Eni S.p.A. Exploration & Production Division
Rev. 3
March 2010
Il presente documento è RISERVATO ed è di proprietà di ENI E&P. Esso non sarà mostrato a Terzi né sarà utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali è stato inviato. This document is CONFIDENTIAL and the sole property of ENI E&P. It shall neither be shown to Third Parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
Eni S.p.A. Exploration & Production Division
20160.EQP.ELE.FUN Rev.3 March 2010 Sheet 2 of 25
Rev. 0
Total Number of pages 22 November 1994 Issued to comply with the EEC directives Cancelling and replacing the following specification: 00877.EQP.ELE.SPC: General Specification - Medium Voltage SwitcHboard (over 1000 V and up to 72.5 kV a.c.)
Rev. 1
Total Number of pages: 23 June 2003 Issued to comply with the E.U. directives and standardized normative reference, when specified
Rev. 2
Total Number of pages: 28 October 2006 List of revised paragraphs in respect to previous issue: Title and Paragraphs 1-2 Paragraph 1.2 Paragraph 1.2.2 Paragraph 2.2 Paragraph Paragraph Paragraph Paragraph Paragraph Paragraph Paragraph Paragraph 2.7.4 Paragraph 2.9.3
Rev. 3
Changing of the definitions according to new CEI EN 62271200 normative Priority order in Normative references; Normative references; Symbols and abbreviations; Construction characteristics-Structure and enclosure; Busbar earthing; Use of fuses; Use of contactor with fuses; Table relevant to technical characteristics of the conductors for ausiliary cabling; Additional requirements for metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear containing gas filling compartments ; Additional requirements for intelligent metal-enclosed awitchgear and controlgear; Protection against internal failures; Simulation test
Total Number of pages: 25 March 2010 General Revision
Il presente documento è RISERVATO ed è di proprietà di ENI E&P. Esso non sarà mostrato a Terzi né sarà utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali è stato inviato. This document is CONFIDENTIAL and the sole property of ENI E&P. It shall neither be shown to Third Parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
Eni S.p.A.
20160.EQP.ELE.FUN Rev.3 March 2010 Sheet 3 of 25
Exploration & Production Division
INDEX 1 1.1 1.2 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 3
GENERAL................................................................................................................................... 4 Scope .................................................................................................................................. 4 Normative References....................................................................................................... 4 FUNCTIONAL NORMATIVE REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................ 5 Definitions .......................................................................................................................... 5 Symbols and abbreviations.............................................................................................. 5 Operating environment ..................................................................................................... 6 Functional requirements................................................................................................... 6 Boundaries, limits and exclusions ................................................................................ 21 Ergonomics ...................................................................................................................... 21 Safety ................................................................................................................................ 21 Requirements for Quality Management and Assurance ............................................. 22 Inspection and testing requirements ............................................................................ 22 Documentation ................................................................................................................ 23 METHOD OF COMPANY STANDARS REQUEST / INFORMATIONS................................... 25
Il presente documento è RISERVATO ed è di proprietà di ENI E&P. Esso non sarà mostrato a Terzi né sarà utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali è stato inviato. This document is CONFIDENTIAL and the sole property of ENI E&P. It shall neither be shown to Third Parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
Eni S.p.A. Exploration & Production Division 1
20160.EQP.ELE.FUN Rev.3 March 2010 Sheet 4 of 25
This specification sets out the minimum requirements and the inspection plans for the supply of high voltage metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear (over 1000 V and up to including 52 kV a.c.), including bus bar ducts whenever applicable. Any other additional information not covered by this specification will be specified in the rules and publications in force and in the project technical documentation, particularly: - Data Sheets (T.D.S.) - Inspection Data Sheets (I.D.S.) - Required Documentation Data Sheet (D.D.S.) The technical requirements of this functional specification are based upon considerations of performances and functionality, therefore the instructions contained in this document are not meant to be discriminatory. Any alternative suggestions will be considered, provided that compliance with what required in this document is satisfied both from functional and performance points of view. 1.2
Normative References
. All systems, equipment and materials shall be in accordance with regulations in force in the country where they must be installed. The rules applicable standards ENI are listed in the specification of Company: -
List applicable regulatory standards at the time of electrical 20138.DOC.ELE.ELN
Of that specific company, the Contract / Supplier will have to verify the validity of each rule (latest edition available) and also will check for the issuance of new regulations which follow 1.2.1
Applicable European Directives
ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY (EMC) Electric systems and equipment shall be in conformity with Directive 89/336/CEE, revised and supplemented with directives 92/31/CEE, 93/68/CEE and 93/97/CEE, implemented with D.Lgs. 615/96. The preceding D.Lgs. 476/92 was repealed with exception for art. 14, comma 2. LOW VOLTAGE DIRECTIVE (LVD) Directive 73/23 CEE for electric material intended to be used within such voltage limits as (50÷1000 Vac and 75÷1500 Vdc), implemented with legislative act L.791/77. Its subsequent revision with directive 93/68 CEE, was implemented with D.Lgs 626/96.
