QUESTIONS ABOUT ISSUER 1. Have a 8281 form next to you. 2. Type hp!"##$$$.%r!.&ov '. In !ear(h )ox type *+na, OI- ta),e +n/. 0. !e,e(t *%na, *%na, Re,ea!e of 213 Or%&%na, I !!ue -%!(ount 4OI-5 Ta),e! Ta),e! 66 16EB6218 * 7. !(ro,, /o$n to Tax Tax ear" ear" 219 ormat" !e,e(t *text :%!t of I!!uer!.
Instructions for Forms 1099-INT and 1099-OID Go to section: Specific Instructions for Form 1099-OID File Form 1099-OID, Oriinal Issue Discount, Discount, if t!e total dail" portions of oriinal issue discount #OID$ for a !older is at least %10 and "ou are an" of t!e follo&in' An issuer &it! &it! an" (ond outstandin outstandin or ot!er ot!er e)idence of of inde(tedness inde(tedness in reistered or (earer form issued issued &it! OID' OID' An issuer of a certificate certificate of deposit #*D$ made, purc!ased, purc!ased, or rene&ed rene&ed after 19+0 if t!e *D !as OID and and a term of more t!an 1 "ear #see *aution, *aution, later$' A financial financial institution institution !a)in ot!er deposit arranements, suc! suc! as time deposits or (onus-sa)ins (onus-sa)ins plans, if t!e arranements arranements !a)e OID OID and a term term of more t!an 1 "ear' A (roer (roer or ot!er middleman middleman !oldin !oldin an OID o(liation, o(liation, includin includin *Ds, as nominee for for t!e actual o&ner' A trustee trustee or middleman middleman of a &idel" &idel" !eld fied fied in)estment trust #./FIT$ or &idel" !eld mortae trust #./T$' A real estate mortae mortae in)estment in)estment conduit #2I*$, #2I*$, a !older !older of an o&ners!ip o&ners!ip interest interest in a financial financial asset securiti3ation securiti3ation in)estment in)estment trust trust #FASIT$, #FASIT$, or an issuer of a collaterali3ed de(t o(liation #*DO$' Also, file Form 1099-OID 1099-OID for an" person person for &!om "ou "ou &it!!eld and paid an" forein ta on on OID or from from &!om "ou &it!!eld #and #and did not refund$ refund$ an" federal income ta under t!e (acup &it!!oldin rules e)en if t!e amount of t!e OID is less t!an %10'