University Alcatel-Lucent 7302-7330-735x ISAM
Product overview : XD Equipment Practice
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Table of contents ¾ Why the ISAM?
¾ What is the ISAM Family? .
¾ General topology
¾ Hardware
¾ Equipment practice .
¾ Addendum 2
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University Equipment practice - XD
eXtreme Density
Alcatel-Lucent University
> XD equipment • ALTS-T: ETSI shelf for line boards • ASPS-A: ETSI splitter shelf with backplane • ASPS-C: ETSI splitter shelf without backplane • ARAM-D: Mini shelf 7330 FTTN host (4LT-slots) • EREM-A: 7330 FTTN Remote expansion Module (1LT)
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XD shelf types ¾ ISAM 7302 - XD XD-LT
ETSI shelf for 16 line boards (48 lines)
ETSI splitter shelf with backplane for 16 splitter boards (48 lines)
16 slot ETSI splitter shelf without backplane for 16 splitter boards (48 lines)
¾ ISAM 7330 FTTN - XD XD-ARAM-D mini-RAM shelf for 4 line boards (LT 48 lines)
¾ REM-XD EREM-A 1XD-LT – 24 ports VDSL and 1 XD-PS can be connected to 7330 FTTN XD or FD
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XD equipment practice ¾ Single-shelf ASAM equipment practice XD-LT ETSI splitterless shelf
¾ Mounted in ISAM XD RACK (with TRU) LEDs
power: incoming from office battery outgoing to shelves
¾ Different rack configurations splitterless deployment
Max 2 shelves per rack 2 ISAM systems per rack
Deployment with splitters integrated in rack 1 shelf per rack 1 ISAM system per rack
splitterless deployment 5
> The ISAM equipment is a 2200mm tall dedicated rack system, which will include one of the following items, depending on the rack configuration: TRU, for power termination and distribution, splitter shelf and one or two splitterless shelves > It is not possible to extend the ISAM with multiple shelves. One ISAM system is limited to 1shelf. > For the ISAM shelf the ASAM XD-LT ETSI splitterless shelf is reused. > When the splitter-shelf is not integrated in the rack, one rack will be able to accomodate 2 ISAM systems (see drawing). splitterless deployment is used in case of splitters collocated with MDF or ‘splitterless’ deployment (CLEC). > In case the splitters are integrated in the rack itself, one ISAM system can be accomodated within the rack.
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XD rack configurations TRU
splitterless shelf 1
splitterless shelf 1
splitter shelf
splitterless shelf 2
splitterless shelf
dust filter
dust filter
splitterless deployment 1 ISAM systems in 1 rack
dust filter
splitterless deployment 2 ISAM systems in 1 rack
combo deployment splitters integrated in rack
> In the 7302 ISAM we use the XD modular rack equipment practice, i.e. the XD LT shelf and the splitter shelf is used. > Three rack configurations are defined based on a standard ETSI rack (2200mm x 600mm x 300mm): 7302 ISAM rack with one LT shelf/splitterless shelf · one 7302 ISAM top rack unit (TRU): ATRU-Q · one 7302 ISAM XD splitterless shelf: ALTS-T · capacity of 768 xDSL lines, no splitters included 7302 ISAM rack with two LT shelves/splitterless shelves · one 7302 ISAM TRU: ATRU-Q · two 7302 ISAM XD splitterless shelves: ALTS-T · capacity of 1,536 xDSL lines, no splitters included 7302 ISAM rack with one splitter shelf and one LT shelf - “combo deployment” · one 7302 ISAM TRU · one 7302 ISAM XD splitter (SP) shelf: ASPS-A · one 7302 ISAM XD splitterless shelf: ALTS-A · capacity of 768 xDSL lines, splitters included > Note: as each ISAM shelf is a stand-alone unit, there is in principle no extension between subsequent LT shelves in a rack, i.e. in order to grow the capacity of a node, combinations of A, B and C are possible knowing that each LT shelf will contain its own aggregation function and its own (external) interfaces.
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ALTS-T – Line terminating shelf
Back panel
connector area
LT board
line board area
XDSL x 24 XDSL x 24
Fan unit
fan area
Dust filter
FAN dust filter
> This eXtreme Density ETSI shelf is a splitterless shelf with front access and backpanel architecture: • NT slots: NT-A and NT-B (for NT redundancy). • NT I/O slot: to insert the NT I/O applique board. • ACU slot: for the ACU card – also used in ASAM. ACU performs alarm management of the shelf • LT board area: 16 slot positions where LT cards are inserted (48 ports XDSL / 24 ports SHDSL / 24 ports VDSL. In the future also 48 port SHDSL and VDSL cards will be supported) POLT and IVPS cards can also be inserted in the LT area (ISAM-V) • 1 SMAS slot: for the SMAS (System Mac Address Storage) card, contains a remote inventory PROM that contains the MAC address(es) of the system • 1 fan unit with or without dust filter. • The upper part of the shelf is referred to as the connector area (also see one of the following slides). > 16 LT boards in one sub-rack and only one sub-rack in one ISAM system means that the max number of xDSL lines that one ISAM system can support is 48*16=768 lines. > The ALTS-T has no splitter area. The splitter function can be done in the same rack or in another rack (external splitters).
