gating ratio and pressurized and non pressurized gating system
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Accounts Receivable = Debtors + B/R OR Account Receivable = Opening Debtor + Opening B/R + Closing Debtors + Closing B/R 2 (13) Average Debt Collection Period = Days or Months in a year Debtors Turnover Ratio Alternatively, Average Debt Collection Period = Days or Months in a year X Accounts Receivable in a year Net Credit Sales in a year (14) Creditors Turnover Ratio (CTR) = Net Credit Purchases Average Accounts Payable Average A/c Payable = ½ (Opening A/c Payable + closing A/c Payable) Accounts Payable
= Creditors + B/P
(15) Average Payment Period
= Days or Months in a year Creditors Turnover Ratio
Alternatively, Average Payment Period
= Days or Months in a year X Accounts
Payable in a year Net Credit Purchases in a year (16) Capital Turnover Ratio
=Net Sales Capital Employed
(17) Fixed Assets Turnover Ratio =
Net Sales Net Fixed Assets
Net Fixed Assets = Gross Fixed Assets - Depreciation (18) Working Capital Turnover Ratio = Net Sales Working Capital Working Capital = current Assets – Current Liabilities