Have Have we dete determ rmin ined ed exte extern rnal al and and inte intern rnal al issues relevant t t!e "#S a$!ievin% its aim D we we mn mnitr itr and and rev revie iew w t!es t!ese e issu issues es
Have Have we determi determined ned w!at intere intereste sted d artie arties s are relev relevant ant t t!e t!e "#S "#S and e*uir ements ements w!at are t!eir r e*uir D we we mnitr and and review iew t!is
DETER#INING THE SCO'E O THE "UA+IT, #ANAGE#ENT S,STE# Have we determined determined t!e &undaries - t!e "#S w!en esta&lis!in% esta&lis!in% its s$e. Did we consider: ( a) externa rnal and in interna rnal is issues (&) (&) t!e t!e re*u re*uire ireme ment nts s - rele releva vant nt inte intere rest sted ed art artie ies s ($) ur rdu$ts and/r se servi$ rvi$e es Have we d$umented t!e s$e0 Have we considered this standard and have we justified any exclusion?
"UA+IT, #ANAGE#ENT S,STE# AND ITS 'ROCESSES Hae we de!er "ined (a)
t!e r$esses -r t!e s1stem and !w t!e1 are t &e alied
t!e inuts and ututs -r t!se r$esses
!w r$esses interr elate
met!ds t erate and $ntrl r$esses
resur$es and t!eir availa&ilit1 and r esnsi&ilities
Have we evaluated ris2s and rtunities3 r$esses and t!eir imlementatin As necessary, have we got documented information, that gives us confidence that we are $arr1in% ut a$tivities as lanned0
+EADERSHI' AND CO##IT#ENT #an we de"ons!ra!e !o$ "ana%e"en! is $roidin% &eaders'i$ and co""i!"en! !o !'e QMS inc&(din% !a)in% acco(n!a*i&i!+ ,or:
t!e "#S
li$1 and &4e$tives &ein% $mati&le wit! strate%1
inte%ratin - t!e "#S int &usiness s1stems
rmtin% r$ess and ris2 ar a$!
ensurin% t!e "#S is resur$ed
$mmuni$atin% t!e "#S
ensurin% t!e "#S a$!ieves its intended results
rmtin% imr vement
surtin% t!ers
CUSTO#ER OCUS #an we de"ons!ra!e !'a! !o$ "ana%e"en! ac!ie&+ $roides &eaders'i$ *+ ens(rin%: (a) $ustmer re*uirements and ali$a&le statutr1 and re%ulatr1 re*uirements are determined and met ris2s and rtunities t!at $an a--e$t t!e rdu$ts and (&) servi$es are determined and addressed ($) $ustmer satis-a$tin determined3 maintained and en!an$ed
"UA+IT, 'O+IC,
Hae we ens(red !'e -o&ic+ (a) is arriate t t!e r %anisatin !as a $mmitment t meet re*uirements and $ntinuall1 imrve t!e (&) s1stem !as a -ramewr2 t set &4e$tives ($) (d) is $mmuni$ated and understd (e) availa&le as d$umented in-rmatin (-) availa&le t interested arties as arriate Hae we assi%ned and co""(nica!ed res$onsi*i&i!ies and a(!'ori!ies !o ens(re: (a)
t!e "#S $n-rms t t!e standard
r$esses deliver t!eir ututs rertin% n t!e er-rman$e - t!e "#S t t mana%ement rmtin - $ustmer -$us t!ru%!ut t!e r %ani7atin
($) (d)
/ -&annin% /.1
and o$$or!(ni!ies !'a! need !o *e addressed !o:
assure t!e "#S a$!ieves its intended results
avid r miti%ate ne%ative e--e$ts3 en!an$e sitive e--e$ts
a$!ieve imr vement
Hae we $&anned:
a$tins t address t!ese ris2s and rtunities
!w t inte%rate t!ese a$tins int t!e "#S
Hae we es!a*&is'ed 0(a&i!+ o*ec!ies a! re&ean! ,(nc!ions and &ee&s and are !'e+: (a) $nsistent wit! t!e li$1 (&) measura&le3 mnitred3 $mmuni$ated and udated as arriate ($) relevant t $n-rmit1 - rdu$ts and servi$es and t!e en!an$ement - $ustmer satis-a$tin and ta2e int a$$unt all ali$a&le r e*uir ements D we retain d$umented in-rmatin n t!e *ualit1 &4e$tives0
In $&annin% 'ow !o ac'iee o(r 0(a&i!+ o*ec!ies 'ae we de!er "ined (a)
w!at will &e dne
w!at resur$es will &e r e*uired
w! will &e resnsi&le
w!en it will &e $mleted
!w t!e results will &e evaluated
'+ANNING O CHANGES 'ere we need !o "a)e c'an%es !o !'e QMS
t!e urse and tential $nse*uen$es
t!e inte%rit1 - t!e "#S
t!e availa&ilit1 - resur$es
$!an%es t resnsi&ilities and aut!rities
i! $&anned and do we consider:
S($$or! .1 RESOURCES .1.1 General Have we determined
and rvide t!e resur$es needed -r t!e
"#S0 Hae we considered (a) t!e $aa&ilities -3 and $nstraints n existin% resur$es (&) w!at needs t &e &tained -rm external r viders
In-rastru$tur e
Envirnment -r t!e eratin - r$esses
Have we rvided t!e ersns ne$essar1 -r t!e "#S
D we rvide and maintain t!e ne$essar1 in-rastru$ture (su$! as &uildin%s3 te$!nl%13 e*uiment)
D we rvide and maintain t!e envirnment ne$essar1 -r eratins (such as temperature, humidity, ergonomics and cleanliness).