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ALTS-T – connector area AL - AR BL - BR RET
remote CT
previous subrack * Not supported
connectors for ADSL lines
dial-in modem
next subrack * Not supported
> The connector area contains: • TRU interface (50 way D-sub connector): to connect the subrack to the top rack unit. • extender interfaces (26 way connector, not used in ISAM) • interfaces for xDSL: 24 lines per connector, for the LT board immediately below. The connectors used are 48 CHAMP connectors: via these connectors, the xDSL is brought into the shelf. One connector contains 24 pairs. Therefore we need 2 connectors for each board/slot position • remote craft terminal interface (9 pin connector): will allow for remote management via a Craft Terminal through a permanent connection to the ASAM subsystem This can be a modem connection (see drawing) REMARK: the CT connector on the ACU board is DCE type and the CT connector mentioned here is of DTE type (modem = DCE) See also above • power plugs
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ALTS-T – PLID switches
splitter shelf (ASPS-A) does not have PLID jumpers. in case a splitter shelf is equipped, the next splitterless shelf (ALTS-T) in the rack is considered as “subrack 1”.
> The Physical Location Identification Switches (PLID) identify the position of the subrack/shelf in the ASAM. Depending on the shelf type (LT or combo) you have 2 or 3 per rack! > The PLID jumpers are located on the ASAM back-plane behind the NT board (see slide). •
SR-ID0 → SR-ID2: identifies the position of the subrack inside the rack.
R-ID0 → R-ID3: identifies the position of the rack within the DSLAM.
R-TYP0 → R-TYP3: identifies the type of DSLAM to the AWS.
> The ALTS-T subrack provides the PLID setting. This requires 21 PLID bits for extreme density equipment. > PLID setting is done on the backplane. Nine bits (SLOT-IDxx, BP-TYP) are fixed by the backplane lay-out, the other twelve (SR-IDxx, RIDxx, R-TYPxx and ACU-EN) are altered at the installation with jumpers.These jumpers are placed on the backplane in two columns between the ACU and the NTA slots.
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Cabling – Internal splitters (2/2) splitter shelf cabling ADSL lines 25-48 ADSL 25-48
connector area splitterless shelf
POTS 25-48
ADSL 1-24 POTS 1-24
ADSL lines 1-24 10
> On this slide an ASPS-A splitter shelf is depicted.
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Cabling – External splitters
External splitter device
Incumbent LEC
Competitive LEC Subscriber line
splitterless ISAM shelf + service hub
> In case external splitters are used, typically the incoming subscriber lines are connected at the MDF (Main Distribution Frame). From there they will be further connected towards an external PSTN POTS splitter rack and also towards the splitterless shelf.
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ARAM-D based 7330 ISAM FTTN host
LT-3 LT-2 LT-1 LP4 LP3 LP2 LP1 DSL 25-48
DSL 1-24
POTS 25-48
POTS 1-24
> The ARAM-D (4-LT shelf) has the following front-accessible slots: > GFC slot: The General Facilities Card (GFC) is mounted on top of the shelf. In case of the ARAM-D, the GFC provides power input and filtering, fan control, SMAS functionality, external alarm collection, a craft interface and Test Access Port connectors. In the case of the ARAM-D shelf the GFC functionality is provided by the PWIO board. > In the slot beneath the GENC card needs to be inserted - alarm control and host expansion interface unit on the 7330 ISAM FTTN. > NTA and NTB slot: These slots can be equipped with the standard NT board types on the 7330 ISAM FTTN host shelf. Additional NT I/O interfaces are located on the GENC card. The component side for these NT boards is UP. If the shelf is used as a slave, then a single slave expansion card must be inserted at the position of NT A. The NT B slot must be covered with a filler plate. > LT1 through LT4 slots for LT units: The LT boards supported are e.g. EBLT-C, EBLT-E, EBLT-K (48 ports multi-DSL) and EVLT-A, EVLT-C (24 ports VDSL) > LP1 through LP4 slots for appliques: The splitterboards supported are e.g. AVPC-A, HCUT-C, HLPC-H, HLPC-J and VPSC-D > Fan slot: only the NTs, combo I/O card and LTs are cooled directly by the fan unit. The LPs and the GFC will only receive some limited cooling. The fan unit for ARAM-D exists out of a four-fan assembly, the AFAN-L. > The ARAM-D shelf supports MTA.
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ARAM-D vertical mounting
ETSI 600mm rack
ARAM-D does not fit horizontally in an ETSI rack
19” rack
20” or 512mm
ALTR-E 4 Free space 2,5”/side
adapters required for vertical mounting: mounting kit
Free space 125mm/side
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Other system components top rack unit ATRU-Q
Up to 2 XD XDLT LTshelves shelves per rack • power provisioning
• fuses for boards/fans Fan units AFAN-H • with or without dust filter
air flow
splitter shelf can be integrated in rack or separate (as shown)
> The slide depicts a single rack holding 2 ISAMs (splitterless deployment). > So two ALTS-T shelves are housed in this rack. Each shelf holds a fan tray. This is an 8-fan fanunit with or without dust filter. Only one dust filter is needed per rack. > The top rack unit (TRU) is the unit providing the power interface between the office power plant and the subracks. It is also the interface between the office alarm system and the rack equipment (including up to five customer defined external alarms) and displays the rack alarm conditions. > Fan unit: One fan unit (AFAN-H) provides forced air cooling in the subrack. The fan unit is a field replaceable unit in the subrack fan area, it plugs directly into the backplane. > There are two variants, one with dust filter and one without dust filter. The fan unit of the subrack in the lowest rack position must always contain a dust filter.
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ATRU-Q – Top rack unit for ISAM 7302 XD ¾ 2 variants exists top rack unit for splitterless rack configuration one or two LT subracks
top rack unit for rack configuration with splitter one LT subrack + one SP subrack
> The TRU is installed in the top position of the rack and is always cabled for two subracks, even if the configuration only requires one subrack . This is due to anticipated difficulties in adding cables after initial installation. > The top rack unit terminates the feed(s) of the office battery branches A and B and distributes the power to up to two subracks via individual feeds and via circuit breakers. > In an XD rack, the top rack unit (ATRU) distributes fused -48 Vdc or -60 Vdc power to all the subracks and fan units via two redundant branches. It interfaces between the DSL equipment and the Central Office alarm system. > The ATRU-Q contains the following functional blocks: • Front panel with circuit breakers and alarm display • termination for external wiring • alarm and control boards with interface to internal ACU boards and external CO alarm systems.
