Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Created by: - Devidas Karad SAP PP Certified Consultant E-mail:-
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Contents *Variant Configuration………… Configuration…………………………………… ………………………………………………… …………………………….3 …….3 *Master Data for Variant Configuration……… Configuration………………………………… ……………………………………...4 …………...4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Characteristics……………………………………………………….4 Class……………………………………………………………………7 Material Master……………………………………………………….9 Super BOM……………………………………………………………11 Super Routing……………… Routing………………………………………… ………………………………………..12 ……………..12 Configuration Profile………………… Profile………………………………………… ……………………………..13 ……..13 Object Dependency Dependency…………………………… ………………………………………………....15 …………………....15 Scenario Testing…………… Testing…………………………………… ………………………………………..20 ………………..20 Variant Price…………………………………………………………..24
*Reference Characteristics……………………………………………………………...32 *Useful Commands/Sy Commands/Syntax ntax Set Default………………………………………………………………………………...40 SPECIFIED ………………………………………………………………………………..44 Allowed Values……………………………………………………………………………48 *Class node……………… node………………………………………… …………………………………………………… ………………………………............50 ……............50 *Material Variants…………………………………………………………………………..57
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Created by: - Devidas Karad SAP PP Certified Consultant E-mail:-
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Contents *Variant Configuration………… Configuration…………………………………… ………………………………………………… …………………………….3 …….3 *Master Data for Variant Configuration……… Configuration………………………………… ……………………………………...4 …………...4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Characteristics……………………………………………………….4 Class……………………………………………………………………7 Material Master……………………………………………………….9 Super BOM……………………………………………………………11 Super Routing……………… Routing………………………………………… ………………………………………..12 ……………..12 Configuration Profile………………… Profile………………………………………… ……………………………..13 ……..13 Object Dependency Dependency…………………………… ………………………………………………....15 …………………....15 Scenario Testing…………… Testing…………………………………… ………………………………………..20 ………………..20 Variant Price…………………………………………………………..24
*Reference Characteristics……………………………………………………………...32 *Useful Commands/Sy Commands/Syntax ntax Set Default………………………………………………………………………………...40 SPECIFIED ………………………………………………………………………………..44 Allowed Values……………………………………………………………………………48 *Class node……………… node………………………………………… …………………………………………………… ………………………………............50 ……............50 *Material Variants…………………………………………………………………………..57
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Created by: - Devidas Karad SAP PP Certified Consultant E-mail:-
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Variant Configuration:It is a tool which helps to simplify the complex manufacturing of final product with more varieties and Variation of the input material. e.g. Automobile manufacturing, manufacturing, Furniture manufacturing. Your company manufactures or sells products that are available in several different varieties. In order to reduce your workload and storage costs, and to enable you to maintain every possible end product variant, you have decided to use the S AP system for variant configuration. Variant configuration in SAP R/3 lets you check the following as soon as you create a sales order: Whether the required variant can be produced (only variants that are technically possible can be ordered) What price you can quote for the product Whether the customer's specifications can be covered from stock And so on The following objects make up the knowledge base of a configured material: -The material master is where the configurable attribute is defined along with some additional planning and control data. -Characteristics and values must be created in the classification system and collected in variant classes (class type 300). -The configuration profile contains control data for the configuration process and result. -A super BOM must be created that contains all standard c omponents and all possible variable components, as well as assemblies that are required to configure a variant product. -A super task list must be created that includes all operations, sub operations, sequences, and production resources and tools (PRTs) required to manufacture all possible variants. -Pricing condition records must be created for pricing the configurable material. There are five different types of object dependencies which can be used during the configuration process. Dependencies provide the rules or logic f or the configuration process. Configurable materials are often used in specific industry sectors, such as aerospace and defence, the automotive industry, make-to-order production, assemble-to-order production, and the hi-tech industry
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Master Data for Variant Configuration:1. Characteristics: - Create characteristics and assign the values to the characteristics. Color:-
β. Engine: - This characteristic we defined as required characteristic.
Tick here to make it as ‘Required’
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Enter the characteristic values to the Engine as shown,
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
We want to display the values of the characteristic, go to additional data and do the following;
Tick ‘Display Allowed Values’
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Created by: - Devidas Karad SAP PP Certified Consultant E-mail:-
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Class:In the variant configuration class of class type 300 (Variant) is used
Variant class Classes of type 300 (or similar) collect and manage the characteristics for specifying a precise component in the BOM.
Class node Classes of type 200 (or similar) collect and manage the characteristics for specifying precise components in the BOM. Create Class of class type 300 and assign characteristics to the class. e.g. Super_Bike class created and characteristics are assigned to the class. Class Super_Bike (300) Characteristics assigned:i. Color ii. Engine iii. Exhaust iv. Tyre
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Assign the characteristics to the Variant Class Super_Bike.