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20160.EQP.ELE.FUN Rev.3 March 2010 Sheet 5 of 25
For definition and terminology, reference will be made to the rules in paragraph 1.2 . Moreover, the following additional definitions are given: 2.1.1
Prototype assembly
It is an assembly which has successfully passed the test prescribed by the CEI EN 62271-200. 2.2
Symbols and abbreviations
For symbols and abbreviations, reference will be made to the rules in the paragraph 1.2. Moreover the following are defined: - SF6
Sulphur Hexafluoride
Intelligent Electronic Device
Distributed Control System
Emergency Shut Down
- F&G
Fire and Gas
Electrical Management System
Load Shedding System
Local Control Unit
- MCPM : Microprocessor based Control and Protection Module - R I/O
Remote input/output
- CSMA :
Carrier Sense Multiple Access protocol
Engineering Work Station
Human Machine Interface
HV Switchgear
- MTBF : Mean Time Between Failure
- LSC2
: Loss of service continuity category 2: metal enclosed switchgear and controlgear where opening accessible compartment of a functional units, the other functional units can remain energized
- LSC2B : Loss of service continuity category 2B: metal enclosed switchgear and controlgear of LSC2 category, where the cable compartment is also intended to remain energized when any other accessible compartment of the corresponding functional unit is open. - LSC2A : Loss of service continuity category 2A: LSC2 metal enclosed switchgear and controlgear, other than LSC2B
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Eni S.p.A. Exploration & Production Division - LSC1
20160.EQP.ELE.FUN Rev.3 March 2010 Sheet 6 of 25
: Loss of service continuity category 1: metal enclosed switchgear and controlgear, other than category LSC2
: Internal Arc Classified
- AFLR : Assembly IAC classification: - A : type of accessibility (restricted to authorized personnel only) - F,L,R : internal arc test indicators placed in front (F), lateral (L) and rear (R) side of the tested assembly - PM
: Partition class: metal enclosed switchgear and controlgear with metallic partitions and / or shutters
- PI
: Partition class: metal enclosed switchgear and controlgear with non metallic partitions and / or shutters.
Operating environment
High voltage metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear shall be designed and fabricated in compliance with the environmental conditions of the installation site which shall be specified in the Data Sheet, and shall be suitable for the operating conditions specified in the reference Rules. If severe environmental conditions are indicated in the Data Sheet, additional requirements will respectively apply in accordance to the technical reportIEC/TR 60932. The whole switchboards and their individual components shall not be affected by harmonic type vibrations and violent shocks which can occur during their operation. When the presence of H2S in the atmosphere is anticipated, the following concentrations will be assumed, if not otherwise specified: - 0.10 ppm of H2S continuously - 5 ppm of H2S and 2 ppm of SO2 occasionally of short periods. The Supplier shall adopt adequate protections and demonstrate the validity with test certificates on the components. 2.4
Functional requirements
Functional characteristics Electrical design
Enclosures, single equipment and components shall be designed in conformance with the relevant Codes and with the following assumptions: - the normal operating conditions are in accordance with the reference Rules if not otherwise specified in the Data Sheet; - the installed equipment and the main bus bars are in accordance with the rated data indicated in the Data Sheets which apply under the rated load conditions and taking into account any future load. Il presente documento è RISERVATO ed è di proprietà di ENI E&P. Esso non sarà mostrato a Terzi né sarà utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali è stato inviato. This document is CONFIDENTIAL and the sole property of ENI E&P. It shall neither be shown to Third Parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
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20160.EQP.ELE.FUN Rev.3 March 2010 Sheet 7 of 25
- the secondary bus bars are designed to bear the relevant equipment rated current. When expressly indicated in the Data Sheet, the metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear shall be designed with rated characteristics depending on both the normal load conditions and failure conditions due to internal arc, in accordance with the requirements of the CEI EN 62271-200.
The metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear shall be set to allow extension on both sides. The bus bars shall also be drilled and set for future expansions. Spare compartments shall be provided if specifically required or to complete the metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear. Should these spares be equipped as functional units, the equipment to be included will be specified by the Company in the Data Sheet. 2.4.2
Construction characteristics
General prescription on materials
Selected materials shall be suitable for the installation site, the operating and transport conditions. The use of series and standard materials available on the market will be recommended. Boxes, windows and other plastic component part of the enclosure, will be resilient to mechanical shocks not lower than a 7 J friction energy.
Structure and enclosure
The metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear shall be built according to a mechanical design, with enclosure and protection level in accordance with the requirements of CEI EN 60694, CEI EN 62271200 Codes. If not otherwise specified in the Data Sheet, the following degrees of protection shall be guaranteed as a minimum: - IP 2XC :
ventilation openings
- IP 3X :
horizontal and vertical external surfaces
- IP 2X :
internal partitions and shutters
The metal enclosure fabrication shall be in compliance with the construction requirements listed in the CEI EN 62271-200, and indicated in the Data Sheet. The above construction requirements shall regard the followings: - compartments accessibility - loss of service continuity when opening accessible compartments - nature of barrier between live parts and opened accessible compartments - mechanical, electrical and fire hazards in case of internal arc during normal operation. The metal enclosed switchgear and controlgear assemblies shall be designed and manufactured according to LSC2 loss of service continuity category, if not otherwise specified in the Data Sheet (T.D.S.).
