Student’s Level of awareness of the existing School rules and regulations of Dagohoy National High School
Chapter 1 THE !"#LE$ %ND &TS SC"E
The school rules and regulation have a big rule inside the school campus for it makes the school be regulated with peace and order to assure students’ security inside the school. The elements of the school rules that we consider includ include e the classr classroo oom m rules, rules, examin examinati ation on rules, rules, and guidin guiding g intera interacti ctions ons between and among students and interaction among the teacher and staff of the school.
Dagohoy National High chool has created organi!ations that may help both the students and teachers to minimi!e the school problem. "ut still there are students who does not follow some of the school rules and regulation such as not wearing of prescribed school uniform, improper im proper haircut, crossing over the fence, cutting classes, and using gadgets during class hours that might be confiscated by the teacher and be turn over to the guidance office or to the principal office.
Typical problems of the schools are the students having cutting classes and and stud studen ents ts that that are are leap leapin ing g the the fenc fence. e. This This beha behavi viou ourr migh mightt affe affect ct the the students class performance, student that been captured because of violating one of these school rules, will be send to the guiding office or to the principal
office to discuss the reason why he#she violates the school rules and also discuss the corresponding or the possible punishment to be given to the students.
This study was conducted to know the possible reasons why the students violating the school rules and regulations to determine also the relation of students awareness on the campus rules and regulations. The students are the representative of the school outside the campus. They are expected to be respectful and courteous to the teacher and co$students inside the campus or the people surrounding them.
Literature #ac'ground
This chapter deals with related literature on the effectiveness of school rules in enhancing discipline in public secondary school. The sources of literature include published thesis from online %ournals and with articles. The chapter organi!ed the following leading issues arising from school rules and regulation in secondary school& perceptions of teachers and students towards rules and regulations in secondary schools& students involvements in the formulations of school rules and regulations in public secondary school& extent to which existing rules and regulations enhance discipline in secondary schools and the challenges arising in enforcing the existing school rules and regulations in secondary school.
tudents involvement implementations of school rules refers to the work of student representative bodies' such as school councils, students parliaments and the prefectural body formulation of school rules. (t is also use to
encompass all aspect of school life and decisions$making where students may make contributions, informally through individual negotiations as well as formally through purposely$ created structure and mechanisms. tudent involvement also refers to participations of students in collective decisions$ making at school or class level and to dialogue between students and other decisions$makers, not only consultation or a survey among students. )*eruto and +iprop.-/.
tudents have been into different information drive about the institutions such as the freshmen orientation and department general assembly to inform their rights and duties as students. (n additions they are reminded of the things they should avoid while inside or gaining entry to the campus. This study was undertaken to determine the relation of student awareness on the campus rules and regulations. This study also dealt with the different means of awareness campaign that the school had been using for many years.
To determine the relations of awareness of students, variables were to set a factor such as school rules and regulations, gender, age, student manual, bulletin board, school policies minor violations and faculty member, which directly influence the awareness of the students on school rules and regulations to institutional discipline. The data were collected from student who had violations from December --0 to *anuary --1. The logbook of the security office served as the mean sources of data and the 2uestionnaires were distributed to all minor offense violators. )3nrico 4. 5have!/.
tudent involvement in formulation of school rules is often viewed as problematic to school administrator, parents and society at large. This often due
to the fact that students are viewed as minors immature and lacking in the expertise and technical knowledge that is needed in the running of school. Thus student participant is often confined to issues concerned with student welfare and not in core governance issues such as school rules and regulations. )6agadla, --1/.
THE !"#LE$
State(ent of the ro)le(
The main thrust of this study is to determine the grade student’s level of awareness of the existing rules and regulations of Dagohoy National High chool )DNH/.
pecifically the researchers aim to answer the following 2uestions'
. 7hat is the demographic profile of the senior student’s in terms of'
. 8ender,
. 9ge, and
.: 8rade level senior student,
. 7hat is the level of implementation of rules and regulations of the DNH as perceived by the senior;
:. 7hat is the student’s level of compliance to the existing rules and regulations of DNH;
<. 7hat is the students’ of awareness of the existing DNH rules and regulations;
Significance of the Study
The school rules and regulations have a big help to the school to align the curriculum to address issues discipline among students. =earners with relevant knowledge, emphasi!e on maintenance of rules and regulations that enhances discipline so as to produce law abiding citi!ens. This study is important in order to determine the perceptual effect of violating school rules and regulation in the context of learning of %unior and senior high students.
>n the other hand, this study will be useful to the following'
Teachers* This study will help to encourage their students to follow and to avoid violating the school rules and regulations.
Students* This will give them knowledge about the possible effect of violating the school rules and regulation in the context of learning so that they will not avoid violating the school rules and regulations.
School ad(inistrator* This study will help them to hand at school policies as a solution to the problem in students getting too involve in violating school rules and regulation.
+uture researchers* This study will serve as their resources as they go through in conducting their study.
!ESE%!CH $ETH"D"L",-
This research study used a descriptive random sampling method with an aid of a research$made 2uestionnaire.
Environ(ent and articipant
This research study was conducted in D98>H>? N9T(>N9= H(8H 5H>>= located in 4oblacion, Dagohoy, "ohol. @or the school year -0$ -1.
The respondent of the study is the senior students of Dagohoy National High chool. Through random sampling, the researcher selected A students in senior level and students will be the A-B of the population of senior level. "elieved that A-B to be enough the whole population of senior level.
To provide the data needed the researchers used a researcher made$ 2uestionnaire to the study of student level of awareness existing rules and regulations. The researcher guided the respondents in answering the 2uestions.
Data ,athering and rocedure
The data of this study is through survey. The researchers prepared on researcher$made 2uestionnaire to be guided to conduct the interview to get information that is helpful in studying of student level of awareness of existing school rules and regulations. This information will determine the key result.
DE+&N&T&"NS "+ TE!$S
De(ographic profile* The tool that been used by the researcher so that certain group of people who are involved in the study.
Existing rules and regulations* Cules that have been established in the school campus by the school council.
Level of awareness* 3xpectation of the students about that been established or allowed what is going on his#her surroundings.
Level of co(pliance* "eing in accordance with established guidelines or specifications to ensure that the study are abiding the rules and regulations.
!espondents* (t refers to the senior high level students of Dagohoy National High chool who participants in research involving 2uestionnaires.
Senior students* The pioneering students of the new curriculum of 92uino administrations called + to .