SENTENCE CORRECTION SC TIPS: -Intuition is your LAST resort . -Use Horizontal/Vertical Scanning to look for differences . -Look for 2/3 or a 3/2 split . -Choice A can e the ri!ht choice cho ice in a sustantial nu"er of #uestions. LOCATION O$ ERRORS AT % POTENTIAL PLACES: -e!innin! of un&erline& 'ortion -en& of un&erline& 'ortion -after co""a -one (or&)'hrase efore the un&erline& 'ortion SC- *hat to (atch out for+ ,!ra""ar Su/ect 0er A!ree"ent Co"'arisons Pre'ositions2 I&io"s2 Nu"erical I&io"s
1o&ifier Pronouns Punctuation
Parallelis" 0ers Style-short 3s. lon! sentences4 "eanin! clarity
,5i&io" ,has to e "e"ori6e&-3ery crucial for success on 71AT-SC 71AT-SC -e8'ressions that are the (ay they are CORRECT *RON7 $ori& TO DO $ori& $RO1 9OIN7 COPE UP *IT COP !ITH CO"P#IS CO1PRISE O$ 1istake A $O# % 1istake A AS ; CO&SID# CONSI9ER TO ;E) CONSI9ER AS ,<"eanin! clarity ,%concision ,short 3s. lon! USE ALTHO'(H CA& SA" &A# )P#I&C O'TCO"
A0OI9 9es'ite the fact that a3e the ca'aility E8actly the sa"e In close 'ro8i"ity to Past e8'erience $inal outco"e
,=71AT ,=71AT fa3orites ,has to e "e"ori6e& USE #ATH# THA& %CA'S O$ DO'%L/T!IC
A0OI9 Instea& of 9ue to 5 ti"es
;ein! Co"'are to 9o it 1ay e If o'efully As (ell as Enou!h Aility Ca'aility As a result fro" One ti"e % ti"es Econo"ical Try an& Liale Ou!ht to ;ut >(hich? after the co""a
01PA#ALLLIS" -"eans consistenc in (ritin! -'arallel connectors: A&D ) A&D .1 %'T AS !LL AS O# .T ALTHO'(H -list ,strin! A. & 4 & 4 & ;5 V 4 V 4 V C. AD6 4 AD6 4 AD6 9. I&$I&ITIV 4 I&$I&ITIV 4 I&$I&ITIV ,E8. I like to sin!2 to act2 an& to &ra(. E. PH#AS4PH#AS ,E8. *ith his ar"s aki"o an& in a state of liss2 he lea'e& off the cliff $. CLA'S 4 CLA'S ,E8. If she ca'itulates an& (hen she a'olo!i6es2 (e (ill for!i3e her lun&ers an& unfor!ettale actions. 7. CA'S $$CT PA#ALLLIS" -the cause is !enerally in the 'ast)'resent si"'le tense an& all the effects ha3e to e 'arallel in the >-in!? for" -E8. en tra3ele& aroun& the (orl&2 visiting historic sites2 eating nati3e foo&s2 an& learning aout ne( cultures. . THAT and THAT PA#ALLLIS" -E8. The coach tol& the 'layers that they shoul& !et a lot of slee'2 that they shoul& not eat too "uch2 an& that they shoul& &o so"e (ar"-u' e8ercises efore the !a"e. -E8. 1y o/ections are2 first2 that the "easure is un/ust4 secon&2 that it is unconstitutional. I. ) is . PA#ALLLIS" CORRECT One le gacy of 1a&ison A3enueBs recent
*RON7 One le!acy of 1a&ison A3enues recent
ca"'ai!n to a''eal to 'eo'le fifty years ol& an& o3er is the realization that as 'eo'le a!e2 their concerns chan!e as (ell.
ca"'ai!n to a''eal to 'eo'le fifty years ol& an& o3er is to reali6e that (hen a 'erson a!es2 his or her concerns chan!e as (ell.
The e8'erience (e ha3e in childhood still influence our eha3ior in adulthood .
The e8'eriences (e ha3e (hen chil&ren still influence our eha3ior in a&ulthoo&.
The ne( toy (as the fatherBs attempt to a''ease the ruffle& chil&.
The ne( toy (as the fatherBs tryin! to a''ease the ruffle& chil&.
D. O"ISSIO& PA#ALLL ST#'CT'# CORRECT The &octors have been conducting an& will continue to conduct tests on the sick 'atient. She is a elie3er in an& a su''orter of the theory of lo3e at first si!ht.
