(Romanized pg 22) Arti Arta
ਏ ਏ ਈ ਈ ਏਉ ਏਉ ॥ In this way Chandika disappeared after bestowing the kingship on Indra.
ਐ ਏ ਐ ਏ ਏ ਏ ਏ ਏ ॥੫੩॥ She killed the demons and destroyed them for the well-being of the saints.53.
ਏ ਏ ਐ ਐ ॥ The great sages became pleased and received comfort in meditating on the gods.
ਏ ਏ ਏ ਏ ॥ The sacrifices are being performed, the Vedas are being recited and for the removal of suffering, contemplation is being done together.
ਉ ਉ ॥ The tunes of various musical instruments like cymbals big and small, trumpet, kettledrum and Rabab are being made harmonies.
ਏ ਏ ਏ ਛ ਛ ਛ ਛ ਐ ਐ॥੫੪॥ Somewhere the Kinnars and Gandharvas are s inging and somewhere the Ganas, Yakshas and Apsaras are dancing.54.
ਐ ਏ ਏ ਏ ਏ ਏ ਏ ਏ ਏ ਐ ਐ ਐ ਐ॥ With the sound of conches and gongs, they are causing the rain of flowers.
ਏ ਏ ਏ ਏ ਐ ਐ ਏ ਏ ॥ Millions of gods fully decorated, are performing performing aarti (circumambulation) and seeing Indra, they show intense devotion.
ਛ ਛ ਏ ਛ ਛ ਏ ਏ ਛ ਛ ॥ Giving gifts and performing circumambulation around Indra, they are applying the frontal -mark
of saffron and rice on their foreheads.
ਏ ਏ ਏ ਏ ਏ ॥੫੫॥ In all the city of gods, there is much excitement and the families of gods are singing songs of feliciations.55.
॥ In this way, through the Glory of Chandi, the t he splendour of gods increased.
ਏ ਏ ਏ ॥੫੬॥ All the there worlds are rejoicing and the sound of the recitation of True Name is being heard.56.
ਏ ॥ ਉ ਉ ਉ ਉ ਏਛ ਉ ਉ ਈ ਏ ਈ ਏ ॥ O Surya! O Chandra! O merciful Lord! listen to a request of mine, I am not asking for anything else from you; whatever I wish in my mind, by that with Thy Grace;
ਉ ਉ ਏ ਏ ॥ ਏ ਏ ਏ ਏ ॥੧੯੦੦॥ If I fall a martyr while fighting with my enemies then I shall think that I have realised Truth; O Sustainer of the Universe ! I may always help the saints in this world and destroy the tyrants; bestow this boon on me.1900.
ਏ ਏ ਏ ਏ ਏ ॥ 2
The large-eyed Chandika is the remover of all sufferings, the donor of powers and support of t he helpless in ferrying across the fearful ocean of t he world;
ਏ ਏ ਉ ਏ ॥ It is difficult to know her beginning and end, she emancipates and sustains him, who takes refuge in her,
ਏ ਐ ਉ ਛ ॥ She destroys the demons, finishes various types of desires and saves from the noose of death;
ਏ ਏ ਏ ਏ ॥੭॥ The same goddess is capable of bestowing the boon and good intellect; by her Grace this Granth can be composed.7.
ਏ ਈ ਏ ਏਏ ਏ ਏ ॥ All the gods gathered and sang this Eulogy in praise of the goddess: "O Universal mother, Thou hast effaced a very great sin;
ਏ ਏ ਈ ॥ Thou hast bestowed on Indra the kingdom of heaven by killing the demons, Thou hast earned great repulations and Thy glory hath spread in the world.
ਐ ਏਉ ਏ ॥ All the sages, spiritual as well as royal bless Thee again and again, they have revited there the mantra called `Brahm-Kavach` (the spiritual coat of mail).
ਏ ਏ ਏ ਏ ॥੨੨੭॥ The praise of Chandika pervades thus in all the three worlds like t he merging of the pure water of the ganges in the current of the ocean.227.
ਏ ਉ ॥ Thou art the same Chandika, who ferries across the people; Thou art the redeemer of the earth and destroyer of the demons.
ਏ ਈ ਏ ਏ ਐ ਉ ॥ Thou art the cause of the Shakti of Shiva, Lakshmi of Vishnu and Parvati, the daughter of Himavan, wherever we see, Thou art there.
ਏ ਏ ਏ ॥ Thou art Tams, the quality of morbidity, mineness and modesty; Thou art poetry, latent i n the mind of the poet.
ਏ ਏ ਛ ॥੪॥ Thou art the philosopher`s stone in the world, which t ransforms the iron into gold that it touches.4.