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. Material Master:- Create material type as KMAT or, when you create material of other material type then in the basic data 2 of material master tick material is configurable.
Assign Class Super_Bike (Variant Class) to the classification view, do not assign values to the characteristics.
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In the sales org 2 data enter general item category and item category group as ‘0002’
In the MRP 3 View assign strategy 25
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. Bill Of Material (Super BOM):The bill of material (BOM) of a configurable material contains all the components that are required to manufacture the material. The BOM contains components that are only used in specific variants (variant parts), as well as components that are used in all variants (nonvariable parts). This is why BOMs for configurable materials are known as super BOMs.
E.g. Super BOM of Super Bike
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. Routing (Super Routing):A super routing for this material, containing all the operations for producing all variants of the product. E.g. Super Routing of Super Bike
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6. Configuration Profile:You define essential settings for materials in the configuration profile. These options are restricted for other configurable object types. You select a class type. You can define settings that affect configuration. You define these settings for each object, and they apply to the object wherever it is used. However, you can overwrite these settings with your own settings in the configuration editor. You can specify an interface design for grouping characteristics together on the value assignment screen. You can use the configuration profile to assign dependencies to a configurable object. Dependency nets can only be assigned to a configuration profile. If you assign actions and procedures to the configuration profile, you can manage them more easily because they are all in one place. For materials, you must also maintain c onfiguration parameters for BOM explosion. Depending on the configuration parameters you set, other fields in the configuration profile are hidden or shown.
Go to transaction CU41 and Create Configuration profile for the Super Bike
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Select Planned/Production Order and BOM explosion as None.
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7. Object Dependency:Dependencies let you do the following: Describe the interdependencies between characteristics and characteristic values Control which components are selected from a bill of material (BOM) and which operations are selected from a task list Change the values of fields in BOM items and operations during configuration You use a special syntax in the dependency editor to define dependencies. Dependency Types The SAP System supports the following types of dependencies:
_ Preconditions _ Selection conditions _ Actions (obsolete) _ Procedures _ Constraints Global and Local Dependencies The differences between global and local dependencies are as follows: Global dependencies are created centrally and can be assigned to several objects. Local dependencies are created for one object and can only be used with this object.
Different type of dependencies are assigned to the different objects and they have different functions,
*Functions of Dependencies:Precondition:- = Dynamic control of characteristics and values Can a characteristic (value) be selected in the configuration? It does not have to be selected. Selection Condition:- = Dynamic control of characteristics . Must a characteristic be selected? It Controls the selection of BOM components and task list operations . Procedure (Actions):- Derivation of characteristic value with option of overwriting and successive calculations (last two points only for procedures). Constraints:- Value assignment and consistency check in single level And multilevel configuration Additional reporting options for equations, variant tables, and variant functions.
*Area of Application of dependencies:Precondition: - Characteristic, characteristic value Procedures (Actions):- BOM items, task list objects Configuration profile (Characteristic, characteristic value) Selection condition: - Characteristic BOM items Operation, sub operation, sequence, PRT Constraint: - Configuration profile
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Created by: - Devidas Karad SAP PP Certified Consultant E-mail:-
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Go to transaction CU01 to create dependency, We will create dependencies for all the materials of BOM Enter description, dependency type as Selection Condition and click on dependency editor
Click here
Type code as below and check, if no error found in syntax release the status and save
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Similarly create the dependency for all the characteristics values and assign the dependency to material in BOM as follows, Select the material and Go to Extras Object Dependencies Assignment or press Control + F1
Assign the required object dependency and Save, assign dependencies for all BOM materials for which we have created characteristic values same way.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Created by: - Devidas Karad SAP PP Certified Consultant E-mail:-
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Similarly assign the same object dependencies to the super routing
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8. Scenario Testing:Go to CU50 and select the data as given below
Screen will appear like below, click on Result
Click here
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Following pop up will come because we have defined Engine as ‘Required’ characteristic
Enter the values for all the characteristics and click on Result.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Created by: - Devidas Karad SAP PP Certified Consultant E-mail:-
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Enter BOM application as ‘PP01’ and press continue,
You will see the Super BOM is exploded according to our characteristic values
Click here to click routing result
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Created by: - Devidas Karad SAP PP Certified Consultant E-mail:-
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You will observe that only required operations are displayed f rom Super routing.