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General architecture 7302 ISAM-XD 4 External Ethernet links
¾ XD equipment practice ¾ 16 LT boards 48 lines/LT
Control/Mgt function
Clock 3/4 External Ethernet links
¾ Aggregation (service hub) and control- & management function integrated on NT ¾ 1GE connectivity between NT and LT via backpanel ¾ SMAS card
Control link 1..4 GE/FE
802.3 port
802.3 port
Each LT contains an IWF
1..3/4 GE/FE
Aggregation function 1 …16 GE
LT 1 LT module
LT module
System MAC address storage
LT 16
separate splitter shelf
48 lines 16
> The slide above shows the 7302 ISAM’s XD system architecture. > The 7302 ISAM XD consists of a set of 16 subscriber line termination (LT) boards, 1 or 2 network termination (NT) boards, 1 network termination I/O board, 1 alarm control unit (ACU) board, all located in an eXtreme Density (XD) splitter-less shelf ALTS-T. > The NT board contains an integrated aggregation function with a total switching capacity of 24 Gbps which is commonly referred to as the service hub (SHUB). > Actually there are two ethernet switches on the NT having a capacity of 12 Gbps each, which means the total switching capacity is 24 Gbps, corresponding with 16 GE ASAM links + 8 Ethernet links. > Depending on the NT card type you will have 7 external Ethernet links + 1 control link or 8 external Ethernet links. In case of 8 external Ethernet links the connection of the SHUB with the control and management function is no longer done via ethernet. This way the ISAM has an additional network link (true e.g. for ECNT-C Æ see later in this presentation) > Whether a clock function (BITS) interface is present on the NT or not will also depend on the variant of NT card. > The 7302 ISAM XD does not have a dedicated power unit (the interface point to the external DC power supply systems and provides power). On the shelf itself there are so called fast-on connectors for providing power supply coming from the top rack unit (TRU). The power signals BATA, BATB and BATRET are distributed via the backplane and feed the plug-in units and fan units installed. > You do not find the TAU module on this drawing, although ISAM XD equipment practice provides this functionality. An RJ45 for test access (connection to TAU) is present on the NTI/O ( see later), but the TAU module itself is on a TAUS-card which physically needs to be inserted in the splitter-shelf.
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General architecture 7330 ISAM FTTN host-XD ¾ ARAM-D => 4 LTs NT
Control/Mgt function
802.3 port
GE/FE 1 .. 3 GE1 ..4
Control link External Aggregation function Ethernet links GE1..2+2
GE1 ..10+2
Exp. link
ASAM link
LT 4 LTLT1… 1
3/4 External Ethernet links
Ext Eth Links 2+2
DSL lines
LT module
EXP links 10 +2
> The ARAM-D is a four-LT-slot shelf. It is used for the 7330 ISAM FTTN, and can be mounted horizontally or vertically. > The PWIO card functions as a General Facilities Card (GFC). It provides connectivity and distribution for power feeds and external alarms. The PWIO card is integrated in the shelf. • in the ARAM-D the GFC functionality is provided by the PWIO card • the SMAS functionality is implemented using a remote inventory prom located on the PWIO (a few fields in this prom are reserved for the contents of the SMAS prom). > The ACU functionality is not on a separate card as in the ISAM XD equipment practice, but integrated on the GENC card.
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NT – network termination in 7302/7330 ISAM-XD ¾ service hub
7302 / 7330 ISAM-XD PSTN
3/4 FE/GE elec or GE optical
802.3 port
P … S
. . . LT
the main ethernet switch electrical or optical Ethernet interfaces
¾ runs control plane software and management software management and control interfaces SW management fault management configuration management DB management
¾ clock functionality P … S
¾ 7330: performs aggregation,management and control functions REM Seen as one NE on 5523 AWS
> All the data that passes through the 7302 ISAM will always pass through the NT. It is the 24 Gbps Ethernet aggregation switching function, i.e. the service hub residing on the NT that is responsible for the data forwarding towards the Ethernet aggregation network. > Another functionality of the NT-board is the control plane of the 7302 ISAM required e.g. for maintenance and operations, remote inventory information and shelf management. It provides management interfaces (LAN, CRAFT, RCRAFT) to the outside world and control interfaces towards the line termination (LT) boards and the network termination I/O. > On the NT resides an interface and media conversion block which provides 3 or 4 (depending on NT card type) external Ethernet interfaces. These interfaces are primarily intended to be used as subtending and/or network links or for a directly connected user. In case optical interfaces are needed the media converter on the NT converts the electrical signal coming from the service hub into an optical signal. > Whether a clock function (BITS) interface is present on the NT or not will depend on the type of NT card. > NT redundancy is supported > The NT has the same functionality in the 7330 ISAM FTTN host shelf as in the 7302 ISAM. > The NT in the 7330 FTTN host shelf however, will also provide the different functionalities for the remote units connected to the 7330 FTTN host shelf.
