About Karuneegar INTRODUCTION:
'Karuneegar' is a caste in TamilNadu, India. They are sometimes called as "anau !illai" hich means "accountant" or "#oo ee!er" in Tamil. $#out Karuneegar:
$#out %&&& years ago,during allalar (andiyan !eriod )eer Karuneegar (uranam as ritten #y !oet (aarisanadhar (aarisanadhar.. In sansrit other #oos a#out Karuneegar are the *olloing:
+ ramanda (uranam
+ $dithya (uranam
+ )auraadha
+ $thara eda surya sagasandhi
+ Kanaa smrithi.
)u#-sectors in Karuneegar:
+ )eer Karunnegar
+ )arattu Karuneegar
+ Kaiatum Karuneegar
+ $thara eda suryasagasandhi
+ adha/hi Karuneegar
The !residing 0od in the tem!le is Chitragu!tar and the consort o* the !residing 0od is Karniaam#aal. This tem!le is situated in Kanchi!uram. The consort o* the !residing 0od 12ord Chitragu!ta3 is named Karniam#al. There are se!arate holy !laces in the tem!le deoted to 0od )ela 4inayaa, 0oddess 4ishnu Durga and the nine holy !lanets. It is a ery !o!ular tem!le. It is a tem!le deoted to 2ord Chitragu!ta ho is the ne5t right*ul heir to the throne o* 2ord Kethu. It is a tem!le non *or remoing the de*ects caused #y the im!act o* Kethu on a !erson. This tem!le is the only sacred !lace deoted to 2ord Chitragu!tar. There is an idol in the sanctum- sanctorum o* the tem!le 1o* 2ord Chitragu!ta3. The idol !resents 2ord Chirtragu!ta sitting his diine seat holding a nail 1used *or riting on !alm leaes3 in his right hand and a !alm lea* on his le*t hand.
6hen the tem!le *estial is held to mar the *ull- moon day in the Tamil month o* Chithirai there is a grand marriage !rocession o* the 2ord and his consort Karniam#al. 2ord Chitragu!ta, the !residing 0od in the tem!le hails *rom the )un 0od. 7e maintains a record o* good and eil deeds o* all creatures o* the orld including manind3 and assists the 0od o* Death in his diine or.
2ord Chitragu!tar #elongs to our aruneegar caste. In )hia tem!le the accountant made some mistaes in accounts and he as caught #y the ing. $t that time,2ord )hia a!!eared as accountant and saed the treasurer. In olden !eriod $NI80$2$I, )88T7$2$I )$T7$N$R,N$K88R$R also #elong to aruneegar caste. 4inayagar rote"$7$7$R$T7$" story and he got a name as (illaiyar. )o our main occu!ation is accountant *rom olden days.
It has *olloing diisions
+ )eer Karuneegar
+ )ri Karuneegar
+ )arattu Karuneegar
+ Kaiatti Karuneegar
+ adhua/hi Kanaar
+ )o/hi Kanaar
+ )unnam#u Karuneegar
Karuneegars #eliee that they are descendants o* Chitragu!ta. 7is i*e is Karnagi $mman. Karuneegars are !art o* Kayastha *amily. The history o* the Karuneegars are recorded in Karuneegar (uranam. There is a tem!le *or Chitra 0u!ta in Kanch!uram.
)eer Karuneegar:
)eer Karuneegar is a su# caste or !art o* Karuneegar Caste. There are no *urther diisions o* this su# caste. (R$CTIC8)
The !eo!le ho #elong to the )eer Karuneegar community are deotees o* 4allalar, a *amous )ant ho lied in4adalur and !reached against eating meat.
7e rote the Thiru-$rut-!a, hich !reaches the orshi! o* a diine !oer in the *orm o* a *lame and also teaches sel* disci!line *or human #eings.
They are mainly concentrated in Tamil Nadu. ut they are also located in $ndhra (radesh, Karnataa and other states.
Tamil Nadu:
Karuneegar (o!ulation aries in di**erent districts o* Tamil Nadu. It is #elieed that Karuneegars are more concentrated in northern districts o* Tamil Nadu. The south Tamil nadu hae many (illai #ut they are not thought to #elong to Karuneegars.
