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Ganon Baker Basketball Drill
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Basketball is a sport played by two teams of ve players on a rectangular court. The objective is to shoot a ball through a hoop 18 inches (46 cm in diameter and 1! feet (".! m high mounted to a bac#board at each end. $as#etball is one of the world%s most popular and widely viewed sports. & team can score a eld goal by shooting the ball through the bas#et during regular play. & eld goal scores two points for the shooting team if a player is touching or closer to the bas#et than the three'point line and three points (#nown commonly as a 3 pointer or or three if the player is behind the three'point line. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins but additional time (overtime may be issued
when the game ends with a draw. The ball can be advanced on the court by bouncing it while wal#ing or running or throwing it to a team mate. )t is a violation to move without dribbling the ball to carry it or to hold the ball with both hands then resume dribbling. &s well as many techni*ues for shooting passing dribbling and rebounding bas#etball teams generally have player positions and o+ensive and defensive structures (player positioning. Typically the tallest and strongest members of a team are called a center orpower forward while slightly shorter and more agile players are called small forward and the shortest players or those who possess the best ball handling s#ills are called a point guard or shooting guard.
)n early ecember 1821 3anadian r. ames 5aismith a physical education professor and instructor at the )nternational 0oung en%s
3hristian &ssociation Training -chool (03& (today -pringeld 3ollege in -pringeld assachusetts was trying to #eep his gym class active on a rainy day. ,e sought a vigorous indoor game to #eep his students occupied and at proper levels of tness during the long 5ew 7ngland winters. &fter rejecting other ideas as either too rough or poorly suited to walled' in gymnasiums he wrote the basic rules and nailed a peach bas#et onto a 1!'foot (".! m elevated trac#. )n contrast with modern bas#etball nets this peach bas#et retained its bottom and balls had to be retrieved manually after each 9bas#et9 or point scored: this proved ine;cienthowever so the bottom of the bas#et was removed allowing the balls to be po#ed out with a long dowel each time.$as#etball was originally played with a soccer ball. The rst balls made specically for bas#etball were brown and it was only in the late 12!s that Tony ,in#le searching for a ball that would be more visible to players and spectators ali#e introduced the orange ball that is now in common use. ribbling was not part of the
original game e
Professional basketball &d from The Liberator maga>ine promoting an eation of the professional game. =layers jumped from team to team and teams played in armories and smo#y dance halls. Beagues came and went. $arnstorming s*uads such as the riginal 3eltics and two all'&frican &merican teams the 5ew 0or# /enaissance Cive(9/ens9 and the (still e
games a year on their national tours.)n 1246 the $as#etball &ssociation of &merica ($&& was formed. The rst game was played in Toronto ntario 3anada between the Toronto ,us#ies and 5ew 0or# Dnic#erboc#ers on 5ovember 1 1246. Three seasons later in 1242 the $&& merged with the 5ational $as#etball Beagueto form the 5ational $as#etball &ssociation (5$&. The 5$& has featured many famous players including @eorge i#an the rst dominating 9big man9: ball'handling wi>ard $ob 3ousy and defensive genius $ill /ussell of the $oston 3eltics : Eilt 3hamberlain who originally played for the barnstorming ,arlem @lobetrotters: all'around stars scar /obertson and erry Eest: more recent big men Dareem &bdul'abbar -ha*uille %5eal and Darl alone: playma#er ohn -toc#ton: crowd'pleasing forward ulius 7rving: 7uropean stars ir# 5owit>#i and ražen =etrović: more recent stars Be$ron ames Devin urant F Dobe
$ryant and the three players who many credit with ushering the professional game to its highest level of popularityG Barry $ird 7arvin 9agic9 ohnson and ichael ordan. )n ?!!1 the 5$& formed a developmental league the 5$B. &s of ?!14 the league has 18 teams. International basketball The )nternational $as#etball Cederation was formed in 12"? by eight founding nationsG &rgentina 3>echoslova#ia @reece )taly Batvia =ortugal /omania and -wit>erland. &t this time the organi>ation only oversaw amateur players. )ts acronym derived from the Crench Fédération Internationale de Basketball Amateur was thus 9C)$&9. en%s $as#etball was rst included at the $erlin 12"6 -ummer lympics although a demonstration tournament was held in 12!4. )n 12! the rst C)$& Eorld 3hampionship for men was held in &rgentina. Three years later the rst C)$& Eorld 3hampionship for Eomen was held in3hile. Eomen%s bas#etball was added to the lympics in 12H6 which were held in ontreal 3anada with teams such as the -oviet
Anion $ra>il and &ustral valing the &merican s*uads The Eomen%s 5ational $as#etball Beague began 1281.
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Adho mukha śvānāsana adho mukha � shvanasanaI अध� म खश� न� सनG Adho Mukha Śv ānāsana downward-facing dog Pose downward dog or down dog is an asana. $757C)T$D- )yengar asserts that this asana stretches the shoulders legs spine and whole body: builds strength throughout the body particularly the arms legs and feet: relieves fatigue and rejuvenates the body: improves the immune system digestion
and blood Jow to the sinuses and calms the mind and lifts the spirits Ardha Matsyendrasana
अध� मत �य� द र � सन: Ardha Matsyendr āsana Half � Lord of the Fishes Pose Half !inal "wist Pose or #akrasana is an asana. The asana usually appears as a seated spinal twist with many variations and is one of the twelve basic asanas in many systems of ,atha 0oga .
$757C)T&rdha atsyendrāsana allows the spine to be twisted all the way from the base of the spine to the very top. This asana tones the spinal nerves and ligaments and improves digestion.