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9. Variant Price:-You can create a basic price for a configurable material. However, the price can also depend on the product features of a specific variant that result from the value assignment process in the sales order. -Since the product features of a configurable material are represented by characteristics and their values, you can define surcharges and discounts that depend on characteristic values. -You define variant conditions for the surcharges and discounts. Condition types VA00 (absolute amounts) and VA01 (percentage amounts) are defined f or variant conditions. You can create variant conditions with reference to a material, a distribution channel, and a sales organization. A surcharge or discount is identified by a variant key. -By assigning variant conditions to characteristic values, or using dependencies, you control when a surcharge or discount is applied. You define a characteristic with a reference to table SDCOM, field VKOND, to access the condition table in dependencies. -If you use dependencies, you use the relevant variant keys to assign values to the reference characteristic. (Watch out for upper and lower case!) In VK11 transaction enter condition type PR00 and create condition record with Material with release status combination.
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Enter the sales organization, distribution channel, variant material and amount with quantity & save
Again go to VK11 enter VA00 as condition type and enter
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Enter the variants and different prices, in this example we will define engines as variants.
Go to CU50, enter data, and in engines column press F4 and press the cursor on description of engine and press control + F1 or click on assign variant condition at bottom.
Click here or press Control + F1 to assign the variant condition
Enter variant condition in Same case as you mentioned in Variant condition and press Save, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Created by: - Devidas Karad SAP PP Certified Consultant E-mail:-
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do this for all engine types.
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Scenario Testing: - Create Sales order for variant material
After pressing enter you will be asked for to enter values, assign values there
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Go to conditions, you will observed that variant condition (VA00) for the given engine type is displayed along with PR00 condition, save the order.
In MD04 screen you will see the sales order number with required quantity
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------After running MRP for the sales order, you will get planned order,
Click here to display planned order
Click to see components
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The components required to manufacture the required combination only are displayed,
When you convert planned order to production order you will see,
Sales order reference
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Created by: - Devidas Karad SAP PP Certified Consultant E-mail:-
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In the component overview of the order you will see only required components from Super BOM
In the operation overview you will see only required operations from Super routing.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Created by: - Devidas Karad SAP PP Certified Consultant E-mail:-
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference Characteristic:Reference characteristics are characteristics that refer to table f ields. You need reference characteristics in configuration if you want to refer to the values of table fields in object dependencies. Essential data (such as format and length) is copied from the table field in the repository to the characteristic. Reference characteristics can fulfil two functions: Read-only access to table fields in conditions Changes to field contents with object dependencies You create reference characteristics using the Additional data screen in characteristics maintenance. Enter the table field to which you want the characteristic to refer. If you want to refer to a table field in several tables, you can enter several tables. However, the format of the field must be the same in all tables.
Example:- 1. Create reference characteristic T_QUANT_00 and go to additional data tab and assign Table-STPO, Field-MENGE and press enter, ABAP dictionary gets copied Table STPO is for BOM components and field MENGE is for Quantity
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We have material 30003313 in BOM with quantity as ‘2’, and we want for certain item it should be automatically change to ‘1’ For that select the component 30003313 and go to Extras ODEditor to create object dependency locally.
Type the code below, the code is indicate that if the tyre selected as MRF then the material 30003313 is selected with quantity ‘1’
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Scenario Testing: - Select all the characteristics and for tyre select ‘01’ MRF tyres and click on result
In the result you will observe that c omponent 30003313 is selected with quantity ‘1’
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------When you click on ‘i’ icon you will see the information of the result in detail.
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Example 2. Similarly we want to change the standard value for one of operation in the routing. Create characteristic T_VGW03_00 and enter PLPO and VGW03 in additional data screen and save.
Create dependency either centrally through CU01 or by directly in routing,
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Created by: - Devidas Karad SAP PP Certified Consultant E-mail:-
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Write the code as follows, the code indicate that if Color is selected 01 (Red) then standard value (Labor Time) of selected operation will become 30
In routing select operation 0020 and go to shown path or press Control + F1 and assign the dependency that we have created earlier.
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Now see, Labor time for operation 0020 is 60 min.
Now go to CU50 and choose Color of Bike as Red and check the result,
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In the result of routing when you click on ‘i’ icon system will show the desired result as shown below,
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Useful Commands/Syntax:SET DEFAULTS Depending on the package version required, the engine, color, and other Bike properties are proposed to the customer. The default values only make sense in this combination. If one value is changed manually, the other default values are deleted. Example:- We want if particular color is selected then system shows show the exhaust and engine For that, first create dependency in CU01
Select Procedure and go to editor
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Write the code as given, the code suggests that if color ‘03’ (Black) is selected then system should show engine as ‘03’ (1800 CC) and exhaust as ‘01’ (Type 1 ), check syntax, release and save.
Go to the configuration profile in CU42 and chose dependency assignment,
Click here
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Assign the dependency which we have created and save,
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Created by: - Devidas Karad SAP PP Certified Consultant E-mail:-
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Scenario Testing:Now choose color as ’03’ (Black) and enter
System will give engine as 1800 CC and Exhaust Type 1 by default, you can overwrite if you want.
