Program Registration Requirement Checklist Name of Institution Address Program(s) Appied Program Registration Requirements For New Application 1. CORPORA CORPORATE TE AND ADMN!T ADMN!TRA RAT T"E "E DOC#ME DOC#MENT! NT! a)
$ett $etter er of of app appi% i%at atio ion n
Te!Fa" No# Compliant Yes Yes No
Address to Pro&in%ia Pro&in%ia Dire%tor Signed ' te igest Offi%ia (i#e# President) Tite of program and training duration %ompete stated Date soud 'e after te date in te *oard +esoution Indi%ate tite of /uaifi%ation appied
*oard +esou +esoution tion ! A%ademi% A%ademi% ,oun%i ,oun%i +esoutio +esoution n to offer offer te te program signed ' te *oard Se%retar and attested ' te ,airperson (S,s. $,s. and pri&ate institutions) %) Spe%ia Spe%ia a %reating %reating te te institut institution ion (for (for pu'i% pu'i% institu institution) tion) e#g# +epu'i% A%t. E"e%uti&e Order. Sanggunian +esoutions) d) Se%urities Se%urities and E"%a E"%ange nge ,ommi ,ommissio ssion n (SE,) (SE,) +egist +egistration ration for private institutions (must institutions (must spe%ifi%a %o&er te Training dei&er site)
Arti Arti% %es es of In% In%or orpo pora rati tion on
Proof Proof of 'uid 'uiding ing Oner Onersi sip p or %ontra %ontra%t %t of ease ease (%o&e (%o&erin ring g at east to ears)
g) ,urren ,urrentt Fire Fire Safet Safet ,ertif ,ertifi%a i%ate te For Institutions that will branch out ) Te Arti% Arti%es es of In%orp In%orporatio oration n 2 *as *as must state reasons reasons for opening of te 'ran%# Te *oard +esoution signed ' te maorit if te In%orporators must 'e notari4ed. re%ei&ed and noted ' SE,# C#RR C#RRC C#% #%AR AR RE& RE #RE REME MENT NT! ! a) ,ompeten% ,ompeten%-'ase -'ased d ,urri%u ,urri%uum um (indi%ating (indi%ating te /uaifi%atio /uaifi%ation n 'eing addressed and te %ompeten%ies to 'e de&eoped) ,urri%uum Design 5odues of instru%tion
• •
• • •
• •
,ertifi%ate of In%orporation (SE,) ,o&er Seet or IS indi%ating te registered address Primar purpose of te 'usiness is te pro&ision of te%ni%a-&o%ationa edu%ation and training *dg# Permit!,ert# of O%%upan%. O%%upan%. if o ned ,ontra%t of $ease. if rented ,urrent ear
,urri%uum Design (+ef# Training +eguation Se%tion 3 and TESDA ,ir%uar on Integrating ender Sensiti&it in *asi% ,urri%uum6 Soud not 'e more tan 70 ours per ee8) ,ompeten%-'ased ,ompeten%-'ased $earning 5aterias (,*$5s) in%uding Session in%uding Session Pan 2 Institutiona Assessment Instruments*asi%. ,ommon. ,ore ,ompeten%ies 9 to 'e 'ounded separate 5odues of Instru%tions (,*,) - to 'e 'ounded separate (as it ,*$5s) Note: Course Design / Course Structure / Modules of Instructions / CBLMS !Cs" L#s $ duration should be consistent with the Curriculu% Design&
') %)
$ist of e/uipme e/uipment. nt. toos toos and %onsu %onsuma'es ma'es ne%essar ne%essar to dei&er te program# $ist of instru%t instru%tiona iona materia materias s (su% (su% as as referen% referen%e e materias materias.. sides. &ideotapes. internet a%%ess and i'rar resour%es) ne%essar to dei&er te program $ist of of Psi%a Psi%a Fa%iities Fa%iities 2 Off-,am Off-,ampus pus Psi Psi%a %a Fa%iiti Fa%iities es indi%ating te foor area
e) Sop aout aout of training training fa%iit fa%iities ies indi%ating indi%ating te foor area (AC# (AC#%T %TY Y AND AND PER PER!O !ONN NNE% E%
+ef# T+ Se%tion 3 as minimum re/uirement ,ompete ,*$5s6 Te"t'oo8s. if an6 +eferen%e 5aterias pres%ri'ed in te T+. if an Psi%a Fa%iities - +ef# T+ Se%tion 3#: as minimum re/uirement Off-,ampus Fa%iit - 5OA it industr. if an. for ig %ost e/uipment. if te T+ e"press aos so ,onsistent it Psi%a Fa%iities (;#D)