ਏ ਏ ਏ ॥ At the instance of KAL, Vishnu appeared, whose power is manifested through the world.
ਏ ਏ ॥ At the instance of KAL, Brahma appeared and also at the instance of KAL the Yogi Shiva appeared.
ਏ ਛ ॥ 4
At the instance of KAL, the gods, demons, Gandharvas, Yakshas, Bhujang, directions and indications have appeared.
ਏ ਏ ਏ ਏ ਏ ਏ ॥੮੪॥ All the other prevalent object are within KAL, only One supreme KAL is ever Timeless and eternal.84.
ਏ ॥ There is no other support for the poor except Thee, who hath made me a mountain from a straw.
ਛ ਏ ਏਊ ॥ O Lord! Forgive me for my mistakes, because who is there so much blunderhead like me?
ਏ ਏ ਐ ॥ Those who have served Thee, there seems wealth and self-confidence in all there homes.
ਏ ਏ ਏ ਏ ਏ ॥੯੨॥ In this Iron age, the supreme trust is only for KAL, Who is the Sword-incarnate and hath mighty arms.92.
ਏ ॥ 5
With whose fear Indra had fied from heaven and Brahma and other gods, had been filled with fear.
ਈ ॥ The same demons, seeing defeat in the battlefield, being devoid of their power had run away.
ਏ ॥ The jackals and vultures, having been dejected, have returned to the forest, even the two watches of the day have not elapsed.
॥੨੨੫॥ ॥ The mother of the world (goddess), ever the protector of saints, hath conquered the great enemies Sumbh and Nisumbh.225.
ਏ ਏ ਠਉ ਛ ਏ ਏ ॥ All the gods gathering at one place and taking rice, saffron and sandalwood.
ਛ ਛ ਏ ਛ ਏ ਏ ॥ Lakhs of gods, circumambulating the goddess immeditately applied the frontal mark (of victory) on her forehead.
ਛ ਏ ਉ ਏ ਐ ॥ The glory of that event hath been imagined by t he poet in his mind like this:
ਏ ਏ ॥੨੨੬॥ It seemed that in the sphere of the moon, the period of "propitious rejoicings" hath penetrated. 226.
ਏ ॥ All the women of the gods bless the goddess and performing the aarti (the religious ceremony performed around the image of the deity) they have lighted the lamps.
ਛ ਛ ਛ ਏ ॥ They offer flowers, fragrance and rice and the women of Yakshas sing songs of victory.
ਏ ਐ ਏ ਏ ॥ They burn the incence and blow the conch and supplicate bowing their heads.
ਐ ਏ ॥੨੨੮॥ O Universal mother, ever Giver of the comfort, by killing Sumbh, Thou hast earn ed a great approhbation."228.
ਏ ਈ ॥ Giving all the royal paraphernalia to Indra, Chandi is very much pleased in her mind.
ਏ ਈ ॥ Sabilising the sun and moon in the sky and making them glorious, she herself hath disappeared.
ਏ ਏ ਏ ਉ ਈ ॥ The light of sun and moon hath increased in the sky, the powt hath not forgotten its comparison from his mind.
ਏ ਏ ਈ ॥੨੨੯॥ It seemed that the sun had become filthy with dust and the goddess Chandi hath given him the
ਏ ਏ ॥ O Goddess, grant me this that I may not hesitate from performing good actions.
ਏ ਏ ॥ I may not fear the enemy, when I go to fight and assuredly I may become victorious.
ਐ ਏ ਉ ਉ ਉ ॥ And I may give this instruction to my mind and have this tempotration that I may ever utter Thy Praises.
ਏ ਉ ॥੨੩੧॥ When the end of my life comes, then I may die fighting in the battlefield.231.
ਏ ਈ ॥ I have narrated this Chandi Charitra in poetry, which is all full of Rudra Rasa (sentiment of ragge).
ਏ ਏ ਐ ਐ ਉ ਉ ਈ ॥ The stanzas one and all, are beautifully composed, which contain new sillies from beginning to end.
ਏਉਏ ਏ ਏ ਏ ਏ ਈ ॥ The poet hath composed it for the pleasure of his mind, and the discourse of seven hundred
sholokas is completed here.
ਏ ਈ ॥੨੩੨॥ र र दई ॥२३२॥ For whatever purpose a person ready it or listens to it, the hgoddess will assuredly grant him that.232.
ਏ ਐ ਏ ਏ ॥ I salute the Glorious SWORD with all my heart`s affection.
ਏ ਏ ॥੧॥ I shall complete this Granth only if Thou Helpest me. I.
ਏ ਏ ਉ ॥ The Eulogy of the Revered Death (KAL).