*RON7 The &octors ha3e een an& (ill continue to con&uct tests on the sick 'atient. She is a elie3er an& su''orter of the theory of lo3e at first si!ht.
. S"ICOLO&7%OTH SIDS PA#ALLL CORRECT *RON7 $or"erly2 science was taught by the te8took $or"erly2 science (as tau!ht y the te8took "etho&4 no( it is taught by the laoratory "etho&2 (hile no( the laoratory "etho& is "etho&. e"'loye&.
21S'%6CT V#% A(#"&T -sin!ular su/ects (ith sin!ular 3ers 4 'lural su/ects (ith 'lural 3ers -su/ect an& 3er "ust "ake sense to!ether -su/ect an& 3er "ust a!ree in nu"er a Or 2 Either-Or2 Neither-Nor -&eit8er the coach nor the players ARE !oin! to the each. -&eit8er the 'layers nor the coach IS !oin! to the each. -it8er/&eit8er alone in a sentenceno or/nor17 singular 3ers Collecti3e Nouns -al"ost al(ays sin!ular PEOPLE A!ency2 ar"y2 au&ience2 class2 orchestra2 tea"2 co""ittee
TIN7S ;a!!a!e2 citrus2 e#ui'"ent2 fleet2 fruit2 furniture
c In&efinite Pronouns -usually sin!ular -all the 'ronoun that en& in >-one? 2 >-o&y? 2 or >-thin!? fall into this cate!ory Anyone2 anyo&y2 anythin! No one2 noo&y2 nothin! Each2 e3ery,as 'ronouns So"eone2 so"eo&y2 so"ethin! E3eryone2 e3eryo&y2 e3erythin! *hate3er2 (hoe3er
& SANA1 'ronouns -look at the noun o9:ect of t8e +of7p8rase, to deter;ine t8e nu;9er of su/ect -E8. So"e of the money WAS stolen fro" "y (allet. -E8. So"e of the documents WERE stolen fro" the ank. e EAC an& E0ER@ -sin!ular
T8e each ARE !reat 'layers.
f TH NU1;ER O$ VS5 A NU1;ER O$ -THE nu"er of har&(orkin! stu&ents in this class IS #uite lar!e. - A nu"er of stu&ents in this class ARE har& (orkers.
31V#%S I$-TEN ,CON9ITIONAL SENTENCES a #ALISTIC $'T'# F use P#S&T 4 $'T'# co"ination CORRECT *RON7 If I score GHH 2 I will apply to ar3ar& If I (ill score GHH 2 I (ill a''ly to ar3ar& ;usiness School. ;usiness School. >CO'LD HAV %& ? 'ossile 'astF use HAD4!O'LD HAV co"ination CORRECT *RON7 If I had scored GHH2 I would have a''lie& to If I would have score& GHH2 I would have ar3ar& ;usiness School. a''lie& to ar3ar& ;usiness School. Had I scored GHH2 I would have a''lie& to ar3ar& ;usiness School.
TO )P#SS +!ISH/AS I$/AS THO'(H, F USE !# -E8. I (ish he were here. -E8. If I were the CEO2 I (oul& effect a lot of chan!es. -E8. e eha3es as if he were the oss. -E8. She &resses as thou!h she were a fashion "o&el. TO EJPRESS I&DI#CT SPCH FUSE THAT CORRECT *RON7 e sai& that he would !o to Ne( @ork ne8t e sai&2 >I (ill !o to Ne( @ork ne8t (eek.? (eek. SU;DUNCTI0E STRUCTURE: V 4 THAT 4 %AS for; of t8e
'ro'ose&2 necessary2 &e"an& 0ER; TENSES aPAST TENSE ONLY ONE ACTION IN THE PAST
-(ritten in PAST SI"PL tense,secon& for" of 3er (ithout ha&
-&oth (ritten in PAST SI"PL tense ,secon& for" of 3er (ithout ha&
-E8. I watched a "o3ie yester&ay. ,ot had watched! -E8. At a recent conference2 the "inister said K ,ot had said -E8. In&ia pro"ressed throu!hout the 5Hth century ,ot had pro"ressed
-E8. *hile I slept 2 he studied . -E8. *hen he ca'e2 I le(t .
-earlier action: PAST P#$CT 8ad4t8ird for; of
PRESENT TENSE TO SHOW A TREN+ -use P#S&T SI"PL 7E8. These &ays2 In&ian cricketers sped a lot of their ti"e en&orsin! 'ro&ucts. ,ot are spedi"! 7E8. As 'er a recent stu&y2 "en show "ore 3ulneraility to 'sychoso"atic &isor&ers than (o"en. ,ot are showi"
-use P#S&T P#$CT -E8. It has raied for < hours. -E8. In&ia has &eco'e a stron! econo"y. -E8. e has "otte a raise in salary.