#nitrin% and #easurin% Resur$es Hae we ens(red !'a! !'e reso(rces $roided: (a) are suitable for the specific type of monitoring and measurement a$tivities &ein% underta2en (b) are maintained to ensure their continued fitness for their urse Have we retained arriate doc("en!ed in-rmatin as eviden$e0 Hae we $rocesses in $&ace !o (a) veri-1 r $ali&rate measurement instruments a%ainst r elia&le standards (&) identi-1 measurement instruments in rder t deter mine t!eir $ali&ratin status ($) sa-e%uarded measurement instruments -rm ad4ustments3 dama%e r deteriratin Have $rre$tive a$tins &een underta2en w!en issues arise wit! measurement instruments
ORGANI5ATIONA+ 8NO;+EDGE Hae we de!er"ined and "ade aai&a*&e !'e )now&ed%e necessar+ ,or (a) t!e eratin - ur r$esses and (&) a$!ievin% $n-rmit1 - rdu$ts and servi$es Do we de!er"ine 'ow !o access addi!iona& )now&ed%e ,or addressin% c'an%e in o(r *(siness
Do we (a) determine t!e ne$essar1 $meten$e - ersn(s) t!at $uld a--e$t t!e "#S (&) ensure t!at t!ese ersn(s) are $metent n t!e &asis - arriate edu$atin3 trainin%3 r exerien$e ($) ta2e a$tins t a$$ess t!e ne$essar1 $meten$e w!ere ali$a&le (d) retain arriate d$umented in-rmatin as eviden$e - $meten$e
Hae we ens(red !'a! $erson5s6 doin% wor) (nder !'e con!ro& o, o(r *(siness are aware o, (a) t!e *ualit1 li$1 and relevant *ualit1 &4e$tives (b) their contribution to the effectiveness of the Q!, including the benefits - imrved *ualit1 er-r m an$e ($) t!e imli$atins - nt $n-rmin% wit! t!e *ualit1 mana%ement s1stem r e*uir ements Hae we de!er"ined !'e in!erna& and e7!erna& co""(nica!ions re&ean! !o !'e QMS inc&(din%: (a)
w!at will &e $mmuni$ated
w!en t $mmuni$ate
wit! w!m t $mmuni$ate
!w t $mmuni$ate
;! $mmuni$ates
General Does o(r QMS inc&(de (a) d$umented in-rmatin re*uired &1 t!e standard (&) d$umented in-rmatin ne$essar1 -r t!e e--e$tiveness - t!e "#S
Creatin% and udatin% Do we ens(re we 'ae (a) identification and description (such as a title, date, aut!r3 r re-eren$e num&er) (&) review and ar val
Creatin% and udatin%
Cntrl - d$umented In-rmatin
Do we ens(re we 'ae (a) identification and description (such as a title, date, aut!r3 r re-eren$e num&er) (&) review and ar val
Do we ens(re doc("en!ed in,or"a!ion re0(ired *+ !'e QMS are con!ro&&ed !o ens(re: (a)
it is availa&le and suita&le -r use
it is ade*uatel1 r te$ted
Do we !a)e in!o considera!ion !'ese ,ac!ors (a)
distri&utin3 a$$ess3 retrieval and usa%e
stra%e and r eservatin
versin $ntr l
retentin and dissitin
external documents are identified as appropriate, and $ntr lled.
