The banking system is central to India's economy. Banks are contributing significantly in the growth and development of economy. However, banking sector in India is currently passing through an exciting and challenging phase. Though, India Banking Sy
Retail Banking projectFull description
PROJECT NUMBER TWO: The course project for Techcanvass ECBA Course students
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To conduct a reaserch this document can be used for mobile banking customer satisfaction worksFull description
To conduct a reaserch this document can be used for mobile banking customer satisfaction works
Arduino based control of a 5 axis robot arm
Savings and investments are the most important ingredients of capital formation for an economy therefore, the promotion of domestic savings is a must to boost the process of capital formation and development. The commercial banks are in the nature of
Questionnaire on Retail Banking. :his sure# is on$ute$ to >n$ out the ustomer "ere"tion about "ubli setor banks 'untioning ith 'oreign 'oreign 0 "riate setor banks in retail banking. 8e oul$ assure #ou it ill be use$ 'or best o' the "ur"ose an$ on>$entialit# ill be maintaine$.
Name: A'e ( Please check the desired box ) Less than 25 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65 & Aboe
Gender Male Female
Occu!ation (Please check the desired box) !m"lo#e$ ro'essional Business )tu$ent *omemakers
,n hih Bank $o #ou hae the aount/ ubli )etor Bank riate 0 Foreign )etor Banks PUBLIC SECTOR BANK
Please s!eci&" the name o& the Pu$lic Sector Ban%: (Please check the desired box,Mention only one the most preferred one) )tate Bank o' ,n$ia 1nite$ Bank o' ,n$ia Bank o' ,n$ia entral Bank o' ,n$ia unab ational Bank Bank o' Baro$a Allahaba$ Bank ther "lease s"ei'#7
T"!e o& Account (Please check the desired box) )aings urrent Please rate the indiidual item as !er "our discretion #ith re!ect to the Pu$lic sector $an% 8orse Ba$ eutral 9oo$ Best ,nterest Rate "tions Balane Limit Aailabilit# o' large no.o' branhes an$ A:Ms. Frien$l# Behaiour Reliabilit#. Finanial ro$uts Queue 8aiting :ime he;ue Relate$ )erie Branh Relate$ )erie Qualit# ,nternet Banking Ambiene o' the Branh roatieness o' !m"lo#ees ustomer 9rieane Re$ressal
Please s!eci&" the serice leel as !er the holdin' !eriod o& "our $an% account )erie ratings Less than % #ear %-5 #ears 5-%+ #ears Aboe %+ !<ellent goo$ Aerage oor =er# "oor
*hich add+on serices that are "ou aailin' at "our $an%, ,nternet Banking ?ebit ar$ Failities !letroni learane )erie Mobile Banking Are "ou satis-ed #ith oerall &acilities o& "our $an% account, @es o (If "no", please specify the reasons in the below title box)
Please s!eci&" the name o& the Priate Sector/ 0orei'n Ban%: ,,, Bank A
1oes adertisement induce "ou to o!en an account in that $an%, @!) *hat other &acilities &rom the &ollo#in' #ould "ou li%e to hae, ,m"roe$ :ele-Banking )erie Aount o"ening through online ,m"roe$ ro$ut Failities ,nstant issuane o' $ebit ar$