-use P#S&T P#$CT CO&TI&'O'S 7E8. It has &ee raii" for < hours. -E8. I have &ee studyi" since < '". -E8. I have &ee "oi" to the !y" since .
NE0ER PUT AN ADV#% ;ET*EEN >TO? AN9 >V#%? CORRECT *RON7 -E8. e aske& "e to "ive "y o'inion (reely. -E8. e aske& "e to freely give "y o'inion. -E8. Co""o&ity 'rices can cause inflation to -E8. Co""o&ity 'rices can cause inflation to rise suddely. suddenly rise.
Prefer ACTI0E o3er PASSI0E
>1 P#O&O'&S ?Pronoun Errors Ty'ically Teste&: -pronoun agree;ent singular/plural1 E8. *hen a perso calls2 take &o(n his/her infor"ation. E8. 1e! left all her class otes at school ecause she &eci&e& that she coul& &o her ho"e(ork (ithout the'. E8. If oe is hun!ry2 oe "ay eat. ,not he "ay eat E8. So"e 'eo'le elie3e that the 9enefits of a healthy &iet out(ei!h those of re!ular e8ercise. E8. *hen the de(iitio of 7eneration J is hotly &eate& concernin! the a!e ran!es of its "e"ers2 culturists !enerally a!ree that it descri&es a !rou' of a&ults that are self-focuse&2 cynical2 an& ske'tical. ,not they &escriea"i!uous referral of they E8. *ith the release of its fifth alu"2 otel California2 the &ad e8'lore& the 'ursuit of the A"erican &rea" (hen acco"'anie& y the loss of innocence an& the 'resence of te"'tations. E8. Countin! each of the nine 'lanets an& its "any "oons2 there are M5 kno(n an& acce'te& celestial o&ies in our solar syste". E8. Di" "ay not e electe& CEO y the &oard ecause he &oes not "eet its stan&ar&s.
-pronoun a;9iguit/reference/antecedent =8ic8/it/t8e1 E8. If the ay &oes not thri3e on fresh "ilk2 the 'il* shoul& e oile&.
E8. If the ay &oes not thri3e on fresh "ilk2 it shoul& e oile&.
E8. At I3y-71AT2 a !reat &eal of 'ractice on co" 'uter is 'ro3i&e&. E8. The tea"Bs 'oor s'orts"anshi' "a&e all of the players look like (hiners. E8. The 'arents trie& to e8'lain the risks in3ol3e& in hitch hikin!2 ut the e0plaatio (as useless. REPRASE9 CORRECTL@)CLEARL@ E8. Last ni!ht on the ne(s2 the ewsreaders sai& 'ilot error cause& the air sho( collision.
E8. At I3y-71AT2 they 'ro3i&e a !reat &eal of 'ractice in co"'uter. E8. The tea"Bs 'oor s'orts"anshi' "a&e all of them look like (hiners E8. . The 'arents trie& to e8'lain the risks in3ol3e& in hitch hikin!2 ut it (as useless. A1;I7UOUS PRONOUNS E8. Last ni!ht on the ne(s2 they sai& 'ilot error cause& the air sho( collision.
-i;plied reference to a full clause
REPRASE9 CORRECTL@)CLEARL@ A1;I7UOUS PRONOUNS E8. Susan has chan!e& her "a/or t(ice this E8. Susan has chan!e& her "a/or t(ice this se"ester. This cha"e "i!ht "ean she is se"ester. This "i!ht "ean she is unsure of unsure of her career !oal. her career !oal. E8. *hen Dohn finally 'ro'ose&2 he did so E8. *hen Dohn finally 'ro'ose&2 it was only oly ecause he ha& learne& of her ecause he ha& learne& of her inheritance. inheritance. E8. The stor'1s lasti" all wee*ed "a&e us E8. The stor" laste& all (eeken& lon! , which feel &e'resse&. "a&e us feel &e'resse&. E8. *hile "ost A"ericans ha3e hear& of an& E8. E8. *hile "ost A"ericans ha3e hear& of use& 1icrosoft 'ro&ucts2 fe( 'eo'le kno( an& use& 1icrosoft 'ro&ucts2 fe( 'eo'le that the co'pay1s na"e is actually short for kno( that its na"e is actually short for >"icroco"'uter soft(are?. >"icroco"'uter soft(are?. E8. Real estate analysts ha3e foun& that ho"e Real estate analysts ha3e foun& that ho"e 'rices ha3e nearly &oule& in the last ten 'rices ha3e nearly &oule& in the last ten years in the southern California "arket2 years in the southern California "arket2 which is consistent (ith the increases in research consistent (ith the increases in 'o'ulation an& inflation there. 'o'ulation an& inflation there.