8 9$era!ion 8.1
O'ERATIONA+ '+ANNING AND CONTRO+ Have we lanned3 imlemented and $ntrlled ur r$esses Hae we (a)
determined t!e re*uirements -r ur rdu$ts and servi$es
esta&lis!ed $riteria -r t!e r$esses and t!e a$$etan$e - rdu$ts and servi$es
determined t!e resur$es needed
imlemented $ntr ls
retained d$umented in-rmatin as ne$essar1 t demnstrate r$esses !ave &een $arried ut e--e$tivel1 and rdu$t $n-rman$e
lanned $!an%es and reviewed issues3
ensured t!at utsur$ed r$esses are $ntr lled
Custmer $mmuni$atin
Determinin% re*uirements related t rdu$ts and servi$es
Have we esta&lis!ed r$esses -r $mmuni$atin% wit! $ustmers a&ut< (a) ur rdu$ts and servi$es (&) en*uiries3 $ntra$ts r rders ($) -eed&a$2 in$ludin% $mlaints (d) !andlin% t!eir r ert1 (e) $ntin%en$1 r$esses
or o(r $rod(c!s and serices 'ae we de!er"ined !'e ,o&&owin% re0(ire"en!s: (a)
ali$a&le statutr1 and r e%ulatr1
t!se we -eel are ne$essar1
#an we "ee! !'e c&ai"s ,or !'e $rod(c!s and serices we o,,er;
Review - re*uirements related t rdu$ts and servi$es
re"uirements specified by the customer
re*uirements ne$essar1 -r intended use
re"uirements specified by us
statutr1 and re%ulatr1 r e*uir ements
(e) $ntra$t r rder r e*uir ements Do we
ensure t!at $ntra$t r rder re*uirements di--erin% -r m those previously defined are r esolved
confirm re"uirements before acceptance of the or der
retain d$umented in-rmatin as ali$a&le des$ri&in% t!e results - t!e review3 in$ludin% an1 new r $!an%ed re*uirements -r t!e rdu$ts and servi$es
C!an%es t re*uirements -r rdu$ts and servi$es Hae we (a) ensured t!at d$umented in-rmatin is amended and t!at relevant ersnnel are made aware - t!e $!an%ed re*uirements w!en re*uirements -r rdu$ts and servi$es are $!an%ed
Desi%n and Develment lannin%
Have we !ave a desi%n and develment r$ess -r r du$ts and servi$es t!at is ar riate
In de!er"inin% !'e s!a%es and con!ro&s ,or desi%n and dee&o$"en! 'ae we considered: (a)
t!e nature3 duratin and $mlexit1 - t!e a$tivities
sta%es in$ludin% review
verification and validation
resnsi&ilities and aut!rities
internal and external resur$es
invlvement - $ustmer and user %r us
t!e su&se*uent rdu$tin r$ess
d$umented in-rmatin r e*uired
Desi%n and develment Inuts Hae we considered: (a)
-un$tinal and er-rman$e r e*uir ements
similar desi%ns
statutr1 and re%ulatr1 r e*uir ements
standards r $des - ra$ti$e
tential $nse*uen$es - -ailure due t t!e nature - t!e r du$ts and servi$es
Hae we ens(red in$(!s are ade0(a!e co"$&e!e and (na"*i%(o(s and all conflicts are resolved Hae we re!ained doc("en!ed in,or"a!ion on desi%n and dee&o$"en! in$(!s
Desi%n and develment $ntr ls D ur $ntrls ensure (a)
the results to be achieved are defined
reviews are $ndu$ted t ensure desi%ns will meet r e*uir ements
verification is conducted to ensure that design outputs will meet the defined inputs
validatin ensures rdu$ts and servi$es are $aa&le - meetin% t!e specified re"uirements or intended use
a$tins are ta2en n r &lems
d$umented in-rmatin - t!ese a$tivities is r etained.
