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Julian Philip A. Soriano AGECON 55
IN TARLAC TARLAC CARP gives land to t o the wealthy BGY TINANG, CONCEPCION , Tarlac - When President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo last week began her six-year term, her inaugural address had one glaring omission: it made no mention o land reorm!
"ut here in Tinang, members o the rich de #eon clan ound a way to keep their land through the $oluntary #and Transer %$#T& scheme, a method o land distribution that re'uires no go(ernment money and minimal inter(ention rom the )epartment o Agrarian Agrarian *eorm %)A*&! +ow +ow they did that and how this remained remained undetected undetected or nearly nearly a decade exposes the many laws o a program that was supposed to be the cornerstone o ormer President oraon A'uino.s social /ustice agenda! 01 you ask me are we tenants, are we armers, no, not,0 says Michael 2scaler, a 34-year-old member o de #eon clan, which owns the Tinang hacienda! 0Are you asking me how 1 got there, how it happened, 1 ha(e no idea!0 2scaler is a sugar miller and shareholder o the 5ational #ie 1nsurance orp! 6et his signature, as well as those o his relati(es, appears on numerous documents now on ile at the Municipal Agrarian *eorm 7ice in oncepcion, Tarlac! The documents entitled them to indi(idual ertiicates o #and 7wnership Award or #7As, now iled at the Tarlac *egister o )eeds! #7As are titles to the land supposed to be gi(en only to the landless armer-beneiciaries! 8ource: http:99pci/!org9stories9;;49carp!html
*election: This is e(idence that there is weak implementation o the said law! 2(en those who are supposedly beneiciaries, are cheated into losing the lands that should be legally theirs! The inherent corruption and numerous loopholes inside the law makes it diicult or armers and poor people to be blessed with a property!