaled by volume, projection, and stress
* )peec& Conventions0 1'L%2E, /'3EC!'N, )/E))
3une 58, 56#7
an e>pository te>t blan? grap&ic organiers * utting important information in grap&ic organiers (from a given subject:e>pository te>t$
1oyages in Englis& 8 Essential Englis& 1!!! Englis& E>press9ays !! Englis& Communication -rts 4or?te>t
1oyages in Englis& 8 Essential Englis& 1!!! * =etting t&e opic Englis& E>press9ays !! idea and subject from /eading and &in?ing s?ills a given te>t 4or? te>t * )?imming troug& a te>t to get ?ey ideas (=roup and !ndividual assessment$
* DeBne idiomatic e>pressions t&roug& collocations
* C'LL'C-!'N) in deBning !diomatic e>pressions 3une 5F, 56#7
* Listening for ?ey9ords and G!= !DE* Listening for 9ords 9it& emp&asied volume, projection, and stress in a speec& listened to
1oyages in Englis& 8 Essential Englis& 1!!! Englis& E>press9ays !! /eading and &in?ing s?ills 4or? te>t
Englis& E>press9ays !! * Determine t&e *!D!'2-!C meaning of idiomatic EA/E))!'N) e>pressions by noting conte>tual clues
*=enerate idea and t&eir relations&ips in grap&ic organiers. (EN84C!c#.#$
ages "7, 5#7 1oyages in Englis& 8 Essential Englis& 1!!!
3une 6, 56#7
* =enerating ideas from =rap&ic 'rganiers
3uly #, 56#7
* !dentifying !dioms from literal language * !nterpreting idiomatic e>pressions * Lin?ing collocations to t&e meaning of idiomatic e>pressions 1oyages in Englis& 8 )tudy and &in?ing s?ills 9or?te>t Essential Englis& 1!!! * Contrasting !dioms to literal language * Noting conte>tual clues of given idioms * !nterpreting:=iving meaning to idiomatic e>pressions
* )?im to determine ?ey ideas. (EN8/C!d#.".#$
* 'rganie information from a material.
* )!22!N= for E !DE-)
3uly , 56#7
* 'rganiing main idea and its supporting details
(EN81C!dF$ 3uly ", 56#7
* !diomatic * Determine t&e e>pressions meaning of idiomatic e>pressions by noting conte>tual clues and collocations. (EN81!d#6.5$
3uly 7, 56#7
* =etting t&e main idea and supporting details in a te>t * 'rganiing ideas in a grap&ic organiers * =etting ideas in grap&ic organiers * !nterpreting information from grap&ic organiers
* )?imming for ?ey9ords in a te>t * )?imming for opic idea and supporting details:points
* redicting t&e main t&eme of a video to 9atc& based on title, teaser pictures * 'rganiing given details as to t&e main idea and its support in correct order of value * 'rganiing information in grap&ic organiers
Essential Englis& 1!!! 1oyages in Englis& 1!!! )tudy and &in?ing s?ills 4or? te>t
1oyages in Englis& 8 15day (1alues and 1irtues for oday$ 2againe 1ol. " No.# 1ol.7 No. # 1ol. 7 No. 5
1oyages in Englis& 8 Essential Englis& 1!!!
Englis& E>press9ays !! ages #5, 56
(from a video clip s&o9n$
* 'NE, 2''D, and -ut&orHs %/')E * Determine t&e tone, mood, and purpose of t&e aut&or in a literary genre. (EN8L!d5.5.$
3uly @, 56#7
* -/-LLEL!)2 (in sentences$
* %se parallel structures in constructing sentences. ( EN8=!d@$
3uly 8, 56#7
3uly ##, 56#7 * /eading )LE)
E>ploring Life t&roug& -fro -sian Literature 1oyages in Englis& 1!!! Essential Englis& 1!!!
