Slum--free Slum -free India: Operationalising Rajiv Awas Awas Yojana
Deepti Gaur Mukerjee Ministry of Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation, Government of India, New Delhi
[email protected]
Rajiv Awas Yojana ± Slum-free India (Announcement by President of India on 4th June, 2009) ´My Government ´My Government proposes proposes to to introduce introduce a a Rajiv Rajiv Awas Awas Yojana Yojana for for the the slum dwellers and dwellers and the the urban urban poor poor on on the the lines lines of of the the Indira Indira Awas Awas Yojana Yojana for for the rural poor. rural poor . The The schemes schemes for for affordable affordable housing housing through through partnership partnership and and the scheme for scheme for interest interest subsidy subsidy for for urban urban housing housing would would be be dovetailed dovetailed into into the Rajiv Awas Rajiv Awas Yojana Yojana which which would would extend extend support support under under JNNURM JNNURM to States that States that are are willing willing to to assign assign property property rights rights to to people people living living in in slum areas.. areas My Government's My Government's effort effort would would be be to to create create a a slum slum free free India India in in five five years years through the through the Rajiv Rajiv Awas Awas Yojana Yojana..µ
overview of steps necessary for RAY
Operationalising Rajiv Awas Yojana ± Preparatory Tasks Legislative Framework for Property Rights Legislation for Property Right (Right to Dwelling Space) to Slum-dwellers
Amendments to Existing Laws: Town Planning, Urban Development, Municipal Corporation, Slum, Housing, Revenue etc. - Fixing Norms for Planning of Informal Settlements and Provision of Infrastructure & Housing; Preventing Slums in future
Identification & Demarcation of Slums Identification & demarcation of all Slums: Notified, Non-notified, Tenable, Non-tenable, etc., adopting µWhole City¶ approach, dividing the City into Zones/Grids (based on land value/other parameters) for operational purposes Procurement of Satellite Imagery & Base Map Preparation Procurement of Cartosat II 1 Metre Resolution Images from Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)/National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC) for City/Urban Agglomeration, Zones/Grids and Slum Locations; Georeferencing & Preparation of Base Maps (1:5000 scale) indicating Slums and their Internal and External Infrastructure Connectivities
Operationalising Rajiv Awas Yojana ± Preparatory Tasks «contd. Slum Survey & Development of Slum MIS
Establish Slum-free City Cells Formation of Slum Survey Teams & Supervisory Teams, Conduct Training Programmes involving Municipal Administration/Statistics Departments, Census/NSSO/CSO Trainers
Conduct Slum Survey Detailed Model Formats on Slum, Household & Livelihoods Surveys and Guidelines for Training circulated to all States by National Buildings Organisation (NBO); Community to be closely involved in Survey and Slum-free City Planning processes (States like Andhra Pradesh have adopted Community Self-Survey Model)
Development of web-enabled MIS, Entry of data from Slum Surveys, compilation, collation and preparation of Slum Profiles, City/Zone and State Database
Socio-economic Analysis of Data generated through Slum MIS ± Preparation of Analytical µState of Slum¶ Reports ± City and State.
Operationalising Rajiv Awas Yojana ± Preparatory Tasks «contd. GIS Mapping of Slums Training in GIS Mapping Tools using latest technology with the involvement of ISRO/NRSC/Partners of NRSC/Other Agencies
Development of Slum/Zone/City/Agglomeration Maps using GIS Tools : (i) Cartosat II imagery secured from the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)/National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC)/ Other Sources
(ii) Ground truthing and geo-spatial data measurement, collec tion and collation of data and superimposing the same on the Satellite Images GIS-enabled Slum Information System Integration of Slum MIS with GIS Maps to enable the preparation of a dynamic GIS-enabled Slum Information System - Slum-wise, Zone-wise and for City; Getting an Integrated Picture based on Spatial and Socio-economic analysis of Data
Operationalising Rajiv Awas Yojana ± Preparatory Tasks «contd. Choice of Land Tenure/Development Model Putting in place Community Organisation and community engagement mechanisms ± may be led by a Lead NGO for City/Zone
Establishing Tenurial/Property Rights and Grievances Redressal Mechanism; Undertaking Biometric Surveys of Eligible Dwellers
Stakeholders and community consultation - Participatory decisionmaking regarding the choice of model of land tenure / property right and development for each slum: In situ PPP covering infrastructure and housing with or without FSI/zoning incentives; In situ land sharing and infrastructure provisi on only, with beneficiarydriven/incremental housing; In situ community-based developm ent through Rajiv Awas Housing Societies; Relocation; Rental/Ownership/Rental-cum-Ownership Housing, etc.
Preference for Models with Land as a Resource, involving PublicPrivate Partnerships ± Commercialising part of Land and developing Multi-storeyed housing in the other part (Suitable land use/zoning relaxations needed).
Operationalising Rajiv Awas Yojana ± Preparatory Tasks «contd. Preparation of Slum Development Plan Slum Reconfiguration / De jure Formalization ± following Special Town Planning Norms applicable for Informal Sector Settlements as per Town Planning Laws/Regulations and Development Model chosen
Plan for Internal Infrastructure: water supply, sewerage, storm drainage, solid waste management, roads, power transmission lines & sub-stations, parks & playgrounds, education & health infrastructure, livelihoods centres / workplaces, informal sector markets etc.
Plan for External Connectivities ± Establishing links to City-wide Infrastructure Networks
Plan for Housing based on chosen Development Model using a Zonal/City-wide approach ± bunching of high-density and lowdensity slums and accommodating dwellers from non-tenable locations
Operationalising Rajiv Awas Yojana ± Preparatory Tasks «contd. Preparation of Slum-free City/State Plan Amalgamation of Slum Development Plans ± Zone/Grid/City Integrating Slum-free City Plan with City-wide Infrastructure Development Plan [City Development Plan (CDP)] Slum-free City Financing Plan, including Credit Mobilisation for the Poor, Internal Earmarking in Municipal Budget for the Urban Poor/Creation of BSUP/Shelter Fund, etc. Slum-free City Plan Implementation Framework, including establishment of Institutional structure, e.g. State/City Slum Rehabilitation Authority as in Maharashtra City-wide Policies for Slum Prevention including Reservation of Land/Housing for the Poor in Private & Public Housing Colonies and Creation of Affordable Housing stock, Plan for Implementation of Pro-poor Reforms stipulated under JNNURM and according Property Right to Slum Dwellers Slum-free State Plan ± Sum of Slum-free City Plans plus Policy Framework and Plan of Action for Prevention of Slums in the Future
Status update First installment of funds released to 20 states for preparatory activities States in the process of setting up state and city level nodal officers and technical cells. Slum Surveys : commenced in many states Slum MIS: The MIS software has been developed by CGG and it is under the pilot testing phase. Some ULBs have started entering the data into the software for the purpose.
Status Update -Guidelines for Preparation of Slum Free City plans: Sub-committee for slum free city planning held its meeting on 10th August, 2010 ± draft guidelines to get inputs from present workshop organized by CEPT.
Community mobilization guidelines for involvement of communities in the plan preparation and survey process are being formulated in consultation with NGOs & other stakeholders.
Status Update- Model legal framework for Provision of Property Rights to the Poor:
The model law/framework on provision of property rights to the urban poor / slum dwellers is in the final stages of formulation.
Thank you