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20160.EQP.ELE.FUN Rev.3 March 2010 Sheet 8 of 25
The structure shall be suitable for fixing as indicated in the Data Sheet. The cables inlet shall be either from below or above as indicated in the Data Sheets. Suitable not perforated removable plates shall be used for this purpose. Plates for single core cables inlet (e.g. for power supply), shall be made of non-magnetic material.
Partitions and shutters
The distribution boards shall be provided with internal subdivisions consisting of barriers partitions in accordance to the CEI EN 60694 and CEI EN 62271-200. Safety shutters shall be provided in compliance with the above mentioned documents so that casual contacts with live parts can be avoided when the removable components are taken out from their operating position; the shutters shall automatically be driven during the removal of the removable component. The shutters will be marked with danger labels, obtained by colouring, or with symbols or messages, in accordance to the reference Rules.
Bus-bar systems
The bus-bar system, including secondary bars, shall be suitable to withstand both electrical and mechanical stresses due to short circuits currents, for a period defined in the reference Rules. The bus bars will be installed taking into account the thermal expansion and any foreseen vibration. If not otherwise specified, the bus bars shall be made of electrolytic copper, any other different type shall be considered only as or when the requirements are met and a detailed technical documentation is provided displaying the applicable electrodynamics and thermal calculations. The bus bars shall be insulated, if either specified in the Data Sheet or being Supplier's standard. Insulation and protection material type along with its thickness shall be specified by the Supplier in compliance with the operating conditions indicated in the Data Sheet. Sheathing and resins shall be flame-retardant type, in compliance with the CEI EN 60684 and shall be resistant to surface discharges. The bus bars terminations shall be protected against oxidation. Bolts and terminals shall be provided with self locking systems. The connections between bus bars and pertaining single circuit equipment shall be designed to withstand the maximum thermic current on which the equipment itself can be set. Bus bars supports shall be made either of insulators, press forged or banded insulating supports; they shall be made of non-hygroscope, non combustible material so that internal arcs and surface discharges are avoided in case of dust and condensation. Power bus bars and insulated conductors shall be marked as indicated in the reference Rules. A grounding bar will cover the length of the metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear and shall be fitted with connection bolts at the two ends and wherever a connection is provided.
The earthing of the main circuit and of the enclosure shall be realised in accordance with the requirements of the CEI EN 60694 and CEI EN 62271-200. Furthermore, earthing connection means for each bus bar section shall be provided for maintenance purposes
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20160.EQP.ELE.FUN Rev.3 March 2010 Sheet 9 of 25
Main circuit
The power equipment shall be as defined in the Data Sheet and in accordance with the reference rules. All equipment shall however be in accordance with the requirements of the CEI EN 60694. If not otherwise indicated in the reference rules, the following additional requirements will be provided for each insulation type: Equipment in SF6: - Gas pressure control device; - Low pressure alarm and lockout contacts. Vacuum equipment: - Contacts wear indicator, visible during service
The circuit-breakers shall be in accordance with CEI EN 62271-100.. If not otherwise stated in the Data Sheets, the following requirements shall be provided, common to the various types of breakers: - Removable execution; - Systems against reclosure; - Auxiliary contacts 4 NO + 4 NC; - Operation counter; - Circuit-breaker position mechanical indicator; - Circuit-breaker closing and opening mechanical indicator; - Manual mechanical opening and closing with pre-loaded springs; - Remote controlled opening and closing.
The contactors shall comply with the CEI EN 60470 Rules. They will be provided in withdrawable execution and with the characteristics listed in the Data Sheet.
The use of fuses in the main circuits shall be limited as follows: - for starters of motors with rated power less than 600 kW (400 kW if motors drive compressors) - for transformer feeders with rated power less than 400 kVA The fuses provided for the main circuits shall comply with the following Rules: - CEI EN 60644 : for the motor starters - IEC 60282-1 :
for the other circuits
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20160.EQP.ELE.FUN Rev.3 March 2010 Sheet 10 of 25
Current limiting type fuses co-ordinated with the relevant contactor and the other protection devices, shall be provided; their characteristics will be as suggested by the contactors Manufacturer, with the Company approval. One fuse shall be used for each phase; however, should two fuses be necessary for one phase, the coupling will be carried out in the factory by the fuse Manufacturer. The fuses shall be provided with a striker pin, in order to cause the opening of the electrical contactor even when a single fuse blows.
