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Quality Risk Management For Pharmaceutical Industry Wed, 02/28/ 02/28/2007 2007 - 02:00 — Anony Anonymous mous
Yourr ratin: You ratin: !one !one A"e A"era rae: e: # $% "ot "ote& e&
The importance of quality systems has been recognized in pharmaceutical industry and the protection of the patient by managing the risk to quality is being given prime importance %
'he manufacturin and use of a dru (roduct has some deree of ris)* It is im(ortant to understand that (roduct +uality should e maintained throuh out the (roduct lifecycle* 'raditionally ris) to +uality ha"e een assessed and manaed in a "ariety of informal ays for e.am(le com(ilation com(ilation of oser"ations, trends and other information* 'hese (ro"ide information that su((ort to(ics li)e handlin of com(laints, +uality defects, de"iations etc* !o ris) manaement can e (erformed ith reconied manaement tools alon ith su((ort of statistical tools in comination, hich ma)e easy for a((lication of +uality ris) manaement (rinci(les* is) 1anaement is a (rocess for identifyin haards associated ith a (roduct, estimatin and e"aluatin the associated ris)s, controllin these ris)s, and monitorin the effecti"eness of the control* An effecti"e +uality ris) manaement ensures the hih +uality of dru (roduct to the (atient* Inaddition +uality ris) manaement im(ro"es decision ma)in if a +uality (rolem arises* It should include systemic (rocesses desinated to co-ordinate, facilitate and im(ro"e scienceased decision-ma)in ith res(ect to ris)* ffecti"e +uality ris) manaement facilitates etter and more informed decisions and (ro"ide 34A reulators ith reater assurance of a com(any5s aility to deal ith (otential ris)* is) manaement (rinci(les are effecti"ely utilied in many areas of usiness and de"elo(ment includin finance, %
insurance, occu(ational safety, (ulic health, (harmaco"iilance and aencies reulatin these industries* It can e a((lied to different as(ect of (harmaceutical +uality includin de"elo(ment, 1anufacturin, 4istriution, Ins(ection, sumission and re"ie (rocesses throuh the life cycle of dru sustances, dru (roduct, ioloical and iotechnoloical (roduct $includin use of ra material,sol"ent,e.cie(ie material,sol"ent,e.cie(ient,(ac)ain nt,(ac)ain and laelin*& Model for quality risk management is outlined in diagram below.
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4ecision-ma)in nodes are not (resent in diaram ecause decision can occur at any (oint in (rocess* 4ecision miht e to return to (re"ious ste( and see) further information, to ad6ust ris) model or end the ris) manaement (rocess
Risk Assessment: is) assessment is identification of haards and the analysis and e"aluation of ris) related to ith e.(osure to those haards* As an aid to clearly definin the ris) for ris) assessment fe fundamental are often useful, such as hat miht o ron What is the (roaility and conse+uence of ron occurrence While doin effecti"e ris) assessment, the roustness of the data is im(ortant as it determines the +uality of outcome* 'he ris) assessment can e either +uantitati"e or +ualitati"e (arameter*
Risk Management Methods and Tools: Basic risk management facilitation methods: 'he sim(le techni+ue used to structure ris) manaement y oraniin data and facilitatin decision-ma)in are flo charts, chec) sheet, (rocess ma((in, cause and effect diarams*
Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA): 31A de(ends on (roduct and (rocess understandin* It methodically rea)s don the analysis of com(le. (rocesses into manaealeste(s* It (ro"ides e"aluation of (otential failure modes for (rocesses and their li)ely effect on (roduct 2
(erformance* It can e a((lied to e+ui(ment and facilities and miht e used to analye a manufacturin o(eration and its effect on (roduct or (rocess* 'his tool is further ad"anced ith studyin criticality of the conse+uences and (ro"idin clear indication of situation* 'he (ur(ose, terminoloy and other details can "ary accordin to ty(e $ 4esin 31A, ealth 31A etc*&, the asic methodoloy is similar for all*
Process 31A,
Benefits of FMEA 9ome enefits of (erformin 31A analysis include hiher reliaility, etter +uality, increased safety and its contriution toards cost sa"in includes decreased de"elo(ment time and reduced aste and non "alue added o(erations*
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;ost enefits associated ith 31A are usually e.(ected to come from the aility to identify failure modes earlier in the (rocess, hen they are less e.(ensi"e to address* 3inancial enefits are also deri"ed from the desin im(ro"ements that 31A is e.(ected to facilitate, includin reduced arranty costs, increased sales throuh enhanced customer satisfaction, etc*
, <