*RON7 E8. Jane’s first no3el (as so (ell recei3e& that she thou!ht of (ritin! its se#uel. E8. ,ae1s first no3el (as so (ell recei3e& that her ank alance soare&. E8. Jane’s first no3el (as so (ell recei3e& that the 'ulisher thou!ht of !i3in! her an a&&itional royalty of H2 len&in! cre&ence to the fact that her suse#uent (ritin!s coul& e e3en "ore 'assionate.
E8. 2athy1s suitcase (as so stuffe& that E8. Kathy’s suitcase (as so stuffe& that she &eci&e& to 'ack another one. 2athy &eci&e& to 'ack another one. E8. $arco Polo1s tra3els2 (hich took E8. $arco Polo1s tra3els2 (hich took $arco Polo o3er G years2 are &ocu"ente& in his ook2 II 1ilione.
o3er G years2 are &ocu"ente& in his ook2 II 1ilione
-pronoun case E8. Danice an& I (ent on a 'icnic to!ether. ,su/ect E8. The 'icnic (as atten&e& by Danice an& 'e. ,o/ect of the 're' y E8. Who' are you !oin! to "arry+ E8. I &onBt un&erstan& (hy I an& ;o al(ays ha3e to take out the !ara!e. E8. NASA has a!ree& to sen& one A"erican astraunot to the International S'ace Station for a si8 "onth e8'eri"ent2 althou!h who' it (ill sen& has yet to e &eter"ine&. -pronoun position E8. CORRECT E8. At the en& of the &ay2 the chaperos 2 who (ere e8hauste& fro" runnin! after the chil&ren2 took the fourth !ra&ers ack to school. E8. *e finally returne& all the &oo*s 2 lea3in! the' at the liraryBs front &esk.
*RON7 E8. At the en& of the &ay2 the chaperons took the fourth !ra&ers ack to school2 who (ere e8hauste& fro" runnin! after the chil&ren. E8. *e finally returne& all the books to the lirary2 which (e left at the front &esk.
1 CO"PA#ISO&S a5 Illogical Co;parisons CO##CT The da'a"e &one y the floo& (as (orse than that &y the fire. The !irlBs teeth (ere 'rettier than the &oy1s. Educatio Hall is ol&er than any other uil&in! on ca"'us. 95 Parallelis; CO##CT Spece1s des* 2 li*e "ost des*s at (ork2 is la&en (ith 'ictures of his fa"ily. Li*e a wo'a I once "et on the us2 the hostess (as &resse& so"e(hat fla"oyantly.
!#O&( The damage &one y the floo& (as (orse than the fire. The !irlBs teeth (ere 'rettier than the boy. Education all is ol&er than any building on ca"'us.
!#O&( !ike "ost desks at (ork2 "pence has his la&en (ith 'ictures of his fa"ily.
!ike a woman I once "et on the us2 the hostessB attire (as so"e(hat
The si8th arry Potter &oo* 2 y ;ritish author D.. Ro(lin!2 sol& a recor& . "illion co'ies in the first 5% hours it (as on sale-"ore than those y ay other author . c5 Clause B B Clause Co;parison CO##CT The &lue dress loo*s 'ore (latteri" to you tha the red oe does. Sa' was a(ay on a 3acation lon!er than his
fla"oyant. The si8th arry Potter book 2 y ;ritish author D.. Ro(lin!2 sol& a recor& of . "illion co'ies in the first 5% hours it (as on sale-"ore than any author till &ate.
Three ti"es "ore studets atteded the
!#O&( The blue dress looks more flattering to you than the red one. "am was a(ay on a 3acation lon!er than his friends. Three ti"es "ore students attended the
'ro" this year tha did last year.
'ro" this year than last year.
The tycoo cotri&uted "ore to the can&i&ateBs ca"'ai!n than did ayoe
The tycoon contributed "ore to the can&i&ateBs ca"'ai!n than anyone in the in&ustry. #overing the floors (ith tiles costs t(ice as "uch as linoleum.
(rieds were.
else in the in&ustry.
