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Attention of Students MBA Final Semester Project Guidelines Preamble As you know, you the students of MBA of SET II are now in the final semester and will be doing your project work this semester. This is one of the important components of MBA/MCA Programme and in this context we have brought out some guidelines regarding project work to ensure that the project by the student is authentic and is of high quality. One of the important stipulation regarding project for MBA is that the candidate is to undertake a project in the chosen specialization. The projects will be reviewed, monitored and tracked by the Central Steering Committee (at the Centre for Distance Education, Anna University, Chennai), Project Monitoring Committee ( at Study Centre) and the Project Guide. 1.1 Central Steering Committee In order to directly monitor and track projects we have a Central Steering Committee at the Centre for Distance Education, Anna University Chennai. The functions of this committee include: Going through the project proposal and checking the qualifications of the proposed project guide. It is responsible for approving the project and conveying the same to the student through the web. During the approval process the Committee will give suggestions for improvement. Going through the evaluation reports sent by the Study Centre after each review meeting and give suggestions if necessary. Approving the final list of students allowed to submit Projects at the end of the semester. 1.2 Project Monitoring Committee In addition, there will be a Project Monitoring Committee at the Study Centre headed by a project in-charge and consisting of two other senior faculty members. The functions of the committee include: Providing appropriate counseling, advice and suggestions to all students undertaking project work regarding project area and choice of guide and in general help the project-in-charge in project related activities Ensuring that the project proposal and the Guide are approved by the Central steering committee of Centre for Distance Education, Anna University Chennai and no project is undertaken without prior approval. Conducting atleast two reviews and evaluating the progress of the projects Ensuring that the student has incorporated all suggested improvements and suggestions Checking the content and format of thesis report is as per norms 1.3 Project Guide In addition, in order to ensure quality, the qualification and experience of the guides have been made stringent. The project should be carried out under the direct supervision of a qualified guide as per the qualification prescribed below :
Page 2 of 19 1.3.1 Qualifications of Guide 1. As regards to MBA programme, the Guide must have Master Degree in Business Administration or any post graduation with specialization in the area relevant to the specialization opted by the candidate and 2. The guide should have five years of teaching experience at MBA level or post graduation with specialization in the area relevant to the specialization opted by the candidate or five years of industrial experience at least as middle level executive in case of MBA.
2. Guidelines for undertaking Project One of the important stipulations regarding project for MBA is that the candidate is to undertake a project in the chosen specialization ( Sample Projects in Each Area of Specialization given in Annexure A). The main focus of the Project should be on the chosen area of Specialization such as General Management/ Technology Management / Retail Management / Human Resource Management/Health Services Management/Financial Services Management for MBA. The project work may be carried out by identifying research/ application problem in any one of the business/ manufacturing/ service organizations or in the respective department of the study centre that suits the chosen area of the specialization. Candidates have to prepare the following o The profile of the Guide (the qualification of the Guide has been given in Section 1.3.1) in the format given in Annexure I duly signed by the guide (need not be submitted if the guide is already in the panel of project guides already approved by Centre for Distance Education, Anna University Chennai (will be available on the Web). o A brief synopsis of the proposed project in the prescribed format given in Annexure II Note: Annexures available on the web or can be obtained from study centre These Annexures are to be sent for approval. They are to be submitted in triplicate to project-in-charge at the Study Centre in the prescribed formats (Annexures I & II - available in the web or obtained from study centre) and an extra advance copy sent directly to the Convener, MBA, Central Steering Committee, Centre for Distance Education, Anna University Chennai (in an envelope marked Project – proposal ).
The students are permitted to proceed with topic of the projects only under qualified and supervisor after approval by the Central Steering Committee Centre for Distance Education, Anna University Chennai. The student is expected to execute original work. If at any point of time it is noticed that the work is not original, the project will be summarily rejected. 2.1 Major Types of Project The project undertaken may be of various types: Exploratory type o The student to explore the possible causes for a phenomena or status
Page 3 of 19 Descriptive – to support or disprove existing facts with quantative data Survey type o includes designing questionnaire for collection of data through field study,collecting data from target respondents, processing and analyzing the data and arriving at conclusions Experimental study o Conduct of experiments to find the cause and effect relations between experimental variables and dependent variables • ex. Impact of training programme on performance, impact of advertisements on sales Desk research based on secondary data o Making use of published data and analyzing the data and riving interpreting such data and arriving at meaningful conclusions. 2.1 Role of Project Guide The Student is required to meet the guide periodically on mutually agreed upon dates. The Student is also advised to maintain e-mail contact with the guide Any Conflict of interest during the course of the project can be immediately brought directly to the notice of the Central Steering Committee, Centre for Distance Education, Anna University Chennai.
