Women Development1 Issues and Approaches in Pakistan’s Politics
he impression of “equality and individuality” is fully acknowledged by Islam for both men and women. In this perspective, there are no such customs, traditions, and laws that prohibit women from social and economic activities.2 The constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan also ensures the fundamental rights of human regardless of any discrimination on the basis of gender.3 Additionally, in the global arena, a welfare state discourages discourages all kind of discrimination against women. Nevertheless, Nevertheless, social & economic disparities exist in Pakistan. 4 Deeprooted socio-cultural barriers and lack of willingness by governments have kept a large number of women away from enjoying their right of education, health facilities and economic wellbeing. The objective of this study is to systematically review and present the roadmaps given by parties on women development. development.
Women Economic Opportunities
For economic development and national solidarity, it is considered necessary to encourage women workforce to contribute in the society. Likewise, creating employment opportunities for women help them improve their personal and family’s financial stability. Almost all parties have discussed their strategies on the subject with a particular focus. Issues discussed under various heads talk about greater economic opportunities, political participation, safety, education, and health etc. Table.1 highlights the salient points of manifestos related to employment opportunities and an enabling working environment for women in both formal and informal sectors.
Table.1 Women Economic Opportunities:
Employment and working conditions
Quotas for women to ensure equal access to employment opportunity in all sectors. (PTI. Pg.23) (ANP. Pg.7) Special job quota for women of at least 25 %, for the terrorism-affected districts. (ANP. pg.8) Equal opportunities for education and employment. employment. (ANP. pg.8) Employment Employment Guarantee Schemes for the rural women. (PTI. pg.27) Internship Guarantee Programs Programs for women. (PPP. pg.21)
This brief is part pf a larger stud y being conducted at IPS to understand the national mood in light of the approach of various Political Parties, participating in the elections 2018, on subjects of important issues related to the National Agenda. The political parties included in this review are: Pakistan Muslim League (N), Pakistan Tehreek-e- Insaf (PTI), Pakistan People’s Party (PPP), Awami national Party, (ANP), Mutahidda Majlis-e-Amal (MM A) and Mutahidda Qaomi Movement (MQM) 2 Anis Ahmad. Women Social Justice. Islamabad: Institute of Policy studies and T he Islamic Foundation, 1996. 3 The Constitution of Pakistan: Article 25A: Equality of Citizen; (1) All citizens are equal before law and are entitled to equal protection of law. (2) There shall be no discrimination on the basis of sex. (3) Nothing in this Article shall prevent the State from making any special provision for the protection of women and children. children. Article35: Protection of Family; the state shall protect the marriage, the family, the mother and the child. 4 Pakistan Bureau of statistic, Population census 2017.
Training to the new ventures and increase women industrial home. (PPP. pg.15) (MQM. pg.15) Job security during and after pregnancy. (PPP. pg.36) Social welfare schemes such as paternal leaves to encourage women to work. (PML-N. pg.55) Daycare centers in all Government offices to ensure women-friendly work environment. (ANP. pg.8) Residential and caretaking facilities facilities for working women in urban settings (PTI. pg.23) Payment of minimum wages in all sectors and eradication of the gender-based wage gap. (ANP. pg.8) (PML-N. pg.55) The institutional mechanism within SECP to promote women’s’ presence in the corporate sector (PPP. pg.37) Capital is considered lifeblood for business activities. Lack of funds lower the chances of business survival. To encourage women entrepreneurs, parties have included ideas to provide technical and financial
support to the small enterprises along with special measures to promote women businesses. Table.2 shows how parties are committing finance availability.
