The women play a strategic role in the society and in the economy. The status of women in India is not even in all the times. The government of India, by passing 1 timely and essential Acts and implementing rules and regulations trying to empower and strengthen the women. No doubt the government of India has many weapons to fight for women empowerment, the prompt and strict implementation 2 is quite essential. Women’s empowerment in India is heavily dependent on many different variables that include geographical location (urban/rural), educational status, social status (caste and class), and age. Policies on women’s empowerment exist at the national, state, and local (Panchayat) levels in many sectors, including health, education, economic opportunities, gender-based violence, and political participation. However, there are significant gaps between policy advancements and actual practice at the community level.3 Empowerment can be viewed as means of creating a social environment in which one can make decisions and make choices either individually or collectively for social transformation. It strengthens the innate ability by way of acquiring knowledge, power and experience (Hashemi Schu l er and Ri ley, 1996 ). As per the United National Development Fund for women (UNIFEM), the term women‟s empowerment means:
Acquiring knowledge and understanding of gender relations and the ways in which these relations may be changed. Developing a sense of self-worth, self- worth, a belief in one‟s ability to secure desired changes and the right to control one‟s life. Gaining the ability to generate choices exercise bargaining power.
Some key laws and policies include: Articles 14, 15, 16, 39(a), 39(d), Domestic Violence Act (2005), Sati Prevention Act (1987), Dowry Prohibition Act and Rules (1985), the establishment of the Commission on the Status on Women, at the National and State levels. 2 Dr. Ravi N. Kadam; Associate Professor,Department of P.G. Studies and Research in Economics, Jnana Sahyadri, Kuvempu University, Shankarghatta, Shimoga Dist. Karnataka, India. On “ Empowerment “ Empowerment of Women in India- An Attempt to Fill the Gender Gap (June, 2012)” International Journal Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2012; ISSN 2250-3153 3 Reecha Upadhyay ’s, “WOMEN'S EMPOWERMENT IN INDIA: An Analytical Overview ”
Developing the ability to organize and influence the direction of social change, to create a more just social and economic order, nationally and internationally.
Policies relating to women's rights have had a positive trajectory in the past few decades with the central government articulating many progressive measures to advance gender equality in social, economic, and political arenas. The Government of India (GoI) has two main bodies to advance gender equality: the Ministry of Women and Child Development and the National Commission for Women, which is an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Women and Child 4 Development. With a vibrant women’s rights movement in India, there are continuous demands for better laws, provisions, and accountability for implementation. Most recent examples include the change in India’s rape laws, where in 2006 marital rape was recognized. Currently, women’s rights activists are demanding better provisions in Sections 375 and 376 of the Indian Penal Code. Since then, there have been multiple challenges by the women’s movement leading to small but significant amendments. Some recent statistics on women include: nd
India ranks 2 among the highest total number of female primary-school-age 5 children who are not enrolled in either primary or secondary schools in the world. For the rest kindly follow the link given below: http://www.unicef.org/infobycountry/india_statistics.html
Available on the site of : www.wcd.nic.in As last updated on http://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/stats/Education/Children-out-of-school%2C primary%2C-female 5