Disconnecting switches and isolating switches
When provided, disconnecting switches and isolating switches shall comply with the relevant publications: - CEI EN 60265-1: for rated voltages over 1 kV and below 52 kV - CEI EN 60265-2: for rated voltages equal or above 52 kV
Earthing isolating switch
An earthing system shall be provided as required in the Data Sheet. The earthing connection will be obtained through a special isolating switch mechanically locked with the circuit-breaker, the contactor or the line isolating switch, to avoid wrong earthing operations, when the circuit-breaker or the contactor are in the operating position or when the line isolating switch is closed. The earthing isolating switches shall be produced in accordance with as specified in the CEI EN 62271-102 and CEI EN 62271-200. They shall be manually operated, inter-locked with the main circuit equipment, and shall have a keyoperated locking device for the maintenance works. If not otherwise specified in the Data Sheet, they shall be able to withstand for at least 1 second the short-circuit current assumed for the main bars of the metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear; the earthing isolating switches shall also be able to close under load with the current indicated above.
Voltage transformers (VT)
The voltage transformers shall comply with the CEI EN 60044-2 Rules and their rated insulation voltage shall be equal to the one of the metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear . The voltage transformers will be removable type. In the extracted position the voltage transformers shall be automatically earthed; the live parts will be unaccessible to the operators or inter-locked so that access to them will be impossible.
Current transformers (CT)
The current transformers shall comply with the CEI EN 60044-1 Rules, and shall be suitable to withstand thermal and dynamic stress relevant to the short circuit currents in the metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear. When the rated current is highly exceeding the effective load, additional loads (i.e. resistors) shall be provided. The current transformers for protection circuits shall have a magnetic current characteristic suitable to the functional characteristic of the supplied relays.
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20160.EQP.ELE.FUN Rev.3 March 2010 Sheet 11 of 25
h) Motor starters The functional units for motors starting, stopping and protection shall be removable type as indicated in the Data Sheet; the provided co-ordinated systems are the following: - CONTACTOR WITH FUSES AND INDIRECT PROTECTION RELAYS This type of starter shall be used for motors with rated power less than 600 kW (400 kW if motors drive compressors) It shall be realised in compliance with the CEI EN 60470, AC-3 utilization category for continuous and intermittent duty. The protection against short circuits shall be obtained with fuses co-ordinated with the starters in such a way as to provide for the latter a "Type-C" co-ordination, according to CEI EN 60470. The fuses shall comply with the CEI EN 60644 Rules. - AUTOMATIC CIRCUIT BREAKERS AND INDIRECT PROTECTION RELAYS The automatic circuit breakers provided for the motor feeders will comply with CEI EN 62271-100, and with the requirements listed under the above point "a) Automatic Circuit Breakers" . Unless otherwise indicated, for all the motor feeders and whenever required, the local and remote control shall be provided, with the availability of signals, interlocks and remote permission. In case variable speed electric drives are utilised, refer to the specification 20179.EQP.ELE.FUN “Medium and High Power Variable Speed Electric Drives”
i) Withdrawable parts In accordance with as defined in the CEI EN 62271-200, the withdrawable circuit-breakers and contactors will be provided with the following positions: - in service: power and auxiliary connections connected. - test:
power connections isolated, auxiliary connections connected.
- disconnected:
power and auxiliary connections isolated.
The compartments with withdrawable equipment shall be realised to allow the replacing of equipment with the same characteristics and size.
j) Interlocks Interlocks shall be provided between the equipment, in accordance with rules of CEI EN 62271-200. Further interlocks could be provided and indicated in the Data Sheets. Interlocks which allow the access to normally live components shall be provided only for isolated and earthed circuits. The withdrawable system will be provided with interlocks that allow connection or extraction with open circuit-breaker or contactor only and that prevent closure unless the withdrawn part is in service or test position. Limit switch or mechanical lockouts with manual release will be provided to prevent withdrawing beyond the sectioning position. The withdrawn position can be obtained only by releasing the above mentioned lockouts.
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20160.EQP.ELE.FUN Rev.3 March 2010 Sheet 12 of 25
Auxiliary circuits
All the auxiliary low voltage equipment shall comply with the CEI EN 60694 and CEI EN 60947-5-1, and shall be suitable for continuous duty and for the following utilization categories: - a.c.: AC-14 or AC-15 - d.c.: DC-13 or DC-14 Auxiliary connections between compartments will be made with cable trays to facilitate the insertion or removal in safety conditions of single conductors. All the auxiliary conductors included in high voltage compartments will be protected by metallic shields. When connections have to be removed for deliveries they will be connected to terminal strips. Conductors terminations will be made with compression cable terminals and identified in accordance with Rule CEI EN 60445. The auxiliary equipment shall have an insulation rated voltage equal to the one of the electrical system in which they are inserted. If not otherwise indicated in the Data Sheet the following minimum characteristics will be guaranteed: - rated operational currents (Ie) :
5A 230 V c.a.; 1A 110 V c.c.