ਐ ਐ ਐ ਐ ॥ The sword chops well, chops the forces of fools and this mighty one bedecks and glorifies the battlefield.
ਐ ॥ It is the unbreakable staff of the arm, it has the powerful luster and its light even bedims the radiance of the sum.
ਐ ਏ ਏਐ ॥ It brings happiness to the saints, mashing the vicious ones, it is the destroyer of sins and I and under its refuge.
ਏ ਉ ॥੨॥ Hail, hail to the cause of the world, saviour of the universe, it is my preserver, I hail its victory. 2.
॥ He protects in many blows, but none doth inflict thy body.
ਏ ਊ ਏ ॥ The enemy strikes many blows, but none doth inflict thy body.
ਐ ਏ ਏ ॥ When the Lord protects with his own hands, but none of the sins even comes near thee.
ਏ ਏ ਏ ਏ ॥੬॥੨੪੮॥ What else should I say unto you, He protects (the infant) even in the membranes of the womb.6.248.
ਏਊ ਐ ॥ ਏ ਏ ਏ ਏ ॥ O God ! the day when I caught hold of your feet, I do not bring anyone else under my sight;
none other is liked by me now; the Puranas and the Quran try to know Thee by the names of Ram and Rahim and talk about you through several stories, but I do not accept any of their opinions;
ਏ ਏ ॥ ਏ ਏ ਏ ਐ ॥੮੬੩॥ The Simritis, Shastras and Vedas describe several mysteries of yours, but I do not agree with any of them. O sword-wielder God! This all has been described by Thy Grace, what power can I have to write all this?.863.
ਏ ਛ ਏ ॥ ਏ ॥੮੬੪॥ O Lord ! I have forsaken all other doors and have caught hold of only Thy door. O Lord ! Thou has caught hold of my arm; I, Govind, am Thy serf, kindly take (care of me and) protect my honour.864.
੧ ॥ Raag Dhanaasree, First Mehl:
ਏ ਏ ਏ ॥ Gagan mai thāl rav cẖanḏ ḏīpak bane ṯārikā mandal janak moṯī. Upon that cosmic plate of the sky, the sun and the moon are the lamps. The stars and their orbs are the studded pearls.
ਏ ॥੧॥ The fragrance of sandalwood in the air is the temple incense, and the wind is the fan. Al l the
plants of the world are the altar flowers in offering to You, O Luminous Lord. ||1||
ਏ ॥ What a beautiful Aartee, lamp-lit worship service this is!
ਐ ॥ O Destroyer of Fear, this is Your Ceremony of Light.
॥੧॥ ਉ ॥ The Unstruck Sound-current of the Shabad is the vibration of the temple drums. ||1||Pause||
ਏਉ ਏ ॥
You have thousands of eyes, and yet You have no eyes. You have thousands of forms, and yet You do not have even one.
ਏ ॥੨॥ You have thousands of Lotus Feet, and yet You do not have even one foot. You have no nose, but you have thousands of noses. This Play of Yours entrances me. ||2||
॥ Amongst all is the Light-You are that Light.
॥ By this Illumination, that Light is radiant within all.
ਐ ॥ Through the Guru's Teachings, the Light shines forth.
॥੩॥ That which is pleasing to Him is the lamp-lit worship service. ||3||
ਏ ਏ ॥
My mind is enticed by the honey-sweet Lotus Feet of the Lord. Day and night, I thirst for them.
ਏ ਏ ਏਉ ॥੪॥੩॥ Bestow the Water of Your Mercy upon Nanak, the thirsty song -bird, so that he may come to dwell in Your Name. ||4||3||
॥ Your Name, Lord, is my adoration and cleansing bath.
ਏ ਠ ॥੧॥ ਉ ॥ Without the Name of the Lord, all ostentatious displays are useless. ||1||Pause||
ਉ ਏ ਛਏ ॥ Your Name is my prayer mat, and Your Name is the stone to grind the sandalwood. Your Name is the saffron which I take and sprinkle in offering to You.
ਏਉ ॥੧॥ Your Name is the water, and Your Name is the sandalwood. The chanting of Your Name is the grinding of the sandalwood. I take it and offer all this to You. ||1||
॥ Your Name is the lamp, and Your Name is the wick. Your Name is the oil I pour into it.
ਏ ਈ ਉ ॥੨॥ Your Name is the light applied to this lamp, which enlightens and illuminates the entire world. ||2||
ਠ ਠ ॥ Your Name is the thread, and Your Name is t he garland of flowers. The eighteen loads of vegetation are all too impure to offer t o You.
