Telugu grammar From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia encyclopedia Telugu Tel ugu grammar is is called Vyākaranam (Telugu ( Telugu:: వకరణ). The first treatise on Te Telugu lugu grammar, the "ndhra !hada #hintamani" $as $ritten in !anskrit !anskrit y y %annayya %annayya,, $ho $as considered as the first poet and translator of Telugu Telugu in the &&th century .'. There $as no grammatical $ork in Telugu Telugu prior to %annayya %annayyas "ndhra shada chintamani". This grammar follo$ed the patterns $hich eisted in grammatical treatises like s like s ādhyāy + and and Vālm+kiyākaranam Vālm+kiyākaranam ut ut unlike -ān *ini, * ini, %annayya diided his $ork into fie * * * t *ādhyāy chapters, coering samnā samnā,, sandhi sandhi,, aanta, halanta halanta and and kriya kriya../&0 fter %annayya, tharana %annayya, tharana and and hoala hoala composed composed sutras sutras,, artikas artikas and and hashyam hashyam.. 1ike %annayya, /&0 they had preiously $ritten their $orks in !anskrit. 2n the &3th century, #hinnaya #hinnaya !uri $rote a simplified $ork on o n Telugu Telugu grammar called Bāla Vyākaranam,, orro$ing concepts and ideas from %annayyas ndhra !hada #hintamani, and Vyākaranam $rote his literary $ork in Telugu. Telugu./&0 4ery Telugu Telugu grammatical rule is deried from -ān inian, 5atyayana 5atyayana and and -atanali -atanali concepts. concepts. *inian, * 6o$eer high percentage of -aninian aspects and techni7ues orro$ed in Telugu. Telugu./&0 ccording to %annayya %annayya,, language $ithout %iyama %iyama or the language $hich doesnt adhere to Vyākaranam is called 8rāmya or pahram pahram * 9a and 9a and hence it is unfit for literary usage. ll the /&0 literary tets in Te Telugu lugu follo$sVyākaranam follo$s Vyākaranam..
Contents •
;2nflection o
=Vihakti or postpositions>p postpositions>prepositions repositions
@!andhi or oining
A!amasam or nominal compounds
Blankaram or ornamentation
3#handassu or Telugu prosody
&CVachanam or grammatical numers
&&-rakruti and Vikruti
&;!ee also
Subject–object–verb/edit0 The primary $ord order of Telugu is !EV (suectoecter)
మడ బ ళడ.
Rāmuḍ u
baḍ iki
veḷ tāḍ u
to schooḷ
Ramu goes to schooḷ.
This sentence can also e interpreted as Damu $ill go to school depending on the contet. ut it does not affect the !EV order. Inflection/edit0
Telugu is more inflected than the other literary 'raidian languages. Telugu nouns are inflected for numer (singular, plural), gender (masculine, feminine, and neuter) and case (nominatie, accusatie, genitie, datie, ocatie, instrumental, and locatie)./;0 Gender /edit0
Telugu has three genders: •
masculine (purusha lim* gam),
feminine (str+ lim*gam),
neuter (napum * saka lim * gam).
2n Telugu the suffi G ('u ) is almost al$ays indicatie of masculine gender. For eample: •
taGmmuG'u (younger rother),
muGkhyuG'u (important man),
DamuG'u (Damu),
nGyaGkuG'u (leader).
6o$eer, there are more masculine nouns that do not end in (G 'u). For eample: •
aGnna (elder rother),
mGma (uncle).