- reference charge service
120 cycles / hour (each relay)
- mechanical duration class
1 (in millions of operation cycles)
a) Circuit-breakers The circuit-breakers shall comply with the CEI EN 60947-2 Rules. Unless otherwise specified by the Data Sheet, circuit-breakers for each auxiliary circuit supplied inside the metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear shall be provided. b) Disconnecting switches The disconnecting switches shall comply with the CEI EN 60947-3 Rules. Unless otherwise indicated on the Data Sheet, single disconnecting switches shall be provided for the following circuits: - each auxiliary circuit supplied by an electric system from outside the metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear, - isolation of every anti-condensation heater. c) Relays for indirect protection The protection relays shall comply with the CEI EN 60255 and with the requirements listed on the Data Sheets. d) Transducers The transducers shall comply with the CEI EN 60688 Rules and shall have the characteristics indicated in the Data Sheet.
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20160.EQP.ELE.FUN Rev.3 March 2010 Sheet 13 of 25
Exploration & Production Division e) Auxiliary relays
They will comply with CEI EN 61810 Rules and the Data Sheets prescriptions. They will be provided with the necessary auxiliary contacts to realise the specified schemes, and with 1 N.O. + 1 N.C. additional free contacts. Lockout relays (86) will be suitable for continuous duty with manual restart and the lockout position clearly indicated. f) Switches and push buttons Switches and push buttons, when provided, will be positioned and coloured with reference to their function according to the provisions of Rule CEI EN 60073. g) Signalling lamps Unless otherwise indicated in the Data Sheet, colours will be used in accordance to CEI EN 60073 Rules. The lamps shall be preferably of LEDS type. In alternative, incandescent type lamps with a dropping resistance in series might be used, for exception of signalisations for the high voltage, which will be obtained with capacitive dividers for each phase.
All instruments will have accuracy class equal to 1.5 or higher. All the instruments to be assembled on the front panel of the metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear will be flush-mounted with rear connections; the case will be preferably square or rectangular and with the possibility of applying seals where necessary. Generally, ammeters and voltmeters will have a deviation at the rated value of about 75% of the fullscale value. Motor ammeters shall have reduced full-scale and shall be suitable for the motor starting current.. Blank zero instruments will have a doubled scale around the rated value. If not otherwise specified in the Data Sheet, n. 2 ammeters will be provided with each motor starter: - No. 1 in field - No. 1 on the metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear If not otherwise specified, recording instruments will be of electronic type with memory.
Conductors for auxiliary cabling
Conductors, except those of control electronic logics, will have the main following requirements: a)
Technical characteristics: DATA Tag H07Z-K -1 x according to HD 361 S3 Nominal Voltage Uo/U Conductor Insulation
CHARACTERISTICS According to HD 22.9 S2 450/750 V Tinned annealed flexible copper Low emission of toxic and corrosive gases compound
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20160.EQP.ELE.FUN Rev.3 March 2010 Sheet 14 of 25
Specific Characteristics
For more details refer to the functional specification 20169.EQP.ELE.FUN “POWER AND CONTROL ELECTRIC CABLES”. The section of conductors used for connections will be sized in accordance with the minimum and maximum values prescribed in the reference Rules and considering the following minimum sections allowed: - 2.5 mm2 : power and ammeters circuits. - 1.0 mm2 : auxiliary connections within the equipment - ≤ 1 mm2 : interconnections of the control electronic logics - 1.5 mm2 : other conductors The sizing of protection conductors will be made according to the systems prescribed by the above Rule CEI EN 62271-200. Terminal blocks Terminal blocks, both main and auxiliary, will be suitable for the type and material of the prescribed conductors, and in accordance with Rule CEI EN 60947-7-1. Terminals not belonging to single equipment, will be with the components assembled on standardised strips and grouped in identified terminal blocks with a code reported on an adequate label. Terminals with the same function will be close to one another and connected with connecting links or similar method, thus avoiding the use of wire connection as much as possible. The terminal insulator will be made of melanin or other high density plastic. Spare terminals will be provided in the terminal blocks for external connections, of at least 10%. Terminals of amperometric circuits between CT, protection and control devices, and all amperometric terminals of strips for external connections, will be short-circuitable, disconnectable and with a socket for portable instrument prods. Unused CT secondary circuits and additional connection sockets will be connected to the exit terminal blocks. Unused amperometric terminals will be short circuited. Terminals of voltmetric circuits between VT, protection and control devices, and all terminal blocks for external connections, will be sectionable. All the terminals relevant to control and signalling circuits will be numbered with progressive numbers; power, voltmetric and amperometric terminals will be labelled as indicated in the reference rules. The auxiliary terminal blocks will be positioned according to the incoming provided for external connections. Additional requirements for metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear containing gas filled compartments Metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear containing gas filled compartments shall be provided for rated voltage (Ur) above and including 36 kV, if required in the Data Sheet. Design and testing shall be in accordance with CEI EN 62271-200. The design pressure of gas (relative value) shall not exceed 300 kPa. The gas pressure inside of compartments shall be maintained by sealed pressure system. The use of closed pressure system shall be subjected to the Company approval, while controlled pressure system shall not be used.