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ECNT – Network termination board – XD (1/2) ¾ service hub 24 Gbps line rate capacity 16 port reserved for line cards & expansions 1 (0) port to the control & mgt function 7 (8) ports remaining for Ethernet user links, subtending links and network links
¾ contains FLASH, RAM and ROM memory ¾ interfacing with management and control interfaces via backpanel ¾ traffic management on NT
> ECNT-A Æ NT board with integrated SHub. Provides three electrical FE, electrical GE or optical GE links on the front panel. > ECNT-C Æ NT board with integrated SHub. Provides four GE links on the front panel: three GE optical + one 10/100/1000Mbps optical/electrical (selectable) > Besides providing network termination, the ECNT card performs Ethernet switching and control functions for the 7302 ISAM-XD and the 7330 ISAM FTTN-XD, as well as for any connected 7330 REM. It handles the xDSL, the shelf, and the switching data path. > The ECNT card handles high-bandwidth IP services for xDSL subscribers by providing a 24 Gigabit Ethernet switching fabric (service hub). In the downstream direction, high-bandwidth IP services enter the network termination side of the 7302 ISAM or 7330 ISAM FTTN over connectivity at the ECNT card or through the NT I/O (7302 ISAM) or GENC card (7330 FTTN). > The ECNT card switches the Ethernet IP traffic. The appropriate packets for each connected xDSL subscriber are then forwarded over the backplane to the LT. In the upstream direction, the ECNT card receives Ethernet packets from the LTs over the backplane. The ECNT card either switches the Ethernet packets to the high-bandwidth IP services network or passes them to the NT I/O (7302 ISAM) or GENC (7330 ISAM FTTN) card. > For expansion configurations with REMs, the NT on the 7330 FTTN host shelf switches traffic destined for remote subscribers to expansion ports on the GENC card via the shelf backplane. Traffic from remote subscribers is forwarded to the NT over the expansion links that connect to the GENC card on the host shelf. > The ECNT card supports inband or outband management traffic received through its connectors. Local management (craft terminal) is supported by the ECNT card through craft connections on the AACU (7302 ISAM) and PWIO (7330 ISAM) cards. The NT on the FTTN host shelf is used to manage REMs which cannot behave as standalone units.
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ECNT – network termination board – XD (2/2)
2 variants: 100 Mb or 1Gb to each LT RJ45 auto-sensing 10/100/1000Base-T On board media conversion to GE optical SFP optical modules required
ECNT-C: 4 Ethernet interfaces 3 x 1Gbps SFP port 1 x 10/100/1000Mbps port electrical or 1Gbps optical
¾ ECNT is used in: 7302 ISAM XD
port 1,2,3 Æ optical
Optical itfs
Electrical itfs
port 0: optical or electrical
ECNT-A: 3 Ethernet interfaces
> ECNT-A Has three connectors for Gigabit Ethernet optical or electrical connections and three connectors for Ethernet electrical connections to a high-bandwidth IP services network. The six connectors on ECNT-A are logically grouped into three pairs of one electrical connector and one optical connector each. Only one of the two connectors in a logical pair can be active at any one time. For example, if you are using the optical connector in the first pair, then you cannot use the electrical connector of the pair until you disconnect the optical connector for the pair. If ECNT-A cards have been installed for NT redundancy, a total of six NT connectors are provided, with three being active. > ECNT-C: • port 0 Æ 10/100/1000 Mbps electrical or optical • port 1,2,3 Æ 1GE optical only! > SFP (Small Form factor Pluggable units) for NT & NT-I/O or GENC: optical modules exist for GE and FE. On one of the following slides some examples are given, but the list is not complete!
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NT I/O – NT Input Output in 7302 ISAM-XD 7302 ISAM-XD PSTN
interfaces with the NT via the backpanel
4 x elec or optical
802.3 port
¾ provide additional external interfaces to the 7302 ISAM shelf.
P … S
¾ interface for test access
. . . LT
¾ ethernet interface for management ¾ one NT-I/O per ISAM system ¾ Supports NT redundancy
P … S
> The network termination Input/Output (NT I/O) board is an applique or interface card which interfaces – via the backplane – with the network termination (NT) board. It is required in case more than the available external interfaces on the NT board are required, or when different physical interfaces are required than the NT board can offer. > On the 7302 ISAM-XD, the NT I/O can provide up to 4 additional interfaces > The NT I/O also provides: - an outband management interface which currently cannot be used ( R3.2) - the interface for communication between the NT and the TAU module on the TAUS board of the XD splitter (SP) shelf
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NT I/O – Network termination I/O board ¾ provides 4 additional (external) Ethernet interfaces ¾ ECNC-A RJ45 auto-sensing 10/100/1000Mbps Or optical interfaces (1G only)
¾ ECNC-B FE optical interfaces
¾ SFP optical modules required ¾ RJ45 for test access (connection to TAU)
> Different types of NT I/O cards exist currently: • ECNC-A: 4 x 10/100/1000 electrical interfaces or 4 x optical GE interfaces • ECNC-B: 4 x optical FE interfaces • (ECNC-C: 4 x optical GE Æ for ISAM-V!) > ECNC also has an ethernet port labeled for outband management. This port cannot be used!
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SFP pluggable optical modules for NT & NT-I/O ¾ Optical modules available for GE GE SX MM 850nm
550m (4dB)
GE LX SM 1310nm
10km (11dB)
GE ZX SM 1550nm
80km (20dB)
List is not exhaustive – more available
¾ Optical modules available for FE FE MM
550m (4dB)
10km (11dB)
List is not exhaustive
¾ All modules do have an LC connector
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CWDM SFP transceivers ¾ Eight center wavelengths are available: y 1471 nm, y 1491 nm, y 1511 nm, y 1531 nm, y 1551nm, y 1571 nm, y 1591 nm, y 1611 nm.