ਏ ਏ ਉ ॥੩॥ Why should I offer to You, that which You Yourself created? Your Name is the fan, which I wave over You. ||3||
ਠ ਠਠ ਐ ॥ The whole world is engrossed in the eighteen Puraanas, the sixty- eight sacred shrines of pilgrimage, and the four sources of creation.
ਏ ॥੪॥੩॥ Says Ravi Daas, Your Name is my Aartee, my lamp-lit worship-service. The True Name, Sat Naam, is the food which I offer to You. ||4||3||
॥ Sri Sain:
॥ With incense, lamps and ghee, I offer this lamp-lit worship service.
ਉ ਏ ॥੧॥ I am a sacrifice to the Lord of Lakshmi. ||1||
॥ Hail to You, Lord, hail to You!
ਏ ॥੧॥ ਉ ॥ Again and again, hail to You, Lord King, Ruler of all! ||1||Pause||
ਊ ॥ Sublime is the lamp, and pure is the wick.
ਏ ॥੨॥
You are immaculate and pure, O Brilliant Lord of Wealth! ||2||
Raamaanand knows the devotional worship of the Lord.
ਐ ॥੩॥ He says that the Lord is all-pervading, the embodiment of supreme joy. ||3||
॥ The Lord of the world, of wondrous form, has carried me across the t errifying world-ocean.
॥੪॥੨॥ Says Sain, remember the Lord, the embodiment of supreme joy! ||4||2||
॥ Prabhaatee:
ਏ ਈ ॥ Hear my prayer, Lord; You are the Divine Light of the Divine, the Pri mal, All-pervading Master.
ਈ ॥੧॥ The Siddhas in Samaadhi have not found Your limits. They hold tight to the Protection of Your Sanctuary. ||1||
ਐ ਈ ॥ Worship and adoration of the Pure, Primal Lord comes by worshipping the True Guru, O Siblings of Destiny.
ਠ ਐ ਐ ਈ ॥੧॥ ਉ ॥ Standing at His Door, Brahma studies the Vedas, but he cannot see the Unseen Lord. ||1||Pause||
ਏ ਏ ਉ ॥ With the oil of knowledge about the essence of reality, and the wick of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, this lamp illuminates my body.
॥੨॥ I have applied the Light of the Lord of the Universe, and lit this lamp. God the K nower knows. ||2||
॥ The Unstruck Melody of the Panch Shabad, the Five Primal Sounds, vibrates and resounds. I dwell with the Lord of the World.
ਏ ਏ ਏ ॥੩॥੫॥ Kabeer, Your slave, performs this Aartee, this lamp-lit worship service for You, O Formless Lord of Nirvaanaa. ||3||5||
॥ Dhannaa:
॥ O Lord of the world, this is Your lamp-lit worship service.
ਏ ਏ ਏ ॥੧॥ ਉ ॥ You are the Arranger of the affairs of those humble beings who perform Your devotional worship service. ||1||Pause||
ਉ ਉ ॥ Lentils, flour and ghee - these things, I beg of You.
ਐ ਏ ਉ ॥ My mind shall ever be pleased.
ਛ ਏ ॥ Shoes, fine clothes,
ਉ ਏ ॥੧॥ and grain of seven kinds - I beg of You. ||1||
ਊ ਉ ॥ A milk cow, and a water buffalo, I beg of You,
ਏ ॥ and a fine Turkestani horse.
ਏ ॥ A good wife to care for my home -
॥੨॥੪॥ Your humble servant Dhanna begs for these things, Lord. ||2||4||
ਠ ॥ Raag Sorat'h:
ਐ ਏ ॥ I am so hungry, I cannot perform devotional worship service.
॥ Here, Lord, take back Your mala.
ਉ ਉ ॥ I beg for the dust of the feet of the Saints.
ਏ ਏ ॥੧॥ I do not owe anyone anything. ||1||
ਏ ॥ O Lord, how can I be with You?
ਉ ॥ ਉ ॥ If You do not give me Yourself, then I shall beg until I get You. ||Pause||
ਉ ॥ I ask for two kilos of flour,
ਉ ਉ ॥ and half a pound of ghee, and salt.
ਉ ॥ I ask for a pound of beans,
ਏਉ ਉ ਐ ॥੨॥ which I shall eat twice a day. ||2||
ਐ ਉ ਉਈ ॥ I ask for a cot, with four legs,
ਈ ॥ and a pillow and mattress.
ਊ ਏਉ ਉ ਐ ॥ I ask for a quit to cover myself.
ਏ ॥੩॥
Your humble servant shall perform Your devotional worship service with love. ||3||
ਏ ॥ I have no greed;
ਏ ਉ ॥ Your Name is the only ornament I wish for.