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20160.EQP.ELE.FUN Rev.3 March 2010 Sheet 15 of 25
The gas filled compartments with closed pressure system shall be provided with pressure indication and remote alarm contacts, signaling when the relative pressure of gas at 20oC has fallen below the minimum functional level. The busbar systems shall be located in separate gas filled compartments. Other configurations shall be subjected to Company approval. Additional requirements for intelligent metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear INTRODUCTION If specified in Data Sheet, metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear can be equipped with IEDs to perform control, monitoring and protection functions. The IEDs shall allow also control and monitoring from higher level supervisor systems, DCS and EMS. Intelligent devices shall be connected to supervisors by means of serial bus, as specified in Data Sheet. When required, LCU shall be installed into assembly to carry out data collection and transmission, data evaluations and to perform controls. All trip signals from ESD, F&G and LSS systems shall be hardwired. For more detail about LCU and communication network refer to the functional specification 20180.EQP.ELE.FUN “Electric Network Control System With Programmable Logic Controllers”. BASIC REQUIREMENTS a)
System composition
The intelligent metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear shall include, as minimum, the following: - MCPMs for all feeders control and protection - Circuit Breakers connected to relative MCPMs - I/O module to connect items without serial link communication - LCU to control MCPMs inside assemblies, when required in the Data Sheet - HMI in front of board to visualize status and alarms, when LCU fitted inside assemblies. b)
System configurations
Normal configuration: Each LCU arrangement shall provide separate serial bus link to the plant DCS and to EMS/LSS. Ring link type communication shall be provided between LCU and MCPMs / I/O modules. Dual redundant configuration: When required in the Data Sheet, a dual redundant configuration shall be provided, as following: - dual redundant communication to DCS via serial link (dual redundant bus and communication modules) - dual redundant communication to EMS/LSS, via serial link (dual redundant bus and communication modules), if required in the Data Sheet - dual redundant communication between LCU and MCPMSs (double ring) - dual redundant LCUs master/slave configuration: in case of failure of a unit, the second (hot standby unit) shall take over control and also it shall provide both a local and remote alarm to indicate the failed unit. Two separate DC busbar shall be provided for controllers power supply.
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20160.EQP.ELE.FUN Rev.3 March 2010 Sheet 16 of 25
General functional requirements
In case of failure of higher level supervisors or failure of communication between LV intelligent switchgear and controlgear assemblies and higher level supervisors, the LCU shall be able to withstand and maintain operation, to ensure the safety of the plant and, when required, to set a safe configuration without higher level control system. The default configuration in case of lost of higher level control shall be specified in the data sheet. Operative functionality can be implemented in the LCU, in order to reduce the volume of communications with EMS. b)
Device requirements
Each MCPMs will perform function of measurement, control and protection and constitutes a complete system with non volatile memory of all specified programmed parameters. The use of battery backup is not allowed. All protection and control devices shall incorporate self supervision and checking routines with a watchdog function to indicate system errors and/or failures directly to the LCU. The LCU shall carry out the following, as specified in the Data Sheet: - data collection from MCPMs and I/O modules - data evaluation and processing - data transmission to DCS via serial link - data transmission to EMS and LSS via serial link - receive orders from DCS and EMS - issue orders to MCPMs and I/O modules Each LCU shall be able for connection to at least one mobile EWS, for programming and maintenance. The EWS shall be able to set the parameters and monitoring the operating status of any drive of feeder. The access to parameters shall be protected by means of password or key. The only monitoring of alarms and signals shall be allowed by HMI. c)
The protocol communication between LCU and higher level supervisors (external communication) shall be master/slave, with network type specified in the Data Sheet. The protocol communication between LCU and MCPMs and I/O modules (internal communication) shall be master/slave or, when a real time response it’s required, it shall be Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA), with network type specified in the Data Sheet. d)
Protection and measurements
Each MCPMs performs function of measurement, control and protection as specified in the Data Sheet. Monitoring of the operating status of all connected feeder drivers, including alarms, shall be available via serial link. When required in the Data Sheet, trending and events recording facilities shall be available at LCU.
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20160.EQP.ELE.FUN Rev.3 March 2010 Sheet 17 of 25
Response time
The Manufacturer of the intelligent metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear shall specify the response and scan times of the system for control and monitoring. The maximum response time for priority control/data signals shall be specified in the Data Sheet. f)
The global failure rate of intelligent metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear shall be less than 0.5% over the lifetime. The “Mean Time Between Failure” (MTBF) of each modules, devices and controller installed shall not be less than 150000hrs. CONSTRUCTIVE REQUIREMENTS a)
The interface between MCPMs and I/O modules installed inside switchgear and the communication ring link shall be an integral part of these devices. b)
Internal communication ring link
It must be realized by shielded pair copper appropriately identified and segregated, it shall not be sensitive to the electromagnetic disturbance. Internal communication link shall be easy to install and modified during assembly upgrades. c)
External communication bus link
The LCU shall be suitable for connection to supervisors by shielded pair copper wire or by fibre optic cable, as specified in Data Sheet. SOFTWARE If not otherwise specified, the software packages required to operate the MCPMs and the LCU, including communication with DCS and EMS/LSS, it shall be part of scope of supply of metalenclosed switchgear and controlgear manufacturer. The software shall be designed for easily configuration of communication to the DCS/EMS and loads and also modification of feeder set points.
