4M Change Point Record
Line Name:- …………………. Month:-…………………………..
4M CHANGE RESPONSIILI!":-………………….... RESPONSIILI!":-………………….... #ate 9 Shi&t o& change
Change !e ) √ !ic'* Change #etai$% Men
M td
C$a%% o& Change ); !ic'* P$anned
Rea%on o& Change
Action !a'en
Re%($t o& chec' ) Act(a$ *
Chec' on chec' Prod. )!L+AM*
P3A )!L+AM*
e&ore change
A&ter change
e&ore change
A&ter change
e&ore change
A&ter change
Line 2A!L2- Prod(ction G(ide$ine: . !ic' a$ica,$e o& Man5 Machine5 Materia$ and Method. /. !ic' an one o& P$anned 9 A,r(t change% 4.Prod(ct Characteri%tic =ith %ec.: >rite re?(ired chec'ing arameter% o& the artic($ar %tation 1. Re%($t o& chec' co($mn: >rite act(a$ reading a&ter in%ection. @. In ca%e o& too$ or in%ert change a&ter the %eci&ied $i&e 5 A$%o =rite in 4M change )P$anned categor* M -3A-/45 Re6. 775 E&&ecti6e E&&ect i6e &rom .71./78
2A!L2- P3A
0. Action !a'en co$(mn: >rite the change re$ated action )e.g !raining in ca%e o& man change* 8. In ca%e o& no change =rite 2no change2 at the end o& the %hi&t.
o, Rotation OrganiBation Ann(a$
!emaror A,%ence Ph%ica$ di%order In(r A,norma$it o& #ie% +Mo$d% ai$(re5 ma$&(nction Ma$&(nction5 o& ig%+ !oo$ing+ a,norma$it o& Ma$&(nctionig% o& Po'aIn%ection "o'e Po=er ai$(re Prod(ct de&ect R(nning re=or'ed art Correction o& Oerationa$ error )Poce%% Parameter
4M Change Point Record
Line Name:- …………………. Month:-…………………………..
4M CHANGE RESPONSIILI!":-………………….... #ate5!ime 9 Shi&t o& change
Change !e )√ !ic'*
C$a%% o& Change ); !ic'* Change #etai
Rea%on o& Change A,norma$ P$anned Dn$ann ed condition
Action !a'en
A&ter change ir%t 1 Pc%.
e&ore change
S(%ected $ot record
A&ter change ir%t 1 Pc%.
e&ore change
S(%ected $ot record
A&ter change ir%t 1 Pc%.
e&ore change
S(%ected $ot record
A&ter change ir%t 1 Pc%.
e&ore change
S(%ected $ot record
A&ter change ir%t 1 Pc%.
e&ore change
S(%ected $ot record
Re%($t o& chec' ) Act(a$ *
Chec' on chec'
Prod. ) Head*
3A )head*
4M Change Point Record
Line Name:- …………………. Month:-…………………………..
4M CHANGE RESPONSIILI!":-………………….... Change !e )√ !ic'* #ate5 Shi&t5!ime9 M+c No. o& change Men M+C Mat. Mtd
C$a%% o& Change ); !ic'*
Rea%on o& Change
Action !a'en
e&ore change
S(%ected $ot record
A&ter change ir%t 1 Pc%.
e&ore change
S(%ected $ot record
A&ter change ir%t 1 Pc%.
e&ore change
S(%ected $ot record
A&ter change ir%t 1 Pc%.
e&ore change
S(%ected $ot record
A&ter change ir%t 1 Pc%.
e&ore change
S(%ected $ot record
Re%($t o& chec' ) Act(a$ *
Chec' on chec'
Prod. ) Head*
3A )head*
4M Change Point Record
Line Name:- …………………. Month:-…………………………..
4M CHANGE RESPONSIILI!":-………………….... Change !e )√ !ic'* #ate5 Shi&t5!ime9 M+c No. o& change Men M+C Mat. Mtd
C$a%% o& Change ); !ic'* Rea%on o& Change P$anned Dn$anned
A,norma$ condition
Action !a'en
Prod(ct Prod(ct Characteri%tic =ith Parameter% %ec.
Re%($t o& chec' ) Act(a$ *
A&ter change ir%t 1 Pc%. e&ore change S(%ected $ot record A&ter change ir%t 1 Pc%. e&ore change S(%ected $ot record A&ter change ir%t 1 Pc%. e&ore change S(%ected $ot record A&ter change ir%t 1 Pc%. e&ore change S(%ected $ot record A&ter change ir%t 1 Pc%. e&ore change S(%ected $ot record A&ter change ir%t 1 Pc%. e&ore change S(%ected $ot record A&ter change ir%t 1 Pc%. e&ore change S(%ected $ot record A&ter change ir%t 1 Pc%. e&ore change S(%ected $ot record G(ide$ine: . !ic' a$ica,$e o& Man5 Machine5 Materia$ and Method. 4.Prod(ct Characteri%tic =ith %ec.: >rite re?(ired chec'ing arameter% o& the artic($ar %tation @. In ca%e o& too$ or in%ert change a&ter the %eci&ied $i&e 5 A$%o =rite in 4M change )P$anned categor* M -3A-/45 Re6. 7/5 E&&ecti6e &rom .74./7@
/. !ic' an one o& P$anned 5 Dn$anned 9 A,norma$ Condition change% 1. Re%($t o& chec' co($mn: >rite act(a$ reading a&ter in%ection.
Chec' on chec'
0. Action !a'en co$(mn: >rite the change re$ated action 8. In ca%e o& no change =rite 2no change2 at the end o& the %hi&t.
Prod. ) Head*
3A )head*
4M Change Point Record
Line Name:- …………………. Month:-…………………………..
4M CHANGE RESPONSIILI!":-………………….... Change !e )√ !ic'* #ate5 Shi&t5!ime9 M+c No. o& change Men M+C Mat. Mtd
C$a%% o& Change ); !ic'* Rea%on o& Change P$anned Dn$anned A,norma$ condition
Action !a'en
Prod(ct Prod(ct Characteri%tic =ith Parameter% %ec.
Re%($t o& chec' ) Act(a$ * /
A&ter change ir%t 1 Pc%.
e&ore change
S(%ected $ot record
A&ter change ir%t 1 Pc%.
e&ore change
S(%ected $ot record
A&ter change ir%t 1 Pc%.
e&ore change
S(%ected $ot record
A&ter change ir%t 1 Pc%.
e&ore change
S(%ected $ot record
A&ter change ir%t 1 Pc%.
e&ore change
S(%ected $ot record
G(ide$ine: . !ic' a$ica,$e o& Man5 Machine5 Materia$ and Method. 4.Prod(ct Characteri%tic =ith %ec.: >rite re?(ired chec'ing arameter% o& the artic($ar %tation @. In ca%e o& too$ or in%ert change a&ter the %eci&ied $i&e 5 A$%o =rite in 4M change )P$anned categor* M -3A-/45 Re6. 7/5 E&&ecti6e &rom .74./7@
/. !ic' an one o& P$anned 5 Dn$anned 9 A,norma$ Condition change% 1. Re%($t o& chec' co($mn: >rite act(a$ reading a&ter in%ection.
Chec' on chec'
0. Action !a'en co$(mn: >rite the change re$ated action 8. In ca%e o& no change =rite 2no change2 at the end o& the %hi&t.
Prod. ) Head*
3A )head*