ਏ ਏ ॥ Says Kabeer, my mind is pleased and appeased;
ਉ ॥੪॥੧੧॥ now that my mind is pleased and appeased, I have come to know the Lord. ||4||11||
ਏ ੧ ॥ Shalok, First Mehl:
ਏ ॥ The Guru is the Giver; the Guru is the House of ice. The Guru is the Light of the three worlds.
ਏ ਐ ॥੧॥ O Nanak, He is everlasting wealth. Place your mind's faith in Him, and you shall find peace. ||1||
ਏ ਏ ॥ People become anxious, when something unexpected happens.
ਏ ਏ ਏ ॥੫੧॥ This is the way of the world, O Nanak; nothing is stable or permanent. ||51||
ਉ ਏ ਏ ॥ Whatever has been created shall be destroyed; everyone shall perish, today or tomorrow.
ਏ ਛ ॥੫੨॥ O Nanak, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, and give up all other entanglements. ||52||
॥ The Naam remains; the Holy Saints remain; the Guru, the Lord of the Universe, remains.
ਏ ਏ ਏ ॥੫੬॥ Says Nanak, how rare are those who chant the Guru's Mantra in this world. ||56||
ਉ ਏ ਏ ॥ I have enshrined the Lord's Name within my heart; there is nothing equal to it.
ਏ ॥੫੭॥੧॥ Meditating in remembrance on it, my troubles are taken away; I have received the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan. ||57||1||
ਏ ॥ ਏਏ ਏ ॥੨॥ O Lord ! Creat As, Kripan (sword), Dharaddhari, Sail, Soof, Jamaadh, Tegh (saber), Teer (saber), Teer (arrow), Talwar(sward), causing the destruction of armours and enemies.2.
ਏ ਐ ਐ ਏ ॥ ॥੩॥ As, Kripan (sword), Khanda, Khadag (sword), Tupak (gun), Tabar (hatched), Teer (arrow), Saif (sword), Sarohi and Saihathi, all these are our adorable seniors.3.
॥ ॥੪॥ Thou are the Teer (arrow), Thou are Saihathi, Thou art Tabar (hatchet), and Talwaar (sword); he, who remembers Thy Name crosses the dreadful ocean of existence.4.
॥ ਏ ॥ I salute all the weapons of various names.
॥ ਏ ॥੯੧॥ I salute all kinds of armour.91.
*********************no translation available ********************* (Teero Tufango Bado raam Jango Dhamak Dhar anneeaar kamand korrha Panj Shastar Parvaan. Suno Nand lal Yeh saaj. Pargat karoo apna raaj. Chaar varan ik varan karaau. Waheguru Singh ko Namm japaao. Charrey Singh tis mukut karau. Jhoolan nejey hasti saajey. Duaar duaar pur naubat baajey. Sava Laakh jab dhukhey paleeta. Tabhe Khalsa udhey ast lau jeeta. Raaj Karega Khalsa aaki rahe n koi. Khuaar hoey sabh milengey bachey sharan jo hoey. Uth gaye safa malesh kee kar koorha paasaar. Danka baajey fateh ka nihklank avtaar. Bijai Chhant. Lank Loot liaa-au plak pesh khana chala-au nard gard me milaa-au jo maatey abhiman ke. Room naubat bajau sham mohara chalau. Patshahi le karau takaht sachey sahiban ke. N Aap laraoo n fauj laraoo. Bhat beeran seti bandh mangaaoo. N shaadoo khalk n shaadoo balakh parbat kaatu iraan khurasaan ke. Mero nao Guru Gobind Singh Sodhi Rai as khalona sabh khalkat raaj saaj bandh mangaoo goshey kaman ke.
Hukum sat. Sri Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh. Sikka zad bar har do aalam fazal sachey Sahibs at. Gobind Singh khud shahenshah tegh Nanak Vahibsat. Degh Tegh Fateh Nusrat Bedrang Yaafatz Nanak Guru Gobind Singh. Sri Akaal Purakh ji Sahai. Ji Darbaaran me tero darbara Sach Khand Vasai Nirankara. Lashmi khari tumrey darbara. Sarab devtey karey namaskara. Dohra. Nanak Guru Gobind Singh Ji Pooran Gur Avtaar. Jagmag Jot Biraaj Rahi Siri Abchal Nagar Majhaar. Sach Khand Ke Darbaar.)
ਏ ਏ ॥ Salutation to Thee O Pervader and Enjoyer in all the four directions Lord!
॥ Salutation to Thee O Self-Existent, Most Beautiful and United with all Lord!
ਏ ॥ Salutation to Thee O Destroyer of hard t imes and Embodiment of Mercy Lord!