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20160.EQP.ELE.FUN Rev.3 March 2010 Sheet 18 of 25
ARCHITECTURE Accessories and auxiliaries a)
Besides the safety nameplates defined by the Supplier, and in accordance with the requirements of the CEI EN 60694 and CEI EN 62271-200, the following labels made with plastic material sheets fastened with bolts and with the below inscriptions will be provided. General data Giving the identification data of the Supplier, and other data prescribed by Code CEI EN 62271-200. Metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear tag External installed in front.
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Circuit or user tag External installed in front for each circuit or user Equipment tag Internal or on view for each main and auxiliary equipment. Operating sequence External in vicinity of control elements (switches and isolators) Relevant tags will be specified in the Data Sheet. b)
Anticondensation heater
In accordance with the requirements for the prevention of dangerous condensation inside the enclosure, anticondensation heaters controlled by a thermostat or self-regulating will be provided. Assembly accessories and tools a)
Assembly accessories
For each switchboard at least the following accessories will be supplied: - lift pad eyes or similar devices; - supporting section irons and accessories for the switchboard clamping; - materials necessary for mechanic and electric assembly of the switchboard; - any other accessory indicated in the Data Sheet b)
For each switchboard a set of spanners and special tools will be supplied in quantity and type necessary to allow complete installation and maintenance of the switchboard. In metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear with removable parts exceeding 30 kg unitary mass, lift trucks will be provided to allow an easy removal of these parts, in the quantity indicated in the Data Sheet. Spare parts for the precommisssioning, commissioning and start-up For each metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear the below indicated spare part material will be supplied. The supplier may suggest other materials to be provided, on the basis of his experience and of the types used.
Il presente documento è RISERVATO ed è di proprietà di ENI E&P. Esso non sarà mostrato a Terzi né sarà utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali è stato inviato. This document is CONFIDENTIAL and the sole property of ENI E&P. It shall neither be shown to Third Parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
Eni S.p.A. Exploration & Production Division
Fuses of the different types and rated currents according to the installed quantities
Indicating lamps
Lamp holders with dropping resistance and cap
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Coloured caps of different colours for indicating lamps of different colours Conductor connecting terminals of different types and sections Auxiliary relays of the type and Supplier as those installed and with 4 N.C. + 4 N.O. contacts Pushbuttons of the two types most used in the assembly Selector switches of the two types most used in the assembly Finishing paint Lubricant for contacts, for switchboards containing circuit breakers and power contactors only Measurement instruments of the two types mostly used in the assembly I/O module of the two types mostly used in the assembly
20160.EQP.ELE.FUN Rev.3 March 2010 Sheet 20 of 25 QUANTITIES ( note 1 ) 10 % (note 2) 10 % (note 2) 5% (note 2) 10 % (note 2) 5% (note 2) No. 2 No. 2 No. 2 1 kg for each type and colour 1 kg No. 2 No. 2
Notes: 1) Adjust to the highest number if the decimal is higher than 5. 2)
Percentage quantity referred to the total number of components of the same type installed in the switchboard, with a minimum quantity of 2. Protective treatments a)
Painting and the relevant protective treatments will be done in accordance to the requirements contained in the Data Sheet. b)
When required in the Data Sheet, equipment and materials will be subjected to tropicalization treatments in accordance with the relevant reference specification. 2.4.3
Packing for transport
Transport arrangements will be defined by the Supplier taking into account the transport conditions indicated by the Company, and in compliance with the requirements specified in the CEI EN 60694. Metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear will be sectioned in units suitable for transport and their reassembly will be as simple and safe as possible.
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20160.EQP.ELE.FUN Rev.3 March 2010 Sheet 21 of 25
The components and equipment will be fitted and fastened in order to withstand vibrations and frictions due to transport (road, train, sea) and the necessary loading, unloading and installation operations carried out with lifting equipment. Accellerations will be particularly considered, such as: - axial, critical in train transport - transversal, critical in road transport - vertical, critical in sea transport 2.5 2.5.1
Boundaries, limits and exclusions Limits and exclusions
Particular limits and exclusions, if any, are indicated in the Data Sheet. 2.6 2.6.1
Ergonomics Accessibility
If not otherwise indicated in the Data Sheet, the access to the high voltage metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear shall be allowed for authorised persons only, in compliance with the "Accessibility A Class", as specified in the CEI EN 62271-200, for the protection against internal failures. 2.7 2.7.1
Safety General prescriptions
The supplier will guarantee that high voltage metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear, subject of this Functional Specification, will be designed to respect the safety prescriptions contained in the Reference Rules. 2.7.2
Protection against direct contacts
Live parts of electric circuits will be located and protected, so that trained and authorized persons can carry out the following operations on energised metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear, without danger of direct contacts: - visual inspection of manoeuvre equipment; - control and reset of relays and disconnecting switch, inspection of signalling devices and instruments; - replacement of auxiliary fuses, lamps, etc.; - voltage measurements, current and location of failures, carried out with the proper instruments adequately insulated;
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20160.EQP.ELE.FUN Rev.3 March 2010 Sheet 22 of 25
- connection of cables from outdoor; - removal, for maintenance reasons, of the components of each de-energised circuit.