Table.2 Financial Assistance
Financial and Technical support
Increasing state-provided micro-finance micro-finance available to women. (PTI. pg.23) Providing equity to First Women Bank to ensure women have adequate access to credit PPP. pg.39) Providing women with access to credit facilities to promote entrepreneurship. (PML-N. pg.55) Credit and insurance facility for women through “Benazir Kissan Card” and First Women Bank. (PPP. pg.25&37) Interest-free loans to be given to the t he women of Sindh province. (PPP. pg.15) Promoting cottage industries for economic progress. (MMA. pg.9) Providing technical and financial support to women. (ANP. pg.7&8) Incentives for women to run businesses through the women’s chambers. (ANP. chambers. (ANP. pg.8) Establishing Women’s Business Councils to support their businesses and also initiate i nitiate special employment programme. (PPP. pg.37)
The well-being of the society is greatly dependent on social welfare. In the context of women development, parties have committed to enhance social standards of living for women and provide
them necessities of life under special schemes and programs. Table.3 highlights social welfare programs for women. women.
Table.3 Social Welfare of Women.
Welfare Programs /Policy
Updating and improving the database and design of BISP and increase its amount to 2000 Rupees per beneficiary. (PPP. pg.14) Connecting women with the market economy as entrepreneurs under “Bhook “Bhook Mitao Program”. (PPP. pg.6) Launch “Benazir Women Agriculture Workers Programme” under Zari Inqilab strategy. (PPP. (PPP . pg.25) Increasing the resources and capacity of Dar-ul-Aman/Shelter homes. (PTI. pg.23) (MQM. pg.24) Creating special funds for the widows of martyrs of terrorism. (ANP. pg.8) Gender-sensitive Gender-sensitive budgeting. (PPP. pg.52) Public awareness campaign campaign on gender equality through education and media in rural and urban areas. (MQM. pg.23) (ANP. pg.7) Establishing forums at all levels for effective participation of youth and women in all national and provincial matters relating to National Economic Planning, education, health, housing, social welfare, environment environment and so on. (MQM. pg.6) [2]
have encouraged a favorable environment environment for greater participation of women in politics. The political parties have promised to increase even more opportunities for women political empowerment empowerment with suggestions related to reserve seats for women in assemblies and Senate, right to vote and representation in various bodies etc. Table.4 reflects the approach of political parties towards women political participation. participation.
Women Political Participation:
In Pakistan, the reserved seats have ensured women presence in national and provincial provincial assemblies. Some new provisions in the Election Act 2017 bind every political party to allocate at least five percent tickets to women on general seats of national and provincial assemblies whereas 10 percent of the total votes cast on a certain seat by women has also been made a condition under the election laws.5 All these measures Table.4 Women Political Participation:
Reserve Seats
Right to Vote:
Other measures
Progressively Progressively increase reserved seats in the t he assemblies and Senate from 17% to 33%. (PPP. pg.42) (ANP. pg.7) Increase seats for religious minorities in the local government, national and provincial assemblies with a minimum of 33 percent of the seats allocated for non-Muslim Women. (ANP. pg.8) Reserving 30% of the seats including 10% for women, in National Assembly and Provincial Assembly Assembly for the educated youth within the age group of 25- 40 years. (MQM. pg.5) Merit-based transparent guidelines for the selection of women candidates on both general and reserved seats. (PPP. pg.42) Building consensus on direct elections for women to all elected positions, including on reserved seats/quota. (ANP. pg.7) Launching a women voter registration drive across Pakistan to ensure the opportunity for women to exercise their right to vote and increase women’s participation in elections. (PTI. pg.23) Prohibiting deals between local elders and political parties that bar women from exercising their right to vote. (ANP. pg.8) Strengthening the local government system to ensure maximum participation participation of women. (ANP. pg.3) Including more women in cabinet positions (PML-N. pg.55) Encouraging women political participation and strengthen their role in elected bodies. (PPP. pg.42) Affirmative action for women to serve on all levels of government, judiciary and other decision-making decision-making bodies in public sector institutions. (PPP. pg.39) Including women politician in all standing committees of the Parliament. (PPP. pg.42)
Women Rights:
a) Women Inheritance Right:
In order to build a peaceful society, it is essential to safeguard the basic rights of citizens. citizens. SDG’s, SDG’s, also call to ensure equal rights and opportunities for women in all sphere of life by 2030. In this regard, all political parties have stressed for progressive legislation and implementation of women rights, though only a few key issues have particularly been highlighted.