Coveri" the (loors (ith tiles costs t(ice as "uch as coveri" the' (ith linoleu".
d5 LI*
CORRECT As I sai& earlier ;ella an& Dune2 li*e their "otherK Li*e a &etecti3e2 An&rea sol3e& the 'u66le. S'eak as an A"erican &oes. S'eak li*e an A"erican. Li*e other chil&ren in their nei!horhoo& (ho (ere ho"eschoole&K e5 LI*
*RON7 !ike I sai& earlier ;ella an& Dune2 as their "otherK $s a &etecti3e2 An&rea sol3e& the 'u66le. S'eak as an A"erican. S'eak like an A"erican &oes. $s (ith other chil&ren in their nei!horhoo& (ho (ere ho"eschoole&K
->lie? : use& to hi"hli"ht 4 the particular ou is essetial 4 shoul& ot e use& to &e"i a list o( e0a'ples ->suc8 as? : use& to "ive e0a'ples 4 the particular ou is replacea&le LI* Ani"als li*e lions an& 6eras li3e on the Plain.
S'CH AS Ani"als such as lions an& 6eras li3e on the Plain.
CORRECT It (as not lon! after the
*RON7 It (as not lon! after the
as ;in! Cosy an& Russ Colu"o contriute& to the 'o'ulari6ation of a ty'e of ro"antic2 soothin! sin!in! that ca"e to e calle& >croonin!.?
;in! Cosy an& Russ Colu"o contriute& to the 'o'ulari6ation of a ty'e of ro"antic2 soothin! sin!in! that ca"e to e calle& >croonin!.?
1 "ODI$I#S CORRECT Usin! the latest technolo!y2 the e"ieer i&entifie& the "echanical 'role"
*RON7 Usin! the latest technolo!y2 the mechanical problem (as i&entifie& #uickly.
The o(ner of the cois2 (hich (ere locke& in a 3ault for =H years2 &eci&e& to sell the". Sailin! u' the ri3er2 we sa( the Ta/ 1a/al. Unskille& in co"'le8 "ath2 -ill score& lo( on the entrance e8a". The 'olice re'orte& that t(o cars (ere stolen yester&ay. The patient (ith se3eral e"otional 'role"s (as referre& to a 'sycholo!ist. The store sol& chil&renBs inflatale tos.
Locke& in a 3ault for =H years2 the owner of the coins &eci&e& to sell the". Sailin! u' the ri3er2 the "tatue of !iberty (as seen. Unskille& in co"'le8 "ath2 ;illBs score on the entrance e8a" (as 'oor. T(o cars (ere re'orte& stolen y the 'olice yester&ay. The 'atient (as referre& to a psychologist (ith se3eral e"otional 'role"s. The store sol& inflatale c8ildrenEs toys.
F1 &'"#ICAL IDIO"S COUNTA;LE -fe( -"any
UNCOUNTA;LE -little -"uch
-fe(er -less -nu"er -a"ount >!reater?- use& to &enote nu"er alone >"ore? use& to sho( #uantity or 'ercenta!e A3oi& E#ui3alent Use >AS 1AN@? an& >AS 1UC? G1 !O#DI&SS %ordy E&pression after the conclusion of at this 'oint in ti"e &es'ite the fact that &ue to the fact that e8cessi3e nu"er of in or&er to in the e3ent that is in a 'osition to re!ar&less of the fact that • • • • • • • • •
'edundant E&pression a&3ance 'lannin! all year roun& annually each year io!ra'hy of his life close 'ro8i"ity custo"ary hait en& result essential re#uire"ent e8actly i&entical for(ar& 'ro!ress free !ift !rou' to!ether honest truth /oint coo'eration "eet to!ether necessary re#uire"ent • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
#oncise #orrection after no( althou!h2 e3en thou!h2 &es'ite ecause2 ecause of2 since2 for2 as too "any to if can althou!h2 &es'ite • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • •
ne( reakthrou!h 'ast history 'ost'one until later 'rotest a!ainst re&uce& &o(n re'eat a!ain re3erse ack risin! increase sharin! the sa"e te"'orary loan terrile &isaster usual hait (ealthy "illionaire
1 P'&CT'ATIO& a. co""a - use& to se'arate t(o 'arts of a sentence at least one 'art is &e'en&ent on the other 'art for its "eanin! E8. T8oug8 8e is disa9led 8e is full of passion5
. se"icolon - use& to se'arate t(o 'arts of a sentence that can stan& in&e'en&ently of each other ,i.e.2 each has a su/ect an& a 3er E8. 6ac and 6o8n are insepara9le t8e do e