$ndhra (radesh:
In $ndhra (radesh, they are called Karnams. They s!ea Telugu as ell as Tamil es!. Chittoor region.
)ome Karuneegars are !redominantly *ound in )outhern Districts o* Karnataa.
They are also *ound in Kerala. Ty!ically enons are Karuneegars o* Kerala.
Other )tates:
They also inhi#it arious !arts o* India lie mum#ai, delhi and other states o* India.
6orld 6ide :
There are also Karuneegars ho lie in U),UK,$ustralia and other countries.
Occu!ation aries #y !eo!le. Karuneegars mostly *olloed $ccountancyathematics in old times. These days they are in di**erent occu!ations. athematics is natural in #lood. )ome o* the su#caste named 'anaar' hich is meaned in Tamil as " athematician "
$NC8)TR; < C$)T8
The $ncestry is concluded ith arious !ers!ecties. Di**erent Relationshi!s in di**erent ays.
Related #y honorary title name "(illai" < caste toards other diisionscommunities o* !illai. Related #y )aiism ith other su#diisions non to #e ")aia (illai". Related #y the #lood toards "Kayastha and its diisions". The Relationshi!s should not #e con*used.
Kayastha :
Kayastha is the mother caste o* Karuneegar. There are also striing similarities lie orshi! o* Chitragu!ta etc. oth Kayastha and Karuneegar caste #eliee that they are descendants o* Chitragu!ta 1(lease see elie*s listed a#oe3. Kayastha's origin are #elieed to #e #rahmins ho !racticed shatriya #y occu!ation. Karuneegar )angams has articles hich con*irm Karuneegar caste's lineage in Kayastha.
There are indirect conclusions hich can #e dran #ased on certain re*erences. The Karuneegars are non as Karnams in $ndhra (radesh. There is a caste named Karanam or Karana in $ndhra (radesh and Orissa hose !rimary =o#s are illage head or illage accountants. This Karana is
!art o* Kayastha according to Kayastha community and Karana community. The surnames o* Karana are (atnai etc. hich are recogni/ed as !art o* Kayastha community.
)aia (illai :
It is claimed that Karuneegar is a !art o* )aia (illai. )aia (illai is a !art o* #ig (illai community. ut there are also claims that Karuneegar itsel* a se!arate community o* (illai instead *alling under )aia (illai. )ee (illai, Karuneegar < atrimony #elo
(illai, Karuneegar < atrimony:
Karuneegar (illai is one o* the classi*ications o* (illai according to matrimonial serices. The listing is seen as (illai--> Karuneegar, eg. K atrimony 1Kalyanamaalai3.
(illai, Karuneegar < Kayastha:
It is said that !illai itsel* a !art o* Kayastha hich is ?uestiona#le to some !eo!le. (illai started as title #ut it #ecame a se!arate community. There are controersies hether hole !illai community is !art o* ayastha. )ome !eo!le said, only aruneegar is !art o* ayastha hich receied '!illai' title 1the honorary title3 name in old times resulting as a community name 'Karuneegar (illai'.
Kayastha's isconce!tion o* considering 6hole (illai:
$ccording to Kayastha, hich recogni/es the communities #y surname mistaenly considers !eo!le ith !illai surname as Kayastha. This con*usion comes #ecause castes are recogni/ed #y surnames in North India. )o Kayastha mistaenly considers !eo!le ith !illai as Kayastha. 7oeer the system in )outhern India is di**erent. Di**erent castes receied title names maing it a di**erent. )o Karuneegars hae (illai as surname. (illai originated as title name as !eo!le ere honoured *or the e5cellence in the courts o* ings. )o do some o* the castes receied title name hich as con*used to
*amily name #y ayastha. oreoer only Karuneegars hae the #elie*s o* Kayastha and other commonness. The other diisions o* !illai doesn't orhsi! chitragu!ta and !eo!le o* other diisions doesn't hae commonness ith ayastha. The Karuneegars' closest relaties are arnams ho are related to ayastha as ell.