For a prospering society, safeguarding the mechanism of property devolution is important.6 In Pakistan, women are unfortunately deprived of their basic right of inheritance.7 On this serious issue, major political parties have raised concerns. They have assured the protection of women inheritance right whereas under specific or general statement, stressing on giving all rights to women which are stated in the Quran and Sunnah Table. 5 highlights the approach of political parties towards the right of inheritance. inheritance.
Election Commission of Pakistan: https://www.ecp.gov.pk/ Khalid Rahman, Nadeem Farhat. Legislation on women & Family in Pakistan. Pakistan: Institute of Policy Studies, 2014. P. 159 7 Anis Ahmad. Women Social Justice. Islamabad: Institute of Policy studies and T he Islamic Foundation, 1996. P. 107 6
Table.5 Women Right:
Inheritance Right
Strengthening legal framework to protect women’s inheritance rights to land and property. (PTI. pg.23) Immediate implementation implementation of pro-woman laws related to inheritance. (PPP. pg.52) Effective implementation implementation of existing laws on women’s right to inheritance i nheritance.. (ANP. pg.8) Employ widespread campaigns campaigns to educate women about their fundamental rights. (PML-N. pg.55) Let the women achieve all rights given in the Quran and Sunnah (MMA. pg.9) against customary and traditional practices that discriminate or violate women rights. The parties have also expressed their devotion on legislative framework that protects women against violence acts. Some of them have also specifically promised to provide secure mobility for women through protective protective mass transportation scheme and legal aid to women as a vulnerable group. Table.6 highlights the parties’ commitment to women safety issues.
b) Women Safety:
Women safety is a broader term, which includes safety in social arena as well as at workplace, women mobility, violence against women and minority women rights etc. In this regard, all parties have committed to ensuring effective legislation and implementation of prowomen laws. They have pledged to formulate policies Table.6 Women Safety:
Measures Against Violence and un-Islamic practices
Right of Mobility
Immediate legislation and implementation implementation of pro-woman and anti-customary laws related to honor killing, gang rape, acid burn victim, divorce, child marriage, marriage marriage to the t he Holy Quran Karo Kari, wata-sata, Vinee, sexual harassment, and violence. (PPP. pg.52) (MQM. pg.23) (MMA. pg.9) pg.9) No support for any any customs, customs, traditions, law or act act that discriminates discriminates against against women and violate their rights. (ANP. pg.8) (MQM. pg.23) (MMA. pg.9) End child marriages and launch program against it. (PML-N. pg.55) Establish gender-based gender-based violence courts to provide additional protection and speedy resolution to women victims. (PTI. pg.23) Appointment of the special public prosecutor for perusing cases of violence. (PPP. pg.52) Improve investigative and prosecutorial process for gender-based violence. (PTI. pg.23) Expanding the scope of “Violence Against Women Centres” to Centres” to allow complaint registration. (PML-N. pg.55) Establish anti-harassment anti-harassment cell to ensure the mental and physical well-being of women. (PML-N. pg.55) Establish functional crisis center for immediate legal and physiological support of women. (PPP. pg.53) Expand and improve the quality standards and security of welfare institutions for survivors of Gender-based violence. (ANP. pg.7) Improve mass transportation system with dedicated spaces and a safe and secure environment for women. (ANP. pg.8) Initiate safe public transport schemes. schemes. (PML-N. pg.55) Ensure all public and private offices, markets and shopping malls have separate functional and clean toilets for women with provision for women with disabilities. (ANP. pg.8) Establishment Establishment of sports complexes exclusive for women (MMA. pg.9) Carry out an audit of existing federal and provincial women protection laws to identify t he gap. (PTI. pg.14) Progressive legislation and implementation for women rights. (PPP. pg.52) (ANP. pg.7) Supporting courts for the establishment of an i nstitution to provide free legal aid to needy litigants to vulnerable groups like women and minorities. (PTI. pg.14) No support for extra extra judicial forums forums like traditional Jarga Jarga and Panchyat Panchyat system. system. (ANP. pg.8) Eliminating dowry and other un-Islamic practices and facilitating the marriage of girls and boys belonging to poor poor families (MMA. (MMA. pg.8) Expanding and consolidating Women Rights Organizations in the districts. (ANP. pg.21) [4]
officers in the police station and establishing separate separate women police stations for victims of violence. Table.7 covers the proposals related to police reforms in the context of women safety.
