Telecommunication System


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Advanced telecommunication systems Part I : mobile network dimensioning Salah Eddine El Ayoubi October 2010 outline objective: ensuring QoS in mobile networks dimensioning for ensuring coverage...

In the present work an attempt has been made to study the behavior of buildings with roof top tower in the event of an Earth Quake using ETAB and hence optimum tower design will bring in substantial savings. The selection of an optimum outline togeth

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This project provides the facility to all users to send and receive the courier. They can get the information of the status of the courier. System development is also considered as a process…Full description

This project provides the facility to all users to send and receive the courier. They can get the information of the status of the courier. System development is also considered as a process…Full description

Due to the boom in the telecommunication business, number of buildings carrying a roof top tower has been increased rapidly. Most of the building were not originally designed to carry a roof top to...