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SPECIFIED Example: - Create a new dependency that ensures that this operation is selected only if a value is set for Color during configuration Create dependency with selection condition as type and go to editor,
Assign it to operation 0110, code indicate that if value of color entered then only operation 0110 is selected
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Created by: - Devidas Karad SAP PP Certified Consultant E-mail:-
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Created by: - Devidas Karad SAP PP Certified Consultant E-mail:-
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Scenario Testing:Now go to CU50 and assign values to the all characteristics except color & display result for routing
You will see operations 0010, 0070 and 0100 in the result
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Created by: - Devidas Karad SAP PP Certified Consultant E-mail:-
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Now again go to CU50 and enter values to all the characteristics and display result for routing,
You will see that operation 0110 is selected.
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Allowed Values In this you mention that if particular characteristic value is selected then other characteristics show only allowed value and hide the unwanted value. Example: - We want that if Engine ‘02’ (1500 CC) is selected then color ‘02’ and ‘03’ displayed
In the CT04 go to select ‘02’ value and double click OD box and write the dependency code for precondition as below,
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Created by: - Devidas Karad SAP PP Certified Consultant E-mail:-
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Scenario Testing: - Select ‘01’ (Red) color and F4 for engine values, system will show only 1200 CC and 1800 CC
Now select ‘02’ (Blue) color and F4 for engine values, you will see all engines
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Created by: - Devidas Karad SAP PP Certified Consultant E-mail:-
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class Node in Variant Configuration:Class node means the class (200), which is assigned to the variant class (300)
How Classes can be used in BOM As we all know, Super BOMs are used in Variant Configuration, which contain all the components that are required to manufacture the material. There is one more option available in SAP to use Classes as BOM Items (Components), not very commonly used You can use class items to control the selection of variant parts in a BOM, Here it works same as selection condition do in case of Super BOM. Variant parts are classified in a class, and this class which is entered in the BOM as a class item. When you configure Material, the class is replaced by a suitable variant part. Class items can help you to simplify maintenance of BOMs for configurable materials. You only enter one item for the class, instead of several items for the individual variant parts. You do not need to create and assign selection conditions. You can classify additional objects in the class at any time, without having to change the BOM.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Created by: - Devidas Karad SAP PP Certified Consultant E-mail:-
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Example:Create characteristics in CT04 1. Head_Lamp 2. Leather_Seat
Characteristic Values
Characteristic Values
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Created by: - Devidas Karad SAP PP Certified Consultant E-mail:-
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Create a Class of Class Type 200 and assign these characteristics to the class.
In the additional data tab enter the data as below,
Select Allowed in BOMs
Enter resulting unit of measure and item category
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Created by: - Devidas Karad SAP PP Certified Consultant E-mail:-
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Create materials and assign the class with different c haracteristics combination.
Create materials as follows and assign class of class type 200 with Characteristics combination
Material 30003314 30003315 30003316 30003317 30003318 30003319
Characteristics Combination Black Seat, LED Black Seat, Non LED Gray Seat, LED Gray Seat, Non LED Off White Seat, LED Off White Seat, Non LED
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Created by: - Devidas Karad SAP PP Certified Consultant E-mail:-
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You can display the Class and assigned objects in CL30N transaction
Assign two characteristics to the Variant Class (300)
Head_Lamp and Leather_Seat assigned to Class type 300
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Created by: - Devidas Karad SAP PP Certified Consultant E-mail:-
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Add the class item in BOM
Class item
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Scenario Testing:- Go to CU50 transaction
Combination LED with Gray Leather seat selected
The result of the configuration is as follows,
Material with characteristics Gray leather seat and LED lamp get selected
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Material Variant:Definition:A material that is kept in stock and that is a specific configuration of a configurable material.
Purpose:If specific configurations of a configurable material occur frequently, it is useful to create separate materials and keep these specific configurations in stock. Uses are as follows; - Planning - Pre-assembly - Sales order - delivery date determination - Covering sales orders from stock - Type matching
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Created by: - Devidas Karad SAP PP Certified Consultant E-mail:-
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Example: - Create FERT material; in MRP3 view add the Configurable material
Enter material and click configure variant
Assign the values to the characteristics.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Created by: - Devidas Karad SAP PP Certified Consultant E-mail:-
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BOM Linking:Link the material to the BOM, Go to transaction CS40
Save the link.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Created by: - Devidas Karad SAP PP Certified Consultant E-mail:-
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Routing Linking (Assignment):Go to CA02 transaction, enter the variant material and go to header and in material assignment screen give the same counter name and enter material and plant and save.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Created by: - Devidas Karad SAP PP Certified Consultant E-mail:-
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Variant Configuration SAP PP Docs wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Scenario Testing:Create Sales order with the variant material (20000 451) with the same configuration of material variant
Same characteristics values assigned as assigned to material variant
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