॥੧੯੯॥ Salutation to thee O Ever present with all, Indestructible and Glorious Lord! 199.
********************Romanized Only ********************
Aarti Aarta Dohraa Lohp Chanddka hoe gai surpat kau de raaj. Daanav maarey abhekh kar keeney Santan kaaj (53) Savaiya. Yaatey parsann bhaye he maha mun devan ke tap me sukh pavey. Jagh karey ik bed rarey bhav taap harey mil dhiaaneh lavey. Jhaalar taal mirdang upang rabaab leeye sur saaj milaavey. Kinnar gandhrap gaan karey gan jash appashar nirt dikhavey.(54) Sankhan kee dhunn ghantan kee kar phoolan kee barkha barkhaavey. Aarti kot karey sur sundar pekh purandar ke bal jaavey. Daanat dashan de ke pardashan bhaal me kunkam ashat laavey. Hot kulaahal devpuri mil devan ke kul mangal gaavey. (55) Dohra. Aisey chand partaap te devan badheho partaap. Teen lok jai jai karey rarey naam sat jaap. (56) Savaya. He rav he sas he karunanidh meri abey binti sun leejey. Aorh na mangat hao tum te kash chaahat hao chit me soi keejey. Shastran sion at hee rann bheetar joojh marau kah saach pateejey. Sant sahai sada jag maye kirpa kar shyaam ihey bar deejey. (1900) Kabitt. Sankatt haran sabh sidh kee karan chand taaran taran saran lochan bisaal he. Aad ja ke aaaham he ant ko na paraavaar saran ubaaran karan pritpaal he. asar sanghaaran anik dukh jaaran so patit udhaaran shadaaey jam jaal he. Devi barlaaik sbudh hu kee daaik su deh bar paaik banaavey granth haal he. (7)
Kabitt. Mil ke su devan badaai karee kaalka ke eho jagmaat te to katiyo bado paap he. Detan ko maar raaj deeno te sures hu ko bado jas leeno jag tero ee partaap he. Det he asees dij raaj rikh baar baar taha hee parheho he Brahm kauch hoo ko jaap he.
Aesey jas poor raheo chandka ko teen lok jai sey dhaar saagar me ganga ji ko aa p he. (227) Savaiya. Taaran lok udhaaran bhoomeh det sanghaaran chand tuhi he. Kaaran ees kala kamla har adarsuta jah dekho ohi he. Taamasta mamta namta kavta kav ke man madh guhi he. Keeno he kanchan loh jagatar me paaras moorat jah shoohee he. (4) Savaiya. Kaal hee paiye bhayo bhagwaan su jaagat ya jag ja ki kala he. Kaal hee paiye bhayo brahma shiv kaal hee paiye bhanno jugeeaa he. Kaal hee paiye suraa sur gandhrab ja sh bhujang disaa bidisaa he. Aur su kaal sabhey bas kaal ke ek hee kaal Akaal sada he. (84) Savaiya. Merr karo trinn te muh jah gareeb nivaaj n doosar to so. Bhool shimo hamri prabh aapan bhoolanhaar kahoo kauoo mo so. Sev karee tumri tin ke sabh hee gi reh dekheeat drab bhroso. Ya kal me sabh kaal kirpan ke bhaari bhujaan ko bhaari bhroso.(92) Savaiya. Bhaaj gaiyo magva jin ke darr brahm te aad sabhe bhe bheetey. Taiee ve det parai gaye ran haar nihaar bhaye bal reetey. Jambuk girajh niraas bhaye banbaas gaye jug ja aman beetey. Sant sahai sada jag maye su sumbh nisumbh baddey ar jeetey (225)
Dev sabhey mil ke ik thaur su ashat kunkam chandan leeno. Tashan lashan kunkam chandan leeno. Tashan lashan dey key pardashan teeka su chand ke bhaal me deeno. Ta shab ko upjayo tah bhaav ehey kav ne man me lakh leeno. Manho chand ke mandal me subh mangal aan parveseh keeno.(226) Savaiya. Deh asses sabhey sur maar sudhaar ke aarti deep jagaaeho. Phool sugandh su ashat dashan jashan jeet ko geet su gaaeho. Dhoop jagaaei ke sankh bajaei ke sees ni vaaei ke ben sunaeho. He jag maie sada sukh dai te sumbh ko ghaie bado jas paieho(228) Sakreh saaj samaajdey chand su mod maha man mah r ai he. Soor sasi nabh thaap ke tej dey aap tahante su lohp bhai hey. Beech akaas parkaas badheho tah ki upma man te n gai he. Dhoor ke poor maleen huto rav maanhu chandka ohp dai he (229) Deh shiva bar moh ehe shubh karman te kabhu n n taron.