)o Only Karuneegar diision o* (illai is the true Kayastha and not the other diisions o* (illai
In )hort Karuneegars are (illais #y honorary title, )aia (illai #y )aiism, Kayasthas #y #lood.Karuneegars #elong to (illai caste, recogni/ed as )aia (illais and considered as a !art o* Kayastha. They are non to #elong to all these three di**erent ones.
)utramulu and 0othras
The in*ormation regarding )utramulu)utras, the 4edas they *olloed and the num#er o* gothras in each )utram is gien #elo. There are si5 )utras.
@. $a!astham#a )utram, the 4eda is Krishna ;a=uredam and num#er o* 0othras are @&.
%. $salayana )utram, the 4eda is Rugedam and the num#er o* 0othras are @@.
A. Thrahyayana )utram, the 4eda is $darana 4edam and the num#er o* 0othras are @@.
B. Kathyayana )utram, the 4eda is $darana 4edam and the num#er o* 0othras are @@.
. odhayana )utram, the 4eda is )amaedam and the num#er o* 0othras
are @@.
. 4aihanasa )utram,the 4eda is $darana 4edam and the num#er o* 0othras @&.
+ There are B 0othras in )eer Karuneegar caste.
+ 8ach )utra contains @@ or @& 0othras and also mentions the 4edas they *olloed.
+ There is also mention o* . or .& (angu or agamulu1Diisions3 related to 0othras.
+ $ll the 0othras in )utras: Thrahyayan, Kathyayana and odhayana #elong to .. (angu
+ $ll the 0othras in )utras: $a!astham#a, $salayana and 4aihanasa #elong to .& (angu.
The num#er o* 0othras in each )utra are listed #elo.
0othras o* $a!astham#a )utram
+ $thri aharshi
+ $lachala aharshi
+ Kathaa aharshi
+ Niranga aharshi
+ $n=ali aharshi
+ $gasthya aharshi
+ Kuraa aharshi
+ 4arutha aharshi
+ $ngidha aharshi
+ $shtaona aharshi
Traditionally, those in .& !angu are considered as '!angaligal' or cousins ithin the gothrams and marriage *rom one gothram to another ithin .o !angu is ta#oo. )o also is the case ith . !angu. 7oeer, o* late !eo!le do not strictly *ollo the gothram and cross marriage ithin the to grou!s #ecame common, es!ecially in Tamil Nadu.
0othras o* $salayana )utram
+ 4yaghra aharshi
+ 4amadea aharshi
+ hrugu aharshi
+ )!rugu aharshi
+ 0outhama aharshi
+ $urulala aharshi
+ Dhunmua aharshi
+ (arasara aharshi
+ )thula aharshi
+ $dhimuni aharshi
+ Dhurasa aharshi
0othras o* Thrahyayana )utram
+ 4edayasa aharshi
+ (adhalochana aharshi
+ )anathumara aharshi
+ Eamadhagni maharshi
+ )alya aharshi
+ Diyanga aharshi
+ )eera aharshi
+ Eaya aharshi
+ Kala#a aharshi
+ 0oda aharshi
+ (athan=ali aharshi
0othras o* Kathyayana )utram
+ Ka!ila aharshi
+ Kana aharshi
+ Raada aharshi
+ (ush!aa aharshi
+ Rishyashruanga aharshi
+ )athya aharshi
+ hugala aharshi
+ (riyaaya aharshi
+ Roma aharshi
+ )hiamitra aharshi
+ Kamandala aharshi
0othras o* odhayana )utram
+ un=aesha aharshi
+ )hiayoga aharshi
+ )hua aharshi
+ hu=anga aharshi
+ Kashya!a aharshi
+ )utha aharshi
+ 0omuni aharshi
+ Naradha aharshi
+ 4isamitra aharshi
+ eenaa aharshi
+ haradha=a aharshi
0othras o* 4aihanasa )utram
+ Eanaa aharshi
+ (araruchi aharshi
+ adhaa aharshi
+ 4indu aharshi
+ 4ashishta aharshi
+ aranda aharshi
+ anu aharshi
+ 4almii aharshi
+ Dea aharshi
+ areechi aharshi
2808ND) < (8R)ON$2ITI8)
4allalar is also non as ramalinga samigal. 4allalar as a great saint ho lied in Tamil Nadu.