Protection against indirect contacts
In accordance with the prescriptions of the CEI EN 62271-200, protection against indirect contacts will be achieved through the earthing of the metallic enclosures, as well as through the intervention of the protective devices. 2.7.4
Protection against internal failures
In order to ensure a complete protection for people, provisions will be adopted to avoid electric arcs, generated by failures inside the switchboard. Such provisions shall comply with the requirements of the CEI EN 62271-200 . The metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear shall be IAC (Internal Arc Classification) qualified, classification AFLR, if not otherwise specified in the Data Sheet (T.D.S.). It means that the assembly prototype has successfully passed the test under conditions of arcing due to an internal fault. Internal arc test shall be carried out when required in the Inspection Data Sheet (I.D.S.). 2.7.5
Fire resistance
The materials characteristics will be so that when subjected to fire or heating, they will not take fire, burn, keep combustion and emit flammable fumes. Particularly for plastic materials, the self-extinguishing requirement will be guaranteed in accordance to one of the following test methods: - ANSI UL 94, Class V - CEI EN 60707, Class FV - CEI EN 60695 The Manufacturer of switchboards will therefore provide test certificates of reaction to fire by an officially recognized laboratory. 2.8
Requirements for Quality Management and Assurance
Any additional requirement for Quality Management and/or Assurance are contained in the management specification enclosed in the request for bid. 2.9
Inspection and testing requirements
When required, they will be indicated in the Inspection Data Sheet (I.D.S.) and distinguished in: - Type test - Routine test - Simulation test - Optional test
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The Company shall always be entitled to attend any test to be carried out by the Manufacturer. For any control and test not foreseen in the Rules and in this specification and required in the Inspection Data Sheet (I.D.S.), the criteria will be defined case by case. 2.9.1
Type test
Purpose of the type test is to verify that a specific type of high voltage metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear is in compliance with the reference Rules. The type test will be carried out by realising inspection and tests on a prototype, and its execution will be entire responsibility of the Supplier. 2.9.2
Routine test (individual)
Purpose of the routine test is to verify that the single metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear responds to the Company's requirements and to detect any inherent defect of materials and construction. The routine test (individual) will be carried out on all metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear subject of the supply, after assembly and by the Supplier, carrying out the tests specified in the relevant CENELEC Harmonisation Document CEI EN 62271-200. 2.9.3
Simulation test
Purpose of the simulation test is to check and validate the electrical control system and interfaces with interconnected electrical assemblies. The simulation test will be carried out, if required in the Data Sheet (I.D.S.), in the factory before delivery, on the electrical control and distribution assemblies connected between them. 2.9.4
Optional test
It includes tests and checks, not foreseen in the type and routine tests and required by Company from time to time. The list of tests and checks and relevant execution will be indicated in the Inspection Data Sheet (I.D.S.) 2.10 Documentation The Supplier will deliver to the Company all the documents required in the Data Sheet (D.D.S.), in accordance with the agreed terms and schedule. The technical documentation will be written in the official language indicated in the Data Sheet and using the symbols indicated in the Rules applied. 2.10.1 Bid documentation The Supplier will include in his bid all the information and documentation required in the Data Sheet (D.D.S.). 2.10.2 Documents subjected to approval The approval of the documentation by the Company, if necessary, will refer to the formal verification of the parameters indicated in the design's documents only.
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2.10.3 Documentation used by the Company for the system design The Supplier will deliver to the Company all the documentation necessary to the execution of the system design and to the installation of the supplied system. 2.10.4 Test documents The Supplier will deliver to the Company, within the schedule and in the way indicated in the Data Sheet, all the certificates relating to the type, routine, simulation and optional tests. 2.10.5 Final technical documentation The final technical documentation, comprising the Supplier and Subsuppliers catalogues and publications will include the following references: - name of the Supplier - name of the Company - identification tag of the metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear, as indicated by the Company - title of the document - data of the Company's order and will consist of: a) Design and Installation instructions b) Operations instructions c) Maintenance instructions The description and drawings can be contained in catalogues and documents of the Supplier, as long as they satisfy the following conditions: - they contain all data and information required in their final form - they are relevant to the type supplied and the materials included in the supply are clearly identified amongst those in the document. The documentation subject to approval will be integral part of the final documentation approved by the Company.
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METHOD OF COMPANY STANDARS REQUEST / INFORMATIONS For employees of Eni Exploration & Production Division: •
All documentation Company Standards, for ENI employees, is available on follow ENI intranet: http://wwweandp.eni.it/TSServices/ITEM/Standards-/index.asp
To request technical informations on this document write to Community of Pratics Electrical / Automation / Instrumentation:
[email protected]
For the outside Companies: •
The outside Companies that in a contract with the contractor must use the Company standards, they may request a copy of the Company standard at the Development manager of the contract.
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