c) Women safety and Police Reforms:
While discussing the women safety issue, almost all parties have dedicatedly committed committed to police reforms including increasing the number of women police Table.7 Women safety and Police Reforms
Dignity and Safety of female victims and prisoners
Establish women police stations and desks at all levels. (PTI. pg.13) Encourage recruitment recruitment of women in the judicial system. (ANP. pg.8) Increase representation representation of female police officers at police stations for reporting and investigation of complaints/FIRs for gender-based crimes (PTI. pg.23) (PPP. pg.52) Improve investigative and forensic procedures for sexual offense cases. (PTI. pg.23) Ensure the anonymity anonymity of sexual violence victims victims during investigations. (PML-N. pg.55) pg.55) Establish separate special juvenile detention centers and prisons f or women. (PTI. pg.14) Strict segregation of under trial convicts, women and juvenile prisoners. (ANP. pg.6) Rehabilitation of women prisoners. (MQM. pg.25) Ensure compensation compensation to the brave widows and families of martyred police and their children. (PPP. pg.50) In this regard, more or less all political parties have committed to establishing new trends of education for women in Pakistan. They have promised to increase the number of primary and secondary schools for girls, building of separate institutions and sports complex for women and also provide them stipends. Table 8 presents parties parties promises on Education of of women.
Women Education:
Education helps women in seizing maximum socioeconomic opportunities. In this era of advancement, prospering society and developed human capital complement each other. Developed state policies always reflect a strong agenda and plan of action for the progression of women education. Table.8 Women Education8
Compulsory education for girls and their separate institutions at all levels. (MMA. pg.7) Ensuring equitable excess to education for girls. (PML-N. pg.41) Raise literacy levels especially for women by 25 percent. (ANP. pg.10) Special programs for those regions/districts where women women literacy rate is very low. (ANP. Access to pg.12) girls’ primary and secondary schools; providing a stipend to ensure education Education Upgradation of girls’ service delivery and for the continuation of t heir education. (PTI. pg.23&45) (PPP. pg.19) Upgradation of girls’ schools at the secondary level; launching nation-wide radio, television and online self-learning programmes. (PTI. pg.45) Separate colleges and universities for female students. (MMA. pg.9)
Hostel facilities will be made available for students and teachers especially especially to women, close to the Universities’ Universities’ campuses. (ANP. pg.10) Increase the share of female faculty members in universities. (PML-N. pg.43) Effective legislation and implementation of strict punitive measures against discouragement discouragement of female education. (MQM. pg.23) Include lessons about gender equality, women, and girls’ rights in t he curriculum. (ANP. pg.8) Give preference to recruiting qualified women teachers at the primary school level. (ANP. pg.11) Separate sports complexes for women. (MMA. pg.9) (ANP. pg.19)
The subject of education has been extensively dealt in Parties’ manifesto s and is part of a distinct IPS brief. This naturally offers important proposals which are relevant to both female and male students. In this b rief, only those proposals have been included which specifically talk about women.
Women Health:9
Promisingly, most of the political parties have proposed better health care for mother and child. Some of them have asserted to double the size of the Program”. Other proposals “Lady Health Worker Program” include the introduction of initiatives like paternal leaves to support women at work. Table 8 highlights the approach of political parties towards health issues of women.