Desi%n and develment ututs Hae we ens(red !'a! o(!$(!s: (a)
meet t!e inut r e*uir ements
are ade*uate -r r du$tin
re-eren$e mnitrin% and measurin% re*uirements3 and a$$etan$e $riteria3 as ali$a&le
se$i-1 t!e $!ara$teristi$s - t!e rdu$ts and servi$es t!at are essential -r t!eir intended urse and t!eir sa-e and rer use
Has doc("en!ed in,or"a!ion o, o(!$(!s *een r e!ained
Desi%n and develment $!an%es D we ensure t!ere is n adverse ima$t n $n-rmit1 w!en $!an%es are made durin% desi%n and develment Do we )ee$ doc("en!ed in,or"a!ion on (a)
desi%n and develment $!an%es
results - reviews
aut!risatin - $!an%es
A$tins ta2en t revent adverse ima$ts
General Do we ens(re !'a! e7!erna&&+ $roided $rocesses2 $rod(c!s2 and services conform to specified requirements and do we apply a$$ro$ria!e con!ro&s w'en: (a)
rdu$ts and servi$es are rvided &1 external r viders -r in$rratin int ur rdu$ts and servi$es
rdu$ts and servi$es are rvided dire$tl1 t t!e $ustmer(s) &1 external rviders n ur &e!al-
a r$ess r art - a r$ess is rvided &1 an external r vider Hae we es!a*&is'ed and a$$&ied a cri!eria ,or !'e (a)
mnitrin% re=evaluatin - external r viders
D we retain arriate d$umented in-rmatin
T1e and extent - $ntr l we Do (a)
ensure externall1 rvided r$esses are $ntrlled wit!in ur "#S
define controls over the process and the output
$nsider ima$ts t meet statutr1 and $lient r e*uir ements
determine verification r e"uir ements
In-rmatin -r external r viders Hae we co""(nica!ed !o e7!erna& $r oiders o(r re0(ire"en!s re&a!ed !o: (a)
t!e r$esses3 rdu$ts r servi$es t &e r vided
arval r release - rdu$ts and servi$es3 met!ds3 r$esses r e*uiment
$meten$e - ersnnel3 in$ludin% ne$essar1 "ualifications
t!eir intera$tins wit! us
$ntrl and mnitrin% we r e*uir e
verification activities to be performed at their pr emises
Cntrl - rdu$tin and servi$e r visin Is rdu$tin underta2en under $ntrlled $nditins T'is "a+ inc&(de 5as a$$&ica*&e6 (a)
d$umented in-rmatin a&ut t!e rdu$ts and servi$es r a$tivities t &e er-rmed
mnitrin% and measurement a$tivities
in-rastru$ture and envir nment
t!e availa&ilit1 and use - suita&le mnitrin% and measurin% resur$es
$metent ersns
a$tins t revent errrs
release3 deliver1 and st=deliver1 a$tivities
#dentification and traceability D we identi-1 ututs w!ere it is ne$essar1 t ensure $n-r mit10 D we identi-1 t!e status - ututs0 $o we control the uni"ue identification of outputs wher e tra$ea&ilit1 is r e*uir ed0
D we retain d$umented in-rmatin ne$essar1 t maintain tra$ea&ilit10
%roperty belonging to customers or external pr oviders D we exer$ise $are wit! rert1 &eln%in% t t!e $ustmer r external rviders0 Have we identified, verified, protected and safeguarded the $ustmer>s r external rvider>s r ert10
;!en rert1 - t!e $ustmer r external rvider is lst r dama%ed d we rert t t!e rvider and 2ee d$umented in-rmatin n w!at $$urred0 (includes materials, components, tools and equipment, customer premises, intellectual property and personal data)
'r eservatin
'st=deliver1 a$tivities
D we ensure reservatin - r$ess ututs durin% r du$tin t maintain $n-rmit1 t re*uirements0 (can include identification, hand l ing, packaging, storage, transmission or transportation and pr otect ion)
Do we "ee! re0(ire"en!s ,or $os!=de&ier+ ac!ii!ies associa!ed wi!' !'e $rod(c!s and serices ('st=deliver1 a$tivities $an in$lude warrant13 $ntra$tual obligations, maintenance services, recycling or final disposal) Do we consider: (a) statutr1 and re%ulatr1 r e*uir ements (&) t!e tential undesired $nse*uen$es ass$iated wit! ur rdu$ts and servi$es ($) t!e nature3 use and intended li-etime - ur rdu$ts and servi$es (d) $ustmer re*uirements and -eed&a$2
Cntrl - $!an%es D we review and $ntrl $!an%es in rdu$tin t ensure $ntinuin% $n-rmit1 wit! r e*uir ements D we retain d$umented in-rmatin - t!e review - $!an%es t rdu$tin in$ludin% aut!risatin and an1 ne$essar1 a$tins
