My notes about Speed Seduction techique of Ross JeffriesFull description
RJ Speed Seduction Gold Walkups
RJ Speed Seduction Gold Walkups
Descripción: RJ Speed Seduction Gold Walkups
Seduction guide
Seduction guideDescripción completa
Seduction guide
Seduction guide
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Ross Jeffries - Speed Seduction 3.0
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LoveDeskripsi lengkap
nlp speed seduction
SS Notes: Look and feel “your best” all time.
Speak as with;
good tonality slow speaking
-clearly -good eye contact
-deeply -posture
-facial expression
It’s not how you act and feel about her, but how you act and feel about yourself.
Try to use a “HAPPY, CAREFREE, EAGER TO HAVE THIS FUN” tone of voice.
Basic tactics; -
Humor Appealing her curiosity Put unexpected twist (a cliche pickup etc.) Role Playing Fake like already know her Appeal her ego Showing outragous balls or guts.
Say “NO” for once, over an important issue and mean it.
“Appear Casual”
Never mention that you can do this! Don’t say the word “Hypnosis”
General steps; 1) Break current state / fixed belief set
Don’t need them too much!
2) Focus her attention to you 3) Control her internal representations 4) Create the state you want (Have you ever.. / What is it like.. / Can you remember.. ?) 5) Bind / link to YOU
1st step in attracting is; get her attention! Best way to do is,
by being UNIQUE, and NOVEL, and DIFFERENT.
Good opener establishes “faint rapport”. Use patterns and tonality to establish a “deeper rapport”.
Listen “trance words” and find prefered represantation system.
Ladies Rule:
“I’ll do not anything, unless I FEEL LIKE at the moment!”
If you put someone in a pyscological state, they will actually “BE” in that state.
Ask questions that get her go inside & comeback with values! Questions that touch on her identity as a “person”.
Tell story from 3rd person, including the feelings you want Try to combine body sensations with emotional connections; at the same time or rapidly in sequence.
Remember the “cat string theory”.
If she talks about ex_bf or inappropriate sexual talk, answer with cool and politely as; “I’d really rather not hear about it..”
Many women with great personalities have terrible characters.
Never get seriously involved with a women, who has more problems than you do!
Self_Defence in ex. (in case things go wrong); hide your joy, OK! If you don’t like cute guys, just tell me.. It’s thought to be such a sex symbol.. ha?..
Good ex. for closing; -“It’s too bad you’re not the type of person who can imagine feeling and doing all the right things you like to feel. For the good and the right reasons you feel real. And as you think of that in that way, doesn’t it just seem like you would want to spend more time together?”