Health and nutrition is an essential indicator of countries’ economic development and should be a leading objective for every government. Post 18th Amendment, health is now a provincial subject though, Pakistan vision 2025 provides a roadmap to strengthen the primary health care centers and to expand the utilization of resources. Table.8 Women Health
Mother and Child Care
Establishing a large-scale national “Maternal Health Programme” Programme” to provide assisted births along with family family health and planning information to women. women. (PTI. pg.23) Ensuring health care of the child and maternal care. (PML-N. (PML-N. pg.47) Launching “Mother Child support programs” programs”. Which provide cash incentives, healthcare, pro-nutrition etc. (PPP. pg.8,9) Launching a campaign for the promotion of mother and child health and their wellbeing. (ANP. pg.14) Institutionalizing training of women health workers and birth attendants and l inking their services with the basic health units and mother and child health care centers. (ANP. pg.14) Increasing skilled birth attendants’ rate attendants’ rate to 90%. (PML-N. pg.47) Expansion of LHW programme and ensuring their services for every woman. (PPP. pg.8) (PTI. pg.43) pg.43) Training nurses, lady health workers, midwives and other paramedical staff in every district for effective service delivery. (MQM. pg.8) (PPP. pg.10) Setting up district level institutions i nstitutions for nurses, male & female paramedics and health technicians training linked to District Hospitals. (ANP. pg.13) Scaling up Punjab’s rural ambulance system for pregnant women and rescue rescu e services across Pakistan. (PML-N. pg.47) Increasing maternity leave duration duration up to six months and a minimum leave period of 3 months. (PML-N. pg.55) Introduce a policy for mandatory maternity and paternity leave in public and private sectors. (ANP. pg.8) Scaling family planning across the country. (PML-N. pg.55) Integrating family planning services into all levels of health care. (PML-N. pg.47) Ensuring reproductive health and family planning. (PPP. pg.10) (MQM. pg.7) Legislation of reproductive health rights. (PPP. pg.10) Initiate Baacha Khan healthcare packages and incentives for women. (ANP. pg.11) society, development of every individual — individual — male male and female — should focus on strengthening this basic unit which consequently would help the formation and strengthening of a value-based, caring and sharing society. Social, economic and political development of women, in both cases, should be an essential agenda yet there would be an underline difference in the two approaches as they represent two different paradigms of life.
Development is a concept and a process, which if taken in isolation for a specific group, segment segment or area may lead to new imbalances unless the process is part of a comprehensive comprehensive vision and scheme of life. Talking about women development, from this perspective, there could be two approaches. One: dealing the men and women as individuals and the women development subject as just another subject; or two: considering that the family is the basic unit of the 9
Like education, health is also not a gender specific subject and therefore a number of suggestions given under health are relevant to both men and women. Here we have included only those proposals which have been given with sp ecific reference to women
The above review suggests that while all parties have included a number of programs for women in their manifestos, which is appreciable, they seldom have regard to the question of paradigm under which they will be planning their initiatives. If at all, there is any reflection, it appears to be a reactive approach to correct the prevailing imbalances in numbers of men and women in different fields of life. This is obviously not a comprehensive approach. An all-inclusive and comprehensive comprehensive approach would require a look into the cause and effect relationship under an overall strategic vision and necessary necessary steps accordingly.
Thus, the agenda given by political parties, if implemented fully, may lead to a greater number of women in different positions, more education, sports and health facilities as well as financial support and relatively better working conditions, for an allinclusive growth a healthy dialogue on the paradigm of development and consequent measures is a necessary imperative among various stakeholders while formulating policies and finalizing different initiatives vis a vis women development. development.
Prepared by: Ayesha Bibi Research Trainee Institute of Policy Studies (IPS), Islamabad.
For queries: Syed Nadeem Farhat Senior Research Officer
[email protected] | www.ips.org.pk