$ist of offi%ias it teir /uaifi%ations (supporting e&iden%es a&aia'e. su% as %opies of %ertifi%ates. et%)
• •
$ist of fa%ut it teir /uaifi%ations. areas of e"pertise. and %ourses!seminars attended (supporting e&iden%e a&aia'e. su% as ree&ant trainer /uaifi%ation %ertifi%ates. %opies of %ontra%ts of empoment. et%)
• • • • •
$ist of non-tea%ing staff it teir /uaifi%ations (supporting e&iden%es a&aia'e. su% as %opies of %ertifi%ates!%ontra%t of empoment. et%0
ACADEMC R#%E! a) S%edue and 'rea8don of tuition and oter fees (du signed ' te s%oo ead indi%ating te effe%ti&it of s%oo ear) ')
Do%umented grading sstem. detais of i% are pro&ided to students!trainees at te start of teir program
Entr re/uirements for te program %omp it te ree&ant training reguations if appi%a'e#
• • •
+ues on attendan%e
• •
!#PPORT !ER"CE! a) Ceat ser&i%es are a&aia'e to te students!trainees (if tese ser&i%es are %ontra%ted out or out-sour%es. te %ontra%t or 5OA or simiar do%uments must 'e su'mitted)
,areer guidan%e ser&i%es are a&aia'e to te students!trainees
,ommunit outrea% program (do%umented e&iden%es a&aia'e) 9 optiona +esear% tat supports te operation of te s%oo is %arriedout (e#g# sur&es. %onsutations. meeting it o%a industr and %ommunit representati&es6 te%ni%a resear%) 9 optiona
President - +esume or 1 ,ertifi%ate on S%oo Administrator (if not te President) - ,ontra%t or Appointment (if permanent) < 1 ,ertifi%ate on +egistrar - ,ontra%t or Appointment (if permanent) < 1 ,ertifi%ate on uidan%e ,ounseor - ,ontra%t or Appointment (if permanent) and an of te fooing= a) ,ertifi%ate of Training reated to uidan%e ,ounseing6 ') ,ertifi%ate of Empoment if pre&ious or8ed as uidan%e ,ounseor6 %) TO+ if Ps%oog graduate N, II or iger of te /uaifi%ation appied> (Note= Some N, II T+s re/uire Trainers it N, III) Trainers 5etodoog ,ertifi%ate NTT, of te /uaifi%ation appied> ,ontra%t or Appointment (if permanent) 5edi%a ,ertifi%ate Oter re/uirements in T+ Se%tion 3#?. if appi%a'e (e"# industr e"perien%e. ree&ant training!seminar. P+, i%ense. et%#) 'No need to attach NC/N((C of other )ualifications ,ontra%t or Appointment (if permanent) < 1 ,ertifi%ate on In%ude S%oo Nurse (it ree&ant %redentias). if an Indi%ate all%osts to 'e paid ' trainees in%uding re/uest for %ertifi%ates!SO!TO+. O@T fee (if an). et%# Numeri%a rating ma 'e assigned. it e/ui&aent ade%ti&a rating ,ompetent and Not Bet ,ompetent +ef# T+ Se%tion 3#3 In%ude N,AE or BP7S, resuts Oters as ma 'e re/uired ' te s%oo Detaied s%oo poi%ies 5a in%ude te pro&isions from T+ Se%tion 3#; Enumerate eat ser&i%es tat %an'e a&aied of If it S%oo Nurse. indi%ate tat e!se is isted in $ist of Non-Tea%ing Staff If no S%oo Nurse. su'mit 5OA it eat %are pro&ider. du notari4ed Pan of A%ti&ities signed ' uidan%e ,ounseor
5OA on O@T it at east 3 industries Additiona re/uirements for NT+ program= +efer to TESDA ,ir%uar No# 7: s# ;00 Se%tion III
(ol-er • •
3-ring *inder. ite. A7. 1 in% TIs it mutipe /uaifi%ations= Separate foder for ,orporate and Administrati&e Do%uments (3-ring *inder. ite. A7 . 1 in%) $a'e (front 2 side)= reen for Da&ao ,it. Orange for Da&ao de Sur# $a'e to indi%ate TI name. address and /uaifi%ation tite it duration
Contents insi-e pages/ • •
0 (or G0gsm) paper. A7 si4e Page 'rea8er ('ue or an 'rigt %oor) it ta' for e&er se%tion of te ,e%8ist# Page 'rea8er to indi%ate te te"t (e"# ,orporate and Administrati&e Do%uments6 $etter of Appi%ation. et%#). ta' to indi%ate numeri%a e/ui&aent (e"# 1.1#A. et%#)
Note: This format is for Davao City/Sur TVIs only.