Na daron ar so jab jaeh larau nischey kar aapni jeet karo. ar sikh hau apney hee man kau eh laalach hau gun tao uchrau. Jab aav kee audh nidaan baney at hee ran me tab juujh maro.(231) Chand charitar kavitan me barneo sab hi ras rudr mai he. Ek te ek rasaal bhaeo nakh te sikh laoupma su nai he. Kaotak het kari kav ne satsaya kee katha eh poori bhai he. Jah namit parhe sun he nar so nischey kar taah dai he. (232) Dohra. Granth satsaiaa ko kareho ja sam avar n koi. Jeh namit kav ne kaheyo su deh chanka soi. (233) Dohra. Namaskaar sree kharag ko karau su hit chit lai. Pooran karau granth eh tum moh rahau sahai. (1) Tribhangi chhant Sri Kaal ji ki ustat khag khand bihandang khal dal khandang at rann mandang barbhandang. Bhuj dand akhandang tej parchandang jot amandang bhaan prabhang. Sukh santa karanang durmat daranang kilbik haranang as saranang. Jai Jai jag kaaran shrist ubaarann mam pritpaarann Jai Tegang. (2) Rogan te ar sogan te jal jogan te bahu bhant bachaavey, Shatr anek chalaavat ghaav taoo tan ek n laagan paavey. Raakhat he apanokar de kar paap sbooh n bhetan paavey. Aur kee baat kaha kah to sau su pet hee ke pat beech bachavey. (6.248) Savaiya. Pai(n)e gahe jab te tumre tab te ko-oo aankh tare nahi aanyo. Raam raheem puraan kuraan anek kahey mat ek n manyo. Simrat sastr bed sabey bahu bhed kahey ham ek n jaanyo. Sri aspaan kirpa tumri kar me n kahyo sabh tohe bakhaanyo.(863) Dohra. Sagal duaar kao shaad ke gahyo tuhaaro duaar. Baa(n)eh gahe ke laaj as gobind daas tuhaar.
Aarti Dhanaasri Mahalla 1 Aarti ek Onkaar satgur Prsaad
Gagan me thaal rav chand deepak baney taarika mandal janak moti. Dhoop malaanlo pavan chavro karey sagal banraie phoolant joti. (1) Kaisi aarti hoie bhav khandna teri aarti. Anhataa shabad vaajant bheri (1) Rahao. Sahas tav nain nan nain he toh kao sahas moorat nana ek tohi. Sahas pad bimal nan ek pad gandh bin sahas tav gandh iv chalat mohi.(2) Sabh meh jot jot he soi. Tis ke chanann sabh meh chanan hoie. Gur saakhi jot pargat hoie. Jo tis bhavey su aarti hoie.(3) Har charan kamal makrand mano andino moh aahi peeaasaa. Kirpa jal deh Nanak sarang kau hoe ja te terey naam vaa saa.( Naam tero aarti majan muraarey. har ke naam bin jhutey sagal paasaarey.(1) Rahao. Naam tero aasano naam tero ursa nam tera kesro le chhitkaarey. Naam tera ambhula naam tero chandno ghass jappey naam le tujheh kau chaarey. (1) Naam tera deeva naam tero baati naam tero tel le mahe pasaarey. Naam tere kee jot lagai bhaio ujeaaro bhavan saglaarey(2) Naam tero tagaa naam phool maala bhar athareh sagal juthaarey. Tero keeaa tujheh keeaa arpao naam tera tuhi chavar dhholaarey (3) Das atha athsathey charey khaani ihey vartan he sagal sansaarey. Kahe Ravidaas naam tero aarti sat nam he har bhog tuhaarey.(4)(3) Sri Sain Dhup deep ghirt saaj aarti. Vaarney jao kamala patti.(1) Mangala har mangala. Nit mangal raja raam rai ko. (1) Rahao. Uuthum deeara nirmal baati. Tuhi niranjan kamla paati.(2) Raamaa bhagat raamanand janey. Pooran paramanand bakhaaney.(3) Madan moorat bhey taar gobindey. Sain bhaney bhaj paramanandey. (4)(2) Parbhaati. Sunn Sandheaa teri dev devakar adhpat aad samai. Sidh samadh ant nahi paiaa laag rahe sarnai(1) Leh aarti ho purakh niranjan satgur poojeh bhai. Thhaddha brahma nigam beechaarey alakh n lakhia jai.(1) Rahao Tat Tel naam keeaa baati deepak deh ujaara.