!ome masculine nouns ending in ('u) can e conerted to feminine nouns y deleting the ('u) suffi and adding a suffi (G 2).
naGrtaGkuG'u (dancer)
naGrtaGki (dancer)
GchaGkuG'u (narrator)
GchaGki (narrator)
preGmiGkuG'u (loer)
preGyaGsi (loer)
!ome Hasculine names ending in ('u) can e conerted to Feminine names y deleting the ('u) and adding the suffi, (rlu).
naGrtaGkuG'u (dancer)
naGrtaGkuGrGlu (dancer)
priGyuG'u (loer)
priGyuGrGlu (loer)
haGktuG'u (male deote)
haGktuGrGlu (female deotee)
2n Telugu the suffi G (Hu ) or (Gm) or (Gu) is almost al$ays indicatie of the neuter gender. For eample: •
#hitra -ataGmu or #hitra -atGam (-hoto Frame),
#hitraGmu or #hitrGam (-icture>-hoto)
kashGam or kashaGmu (sky),
%eerGu (Water),
-arikarGam or -arikaraGmu (Tool).
6o$eer, Telugu sometimes uses the same forms for singular feminine and neuter genders the third person pronoun (అద >ad ɪ>) is used to refer to animals and oects. /<0 Pronouns/edit0
Telugu pronouns include •
-ersonal pronouns and 'emonstratie pronouns(The persons speaking, the persons spoken to, or the persons or things spoken aout).
Defleie pronouns (in $hich the oect of a er is eing acted on y ers suect).
2nterrogatie -ronoun.
2ndefinite pronoun.
'emonstratie adectie and 2nterrogatie adectie
-ronouns. •
-ossessie adectie -ronouns.
-ronouns referring to numers.
'istriutie -ronouns.
Vibhakti or postpositions/prepositions/edit0
Telugu language uses postpositions for $ord in different cases. With the use of postpositions, there are eight possile cases
). (vibhakti భ Usual Transliterat Telugu
ion of
డ, మ, , ల
d *u, mu, u,
న, ,
nin, nun,
-rathamā (2)
%ominati !uect of
(ప థ
) భ (22)
'it+yā Vihakti
ccusati Eect of
lan, kIrci,
) భ
, !"#, $"%
gurim * ci
Heans y $hich action is done
Trut+yā (222)
tal, !ocial
) భ
(2nstrumental) , ssociation, or means y $hich action
(&, (, )*, )
cJtan, cJn, tKd *an, tKn
is done (!ocial)
Eect to
$hom action
is performed,
(+," -
) భ
Eect for
./0 , 2 1
korakun, kai
$hom action is performed
-ancham+ latie o Hotion from Vihakti (ప+3
f motion
an animate>inani
45, క6,
alanan, kam * t *en,
) భ
mate oect
, 0, <క=, >, >ప
!hashth+ (V2) Vihakti (9: ;
) భ
pat * t *i
kin, kun, yokka, lKn, lKpalan
-lace in !aptam+ (V22 Vihakti )
3 (?ప
$hich, En the 1ocatie
) భ
person of (animate) in
అ@, 5
am * dun, nan
the presence of
!amodh anā (V22 2)
-rathamā Vihakti (?ABC
ప థ ) భ Punctuation/edit0
ddressing, calling
D, DE , DF, DG
K, K+, Kr+, Ks+
Telugu uses single and doule ertical ars to indicate a comma and a fullstop. 6o$eer modern Telugu uses punctuation marks $hich are orro$ed from 4nglish. /?0 Sandhi or joining /edit0
!andhi is the fusion of sounds across $ord oundaries and the alteration of sounds due to neighoring sounds or due to the grammatical function of adacent $ords. Telugu uses morphological processes to oin $ords together, forming comple $ords. These processes are traditionally referred to as sandhi. 4ample, Shankara L Abharanam gies the $ord shankarabhranamu. There are many types of sandhi in Telugu. !ome of them are mentioned elo$: •
!aarna 'eergha !andhi.
8una !andhi.
Vruddhi !andhi.
Manadesha !andhi.
Trika !andhi.
kara !andhi.
Nkara sandhi.
2kara !andhi.
'ugagama !andhi.
!araladesha !andhi
8asadadaadesha !andhi.
Dugagama !andhi.
Madagama !andhi.
-rathametara Vihakti !andhi.
uchadadi sandhi.