3. Steps to be followed in undertaking Project 3.1 Problem identification By referring to relevant literature or discussing with industry experts – a problem may be formulated in the chosen area of Specialization and the same can be fine tuned by drawing input from the Project Guide. Subsequently a project guide is to be identified by the student. The project guide should have qualifications as prescribed by the Centre for Distance Education, AU,Chennai (given in Section 1.3.1). The Topic and the guide proposed, are to be submitted in triplicate to projectin-charge at the Study Centre in the prescribed formats (Annexures I & II available in the web or obtained from study centre) and an extra advance copy sent directly to the Convener, MBA, Central Steering Committee, Centre for Distance Education, Anna University Chennai (in an envelope marked Project – proposal ). You are requested to look into the website for confirmationof project proposal. Do not proceed with the project topic or with project guide until approval has been obtained from the Central Steering Committee, Centre for Distance Education, Anna University Chennai 3.2 Progress for First Review You may now proceed to undertake the project in consultation with the project guide. Any suggestions made by the Central Steering Committee in the project proposal should be incorporated while preparing for First Review (tentative schedule given in Annexure III). For the First Review, the student is required to present the following details : Problem identified and confirmed
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Guide confirmed (will be present for review) Background Study Need for the project Objectives and scope of the project Review of Literature Proposed Methodology o Type of Project o Target respondents o Assumptions, Constraints and Limitations o Proposed Sampling Methods Proposed Analysis (Statistical Tools) and Interpretation methodologies Deliverables – Expected Conclusions A report incorporating all the above details should be submitted at the time of First Review. The evaluation by the project guide and the Project Monitoring Committee is based on the above points. The evaluation form for First Review by the Project Guide and Project Monitoring Committee is given in Annexure IV 3.3 Progress for Second Review Any Suggestions/extensions suggested by the Project Monitoring Committee at the First Review should be incorporated and project modified accordingly before the Second Review. For the Second Review, the student is required to present the following details : o Work completed so far Questionnaire designed or interview schedule (if applicable) Report of Pilot Study Summary of Literature review Data captured so far with all details including scope, sample size, assumptions, constraints, limitations etc. o Further work to be one o Deviation if any and justification o Attendance details regarding meeting (in person or by e-mail with guide) – attested by the guide o Confirmation of tools for Analysis A report incorporating all the above details should be submitted at the time of Second Review. A draft copy of Thesis signed by guide The evaluation by the project guide and the Project Monitoring Committee is based on the above points. The evaluation form for Second Review by the Project Guide and Project Monitoring Committee is given in Annexure V. 3.4 Preparation of Project Report Each student is expected to submit four copies of Project Report Please refer to --------------------- for report details. The following should be the contents of the report: o Title Sheet o Bonafide Certificate duly signed by the Project Guide and Projectin-charge o Acknowledgement o Abstract
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Table of Contents List of Tables List of Figures List of Abbreviations Chapter 1 - Introduction Research Background – Description of specific industry/ general scenario of industry Identified Problem Need for Study Objectives & Scope Deliverables Chapter 2 – Literature Survey Review of Literature Research Gap Chapter 3 - Methodology Type of Project Target respondents Assumptions, Constraints and Limitations Proposed Sampling Methods Data Processing Tools for Analysis Chapter 4 – Data Analysis and Interpretation Data Analysis Discussion Diagrammatic Representation Deliverables Chapter 5 – Conclusions Summary of Findings Suggestions & Recommendations Conclusions Directions for Future Research Appendix Copy of Questionnaire/Interview Schedule Bibliography Any Other relevant matter
4. Sample Project ( for Details & Reference only) 4.1 Specialization: General Management 4.2 Topic: A study of Shopper’s attitude towards Ready to eat Food items 4.3 Literature Study Literature related to this area o Shopper behavior in general o Special emphasis on shopper behavior towards consumer items o Study of profile of shoppers o Sampling, Analysis and Interpretation methods used to study behavior patterns