Jot lae jagdees jagaiaia bujhey bujhanhara.(2) Panchey shabad anahad baajey sangey saarengpaani. Kabeer daas teri aarti keeni nirankaar nirbaani.(3)(5)
Dhanna. Gopal Teraa Aartaa. Jo jan tumri bhagat karantey tin ke ka aj savaarta. (1) rahao Daal Seedha maagao gheeo. Tumra khusi karey nit jeeo. Paneeaa shaadan neeka. Anaaj magao sat see ka.(1) Gao bhais magao laaveri. Ik taajan turi changeri. Ghar kee geehan changi. Jan Dhanna Levey mangi. Raag Sorath. Bhukhey bhagat n keejey. Yah mala apni leejai. Hao mangao santan rena. Me nahi kisee ka dena(1) Madho kaisee banai tum sangey. Aap n deh t levao mani. Rahao. Dueh ser mangao choona. Pao Gheeo sang loona. Adh ser mangao daaley. Mau kau donau vakat jivaaley. (2) Khaat Mangao chaupaai. Sir Haanaa avar tulai. Oopar kau mangau kheendha. Teri bhagat karey jan theendhaa.(3) Me nahee keeta labo. Ik nau tera me fabo. Keh kabeer man maneha. Man Maaneha tao har jaaneaa.(4)(11) Salok Mahala 1 Gur Data Gur Hihey Ghar Gur Deepak Teh Loe. Amar padarath Nanaka man manaiey sukh hoe.(1)
Gur Data Gur Soorma Gur Seetal Nirdokh. Nanak Gur te paiey seel dharam santokh. Chinta ta kee keejeeey jo anhoni hoe. Eh marag sansaar ko Nanak thir nahi koie. (51) Jo upjio so binas he paro aaj ke kaal. nanak har gun gaie le shaad sagal janjaal. (52) Naam rahio sadhoo rahio rahio gur gobind. Keh Nanak eh jagat me kin japio gur mant (56)
Raam Naam ur me gaheo ja ke sam nahi koi. Jeh simrat sankat mittey dars tuharo hoe. (57)(1)
As Kirpan Khando Kharagh Tupak tabar ar teer. Saf Sarohi saihthi yehe hamarey Peer. (3) Teer Tuhi Saithi Tuhi Tuhi Tabar Tarvaar. naam Tihaaro jo jappey bhey sindh bhav paar. (4) Jithey Shastar Naamang. Namaskaar Taamang. Jithey Astar Bheyang. Namaskaar Teyang. (91) Teero Tufango Bado raam Jango Dhamak Dhar anneeaar kamand korrha Panj Shastar Parvaan. Suno Nand lal Yeh saaj. Pargat karoo apna raaj. Chaar varan ik varan karaau. Waheguru Singh ko Namm japaao. Charrey Singh tis mukut karau. Jhoolan nejey hasti saajey. Duaar duaar pur naubat baajey. Sava Laakh jab dhukhey paleeta. Tabhe Khalsa udhey ast lau jeeta. Raaj Karega Khalsa aaki rahe n koi. Khuaar hoey sabh milengey bachey sharan jo hoey. Uth gaye safa malesh kee kar koorha paasaar. Danka baajey fateh ka nihklank avtaar. Bijai Chhant. Lank Loot liaa-au plak pesh khana chala-au nard gard me milaa-au jo maatey abhiman ke. Room naubat bajau sham mohara chalau.
Patshahi le karau takaht sachey sahiban ke. N Aap laraoo n fauj laraoo. Bhat beeran seti bandh mangaaoo. N shaadoo khalk n shaadoo balakh parbat kaatu iraan khurasaan ke. Mero nao Guru Gobind Singh Sodhi Rai as khalona sabh khalkat raaj saaj bandh mangaoo goshey kaman ke. Hukum sat. Sri Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh. Sikka zad bar har do aalam fazal sachey Sahibsat. Gobind Singh khud shahenshah tegh Nanak Vahibsat. Degh Tegh Fateh Nusrat Bedrang Yaafatz Nanak Guru Gobind Singh. Sri Akaal Purakh ji Sahai. Ji Darbaaran me tero darbara Sach Khand Vasai Ni rankara. Lashmi khari tumrey darbara. Sarab devtey karey namaskara. Dohra. Nanak Guru Gobind Singh Ji Pooran Gur Avtaar. Jagmag Jot Biraaj Rahi Siri Abchal Nagar Majhaar. Sach Khand Ke Darbaar.
Chatr Chakr Varti Chatr Chakr Bhugatey. Suyambhav Subhang sarab Da sarab Jugatey. Dukaalankang Parnnaasi Daiaalang saroopey. Sada Ang Sangey Abhangang Bibhootey. (199).