Samasam or nominal compounds /edit0
!amasam or samasa occurs $ith arious structures, ut morphologically speaking they are essentially the same: each noun (or adectie) is in its ($eak) stem form, $ith only the final element receiing case inflection. !ome of the Telugu samasams are: Tatpurus *a !amasam.
Prathama tatpurusha samasam
Dvitiya tatpurusha samasam
Trutiya tatpurusha samasam
Chaturthi tatpurusha samasam
Panchami tatpurusha samasam
Shashthi tatpurusha samasam
Saptami tatpurusha samasam
Nai tatpurusha samasam 5armadhāraya !amasam.
Viśeshana purwapada karmadharaya samasam
Viśeshana uttarapada karmadharaya samasam
Viśeshana ubhayapada karmadharaya samasam
pamana purvapada karmadharaya samasam
pamana uttarapada karmadharaya samasam
Avadharana purvapada karmadharaya samasam Sambhavana purvapada karmadharaya samasam
'igu !amasam.
'anda !amasam.
ahur+hi !amasam.
mredita !amasam.
a$yaee haa samasam
Alankaram or ornamentation/edit0
Telugu lankaram is a figure of speech $hich means ornaments or emellishments $hich are used to enhance the eauty of the poems. There are t$o types of lankarams, !hadalankaram $hich primarily focuses on !ound and rthalamkaram $hich focuses on meaning. These t$o alankarams are further roken do$n in to different categories./@0 shadalankaras are @ types $here as there are nearly
#ukta pada $rastam Arthalamkaram
branti madala
Chandassu or Telugu prosod /edit0
#ain article( Chandas )Telu$u*
Hetrical poetry in Telugu is called #handassu or #handas. yaG maaGtaaGraaGaGhaaGnaGsaGlaGgam is called the chandassu chakram. Ntpalamala, #hampakamala, Hatteham, !ardoola, 5anda, !ragdhara, huangaprayata, etc. are some metrics used in Telugu poetry. Vachanam or grammatical numbers/edit0
ny thing in singular form is singular (4kaacanam): ny things more than one in numer are called plural: (ahuacanam) 2n Telugu, !ingular is #alled 4kaGVachanam (4: %uu G you) and -lural is called ahuGVachanam (4: Hanam G $e). 2n Telugu plural is also used address elders $ith respect. 2n Telugu language some are al$ays plural and some are al$ays singular for e.g. $ater, On21luP is al$ays plural. 8od (hagaantudu), sun (suryudu), earth (hoomi), moon (chandrudu) these are al$ays singular form. 6o$eer, 'eullu is a plural form of gods. Water G %eeru (singular) and %ee11u (-lural) Prakruti and Vikruti /edit0
Telugu has many Tatsama $ords. They are called -rakruti, $hich are e7uialent to !anskrit $ords. The e7uialent collo7uial $ords are called Vikruti, $hich means distorted. 6o$eer, -rakruti is only used as a medium of instruction in educational institutions,
offices etc. For eample:
అHI gni (fire)
అH J ggi
KL5 hoanam (food)
A5 onam NO Vidde, దOP
M Vidya (education) QR Daakshasi (eil)
రక=R Dakkasi
S5 !hoonya (Qero)
T5I !unna
M'U8 'rishti (sight)
దU8 'ishti
కన98 5anishtam (minimum)
garaarti (inscent, agaraLarthi, అWర4" scent $ounded)
కV? 5aneesam garaatti అWర4X
YZ Vihoothi (ash)
Y[ Vihudhi
+5క #hanaka (chick pea, #hanakya is deried from the same root)
W4+ 8aacha, W4
క4+ 5aacha (protectie shell) ]Q hiksham (alms)
\5W 9anaga
^+# ichcham
దతP 'itiya (second)
దP Vidiya
&'తP Trutiya (third)
&దP Tadhiya
_W & Raagrata (alert)
_W & Raagratta
వ`X Vamati (omit)
వX Vanti
?& !$anta (o$n)
a& !onta
అb tai (forest)
అ* dai
&ర T$ara (fast)
cరd Toraga