Page 6 of 19 o Etc.. Intensive Industry Analysis – Study of o Ready to eat food mixes – typical products available o Major players in the market o Ongoing trend Interact with related industry and subject experts Fine tune the need, scope and likely deliverables of study 4.4 Objectives ( only a sample) To study the key drivers influencing the attitude of the shoppers To establish relationship between demographic variables ( age, income, education, family status, family size etc.) and attitude towards Ready to eat food mixes. To determine relationship between cyclographic variables (image conscious, prize conscious, time conscious, etc..) and attitude towards Ready to eat food mixes. Etc… 4.5 Formulation of Hypothesis Assumptions regarding relationships among variables (ex. Income level & attitude) Scope o Target Audience o Study confined to Chennai o Only Breakfast items/Curries etc.. o Sample Size approximately – 300 o Other assumptions, limitations, constraints.. 4.6 ( to specify the following details) Type of Project Study - Indicate the type of project study undertaken o Explorative o Descriptive Survey type Experimental Desk research . Method of data collection (any one) • Interview schedule ( preparation of list of questions) • Questionnaire • Pilot study with small sample – fine tune Interview schedule/ Questionnaire design Sampling Methods (any one) o Probability sampling methods (like Random) o Non Probability sampling methods (like Convenient, Purposive) Data Processing o Collection of data, data coding, formatting and storing using appropriate Tools for Analysis – data to be analyzed using appropriate tools. Normally used tools :
Page 7 of 19 o Percentage analysis o Chi-square analysis o Ranking o Correlatoion – Regression o Factor Analysis o Cluster o Etc.. 4.7 Data Analysis, Interpretation Processed data will analysed and interpreted using appropriate tools decided above 4.8 Conclusions: Summary of Finding, Suggestions, Conclusions for Future Research o Conclusions Found that people with higher incomes and working in IT field had positive attitude towards Ready to eat food mixes Etc… o Summary Report of Findings o Suggestions How to advertise for generating positive attitude towards Ready to eat food mixes How to price the product for for generating positive attitude towards Ready to eat food mixes Etc.. o Future Directions To take sample from all over Tamilnadu To study rural versus urban divide or buying in Supermarkets versus local grocer in attitude towards Ready to eat food mixes To study different products using same assumptions Etc.. 4.9 Bibliography: List the references inside the text in order of occurrence in the following format David Andersen, Hari Balakrishnan, Frans Kaashoek, and Robert Morris, “Resilient Overlay Networks”, Proc. of ACM Symp. on Operating Systems Principles, pp.15-18, Oct. 2001 (Author names, “ title of reference”, Proceedings/Journal name, page number, Year) References can also include web sites 4.10 Appendix - Questionnaire, any other relevant details
All Correspondence regarding projects should be addressed as given below: The Convener, MBA, Central Steering Committee, Centre for Distance Education, Anna University Chennai (in an envelope marked Project – proposal ).
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E-mail : please mark subject as MBA (AY 2007 - 2008 Project – Proposal, ….)
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Annexure A
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
General Management Study of effect of TV advertisement targeted at children Impact of privatization Study of the effect of IPL on cricket viewing public Study of Resource management in Organizations Study of BPO practices
2. 3. 4. 5.
Human Resources Management Experimental study of impact of providing training and opportunities for higher studies on retaining manpower Study of opportunities provided for offshore jobs on family life Study of impact of young workers on work environment Study of career growth of non-IT graduates in IT organizations Performance appraisal in Organizations
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Retail Management Study of effect of chain of supermarkets on pattern of shopping Study of relation between customer profile and foreign food chains Merchandise management in retail outlets Retail Shoppers attitude study Impact of retail sales promotion
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1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Financial Services Management Study of relationship between customer profile and insurance practices Study of Impact factors effecting stock prices of specific sectors Financial Performance Analysis Perception on investments Study on Retail Banking
3. 4. 5
Health Services Management Patient Profile Vs Type of Diseases ( a Diagnostic Analysis) Study on preventive health care practices among a target group (IT Professionals, etc.) Study of Operating capital management in Hospitals Patient Information and Tracking System Designing a model for rural heathcare
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Technology Management Design of an information system for Project tracking Study of impact of introducing new technologies on grass root workers Study of Financial Implications of Technology Adoption Study of Technology Diffusion Study of Technology Outsourcing
1. 2.
