Report in Social Dimensions of Education
Submitted by: Vanessa E. Petrola BEED SPED-IV Submitted to: Ma’am Judith Camacho
Socio-Cultural, Economic, and Political Issues on Globalization Globalization
-The worldwide movement toward economic, financial, trade, and communications integration. Globalization implies the opening of local and nationalistic perspectives to a broader outlook of an interconnected and interdependent world with free transfer of capital, goods, and services across national frontiers. However, it does not include unhindered movement of labor and, as suggested by some economists, may hurt smaller or fragile economies if applied indiscriminately. -Is the process of international integration arising from the interchange of world [1][2] views, products, ideas, and other aspects of culture. Advances in transportation and telecommunications infrastructure, including the rise of the telegraph and its posterity the Internet, are major factors in globalization, generating further interdependence of economic and cultural activities. Socio- Cultural Issues
One of the paradoxes of globalization is that difference is becoming increasingly normative. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, that line is complicated by the increasingly fluid political and cultural borders that once separated both nation states and the people within them. Managing difference is becoming one of the greatest challenges to multicultural countries. Children growing up in these and oth er settings are likely than in any previous generation in human history to face a life of working and networking, loving and living with others from different national, linguistic, religious and racial backgrounds. They are challenged to engage and work through competing and contrasting models, such as kinship, gender, language (monolingual and multilingual), and the complicated relationships between race, ethnicity and inequality in new ways. It is by interrupting “thinking as usual” – the taken for granted understandings and worldviews that shape cognitive and meta cognitive styles and practices- that managing difference can do the most for youth growing up today. Global changes in culture deeply affect educ ational policies, practices and institutions.
Economic Issues on Globalization
David Bloom, Harvard Economist, argues that because of globalization, education is more important than ever before in history. He deploys a vast array of up-to-date data on the state of global education in much of the developing world. Blooms materials prompt both optimism and caution. He claims that growing worldwide inequality, indexed by increasing gaps and income and well-being generally mimics a continuing and growing global gap in education. He also argues that increasing efforts to improve basic education particularly in developing countries will surely help narrow income gaps with developed countries. Education he claims, is “clearly a strong trigger for positive development spirals.” He
cites estimates that in the developing world, each additional year of basic education corresponds to a rise over 10 percent in the individuals earning power. According to him, the challenges and opportunities brought about by globalization include a more competitive world economy, the increasing importance of cross-national communication, and the rapid speed of change. Bloom points out that globalization also brings about opportunities for education, particularly in the ways that new technologies can be put to work to improve both the quantity and quality of education worldwide. Education creates a capacity to mitigate the disparities in the world today that are potentially very destabilizing, both from an economic and a political point of view. Howard Gardner, Graduate School of Education Professor in Cognition and Education, proposed a number of changes to American pre-college education that he said he could help the young people better comprehend and engage with their changing world. Education should help students synthesize information from a variety of disciplines and geographies, so they understand how economics inform politics. Gardner disparaged standardized testing, in its current form because it fails to measure the skills of understanding and making sense that students will need in a globalizing world. Globalization will continue to be a vector of worldwide change. We need better understanding of how education will be transformed by globalization and how it, in turn, can shape and manage the course of globalization. We need a major research agenda to examine how education most broadly defined can best prepare children to engage in a global world. We need better theoretical understanding of globalization’s multiple faceseconomic, demographic, social and cultural. We need more dialogue between scholars, practitioners and policy makers.
Political Issues on Globalization
Constraint on national or state policy making posed by external demands from transnational institutions. Economic coordination and exchange have become increasingly well-regulated, and as stronger institutions emerge to regulate global economic activity, with globalization there has also been a growing internationalization of an inadequate development of political institutions to address them.
Conflict and Consensus perspectives on the Role of Education in Understanding Globalization
The phenomenon “virtual terra incognita”, education is at the center of this uncharted content. We have barely started to consider how these accelerating transnational dynamics are affecting education, particularly pre-collegiate education. Instead educational systems worldwide continued mimicking and often mechanically copying from each other and borrowing curricula, teaching methods and assessment tests.
Education’s challenge will be to shape the cognitive skills, inter personal sensibilities, and cultural sophistication of children and youth whose lives will be both engaged in local contexts and responsive to larger transnational processes. Globalization engenders complexity. Throughout the world it is generating more intricate demographic profiles, economic realities and identities. Globalization’s increasing complexity necessitates a new paradigm for learning and teaching.
Globalization and its Impact on Education 1. The needed reforms within the educational system like content, equality, sand excellence. 2. The fall out of globalization, which will entail determining strategies relating to the impending internationalization of education, finance-related issues and privatization of secondary and higher education. Needed reforms in Education 1. Content of Education a. Curriculum Up-gradation b. Productivity Orientation
2. The Fall Out of Globalization a. Internationalization of Education b. Finance-related issues c. Privatization of secondary and higher education