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On 09/05/2015 I attended an interview conducted by Miss. I. Egodapitiya who is a university lecturer. his interview was held at a t !"# $andy. I had selected to apply %or a Manage&ent rainee position with 'uc(y 'an(a Mil( )rocessing )'" according to &y *uali%ications. he +ob re*uire&ent was that I should have a bachelor degree or diplo&a in %ields o% &ar(eting, &anage&ent, accounting, %ood science or &ass &edia. -ince I had co&pleted &y diplo&a in business at !ustralian "ollege o% #usiness and echnology, echnology, I decided to apply %or this particular +ob. I waited with other candidates who had applied %or various +ob positions and we were called in to the interview roo& one by one. one . hen it was &y chance and I wal(ed in. I was %eeling nervous because it was &y %irst interview. interview. Miss Egodapitiya stood up and pleasantly introduced he rsel% to &e and I was as(ed to ta(e a seat. hen I introduced &ysel% to her. !%terwards !%terwards the interview started. irstly, irstly, she as(ed &e to tell her about &ysel%. I told her &y na&e, &y education ed ucation bac(ground in brie% and rather than going on with &y eplanation, I said thats it and stopped. I was as(ed to carry on and then I gave her so&e &ore in%or&ation about &e. 'ater on in &y evaluation, I learned that thats it is a word I should never use in an interview %or it is too casual a word to be used in a %or&al interview. On the other hand it gives a wrong i&pression about the interviewee to the interviewer. -ince &y +ob advertise&ent had selection criteria such as ecellent co&&unication and )3 s(ills I was as(ed to tell her about the situations in &y li%e where I had use those s(ills to overco&e challenges and to elaborate on how success%ul I was in handling those situations. I used the -!3 approach to address these *uestions and it was a success%ul way o% answering the *uestions because it covered everything ever ything I had to say. It was a use%ul learning %or &y li%e as well because I gained the s(ill o% applying the -!3 approach. hen I was as(ed what &y %uture plans were in &y career li%e. !nswering this *uestion was a good re%lection upon &e. hen I was as(ed why I have applied ap plied %or this certain +ob. My answer was that, because it will help &e utili4e the (nowledge and s(ills I have gained ga ined in &y diplo&a in &y +ob. -o that I can apply &y (nowledge to practical scenarios in the wor( place and learn %ro& the&. !%ter the interview I was given an evaluation %or&, which evaluated per%or&ance s(ills o% &ine. he %our per%or&ance s(ills were as below. • •
"ontent and co&&unication )reparedness
• • •
Motivation %or interview success Manneris&s !ttire and personal
I was ran(ed in all the s(ills above. It &eant that there was very strong evidence in all &y s(ills. 3an(ing was done %ro& 1 to and ran( was the highest ran(. his whole eperience was a very new and valuable one %or &e. I learned what to do and what not to do in an interview. !lso I learned what to say and what not to say when I& answering *uestions in an interview. I learned that proper co&&unication, eye contact and so&e power%ul non verbal gestures li(e &irroring are i&portant ele&ents o% being a success%ul candidate %or any +ob.