ST. JOSEPH COLLEGE OF BULACAN BEED 2 SS1 – PHILIPPINE HISTORY WITH GOVERNANCE First Seester SY 2!1"#2!1$ First Pre%ii&'r( E)'i&'ti*& +Se,t. 1- 2!1"
PRINT NA/E0 SCORE0 CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER +USE ANSWER SHEET PROVIDED # NO ERASURES I. /ULTIPLE /ULTIPLE CHOICE +$! POINTS 1. The melting pot of races and culture, with a unique heritage from Asia, Europe, Latin America, North America: A. Malays . !ndonesia ". #hilippines $. %pain &. 'ow the #hilippines #hilippines (ene)t (ene)t in the !nternational !nternational agreement: A. *ecognition of the archip hipelago doctrine rine . An E+c E+clusi usie Eco Econom nomic -one EE-/ ". A 1&0mile (elt of territorial waters $. All of the a(oe . The #hilippine #hilippin e topography: topograph y: A. an inerted 20shaped 20shaped archipelago of the numerous numerous islands and islets, coral reefs, a(undant riers, la3es and (ays4 mountains and alleys4 cool plateaus and scenic olcanoes ". !t has the longest discontinuous coastline in the world05,677 world05,677 3ilometers . The 61 har(ors and &7 landloc3ed landloc3ed straits $. All of the a(oe a(oe 5. 8alua(le springs for medicinal waters and geothermal power: A. #a #ansol in Laguna . Magsingal in !locos %ur ". %i %i(ul in "ulacan $. All of the a(oe 9. Theory of the origin origin of ilipino people: A. The story of ;od
. Legend and airy tales $. All of the a(oe
. 8olcanic =rigin $. All of the a(oe
>. oreign oreign in?uences that contri(uted in the shaping of a ilipino culture: A. Malays . %panish ". hinese $. All of the a(oe @. The aim aim of %panish coloniation of the #hilippines: A. Acquisition of resources . Territorial e+pansion ". %pread of hristianity $. all of the a(oe B. The inest har(or in Asia: A. Lingayen ;ulf Prelim Exam – SS1
. %an Cuanico "ridge 1
". Manila "ay
$. "ataan #eninsula
17. The longest mountain range in the #hilippines: A. Mt. "anahaw . Mount Apo ". Mt. "ulusan $. %ierra Mountain 11. The study of the past eents: A. 'eritage ". 'istory
. #hilippines $. hristianity
1&. Dhat is the appro+imate num(er of islands that comprise the #hilippines A. 17>> . >17> ". >71> $. >>71 1. The greatest legacy of %pain to the ilipino people: A. ulture . *eligion ". hristianity $. haracter Traits 15. The )rst European who re0discoered the #hilippines: A. erdinand Magellan . *oy Lope de 8illalo(os ". Fing #hilip !! $. %e(astian del ano 19. The hief e+ecutie or head of the goernment in the %panish time: A. Alcalde Mayor . #rime Minister ". #resident $. ;oernador0;eneral 16. The population of the #hilippines in &717 N%= ensus: A. B& Million . >6 Million ". @@ Million $. 6@ Million 1>. The capital city of the #hilippines: A. Luon ". Gueon ity
. "ulacan $. Manila
1@. The longest rier in the #hilippines: A. agayan *ier ". "ulacan *ier
. #asig *ier $. %ulu *ier
1B. The highest mountain in the #hilippines: A. Mt. "anahaw . Mt. Apo ". Mt. "ulusan $. %ierra Mountain &7. Philippine A. ".
%panish naigator who )rst used the name Las !slas ilipinas means The Islands: erdinand Magellan . *oy Lope de 8illalo(os Fing #hilip !! $. %e(astian del ano
&1. Dhich of the following was N=T among the repressie policies enforced during the %panish period A. iestas . "andala ". #olo y %ericios $. edula
Prelim Exam – SS1
&&. Dhich of the following was N=T part of the goods that were traded during the Manila0Acapulco galleon trade A. ;old . %iler ". %il3 $. %ugar &. Dhat did %panish inaders call #ygmies, the a(origines of the #hilippines A. Malayans . Negritos ". Malays $. %a3ai &5. %laery or force la(or that practice during %panish time: A. #olo . alla ". #olista $. Encomienda &9. Money or thing of alue gien (y the ilipinos in a particular conquered territory to a %panish colonieds as his rewards: A. Encomienda . Tri(ute ". Encomendero $. "andala &6. Dhat did ancient ilipinos call the %upreme "eing in which they (elieed A. $iwata . Allah ". "athala $. Anito &>. $uring %panish times, #hilippine foreign trade with %pain was carried out through this country: A. Me+ico . Capan ". hina $. Forea &@. The representatie of the Fing of %pain in the #hilippines: A. riar . Alcalde Mayor ". ;oernor0general $. *oyal audiencia &B. Dho was 3nown as the H#rince of ilipino #rintersI A. #edro #aterno . rancisco "altaar ". Cose *ial $. Tomas #inpin 7. Dhat is the typical tagalong loe song called A. =yayi . "alitaw ". 'arana $. Fundiman 1. The No(le mem(er of social classes during the pre0hispanic period: A. Maharli3a . Alipin ". Timawa $. All of the a(oe &. The third and lowest of social classes during the pre0hispanic period4 A. Maharli3a . Alipin ". Timawa $. All of the a(oe . Dhich of these groups in the #hilippines had the most ela(orate tattoos in ancient times A. "icolanos . 8isayans ". Tagalogs $. !locanos 5. Dhen was Magellan arried in the #hilippines A. 19&7 . 19&& ". 19&1 $. 16&1 Prelim Exam – SS1
9. The ruler of Mactan and 3nown as the )rst natie of the archipelago to hae resisted the %panish coloniation: A. Lapu0Lapu . *aJa 'uma(on ". Magellan $. *aJa %ula 6. *easons for oloniation: A. ;od ". ;old
. ;lory $. All of the a(oe
>. This was a special Judicial court that inestigates the performance of a goernor general who was a(out to (e replaced: A. The Encomienda . The Tri(ute ". The *esidencia $. The 8isita @. The shared assumption of what is right, good, or important: A. "elief %ystem . Languages ". ultural 8alues $. *eligions B. An ancient Austronesian manuscript: A. Alpa(eto ". "ay(ayin
. %ulatin $. %cript
57. The )rst immigrants to arrie (y sea to the #hilippines: A. The Malays . The !ndonesians ". The Negritos $. The %paniards 51. The ruler of Mactan: A. Lapu0lapu ". Magellan
. $iego %ilang $. $atu 'uma(on
5&. The agreement (etween the Fings of #ortugal and %pain that diides the world (etween the two countries with #ope Ale+ander 8!
