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100 TOP MINING Engineering Interview Questions Answers
Data Mining is defined as the procedure of extracting information from huge sets of data. Now a day, Data Mining technique placing a vital role in the Information Industry.
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Why is geological mapping an efective exploration technique? Your Y our answer: Mineral
deposits are oten associated with distinct geological
environments That’s right. Certain types o minerals orm in particular geological environments and these environments can !e recognised !y patterns and eatures in roc"s a long way rom an actual ore deposit.
What is the primary tas" o a Mining #ngineer? Your Y our answer: $esign
and operate mines or the sae e%cient and economical
extraction o minerals That’s right. The primary tas" o Mining #ngineers is to design and operate mines in an efective manner manner.. &ll other things !eing equal the economic via!ility o a mineral deposit is li"ely to !e increased !y which o the ollowing? Technological echnological Your Y our answer: T
innovations in mineral handling hand ling and processing
'eing a!le to produce a commodity or a lower unit cost ma"es its exploitation more economically via!le. Which o the ollowing is ()T a responsi!ility o the Mining #ngineer? Your Y our answer: *inding
the mineral deposit
+es + es the wor" o the mining engineer is ocused on getting the deposit out o the ground once geologists have de,ned it. -ossi!le mining impacts on the natural environment do ()T include impacts on Your Y our answer: Cultural
+es + es cultural heritage is not a part o the natural environment and thereore does not have an impact on mining. Which o the ollowing is ()T a reason or coal !ene,ciation? Your Y our answer: /ncreasing
product density
That’s correct. We We do coal !ene,ciation to reduce the concentration concentration o mineral matter which reduces the transport costs and improves thermal e%ciency. e%ciency. / we were to increase the product density all that would do in increase the transport costs. /n actual
act coal is a low density product so as we remove the gangue mineral matter we are actually decreasing the density. What is the purpose o the chemical reagents called 0collectors1? Your answer: To
ma"e particles hydropho!ic
Correct. )nce the particles !ecome hydropho!ic they can then attach to air !u!!les and !e separated rom the hydrophilic particles.
Module 2
What is surace mining? Your answer: The
exploitation o the deposits that is exposed to the atmosphere or
outcropping to the surace and extending to shallow depths Correct3 4urace mining is the extraction o mineral deposits lying only on the surace. /t does not include the deposits extending to shallow depths that are still included in surace mining. Which o the ollowing is ()T well suited to surace mining? Your answer: &
small rich ore !ody o lead and silver at great depth
4mall rich ore !odies at depth are good targets or underground mining as they can exploit most o the ore with minimal removal o waste roc". What is the roc" mass a!ove a deposit located at a certain shallow depth rom the surace "nown as? Your answer: )ver!urden
/ the deposit is not outcropping on the surace !ut is located at a certain shallow depth rom the ground surace the roc" mass covering top the ore !ody is called over!urden. Which are the main aspects that should !e considered in the geotechnical model de,nition? Your answer: 5eology
structure roc" mass and hydrology
The de,nition o the geotechnical model involves a good understanding o the geological setting o the area where the open pit is going to !e mined. &s well as this a
proper description o the roc" mass structure o the area and the properties o the material in which the slope is going to !e excavated. What is the *actor o 4aety? Your answer: The
ratio o the resisting orces over the driving 6or acting7 orces on the
slope 5reat3 the *actor o 4aety represents how much resistance the structure8slope has compared to the desta!ili9ing actions 6eg. gravity or water pressure7. Which o the ollowing !est descri!es a 0waste dump1? Your answer: The
area in which a surace mining operation can dispose o low grade
and 8or over!urden material that has !een removed rom the pit to expose higher grades material The area in which a surace mining operation can dispose o low grade and 8or !arren material that has !een removed rom the pit to expose higher grades material is called a waste dump or spoil dump or spoil pile. Which o the statements !elow is correct? Your answer: 'lasting
is more controlla!le i an initiation sequence including a delay is
used Correct3 $elaying the sequence o !lasts helps controlling the !last and in particular the level o vi!rations. What conditions are draglines !est suited to? Your answer: *lat
ta!ular shallow dipping deposits
Correct. $raglines are used or mining operation with a relatively ta!ular or shallow: dipping coal seam. Who is responsi!le or the saety management in a surace mine? Your answer: The
mine operator
That’s correct. The mine operator has to ensure the saety o the mine site to provide a sae wor" environment or all employees Why do underground mining operations oten ollow ater open pit mining? Your answer: With
increasing depth surace mining !ecomes less e%cient and
underground mining eventually !ecomes more economical The !attered pit slopes required or sta!ility mean that the ratio o waste roc" moved to the ore recovered increases as surace mining gets deeper.
;nderground mining methods are Your answer: &dapta!le
to ore !odies o any si9e and orientation at any depth
;nderground mining o any ore !ody is possi!le !ut the economic via!ility reduces as the proportion o waste roc" increases and8or the grade o the ore decreases. -ermanent access structures 6e.g. shats and declines7 or underground mines are Your answer: 5enerally
located outside the deposit so that they do not sterili9e
portions o the deposit +es it does not ma"e sense to put permanent eatures in roc" you want to mine. Which o the ollowing terms does not reer to a type o stope? Your answer: -illar
+es a pillar is not a stope !ecause a stope is an underground opening. Your answer: The
!ehavior that when intact roc" is !ro"en up the volume it occupies
increases ma"ing the space around it appear to shrin" Well done. / you "eep !rea"ing up new roc" in an underground mine without removing some o the roc" you produce the space in the mine will shrin". Which o the ollowing is an advantage o cave mining? Your answer: There
is less ore remaining in pillars
+es with cave mining less ore is let in the ground. #lectrical saety in coal mines is ()T increased !y which o the ollowing? Your answer: ;sing
!ig !atteries instead o live wires
Correct. #ven a digital watch carries a small ris" o generating a spar" and thereore using !ig !atteries will not increase electrical saety in a coal mine. Which approach cannot !e used to control the roc"all ha9ard due to loose ragments? Your answer: -ropping