RPP Simple Past Tense which I submitted to teach in PKM subject.Deskripsi lengkap
RPP Simple Past Tense which I submitted to teach in PKM subject.Full description
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The Function of the Simple Present TenseFull description
tenseDeskripsi lengkap
.hope this can help someone, I know there are still issues with my grammar but hey, I only had one night.. whew.. maybe i should change the title to "The Work of a Sleepless Lass". ---_---
The Function of the Simple Present TenseDeskripsi lengkap
present perfect vs past simple
.hope this can help someone, I know there are still issues with my grammar but hey, I only had one night.. whew.. maybe i should change the title to "The Work of a Sleepless Lass". ---_---Full description
Nama sekolah
: SMP Negeri 24 Kota Serang
Mata Pelajaran
: Bahasa Inggris
: VIII (delapan)/1
Standar Standar Kompetensi Kompetensi : Memahami Memahami makna dalam dalam teks teks lisan fungsio fungsional nal pendek pendek sangat sederha sederhana na untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat. Komp Kompet etens ensii Dasa Dasarr
: Mere Meresp spon on makna makna yang yang terdap terdapat at dalam dalam teks fungs fungsio iona nall pend pendek ek sangat sangat
sederhana secara akurat lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan terdekat. Indikator
: - Mengidentifikasi paragraf de deskriptif - Mengidentifikasi Simple Present Tense. - Menjelaskan penggunaan dari Simple Present Tense.
Jenis teks
: Teks monolog lisan berbentuk descriptive dan recount
: Simple Present Tense
: Speaking
Alokasi Waktu
: 2 x 45 menit
1. Tuju Tujuan an pemb pembel elaj ajar aran an:: Pada akhir pelajaran peserta didik dapat: 1. Meng Mengid iden enti tifi fika kasi si simple simple present tense. tense. 2. Membuat simple present tense. 3. Menganalisi Menganalisiss text text descri descriptive ptive dan menunju menunjukkan kkan kalim kalimat at simple simple present tense. tense. 4. Membuat Membuat paragraf paragraf deskriptif deskriptif sederhana sederhana dengan menggunakan menggunakan simple simple present tense. tense.
Contoh: Saya bermain tenis setiap hari jumat. (+) I play tennis on Fridays. (-) I do not play tennis on Fridays. (?) Do I play tennis on Fridays? Dia membaca satu buku setiap hari. (+) He reads a book every day. (-) He does not reads a book every day. (?) Does he read a book every day? Digunakan untuk:
1. Menunjukkan suatu kegiatan yang dilakukan dimasa kini. 2. Untuk menunjukkan suatu kegiatan yang dilakukan secara terus menurus atau suatu kebiasaan (habitual action). Example: 1. My sister washes the dirty dishes every afternoon. 2. My father goes to work every day. 3. Untuk menyatakan kebenaran umum. general ( truth) Example: 1. The sun rises in the east. 2. The sun sets in the west. 3. The earth goes around the sun. (bumi berputar mengelilingi matahari.) 4. A week has seven days. (Satu minggu ada tujuh hari) 5. A year has twelve months. (Satu tahun ada dua belas bulan.) 6. A year has twelve months. (Satu ada dua belas bulan.) Study the sentences. Subject
1. Papaya
A tall tree
2. The fruit
Similar to peach
Large and lobed
1. The fruit
Does not feel
2. Mango trees
Do not reach
Too high
3. The branches
Do not grow
On trunk
Does not have
3. The leaves Negative:
4. It Interrogative: 1. Does the fruit … ?
2. Do they … ?
The flower
3. Does the leave … ?
3. Metode pembelajaran: three-phase technique 4. Langkah-langkah kegiatan: a.
Kegiatan Pendahuluan
Salam tegur sapa.
Absensi peserta didik.
Kegiatan Inti
Guru meminta peserta didik untuk menceritakan aktifitas rutin mereka setiap hari.
Guru menunjukan kalimat Simple Present Tense.
Menyampaikan tujuan dari pembelajaran.
Elaborasi -
Guru menjelaskan Simple Present Tense.
Guru menjelaskan cara menggunakan Simple Present Tense.