'his Pro"ides a learnin tool for ne enineers and meets customer re+uirement and/or to com(ly ith 9afety and =uality re+uirements, such as I9> ?00%, =9 ?000, I9>/'9 %@??, 9i. 9ima, 34A ood 1anufacturin Practices $1Ps&, Process 9afety 1anaement Act $P91&
Ideally, 31A is est done in con6unction ith or soon after PA efforts* esults can e used to identify hih-"ulneraility elements and to uide resource de(loyment for est enefit* An 31A can e done anytime in the system lifetime, from initial desin onard* 'he elo i"en chart % descries the (attern of this tool in the maintenance a((lications and chart II ser"es as a ty(ical e.am(le for (rolem cause durin e.(ort of the finished (roducts and its li)ely effect on the usiness* Cart ! "ailure Mode And #ffe$ts Analysis %"mea& 'ubsystem()ame: 4; motor
"inal *esign:
Model ,ear(-ei$le%s&:
"M#A *ate %+rg.&:
repared by:
P B Proailities of >ccurrences 9 B 9eriousness of 3ailure
Reviewed by:
4 B Ci)elihood that the 4efect ill each the customer B
is) Priority 1easure $P . 9 . 4& % B "ery lo or none
2 B lo or minor
# B moderate or sinificant
B hih
"ery hih or catastro(hic
of "ailure
Wear and
%s& /
%s& Corre$tive
Im(ro"e chec) (rocedures
CAR0 !!
Mode of
Cause of
#ffe$t of
Can$e f
'everity %1213&
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%12 1333& %4& 5 %6&5%7&
delay from
timeline ith
order form
on time
loses <
needed for
chec)list for
Assigned values for $olumn 427
;olumn Dalue
$errors/%00 customers
<*9e"erity for customer
@*Proaility of detection
1a6or time/E
Coss of customer
Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA): It is the e.tension of earlier said 31A tool* .tendin 31A to incor(orate an in"estiation of the deree of se"erity of conse+uences, their (roailities of occurrence and their detectaility is 3ailure mode, effects and criticality analysis*
31;A, each failure mode of the (roduct is identified and then e"aluated for criticality* 'his criticality is then translated into a ris), and if this le"el of ris) is not acce(tale, correcti"e action must e ta)en* 'his can e utilied for failure and ris) associated ith manufacturin (rocesses* 'he tool can also e used to estalish and o(timie maintenance (lans for re(airale systems and/or contriute to control (lans and other +uality assurance (rocedures* In addition, an 31A or 31;A is often re+uired to com(ly ith safety and +uality re+uirements, such as I9> ?00%, =9 ?000, I9>/'9 %@??, 9i. 9ima, 34A ood 1anufacturin Practices $1Ps&, Process 9afety 1anaement Act $P91&, etc*
When e (erform a 31;A, e are identifyin all (otential failure modes and their associated effects* 'o ma)e this tas) more manaeale, e must first decide hat ty(e of 31;A e ant to (erform - 4esin, Process, Fser, 9oftare, 'est, to name a fe*
Severity classification 'his classification is assined to (ro"ide a +ualitati"e measure of the orst (otential conse+uences resultin from desin error or item failure* ;lassifications should e assined to each identified failure mode and each item analyed in accordance ith the loss statements elo* It may not e (ossile to identify an item or a failure mode accordin to the loss statements in the four cateories elo, ut similar loss statements ased on "arious in(uts and out(uts can e
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de"elo(ed and included in the round rules for the 31;A acti"ity* 9e"erity classification cateories that are consistent ith are defined as follos: ;ateory IG;atastro(hic—A failure that may cause in6ury or death* ;ateory IIG;ritical—A failure hich may cause se"ere in6ury, ma6or (ro(erty damae, or ma6or system damae that ill result in ma6or dontime or (roduction loss* ;ateory IIIG1arinal—A failure hich may cause minor in6ury, minor (ro(erty damae, or minor system damae hich ill result in delay or loss of system a"ailaility or deradation* ;ateory IDG1inor—A failure not serious enouh to cause in6ury, (ro(erty damae or system damae, ut ill result in unscheduled maintenance or re(air*
31;AHs are similar to 3'AHs* 'he i difference is an 3'A starts ith one s(ecific failure effec t and then identifies only those failure modes that can cause the (articular effect, hereas a 31;A is tryin to identifyin all (ossile failure modes of a (roduct and the effects of these failure modes*
Fault tree analysis (FTA): 'his tool assumes failure of the functionality of a (roduct or (rocess*
'he results are re(resented (ictorially in the form
of a tree of fault modes* 'his can e used to in"estiate com(laints or de"iation in order to fully understand their root %
cause and ensure that intended im(ro"ement ill resol"e the issues and not cause any other different (rolem* A ood e.am(le of this tool is (ro"ided in the (icture elo* "ault 0ree Analysis
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Hazard Analysis and critical control points (HACCP): HACCP is a systematic, proactive and preventive tool for assuring quality, reliability and safety.