¾ CWDM SFP support
> CWDM technology uses an ITU standard 20nm spacing between the wavelengths, from 1310nm to 1610nm. With CWDM technology, since the wavelengths are relatively far apart (compared to DWDM), the transponders are generally not very expensive. > The SFP-CW has the following features: > Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing (CWDM) transceivers. These transceivers are available for eight different wavelengths. > Compliant with SFP Multi Source Agreement (MSA). > Compatible with IEEE 802.3z Gigabit Ethernet 1000Base-LX PMD specifications. > Digital diagnostic through serial interface. > Internal calibration for digital diagnostics. > Eye safe (Class 1 Laser Safety). > Duplex LC optical interface. > Loss Of Signal (LOS) output and TX Disable input. > Hot pluggable.
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LT – line termination in 7302 / 7330 ISAM-XD 7302 / 7330 ISAM-XD
¾ contains the LT-module
contains the IWF LT
LT module
i.e. the LT is on the data forwarding path
P S …
¾ provide connection to DSL users ¾ the applique boards are …
transport function determines type of card
For 7302: P … S
in a separate shelf, maybe even in a separate rack
For 7330: in the same shelf APPLIQUE BOARDS 25
> For the data path, in the 7302 ISAM-XD , the main building blocks are the LT boards on which we can find the IWFs and the NT (see later) on which we can find the aggregation function. All the data that passes through the 7302 ISAM-XD will always pass through the NT. > The 7302 ISAM-XD is equipped with a large number of line termination boards (LT). Different LTs exist for DSL access. Most of the LTs also need a paired applique boards. These applique boards can reside in an equipment placed in the same rack or in another location (see further in this document). > In the 7302 ISAM-XD, each LT card is connected with the NT via the backpanel using a 1 GE electrical interface. This way the Alcatel 7302 ISAM-XD offers wire speed delivery of services towards each user through a non-blocking bandwidth of 1 Gigabit per slot. > The 7330 ISAM FTTN host shelf perceives remote LT units as though they were installed locally on the host shelf itself, adding them to its total number of LT units.
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EBLT – MultiDSL line termination board ¾ multi-ADSL line card 48 ports per card ADSL/ADSL2/READSL2/ADSL2+ line termination POTS and ISDN line cards
¾ GE interface towards NT ¾ ATM cell <-> Ethernet packet conversion Inter Working Function (IWF)
¾ L2 and L3 cards difference in supported FW Models, QoS,... EBLT-C-E (POTS, L3) EBLT-D-F (ISDN, L3) EBLT-J (POTS, L2) …
• EBLT-A/J Æ L2 functionalities only (see forwarding models later on)
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EVLT – VDSL line termination board ¾ VDSL line card 24 ports per card POTS and ISDN line cards
¾ GE interface towards NT
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SMLT – SHDSL line termination board - XD ¾ SHDSL line card symmetric service: bit rate from 192 kbps to 5696 kbps Æ in steps of 64 kbps
24 ports per card EFM or ATM/IMA
¾ GE interface towards NT SMLT-J SMLT-K
> The SMLT-J: • Provides symmetric variable rate service to CPE. • Provides 24 symmetric ports at line rates from 192 kbit/s to 5696 kbit/s payload rate in steps of 64 kbit/s. • Supports symmetric spectral profiles. • Supports two-wire mode, channel bonding (four-wire/six-wire/eight-wire mode) using ATM for extended range and/or greater payload. • Supports multi-link (up to 8 links) grouping using Inverse Multiplexing over ATM (IMA) for extended range and/or greater payload. • If IMA grouping is used, up to 24 groups with a maximum of eight links per group are allowed. • Supports Packet Transfer Mode (PTM / EFM). • The SMLT-J units do not require an applique, the SHDSL interface lines are immediately connected to the UTP cables via the subrack connectors. But, if required, an applique in an external splitter subrack can provide this connection.
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PSPS – MultiDSL splitter board ¾ 48 lines per card ¾ inserted in any of the 16 slots of splitter shelf ¾ separates the ADSL and POTS/ISDN signals upstream & combines the ADSL modem signals with POTS/ISDN signals downstream ¾ with or without relays
ADSL 25-48
POTS/ISDN 25-48 ADSL 1-24
supports connection to external test device for line measurement purposes
AA variant: outward line testing AB variant: full test access
ready to support N+1 LT redundancy
¾ compatible with ADSL2+ (2.2 MHz) ¾ POTS and POTS+ISDN 2B1Q variant
> The Pots splitter board will filter and combine ADSL and POTS/ISDN signals, thus allowing the concurrent use of POTS/ISDN and ADSL on the same UTP. Exists in a wide range of impedances (Real, Complex, …) Special version for ISDN due to different spectrum. > The PSPS boards for the ISAM splitter shelf contains 48 LPFs or splitters so one board can serve up to 48 ADSL lines. Note that the ADLT splitter function is performed by a High-Pass Filter (HPF) on the ADLT board. > The pots splitter boards are mounted in the applique slots of the ASPS-A. > PSUS-A: universal POTS/ISDN splitter version A (PSUS-A) - with N+1 redundancy and limited test access. The PSUS-A: • Can be installed in the XD splitter shelf, installed in the Central Office (CO) • Contains 48 Low-Pass Filters (LPFs) • Separates the ADSL and the POTS/ISDN signals in the upstream direction • Supports ADSL, ADSL2+ and RE-ADSL (multi-ADSL). • Combines the ADSL signals with POTS / ISDN signals to the customer • Protects the POTS/ISDN against interference from signals generated by the network termination (NT) unit or the (multi) ADSL line termination unit • Protects the receivers at both the subscriber and the Central Office from all POTS/ISDN related signals • Allows connection to the Spare bus to provide N + 1 redundancy (not supported for this release) • Allows connection to the Spare bus for limited test access (only this variant). • For ISDN only 2B1Q encoding is supported
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VSPB – VDSL splitter board
¾ 24 lines per card ¾ separates the VDSL and POTS/ISDN signals upstream & combines the VDSL modem signals with POTS/ISDN signals downstream ¾ POTS and POTS+ISDN 2B1Q variant
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GENC – Gigabit Ethernet Network Combiner in 7330 FTTN-XD ¾ GENC houses
7330 ISAM FTTN-XD host
802.3 port function uplink and downlink (expansion)
Craft Terminal
2+ 2 optical
802.3 port
ACU module TAU module ITSC module (optional)
10 + 2 optical
expansion link
802.3 port
LT P … S
P … S
. . .