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Address of Institution Employed (including contact phone numbers, Office, mobile, residence)
Experience (in years)
: :
S. No.
Designation / Position held
Teaching ………..yrs Industry………….yrs
Total years of service
1. 2 3 4. 5.
Area of specialization
Subject taught during past five years or : Industrial Experience relevant to the chosen area of project
1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. Area of industrial experience
Page 12 of 19 8..Number of students already guided (Please attach list of students college address, University, Project title, year of award of degree) : S. No
Name of the student
Roll Number
Name of the College and Address
Programme MBA/MCA/MSc Ph.D / M.Phil
Month and Year of submission
Title of Project
Whether degree is awarded Yes / No
Additional number of students willing to guide : (maximum 10 students including already registered as given in 8) Signature of Guide
Page 13 of 19 Director’s copy Study center’s copy Project coordinators copy
ANNEXURE II FORMAT FOR PROJECT PROPOSAL To be submitted in triplicate (Student to submit one copy to Study centre Coordinator and To send one copy to the Director, CDE and one copy to the Project co ordinator through the Study Centre Coordinator) 1. Name of the course
2. Name of the Student
3. Roll Number
4. Examination Registration Number
5. Name and address of study centre
6. Area of specialization (add a separate sheet)
7. Problem Identified for the study (about 15 lines) (add a separate sheet)
8. Proposed Methodology
1 2 3 4 5
Type data Tools for Data Collections Frame work of data analysis Expected Deliverables Any other (add a separate sheet) 9. Time Schedule (add a separate sheet) Date
: : : : : :
SIGNATURE OF STUDENT Address for Communication (With contact Phone Numbers: Office, mobile, Residence)
Page 14 of 19 Annexure III SCHEDULE OF PROJECT RELATED ACTIVITIES SET 2 (Academic Year 2007-08 Batch – IV Semester MBA) and SET 2 (Academic Year 2007-08 Batch – IV Semester MSc) S. No. 1 2
Time Frame April 1, 2009 April 1 – April 25, 2009
5 6 7
June 1, 2009
Last day of contact class of fourth semester July 10 – 16, 2009
July 17, 2009
Release of Project Guidelines on Web – (by CDE) Identification of topic and Guide and Counseling at Study Centre to work out details - (by Student) 1) Last date for Submission of Project Guide details (Annexure I) – (by Student)
April 25, 2009
April 26 – May 5, 2009 May 6, 2009 May 25 – 31, 2009
2) Last date for Submission of Project Proposal (Annexure II) – (by Student) Confirmation of Approval along with suggestion on Web – (by CDE) Release of List of Approved Projects on Web – (by CDE) First Review at Study Center Last date for submission of Hard copy of First Review marks to Centre for Distance Education, Anna University Chennai (Annexure IV) – (by Study Centre) Last day for finalization of Attendance for the Theory courses and Project work and sending to the Centre for Distance Education – (by Study Centre) Second Review at Study Centre 1) Last date for submission of Hard copy of Second Review marks to Centre for Distance Education, Anna University Chennai (Annexure V) – (by Study Centre) 2) Last date for submission of Viva Voce Panel to Controller of Examinations, Anna University Chennai – (by Study Centre) Last date for dispatch of Internal Marks to Controller of Examinations, Anna University Chennai – (by Study Centre) Last date for submission of Thesis (Four Copies) to Study Centres – (by Student)
July 17, 2009
July 31, 2009
September 1 – 10, 2009
Final Viva Voce Examination
September 14, 2009
Last date for sending of Viva Voce Marks to Controller of Examinations, Anna University Chennai
Dates specified will be strictly adhere to.
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Annexure IV (10 students per Page) S.No Exam Specialization Topic of Background Reg No. Project Study, Need, objectives and scope – suggestions of CSC incorporated (20)
Review of Literature (20)
Proposed Methodology defined (20)
Frequency of meeting with guide and Guide marks (30)
Presentation (10)
Remarks Total (100)
Frequency of meeting with guide, draft report copy submission, guide marks (30)
Presentation (10)
Remarks Total (100)
1. 2. . . 10. Annexure V (10 students per Page) S.No Exam Specialization Topic of Work Completed Reg No. Project so far and incorporation of first review comments if any (20)
1. 2. . . 10.
