Teresa Teresa de la Cruz Mary Rose Dionisio Bea Dy Bettina Escolano David Garcia Loisirc Go
Case Analysis: Rio Grande Supply Company Background Jasper Hennings, Hennings, the president president o the Rio Rio Grande !upply !upply Co"pany, al#ays al#ays pro"oted a culture a"ong his "anage"ent tea" $ased on integrity, honesty and especially respect respect or each and every e"ployee% #hich he stressed the particular i"portance o through one part o the &nternet use policy ' "anage"ent #as not allo#ed to access and revie# anything that other e"ployees do on Rio Grande(s co"puters) * course, the &nternet use policy also stressed that said co"puters #ere only to $e used or $usiness'related activities, and anyone caught violating this co"pany policy #ould $e ace disciplinary action and could ace dis"issal i the inraction is serious enough) Recently, Chie o *perations Henry Darger dis"issed a e"ale e"ployee or accessing a ello# e"ployee(s e"ail) Ho#ever, upon this e"ployee(s dis"issal, she inor"ed Hennings that Darger #as also using the internet or non'#or+ related "eans during #or+ hours) Darger later conessed that he #as undergoing several personal pro$le"s and had resorted to #atching copious a"ounts o pornography during #or+ hours in order to cope) Hennings is no# aced #ith the ollo#ing dile""a dis"iss Henry or $rea+ing co"pany policy in using the co"pany co"puters or non'#or+ reasons, or +eep Henry as an e"ployee as he is a valua$le asset to the co"pany)
Problem Statement -hat "ight $e the $est #ay or Jasper Hennings to dra# the line $et#een upholding co"pany policies as #ell as its values and retaining Henry Darger, a valua$le e"ployee.
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Objectives To esta$lis esta$lish h Jasper Jasper Henning Hennings( s( right right cours course e o action action in handling handling the the case case o Henry Darger in a air "anner that is in line #ith the co"pany(s policies) To properl properly y evaluate evaluate the decis decision ion the the /red e"ale e"ale e"plo e"ployee yee $ased $ased on the condi condition tions s and circu"stances o her dis"issal) To re/ne, re/ne, i"prov i"prove e and reino reinorc rce e the vision vision and and culture culture o the the co"pany co"pany))
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Key Points and ssues Misuse o the co"pany(s resources $y utilizing the co"pany(s co"puters or non' #or+ related reasons) 0o real enorce"ent o co"pany policies) The actual circu"stances surrounding the e"ale e"ployee(s /ring are rather vague) There is the possi$ility that said e"ployee #as /red not or $rea+ing co"pany policy hersel, $ut catching Darger in the act o $rea+ing co"pany policy) Darger hi"sel had conessed to $rea+ing co"pany policy) Analysis o! t"e Problem &nternal environ"ent o organization includes corporate culture #hich is essential in gaining co"petitive advantage in the "ar+et) Energizing and "otivating e"ployees $y instilling +ey values, $elies, and shared goals can generate high peror"ing organization) 1 &n the case o Rio Grande, Jasper Hennings sought to instill a culture o integrity, honesty and especially respect or each and every e"ployee through co"pany policies such as the internet use policy) There is an apparent decision to $e "ade regarding the case o Henry Darger #ho has conessed to $rea+ing co"pany policy) Considering the +ey points stated a$ove, certain actors need to $e considered in deciding a course o action such as adherence to the co"pany values, rules and protocol, cost and di2culty o hiring another chie o operations, and conse3uences o +eeping Darger on the co"pany) 4s a cultural leader, Jasper needs to $e a$le to e5ectively co""unicate and reinorce Rio Grande(s values in day to day activities or his e"ployees to ollo# suit) &n a ti"e o crisis such as the Henry Darger case, Jasper #ould have to ensure that the co"pany6s policies and decisions continue to uphold co"pany culture) 4 urther loo+ into the internet use policy in !-*T and evaluation o alternative options #ould $est aid in decision "a+ing) Rio Grande has a co"pany policy on internet security that prohi$its e"ployees ro" using their #or+'station co"puters or non #or+'related activities) Ho#ever, there are no sot#are /lters on co"puters, there$y allo#ing e"ployees to visit any #e$site they please) Belo# is a !-*T analysis o the said policy)