ASAM link
P … S
¾ 14 optical GE interfaces 10 for expansion 2 for uplinks 2 selectable (expansion or uplinks)
> The GENC card has 14 Gigabit Ethernet optical connectors. Two ports are dedicated for uplink connectivity to high-bandwidth IP services networks. The highbandwidth IP services network can provide service for the xDSL subscribers and supports inband management of the 7330 ISAM FTTN-XD. Two more ports are configurable as either uplinks or as expansion ports (downlinks.) The GENC card has 10 expansion ports (downlinks) used to connect remote expansion units to the host shelf. > The ACU module and TAU module are integrated on the GENC card as well, so besides providing 14 optical Gigabit Ethernet interfaces for uplink and downlink activity, the GENC card provides alarm and control support as well as support for MTA (Mechanical test access) based testing. > It is the ACU-block in on the GENC-card that collect up to five external alarms, AC fail alarm, door alarm, fuse alarm and two fan fail alarms and sends them to the NT. The ACU-block sends its alarms to the NT board which transfers these signals to the element management system. > The Test Access unit (TAU) module manages the switching of signals between the MTA ports (located on the PWIO) and subscriber lines (connected to appliques). > Depending of the type of GENC card, the board can be equipped with an Integrated Test and Sealing Current (ITSC) module. The ITSC module is present as a daughter card of the GENC-F. The ITSC module is used to perform narrowband tests and provide sealing current on customer lines.
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GENC: Gigabit Ethernet network Combiner – 7330 XD
¾ Generic Facility card for ARAM-D power distribution to other units in the shelf Redundant power infeed
alarm and control support MTA support
¾ 14 optical GE interfaces 10 for expansion – Downlinks 2 for uplinks – towards network/subtended/end-user 2 selectable (expansion or uplinks) GENC-E GENC-F (ITSC) 32
> The GENC card is a general facility card and is a field-replaceable unit . Its main functionality is to provide connectivity and distribution for power feeds and external alarms > The GENC is a plug-in unit that performs as stated above multiple functions in which also additional optical Gigabit Ethernet connectivity for the 7330 FTTN ISAM 4-LT-slot host shelf and remote units (REM). > In total the GENC card provides 14 additional optical Gigabit Ethernet connectors to supplement the connectors provided on the ECNT card. • On the GENC-E card faceplate, the first two optical ports (ports 4 and 5) are reserved for network connections (uplinks). Ports 6 and 7 are configurable as either uplinks or as expansion links (downlinks). The other 10 ports are expansion ports. It is possible to have up to 12 expansion links connected to remote expansion units for each host shelf since each shelf has one GENC card. > ITSC: Integrated Test and Sealing Current • The ITSC module is present as a daughter card of the GENC-F. The ITSC module is used to perform narrowband tests and provide sealing current on customer lines. The ITSC module replaces external test heads by providing: – a reduced-suite of narrowband tests to the customer – the ability to apply sealing current for “dry” (non POTS) lines.
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ACU – alarm Control unit in 7302 ISAM-XD 7302 ISAM-XD PSTN
¾ collection of equipment alarms (fans, fuses, …) ¾ customer external alarms
NT I/O 4 x FE/GE elec or GE optical
P … S
¾ drive alarm lamps in TRU ¾ connection to craft terminal ¾ Ethernet interface
. . .
not to be used for out-band management
P … S
one ACU/ISAM system
Craft Terminal
> For the 7302 ISAM-XD the alarm control module is placed on a specific board, the ACU (alarm Control unit) board. > You need one ACU board in each 7302 ISAM-XD system. It takes care of the following functions: • collect equipment alarms from rack and sends them to the NT. These alarms are FAN alarms, fuse alarms, power alarms, external customer definable alarms • the ACU sends its alarms to the network termination board, which transfers these signals to the element management system (5523 AWS). • allows to connect a craft terminal using an RS232 (ACU in main rack) • drive rack alarm lamps and provides visual alarm indications via LEDs > The ACU handles input and output alarm information via a cable connection to the top rack unit (TRU): • 20 input signals of which 10 are spare alarm inputs • 20 output signals for audible, visual and telemetry alarms > The RJ-45 port on the AACU-C card is not available for use on the ISAM.
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ACU – Alarm Control Unit in 7302 ISAM XD ¾ inserted in the leftmost slot of the splitterless shelf (ALTS-T) ¾ five LED’s to indicate different levels of fault conditions ACO/lamp test push button switch
¾ craft interface 9-pin D-connector
¾ Ethernet connection RJ-45 for out-band mgmt cannot be used
¾ one ACU/ISAM system
> Five LEDs to indicate fault conditions • Critical – red • Major – red • Minor – yellow • alarm local – red • ACO active – green > Same ACU as for ASAM > RJ45 for outband management cannot be used – interfaces only to DSL boards not to the Service Hub
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PWIO – Power Input/output Craft terminal
7330 ISAM XD FTTN host Power
external test equipment
SMAS 2+ 2 optical
¾ Connectivity to ACU module: Collection of 5 customer external alarms Craft terminal connectivity
TAU 10 + 2 optical
expansion link
P … S
. . .