)ami 4ieananda is a Kayastha #y #irth, and #eyond religion #y thoughts.
Karnam allesari:
allesari is the *irst oman olym!ic medallist o* India and only Indian medallist in the )ydney Olym!ics %&&&.
+ 4.).a#u: (urasaialam 2$, a (olitician
+ Thiru Uthaya )uriyan, .2.$., Kallaurichi
+ Eayanth C. (aran=ee, oie Director
+ (yramid Natara=an1C8O o* (yramid 0rou! o* Com!anies,)hare 7older in (yramid )aimiraF
+ Chola (onnurangam1Cine (roducer,Chola Creations3
+ )undaramurthy 4adielu - India )toc aret $nalyst
+ )6$I 4I48K$N$ND$ - (hiloso!her and Religious 2eader. 9ounder o* the Ramarishna ission.
+ )U7$)7 C7$NDR$ O)8 - ilitant 9reedom 9ighter < 9ounder o* the Indian National $rmy.
+ DR. R$E8NDR$ (R$)$D - 9reedom 9ighter < The 9irst (resident o* the Re!u#lic o* India.
+ 2$2 $7$DUR )7$)TRI - 9reedom 9ighter and the )econd (rime inister o* India.
+ $IT$7 $C7C7$N - ollyood 9ilmstar o* 0reat 9ame. 4oted the "an o* the illenium" #y C.
+ 4INOD D7$ - 7ardare 0enius < Creator o* )u!er-*ast Com!uter (rocessors.
The a#oe ords are *ound in the Kerala 7istory !ages, this maes clear that =ust lie "ein" sym#ol o* hara!!an - indus alley ritings, this !illai is a
common sur name to all castes o* Draidians
$ccounts em!loyee G Kanau (illai
asonry duty G Kotha! !illai
Cooing duty G Thaasu !illai
$nchal G !ostal duty G $nchal (illai
(eo!le ho lied in 9ort G Kottai !illai
)o (I22$I U)T 8 $ UNI48R)$2 C$)T8 N$8, $((2IC$28 TO $22 C$)T8) O9 T$I2 - K8R$2$ N$TION T$I2 N$DU OR T78 DR$4ID$ COUNTR;.
OOK) < $0$HIN8)
Karuneegar (uranams
Karuneega ithiran 1monthly3
Karuneega Nalaa/hu 1monthly3
)eer Karuneegar
Karuneegar caste and its Diisions 1 )chedule I, (art $, No:A 3- ''Tamil Nadu )tate $nd )u#ordinate'', htt!:.tn.go.inactsrules!andartnsssr.e#.htm
Kayastha - ''6elcome to Kayastha (ariar'', htt!:.ayastha!ariar.orginde5.htm
Kayastha 2ocatiions1 (illai 4eri*ication 3, (lace mouse oer )outhIndia < Tamil Nadu !oints o* this india ma! - ''6elcome to Kayastha (ariar'', htt!:.ayastha!ariar.orgourcommunity.htm
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')eer Karuneegar'
is a su#caste or !art o* Karuneegar Caste. There are no *urther diisions o* this su#caste.
The !eo!le ho #elong to the )eer Karuneegar community are deotees o*
4allalar, a *amous )ant ho lied in4adalur and !reached against eating meat.
7e rote the Thiru-$rut-!a, hich !reaches the orshi! o* a diine !oer in the *orm o* a *lame and also teaches sel* disci!line *or human #eings.
R898R8NC8) )u# caste o* Karuneegar caste 1)chedule I, (art $3 - ''Tamil Nadu )tate $nd )u#ordinate'', htt!:.tn.go.inacts-rules!andartnsssr.e#.htm
9rom 6ii!edia, the *ree encyclo!edia