* !dentifying !diomatic e>pressions * =iving meaning to idiomatic e>pressions * =etting clues and collocations lin?ing to t&e meaning of idiomatic e>pressions 1oyages in Englis& 8
* /eading to determine t&e feelings of t&e 9riter:spea?er and t&e feelings of t&e readers * Contrasting 'NE and 2''D !n a literary te>t * Determining t&e aut&orHs urpose and t&e intended audience of t&e literary te>t
* inding Error in sentences
Language in Literature !! Englis& E>press9ays !! ages 56856F
Englis& E>press9ays !! ages @8, ##8, #7", 5#7 )tudy and &in?ing s?ills 4or? te>t
and %/')E
* %se appropriate reading style (scanning, s?imming, intensive reading$ for oneHs purpose. (EN8/C!e@$
* 'rganie information from a material vie9ed. (EN81C!eF$
3uly #5, 56#7 * '/=-N!I!N= ideas in =/-+!C '/=-N!IE/)
* Loo?ing for similar patterns of 9ords used in sentences * Correcting sentences (c&ec?ing t&e patterns of 9ords used$ * )entence Construction (observing parallelism$
Englis& E>press9ays !! age 55 Essential Englis& 1!!! &ttp::grap&icorganiers.4 .com
Essential Englis& 1!!! Englis& E>press9ays !! /eading and &in?ing )?ills 4or? te>t
* !ntensive reading (indept& reading$
3uly #, 56#7
* %se intensive reading style for oneHs purpose of getting t&e t&eme and main points. (EN8/C!e@$ * ELE2EN) of a )+'/ )'/
Essential Englis& 1!!!
3uly #, 56#7
* /eading for details0 )?imming for ey ideas, )canning for ?ey 9ords, intensive reading for main idea:t&eme
* =etting main information from a video material * 'rganiing information into
1oyages in Englis& 8 999.slides& E>ploring Life t &roug& -fro-sian Literature
grap&ic organiers
* E>plain &o9 t&e elements (c&aracter, setting, plot$ speciBc * 'NE, 2''D, and to a genre contribute 4riterHs %/')E to t&e t&eme of a
3uly #", 56#7
* !ntensive reading for t&eme, main:topic sentence, supporting details, purpose of 1oyages in Englis& 8 t&e 9riter and t&e Essential Englis& 1!!! message conveyed 999.slides& E>ploring Life t&roug& -fro -sian Literature
particular literary selection. (EN8L!e5.5$
3uly #8, 56#7 * Determine t&e tone, mood, and purpose of t&e 9riter of a literary selection. (EN8L!e5.5.$
* %se appropriate reading style
* /eading )tyles0 )canning, )?imming, !ntensive /eading
* 'rganiing information in an '%L!NE
3uly #F, 56#7
1oyages in Englis& 8 Essential Englis& 1!!! * 1ocabulary Guilding Englis& E>press9ays !! Drill /eading and &in?ing * /eading a s&ort )?ills 4or?te>t story E>ploring Life t &roug& * Compre&ension -fro-sian Literature /esponse )å * =roup /eading Compre&ension 1oyages in Englis& 8 'rganiers E>ploring Life t &roug& * /elating t&eme to -fro-sian Literature pages t&e storyHs 585F c&aracters, setting, Essential Englis& 1!!! and plot
(scanning, s?imming, intensive reading$ for oneHs purpose. (EN8/C!f@$
3uly 56, 56#7 * 'rganie notes: information ta?en from an e>pository
* /eading for feeling from literary lines, verses, and e>cerpts * illingin eelings C&art based from a given literary te>t * =etting 4riterHs purpose and message conveyed
* )ENENCE:'!C '%L!NE
te>t in an 'utline. ( EN84C!f7$
3uly 5#, 56#7
1oyages in Englis& 8 E>ploring Life t &roug& -fro-sian Literature pages 585F Essential Englis& 1!!!
* Dyad )?imming and )canning for ?ey ideas:points * !ntensive /eading (by groups and 999.slides& individually$ 1oyages in Englis& 8 Essential Englis& 1!!!
* =/-+!C '/=-N!IE/) * 'rganie notes:information from an e>pository te>t in an 'utline. (EN84C!f7$ 3uly 55, 56#7 * -rrange notes using a variety of
* C'+E)!1E DE1!CE)
* =at&ering:Listing do9n information from a selection read * -rranging listed information in correct order and arrangement (as from t&e literary te>t$ * Completing a given 'utline
1oyages in Englis& 8 Englis& E>press9ays !! ages 5#5, 5@# Essential Englis& 1!!! =rammar En&ancers !!!
grap&ic organiers. (EN84C!f7.#$
* 'rganiing information in a opic 'utline
3uly 5", 56#7 * %se appropriate co&esive devices in composition. (EN8=!f8$
* !ntensive /eading for -ut&orHs urpose
* Describing an 'utline * Comparing opic and )entence 'utline * Completing )entence 'utline * 'rganiing notes:information in
1oyages in Englis& 8 Essential Englis& 1!!! ages "876 Englis& E>press9ays !!