ASAM link
LT P … S
P … S
alarm lamps on PWIO driven by ACU
¾ Connectivity to TAU module ¾ SMAS module ¾ Power
> The power module and the SMAS module in the 7330 ISAM FTTN-XD equipment practice can be found on the PWIO board. > The main purpose of the PWIO is to provide power to the other units in the ARAM-D shelf, including the fan unit, and to provide connectivity for a wide range of inputs and outputs for the ARAM-D shelf. Most of the inputs and outputs are for the GENC. > The main electrical power entry via redundant power feeds A and B happens on the PWIO. The PWIO processes electrical power output for other cards in the shelf and for the fan tray. > External alarm, MTA, and craft terminal connections are made on the PWIO card However the ACU and the TAU unit itself is placed on the GENC board.
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PWIO in 7330 FTTN XD ¾ Installed in ARAM-D Field replaceable
¾ Connectivity for Power External alarms MTA Craft Terminal
> The PWIO board provides: • connectivity for external alarm, MTA, and craft terminal connections – provides connectivity for five general-purpose alarm inputs – provides connectivity for AC failure alarm input – provides connectivity for MTA up and down – provides local connectivity for a craft terminal • LEDs giving status information/control information – provides LEDs indicating alarm, fan, MTA, and power status – provides an alarm cut-off and a visual display of alarm cut-off • SMAS functionality: the system MAC-address is stored in a remote inventory prom on the PWIO card. > The following additional connectors are on the PWIO-B card, but they are not available for use: • out-of-band management over Ethernet • fan and fuse • ETSI BITS > Two variants of the card are available: one provides connectivity for six user-definable external alarm inputs and the other provides connectivity for three user-definable external alarm inputs and critical, major, and minor alarm outputs. Both variants provide an AC failure input, MTA connectivity, and a connection for a craft terminal. > The PWIO board is seen as a integral part of the ARAM-D shelf and is normally delivered together with the shelf.
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SMAS – System MAC Address Storage card – 7302 XD ¾ located on the XD splitterless shelf (ALTS-T) next to slot 16 ¾ contains only a remote inventory ¾ contains the MAC address of the shelf NT public MAC address
¾ without SMAS the ISAM doesn't come online SMAS is delivered with XD splitterless shelf
> On the SMAS-card the MAC-addresses of the NT/service hub that will be used for management, are stored. When the system boots, the service hub gets its MAC-address(es) from the SMAScard. The 24 MAC-addresses for each port on the SHUB, are stored on the PROM of the SMAScard. The reason why the MAC-addresses are stored on a separate card, that only contains a remote inventory of the ISAM shelf, is that if it would be on the NT and the NT would fail, the network might have trouble. The MAC-address will have been learned and if you replace the failing NT by another one, a new MAC-address would have to be learned. What if the old arp-entry first has to age? (e.g. a delay of 5 minutes). With the MAC-addresses on the SMAS card, any NT will get the same MAC-addresses after replacement, so the switches in the network don’t need to learn any new MAC-addresses from the NT’s. > The SMAS card as depicted on the slide is only used in 7302 ISAM CO XD. • For 7330 FTTN XD, the SMAS functionality is integrated on the PWIO card.
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General architecture 7342 FTTU
¾ NT – Network Termination provides connection to network dedicated links to the LTs
¾ LT – Line Termination provides connection to subscribers
. . .
each LT has its own dedicated link towards the NT
¾ ACU – Alarm Control Unit
GLT4_2 NT-NT redundancy HW ready for 1:1 red.
Remote craft Local craft ACU Remote E’net Local E’net PWR conn.
Fan conn.
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ALRM conn.
© 2010 Alcatel-Lucent., All rights reserved
General architecture 7342 FTTU
¾ NT – Network Termination provides connection to network dedicated links to the LTs
¾ LT – Line Termination provides connection to subscribers
. . .
each LT has its own dedicated link towards the NT
¾ ACU – Alarm Control Unit
GLT4_2 NT-NT redundancy HW ready for 1:1 red.
Remote craft Local craft ACU Remote E’net Local E’net PWR conn.
Fan conn.
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ALRM conn.
© 2010 Alcatel-Lucent., All rights reserved
EHNT-B – Network termination unit ¾ layer 2 switching 48 GbE switching matrix room for up to 16000 MAC address entries hardware assisted aging
¾ interfacing to LTs eHCL links
¾ interfacing to network 4 x 1 GigE – SFP port 1 x 10 GigE – XFP port
¾ NT-to-NT link 1 x HiGig (10 GigE) – XFP port via backpanel
¾ new backpanel connectors operates in new shelf only
> Communicates with the LTs using eHCL or XAUI interface. > The EHNT-A cards provide two basic network interfaces to the network. The interfaces can be supported by one to four 1-GE SFP optical modules or a single 10-GE XFP optical module. Applications can use any combination of pluggable optical modules to provide network connectivity. > The typical application uses either the 1-GE ports or the single 10-GE port, not a mixture of 1-GE and 10-GE ports. > --> Be aware: the NT cards are not shipped with the optical modules installed: these are separate, orderable items, see next page! > --> The NT card supports Ethernet high-capacity link (eHCL) buses to LT cards. The card contains a 48 Gb/s layer 2 switch. The P-OLT can be configured to have a primary and secondary NT card for load sharing. > The NT card provides two basic network interfaces to the network. The interfaces can be supported by a maximum of four 1-GE small form-factor pluggable (SFP) optical modules or a single 10-GE small form-factor pluggable (XFP) optical module. Applications can use any combination of pluggable optical modules to provide network connectivity. > An electrical 10-GE XFP interface is used for interconnection between the redundant NT cards. The interface is preassembled with two 10-GE XFP modules that are connected with an electrical cable. > --> The O&M port LEDs on the EHNT-B card, indicate the out-of-band management traffic activity on the ACU card (indicated by RX LED). > --> Fibers pointing down: less sensitive to dust 3FL00276_A Ed 03
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EXNT-A – Network termination unit ¾ layer 2 switching 200 GbE switching matrix hardware assisted aging
¾ interfacing to LTs XAUI links
¾ interfacing to network 2 x 1 GigE – SFP port 2 x 10 GigE – XFP port
¾ NT-to-NT link 4 x HiGig (10 GigE) – XFP port via backpanel
¾ new backpanel connectors operates in new shelf only
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SFP and XFP modules ¾ they provide for optical termination and processing for full-duplex GbE or 10 GbE interfaces
¾ they mount on the NT unit ¾ they interface with the network via LC connectors
SFP modules – 1 GbE interfaces •1310
and 1550 nm
XFP modules – 10 GbE interfaces •850
and 1550 nm
> The NT cards are not shipped with the optical modules installed. The optical modules are items which have to be ordered separately which have their own product code.