It involves hazard
analysis, determining critical control point, establishing critical limit, establishing a system to monitor critical control point and establishing a record eeping system. chemical and biological hazards.
"his might be used to identify and manage ris associated #ith phys ical,
Hazard operability Analysis (HAZOP): HA$%P is a highly structured hazards identification tool.
"his is based on assumption that events are caused by deviations from the design or operating intentions.
(uide #ords
lie for e)ample no, more, o ther than are applied to relevant parameter *eg.contamination, temperature+ to identify potential deviation from the design intentions.
or e)ample, #hen the guide #ord -o- is combined #ith the parameter
-flo#- the deviation -no flo# - results. It concentrates on identifying both hazards as #ell as operability problems. /hile the HA$%P study is designed to identify hazards through a systematic approach, more than 8'0 of study recommendations are operability problems and are not, of themselves, hazards. Although hazard identification is the main focus, operability problems should be identified to the e)tent that they have the potential to lead to process hazards, result in an environmental violation or have a negative impact on profitability. "he purpose and scope of the study should be determined before a HA$%P 1tudy ob2ectives may be to chec t he safety of the design, decide #hether and #here to build, chec operating and safety procedures, improve the safety of an e)isting and or modified facility, and verify that safety instrumentation is #oring optimally
HA$%P 3ethodology includes collection of doc ument and dra#ing, breaing facility into manageable section, listing out parameters, create deviations, record cause and consequence for each cause, record co ntrols to prevent the cause and list any future action that should be implemented.
It is imperative that accurate information associated #ith the pro2ect is sourced and included in the study. 1uch information may include provisional layouts,material safety d ata sheets *3141+,process flo# diagrams, plant model, equipment arrangement dra#ings, provisional operating instructions,
heat and material balances layouts, logic
diagrams, equipment datasheets, hazardous area layouts, and start5up and emergency shutdo#n procedures.
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"he operation of this tool is depicted in the above diagram.
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Preliminary hazard Analysis (PHA): "his tool analysis is based on applying prior e)perience or no#ledge of hazard to identify future hazards, hazardous situation. "his can be used for product, process and facility design. "his can be used in early development of a pro2ect #here there is little information on detail is available.
Preliminary hazard analysis *PHA+ is a semi5quantitative analysis that is performed to Identify all potential hazards and accidental events that may lead to an accident, 7an the identified accidental events according to their 1everity and Identify required hazard controls and follo#5up actions. A typical PHA worksheet is shown below.
Risk ranking and filtering: "his can be used to prioritize manufacturing sites for inspection. It is helpful in situation in #hich portfolio of riss a nd the underlying consequences to be managed are diverse and difficult to compare using a tool.
1tatistical tool lie histograms, control charts or Pareto c harts can aid and facilitate in decision5maing along #ith above5 mentioned tools.
References: !.(uidance for industry 9 :& :uality ris management; by <1 department of Health and Human 1ervices, ood and drug Administration, Center for drug and ev aluation research =une ''>. . I?C >'8! Analysis techniques for system reliability@Procedure for failure mode and effects analysis *3?A+. . 3?A and 3?CA An %vervie# of Basic Concepts and 4irectory of %ther 7esources by #eibull.com
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F.7eliasoft corporationsG )fmea applications and benefits E.ailure mode effect analysis :uality training and management by (eoff vorely > may !&&& >.I?C >!'E ault tree analysis *"A+. 6.7is Assessment
simplified ris analysis solutions
!'. I?C >!88 5 Hazard %perability Analysis *HA$%P+. !!. C1I7% minerals %H1K? Intranet !. Preliminary Hazard Analysis by 3arvin 7ausand 1ystem 7eliability "heory *nd ed+, /iley, ''F !. "he Complete (uide to the C7?by Bryan 4odsonand 4ennis olan, L !&&> by :uality Publishing
About Author
Mr.Kirupakar .B.R earned his master degree on Pharmaceutics in ''' at the 47.3(7 medical
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