1 Daft, Richard L. Management. 10th ed. South-Western: Cengage Learning, 2012. Print.
Company Policy S#O$ Analysis on internet security !TRE0GTH! Results in "ost o the "anage"ent tea" setting a good e8a"ple $y acting according to the co"pany(s values) E"ployees are "ore e"po#ered +no#ing they are trusted $y top "anage"ent to ollo# co"pany policy #ithout supervision)
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-E470E!!E! The co"pany(s &nternet policy is easy to e8ploit and a$use, especially #hen one is never caught) Lac+ o "onitoring tools and reusal $y top "anage"ent to i"ple"ent the" "a+es the internet policy hard to enorce)
&nternet history "ay serve as a reerence or studies on e"ployee productivity or si"ilar reports) E"ployees "ay $e aided $y top "anage"ent $ased on $ro#ser history
Monitored internet access records can possi$ly lea+ and $e o$tained $y co"peting co"panies) 4 change in &nternet policy to a stricter, "ore "onitored one "ight $e "et #ith hostility ro" the e"ployees) &nternet surveillance "ay invade the privacy o the e"ployees #hich could pro"pt co"plaints as #ell as threats o 3uitting)
%evelopment and Selection o! Alternatives 4lternative 1 ;ire Henry Darger 4dvantages There #ould continue to $e consistency in upholding the co"pany(s values and policies) &t is the alternative that sho#s the "ost airness) There #ill $e no special treat"ent to anyone regardless o position, and e"ployees #ould not perceive that certain e"ployees are avored over others) Disadvantages Replacing Henry #ould $e costly and di2cult or the co"pany, as he(s $een around or so"e ti"e and C**s have particular s+illsets that ta+es ti"e to cultivate) 4nother co"pany "ay $ene/t ro" hiring Henry and e8ploit hi" or his learned co"pany inor"ation and developed co"pany techni3ues) 9otential la#suit or #rongul ter"ination i the internet air'use agree"ent is not e8plicitly stated in the contract Co"pensation ee or /ring can $e inordinate, especially or a top'level "anager li+e Henry)
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There #ould $e a need to investigate and deal #ith other e"ployees #ho also violated Rehire the e"ale e"ployee, preera$ly in a di5erent depart"ent, and put her as #ell as Henry Darger under pro$ation, and suggest that Henry undergo therapy or counseling, Have the e"ale e"ployee sign a 0ondisclosure agree"ent that #ould not reveal to anyone that she #as /red and rehired) 4dvantages !ho#s airness in that it doesn(t i"ply particular e"ployees are "ore avored over others) The co"pany #ill not need to e8pend resources and put in ti"e to hire and train a ne# C** to /ll Henry(s e"pty spot) The co"pany #ill not lose any o its e"ployees Jasper #ould $e upholding the co"pany(s values $y enacting disciplinary action, $ut he #ill also $e seen as considerate or choosing pro$ation to deal #ith the /rst o5ense)) Disadvantages 9ro"otes the "indset that the co"pany(s policies aren(t as rigidly enorced as previously thought, leading to "ore e"ployees possi$ly $rea+ing policy or as long as they could get a#ay #ith it) 9ossi$le tensions "ay arise i Darger and the e"ale e"ployee are in pro8i"ity #ith each other again) Condones #or+er inade3uacy and utilization o co"pany ti"e and resources or inappropriate activities 4lternative ? 7eep Henry Darger, put hi" under pro$ation
Selection o! %esired Alternative &n order to have a sense o consistency #ith co"pany values, it is advised that Jasper choose to &re 'enry %arger as he, a person #ho #as tas+ed #ith enorcing these co"pany values #as caught $rea+ing the")) -hile this has the "ain disadvantage o losing a valua$le e"ployee, company values in t"is case are !ar more important( ;iring Darger #ould send a message to ot"er
employees t"at t"e company is strict in up"olding its values and encourage e"ployees to stic+ to the")
Recommendations ;ire Henry Darger Henry #ould have to $e inor"ed o his dis"issal ater the decision is "ade) 4 thorough e8planation "ust $e given ' that the co"pany has particular culture and values to up"old) as *ell as policies t"at "ave to be ad"ered to , all o #hich are held to high i"portance) Henry(s role, as C**, is to enorce these policies, $ut also serve as an e8a"ple in e8e"pliying the co"pany(s culture and values) Being in a top "anage"ent position, he #as $eing held to very high standards and his actions re@ect that he has ailed in his role) Compensation #ould $e a good idea to sho# appreciation or the hard #or+ he has done or the co"pany) Re"ind e"ployees a$out the co"pany policies &n order to pivot ro" the $reach in co"pany policy, mandatory seminars on t"e company mission) vision) values and policies are to $e given to all e"ployees ollo#ing Henry Darger(s dis"issal) This #ould re"ind the e"ployees a$out the policies set $y the co"pany and #ould aid in ensuring that e"ployees ollo# the") &"ple"ent a sot#are /lter or all e"ployees mplementing a so!t*are <er *ould be able to better monitor all employee activity online and #ould $e a $etter "ore rigid enorce"ent o co"pany policy) -hile this could $e perceived $y e"ployees as a lac+ o trust $et#een the" and the top "anage"ent, the conse3uences o the $reaches done $y $oth Darger and the e"ale e"ployee #ould #arrant such changes) Revie# co"pany "ission, vision, values and policies To prevent urther violations and to urther instill the corporate culture, Jasper Hennings must re&ne and improve t"e company+s mission) vision) and values it espouses a"ong its e"ployees, and revie* t"e company policies on computer and nternet use( Conduct an investigation on the circu"stances surrounding the e"ale e"ployee(s /ring) An investigation s"ould be conducted concerning the conditions o the e"ale e"ployee(s /ring) The reason that the e"ployee #as /red could $e $ecause she caught Darger vie#ing pornography instead o $rea+ing the policy hersel) !hould she $e a victi" o Darger(s oul play instead o actually $rea+ing co"pany policy, s"e s"ould be re"ired as an e"ployee)