Wavelength (nm)
Reach (Miles/Km)
Duplex Mode
GbE SFP, multimode, not temperature hardened
GbE SFP, single mode, temperature hardened
GbE SFP, single mode, temperature hardened
GbE SFP, single mode, not temperature hardened
GbE SFP, single mode, temperature hardened
10 GbE XFP, single mode, not temperature hardened
10 GbE XFP, single mode, not temperature hardened
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GLT4-A – Line termination unit ¾ layer 2 switching on board ethernet switch
¾ interfacing to NTs eHCL links XAUI links
¾ interfacing to subscribers 4 x PON interface SC connectors – downwards 1 PON = 64 subscribers
¾ G.984.x compliant 2.4 Gb/s optical line rate downstream 1.2 Gb/s optical line rate upstream
¾ new backpanel connectors operates in new shelf only
XAUI (a concatenation of the Roman numeral X, meaning ten, and the initials of "Attachment Unit Interface") is a standard for connecting 10 Gigabit Ethernet (10GbE) ports to each other and to other electronic devices on a printed circuit board. --eHCL and XAUI links: FGU4.4.10: utilizes up to two Ethernet-based 2 GE eHCL backplane links for point-to-point connectivity between the four PON interfaces and the EHNT-B FGU4.5.10: EXNT will enable operation over 10 GE XUI
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AACU-C – Alarm control unit ¾ LEDs to indicate different levels of fault conditions ACO/lamp test push button switch
¾ serial interface 9-pin D-connector serial craft interface
¾ Ethernet interface RJ45 connector untagged ethernet traffic only out-band mgmt Ethernet craft interface
¾ one ACU per system/shelf
> Five LEDs to indicate fault conditions • Critical – red • Major – red • Minor – yellow • Alarm local – red • ACO active – green > Same ACU as for ASAM/ISAM > RJ45 ethernet interface: supported since 4.2 > Installed in each P-OLT shelf. > --> The ACU card performs alarm control function for each shelf. The ACU card provides alarm indication for CO alarms, telemetry alarms, and rack-level alarms. > The alarm indication are visual as well as audible. The ACU card provides two RS-232 local craft ports and two Ethernet ports for operations and maintenance activities. One craft port and one Ethernet port are located at the ACU front panel. The other craft port and Ethernet port are located on the backplane of the OLT shelf. > --> EMC compatibility is only guaranteed with AC variant!
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OLTS-M – POLT shelf ¾ Optical Line Terminating Shelf includes BITS-B and SMAC present in connector area
¾ LSM area mounting slots 1 x ACU 2 x NT-unit 14 x LT-unit
¾ mountable 19” rack 600 mm rack mounting brackets!
¾ amount of subscribers 3584 per shelf (1:64 split)
> Also known as OLTS – Optical Line Termination Shelf > --> CO = Central Office > CEV = Controlled Environment Vault
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ATRU-U – Top rack unit ¾ rack powering
¾ alarm functions
for up to 2 P-OLT shelves
two power braches (A/B)
display distribution
¾ circuit breakers – CB 3 for board protection
to CO to ACU
3 for fan protection
¾ earth bonding point
to power branches
conn. point for ESD wrist strap
circuit breakers 46
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AFAN-S – Fan unit ¾ forced air cooling eight fans
¾ alarm interface board alarm information to a top rack unit
¾ front panel visual indication lighted ALARM LED if a fan fails
¾ enhanced reliability and cooling equipment redundancy compensation for a failed fan by speeding up its associated partner unit
¾ power switch remove power for servicing
¾ replaceable dust filter 47
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ALTR-E – Rack configuration Top Rack Unit
Alarm Control Unit
NT Card
LT Card
Fan Unit Alarm Control Unit
NT Card
LT Card
Fan Unit 48
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eHCL backpanel mode ¾ backpanel tracks eHCL – 1Gbps Ethernet p2p links XAUI – 10Gbps Ethernet p2p links 10Gbps
eHCL 2 * 1Gbps
Packet Processing/ GPON MAC
48G NT
Packet Processing/ GPON MAC
10 Gbps
48G NT
2.4 G max
2.4 G max
2.4 G max
eHCL 2 * 1Gbps
2.4 G max
4G aggregate 49
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XAUI backpanel mode ¾ backpanel tracks eHCL – 1Gbps Ethernet p2p link XAUI – 10Gbps Ethernet p2p link 10Gbps
10Gbps 1Gbps
Packet Processing/ GPON MAC
4 x 10 Gbps
XAUI 10 Gbps
200G NT
Packet Processing/ GPON MAC
200G NT
XAUI 10 Gbps
2.4 G max
2.4 G max
2.4 G max
2.4 G max
20G aggregate 50
> Between the NTs there are 4 10-GE links, but currently only 2 of them are enabled.
Not suppt
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