Guru memperlihatkan gambar-gambar suatu benda.
Guru meminta peserta didik menjelaskan gambar tersebut.
Guru memerintahkan peserta didik untuk membuat paragraf deskriptif sederhana dengan menggunakan Simple Present Tense.
Guru meminta peserta didik untuk membuat kalimat Simple Present Tense mengenai kebiasaan sehari-hari.
Guru meminta peserta didik untuk mendeskripsikan suatu benda disekitar mereka.
Guru menanyakan kesulitan peserta didik.
Menyimpulkan proses belajar mengajar yang telah dilakukan tadi kepada peserta didik.
Memberikan motivasi kepada peserta didik yang kurang atau belum berpartisipasi aktif.
Kegiatan Penutup
Guru membuat kesimpulan pelajaran
Guru menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran pada pertemuan berikutnya.
1. Sumber/ Media Pembelajaran
Buku teks yang relevan
Gambar-gambar yang relevan
2. Penilaian Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
1. Melengkapi teks
Teknik Penilaian
Bentuk Instrumen
Instrumen/ Soal
Tes tulis
1. Fill the blank word
Tes tulis
2. Can you describe the picture?
fungsional pendek 2. Mengidentifikasi gambar
Tes lisan 3. Mengungkapan ide
Tes Lisan
Pedoman penilaian
1. Untuk tiap nomor, tiap jawaban benar skor 2 2. Jumlah skor maksimal 20x2 = 40 3. Nilai Siswa = skor perolehan dibagi 4
3. Make a simple present tense sentence
Rubrik Penilaian Uraian
Jawaban benar dengan kalimat sempurna
Jawaban benar dengan kalimat kurang sempurna
Jawaban salah
Serang, 9 Oktober 2013
Mengetahui; Kepala Sekolah
Guru Mata pelajaran,
(Hotman, S.Pd, M.Pd)
1958 08181983031018
a. Instrument:
Choose one word on the bracket to complete the simple present sentences below! 1. The rambutan tree __________________________________ on the high land. (grow/grows). 2. Many mango farmers __________________ a low price for their produce. (receive/receives). 3. The fruit _____________________________ from three to six months to ripen. (takes/take). 4. Indian farmers ________________________________ have good markets. (do not/does not) 5. The name durian ___________________________________ from the Malay. (comes/come) 6. The mango sellers _________________________ the fruits in the baskets. (displays/display) 7. Children ___________________________________________ (ask/asks) a lot of questions. 8. She ____________________________________________ (go/goes) to college on her bike. 9. A lot of birds _______________________________________ (fly/flies) south in the winter.
10. She _____________________________________ (study/studies) very hard at the weekends. 11. My father ________________________________ (watch/watches) television most evenings. 12. He _____________________________________________ (understand/understands) Arabic. 13. He ______________________________________________ _ (fight/fights) with his brother. 14. Big dogs ____________________________________________ (like/likes) a lot of exercise. 15. He’s very naughty – he _______________________________ (push/pushes) other children. 16. Lessons _______________________________________ (start/starts) at 8.35 every morning. 17. He _____________________________________________ (go/goes) to Solo every Sunday. 18. They _____________________________________ (pray/prays) at the mosque every Friday. 19. Melia ____________________________________ (study/studies) Mathematic on Mondays. 20. The earth __________________________________________ (move/moves) around the sun. Answers: 1. Grows
8. Goes
15. Pushes
2. Receive
9. Fly
16. Start
3. Takes
10. Studies
17. Goes
4. Do not
11. Watches
18. Pray
5. Comes
12. Understands
19. Studies
6. Display
13. Fights
20. Move
7. Ask
14. Like
Exercise 1 : Ubahlah kedalam kalimat (-) dan (?) 1. You have a car 2. My sister has a car
3. My sisters have a car 4. You and I learn English 5. John and Bill sing 6. The cat drinks 7. Joe has breakfast 8. Our brother teaches 9. Our brothers work 10. John’s sisters have a car
Follow the steps: Step 1. Write as many words based on the headings.
Step 2. Write the simple sentences based on the data from the table. 1. …
2. … 3. … 4. … 5. … Step 3. Write your descriptive text, and submit to your teacher _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________