RE+EASE O 'RODUCTS AND SER:ICES D we !ave lanned r$esses at arriate sta%es - rdu$tin t veri-1 t!at re*uirements !ave &een met D we ensure rdu$t is nt released until t!is is $mleted D we retain d$umented in-rmatin - eviden$e - $n-rmit1 wit! t!e a$$etan$e $riteria and tra$ea&ilit1 t ersns aut!ri7in% release
CONTRO+ O NONCONOR#ING OUT'UTS $o we ensure product that does not conform to re"uirements are identified and $ntrlled t revent t!eir unintended use r deliver1
D we ta2e arriate $rre$tive a$tin Do we dea& wi!' noncon,or"in% $rod(c!s in one or "ore o, !'e ,o&&owin% wa+s: (a)
se%re%atin3 $ntainment3 return r susensin - r du$tin
in-rmin% t!e $ustmer
&tainin% aut!ri7atin -r a$$etan$e under $n$essin
D we re=veri-1 w!en rdu$ts are $rre$ted0 D we retain d$umented in-rmatin des$ri&in% t!e nn=$n-rman$e3 a$tins ta2en3 $n$essins &tained and aut!risatins
> -er,or"ance Ea&(a!ion >.1 #ONITORING3 #EASURE#ENT3 ANA+,SIS AND E:A+UATION >.1.1
General Hae we de!er "ined (a)
w!at needs t &e mnitred and measured
t!e met!ds
w!en mnitrin% and measurement is t &e dne
w!en results will &e anal1sed and evaluated
D we evaluate t!e e--e$tiveness - t!e "#S D we retain d$umented in-rmatin - t!is
Custmer satis-a$tin D we mnitr $ustmer er $etins (this can include customer satisfaction surveys, customer feedback, market-share analysis, compliments, warranty claims and dealer reports) Have we determined !w we will &tain3 mnitr and review t!is in-rmatin
Anal1sis and evaluatin D we anal1se and evaluate arriate data Do we (se !'e res(&!s !o ea&(a!e (a)
rdu$t $n-r mit1
$ustmer satis-a$tin
t!e er-rman$e and e--e$tiveness - t!e "#S and an1 imrvements needed
i- lannin% !as &een imlemented e--e$tivel1
t!e e--e$tiveness - a$tins ta2en t address ris2s and rtunities
external r viders
Do we cond(c! in!erna& a(di!s a! $&anned in!era&s !o ens(re !'e QMS: (a) Cn-rms t ur r e*uir ements (&) Cn-rms t t!e re*uirements - ?@@
Hae we: (a)
lanned and imlemented an e--e$tive audit r %ram
defined the criteria and scope for each audit
sele$ted auditrs t ensure &4e$tivit1 and imartialit1
ensured t!at t!e results are rerted t relevant mana%ement
ta2en ne$essar1 $rre$tin and $rre$tive a$tins wit!ut undue dela1
retained d$umented in-rmatin
Des ur T mana%ement review ur "#S at lanned intervals
Inuts (a)
t!e status - a$tins -rm revius mana%ement reviews
$!an%es in external and internal issues relevant t t!e "#S
in-rmatin n t!e "#S in$ludin% &
customer satisfaction and sta'eholder feedbac'
"uality objectives performance
& &
nonconformance and corrective action
monitoring and measurement including audits
external pr oviders
product performance and confor mity
process performance and conformity of pr oducts and servi$es
ade*ua$1 - resur$es
a$tins ta2en re%ardin% ris2 and rtunit1
imr vement
Oututs (a)
rtunities -r imr vement
$!an%es t t!e "#S
D we retain d$umented in-rmatin as eviden$e - t!e results - mana%ement reviews
1? I"$roe"en! 1?.1
GENERA+ Hae we de!er"ined and se&ec!ed o$$or!(ni!ies ,or i"$roe"en! and i"$&e"en! necessar+ ac!ions inc&(din%: (a)
imrvin% rdu$ts and servi$es
$rre$tin%3 reventin% r redu$in% undesired e--e$ts
imrvin% t!e er-rman$e and e--e$tiveness - t!e "#S
'en a noncon,or"i!+ occ(rs2 inc&(din% co"$&ain!s do we: (a)
rea$t t t!e nn$n-rmit13 and as ali$a&le< &
ta'e action to control and correct it
deal with the conse"uences
evaluate t!e need -r a$tin t eliminate t!e $ause(s) &1< &
reviewing and analysing
determining the causes
determining if similar nonconformities exist, r $uld tentiall1 $$ur
imlement an1 a$tin needed
review t!e e--e$tiveness - an1 $rre$tive a$tin ta2en
ma2e $!an%es t t!e "#S i- ne$essar1
Hae we re!ain doc("en!ed in,or"a!ion as eidence o,: (a)
t!e nature - t!e nn$n-rmities and an1 su&se*uent a$tins ta2en
t!e results - an1 $rre$tive a$tin
$ntinuall1 imrve t!e e--e$tiveness - t!e "#S
$nsider t!e ututs - anal1sis and mana%ement reviews t identi-1 rtunities -r $ntinual imr vement
en$ura%e Cmass Assuran$e Servi$es t 2ee imrvin% and remain a valua&le artner t us