Depth of study, analysis (20)
Data Interpretation, suggestion conclusions (20)
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QUICK LOOK THROUGH PLEASE NOTE THAT IV SEMESTER PROJECT PROPOSAL MUST BE SUBMITTED THROUGH THE WEB Steps in Project Proposal Submission/Review Thesis submission 1. Project Proposal submission a. Filling up the form b. Title i.
Select a title that fits into your area of specialization
Avoid general title – be specific
c. Description i.
Indicate specific objectives, focus on specific organization or target respondents.
Specific study parameters
d. Proposed Methodology i.
Indicate source of data
Indicate source of data
Data Capturing mechanism
Proposed tools for analysis
e. Expected Deliverables i.
Be clean about the deliverables
Deliverable should be in tune with the objectives
2. Submission : i.
Necessarily submit a copy through web
Submit a hard copy to Study centre
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Submit a hard copy to guide
b. Guide : i.
Guide should have requisite qualification (check in guide list)
Guide should be expert in your area of specialization
Guide should be in the approved list or should have applied for approval (through web)
As far as possible please discuss with guide before project proposal submission.
3. Check for status of project proposals a. Project proposal will be approved only after semester fees has been paid b. On receiving project proposal the Central Steering committee will convey the status and also indicate the guide allotted status will be known through web. The Status can be as indicated below STATUS OF THE PROJECT 1. Guide & Project Approved 2. Guide Approved, Project needs modification Project idea approved, Scope to be redefined i. Focus on specific organization or Target respondents (be specific) ii. Specify the study parameters in detail iii. Be clear about the deliverables iv. To resubmit with details 3. Guide not approved, New guide allotted, Project needs modification Project idea approved Scope to be redefined i. Focus on specific organization or Target respondents (be specific) ii. Specify the study parameters in detail iii. Be clear about the deliverables iv. To resubmit with details 4. Guide approved, Project not approved i. Change suggested, lack of Management perspective
Page 18 of 19 ii. Management Perspective to be included iii. To resubmit with details 5. Guide approved, Project not approved, not in the chosen area of specialization i. Project to be redefined to fit into the chosen area of specialization ii. To resubmit with details 6. Guide not approved, New Guide allotted, Project not approved No Management Perspective i. Change suggested ii. Management Perspective to be included iii. To resubmit with details 7. Guide not approved, New guide allotted, Project not approved not in the chosen area of specialization i. Project to be redefined to fit into the chosen area of specialization ii. To resubmit with details 8. Guide approved, Project not approved, Details missing i. Details missing give all details ii. To resubmit with details 9. Guide not approved, Project not approved, Details missing i. Details missing give all details ii. To resubmit with details 4. Meeting with guide 5. Resubmission if necessary a. Check for first review data with study centre 6. Preparation for first Review a. First Review – Evaluation Components - Total (100) i.
Background Study, Need, objectives and scope – suggestions of CSC incorporated (20)
Review of Literature (20)
Proposed Methodology defined (20)
Page 19 of 19 iv.
Frequency of meeting with guide and Guide marks (30) – ensure you get marks from guides in time
Presentation (10)
b. First Review report to be approved by guide and hard copy to be submitted to review committee 7. Preparation for Second Review a. Second Review – Evaluation Components - Total (100) i.
Work Completed so far and incorporation of first review comments if any (20)
Depth of study, analysis(20)
Data Interpretation, suggestions conclusions (20)
Frequency of meeting with guide, draft report copy submission, guide marks(30)
b. Second Review report to be approved by guide and hard copy to submitted to review committee 8. Preparation of Draft Project Report 9. Carry out suggestions given by guide and the review committee (check for guidelines for preparation of Project report in for modification in draft report 10. Preparation of Final Report and get it approved by guide. Prepare 5 (Five) copies of the Project report and submit 4 (Four) copies at the study centre and get acknowledgement for the submission. 11. Prepare well for the viva voce Exam in consultation with the Guide.
Best of Luck!!!