a )entence 'utline 3uly 57, 56#7
* /ead intensively to determine t&e aut&orHs purpose. * ELE2EN) of a (EN8/C!g@.#$ )+'/ )'/
3uly 5@, 56#7
3uly 58, 56#7 *)+'/ )'/ * Describe t&e notable literary genre0 )&ort story
* C&ec?ing organiation of details from given grap&ic organiers * Lin?ing information in a grap&ic organier * -rranging:organiing notes:information in grap&ic organiers *)entence Completion *inding )entence Errors *=rouping Co&esive devices as to its function in t&e
Essential Englis& 1!!! ages 757 1oyages in Englis& 8 Englis& E>press9ays !!
1oyages in Englis& 8 Essential Englis& 1!!!
contributed by -sian 9riters. (EN8L!g8$
3uly 5F, 56#7 -ut&orHs urpose
* Describe t&e notable literary genre contributed by -nalogy -sian 9riters. (EN8L!g8$
* EN8/C!&@.#0 /ead intensively to determine t&e !nformative )peec& aut&orHs purpose
EN81C!&#"0 Compare and contrast t&e presentation of t&e same topic in diJerent vie9ing genres
EN8'L!&.#50 +ig&lig&t important
sentence *Correcting Errors in given sentences *)entence illin using appropriate co&esive devices * =etting meaning and messaged from given Kuotations, statements, te>ts *!ntensive /eading of a narrative * =etting t&e aut&orHs purpose * =iving meaning and value to aut&orHs purpose * )tory Element Lin? * Compre&ension C&ec? * =roup )tory C&art, 2ap, =rap&ic 'rganiers * Describing t&e s&ort story as to its Elements : G'' -L * !ntensive /eading of a )&ort story
points in an informative tal? using appropriate presentation aids
* )&ort story -nalysis
1ideo -nalysis !dentify 2e
&e 1enn Diagram -ctivity Compare and Contrast t&e pictures s&o9n
CritiKue t&e video s&o9n
DATE -ugust #, 56#7
-ugust 5, 56#7
EN84C!&70 'rganiing notes 'rganie notes ta?en from E>pository e>t from an e>pository te>t EN84C!&7.50
-rranging Notes
-ugust , 56#7
-ugust , 56#7
-rrange notes in one step 9ord, p&rase, and sentence outline forms EN81!&70 Determine Conte>t Clues (Local t&e meaning of Culture$ 9ords and e>pressions t&at reect t&e local culture by noting conte>t clues EN8/C!i@0 %se t&e /eading )tyles appropriate reading style (scanning, s?imming, speed reading, intensive reading etc.$ for oneHs purpose
-ugust ", 56#7
-ugust 8, 56#7
EN8LC!i".50 Note t&e c&anges in volume, projection, pitc&, stress, intonation, juncture, and rate of speec& t&at aJect meaning EN81C!i#"0 Compare and contrast t&e presentation of t&e same topic in diJerent vie9ing genres
=rap&ic 'rganiers
-ugust F, 56#7
-ugust #6, 56#7
-ugust ##, 56#7
-ugust # 5, 5 6#7
-ugust #", 56#7
-ugust #7, 56#7 -ugust #@, 56#7
EN81!i70 Determine t&e meaning of 9ords and e>pressions t&at reect t&e local culture by noting conte>t clues EN8L!i0 E>plain &o9 a selection may be inuenced by culture, &istory, environment, or ot&er factors EN84C!i70 'rganie notes ta?en from an e>pository te>t EN84C!i7.50 -rrange notes in one step 9ord, p&rase, and sentence outline forms EN8!i0 Deliver a selfcomposed informative speec& EN8=!i@0 %se parallel structures EN8=!i80 %se appropriate co&esive devices in composing an informative
Conte>t Clues
-rranging Notes
!nformative )peec&
arallelism Co&esive Devices
speec& -ugust#8,56#7 -ugust#F,56#7
irstMuarterE>am irstMuarterE>am
EC!"D *ARTER -ugust -ugust -ugust -ugust -ugust -ugust
55, 56#7 5, 56#7 5, 56#7 5", 56#7 57, 56#7 5F, 56#7
-ugust 6, 56#7 -ugust #, 56#7