". Ta(on Man
$. *amapithecus
5>. They were called pintados (y the %paniards (ecause of their colorful tattoos: A. !locanos . Tagalogs ". Maranaos $. 8isayans 5@. The most in?uential %panish oKcial in the #hilippines: A. #arish priest . Alpere ". ;uardia ciil $. ;o(ernadorcillo 5B. The %panish oKcial who e+ercised e+ecutie, Judicial and military duties in the proince: A. Alcalde mayor . a(ea de (arangay ". ;o(ernadorcillo $. ;oernor0general 97. The smallest unit of local goernment was the: A. #ue(lo . 8isita ". "arangay $. Encomienda 91. !t means the physical features of a country: A. $escription . Location Map ". 'istory $. Topography 9&. Dho )rst proclaimed Manila as the capital of the #hilippines: A. Legapi . 8illalo(o ". Magellan $. Fing #hilip !! 9. The reasons why the #hilippines fell to %pain: A. The ilipinos at the time of the arrial of Legapi were not united. ". The %panish inaders had a great commander in Legapi. . The %panish conquistadores had the adance technology of the Dest at that time. $. All of the a(oe 95. The #hilippines was a colony of %pain for how many years A. months . years ". years $. years 99. The highest court of the land during %panish times: A. Encomienda . *oyal Audiencia ". %upreme ourt $. Fing of %pain 96. Dho introduced the more adanced culture during !ron Age in the #hilippines A. !ndonesians . Malays ". Negritos $. %pain 9>. The )rst people to come in the #hilippines (y land (ridges: A. The !ndonesians . The Malays ". The negritos $. All of the a(oe 9@. The scientists who study the origin of the ilipino: A. Archeologists . Malayans Prelim Exam – SS1
". 'istorian
$. Austonesians
9B. The name gien (y Magellan to #hilippines in 19&1: A. Ma0yi . Archipelago of %t. Laarus ". Maniolas $. elipinas 67. A common e+pression among ilipinos in this rest on the fatalistic outloo3 and strong dependence on the Hspirits< who will ta3e care of eerything if they are really meant for a person: A. #a3i3isama . "ahala na ". tang0na0loo( $. 'iya 610>7 Dhich Asian nations the following ilipino culture came from: C*i3es0 A. Malayan . hinese ". 'indu $. Ara( 61. The (elief that the unierse is )lled with good and (ad spirits. 6&. Dords li3e: ate, 3uya, 3atay, sangla, pansit. 6. The (arangay system. 65. %ans3irt language such as %andata, maharli3a. 69. Dords li3e: 3alan, pinggan, (iyaya. 66. The %ultanate political system. 6>. The arts li3e sing3il. 6@. se of um(rella. 6B. Dearing of white dress when mourning and hiring of professional mourners. >7. Arranged marriages.
II. TRUE OR FALSE +WRITE THE CORRECT ANSWER IF FALSE +1" POINTS >1. The Pi%i,,i&es was named after missionaries (ecause it is destined (y ;od to (e a great missionary country. >&. /t. Pi&'t45* is the world. Ci&ese introduced a community oriented rather than a family0oriented religion in the form of hristianity. >5. S,'i& is the only hristian nation in the non0hristian Asian world. >9. %uperstitious (elief of ilipinos were in?uences (y the Ci&ese. >6. ilipinos are the *&%( E&6%is '&7 S,'&is spea3ing nation in Asia. >>. /i64e% L*,e8 7e Le6'8,i esta(lished %panish colonial rule in the #hilippines. Prelim Exam – SS1
>@. The most in?uential and powerful colonial oKcial was te 9ri'rs. >B. The hidden treasures that discoered in Malampaya #alawan are 6*%7. @7. ilipinos hae (oth good and (ad characteristics, &*t %i:e any other nation or earth. @1. The early ilipinos had &* 34%t4re of their own. @&. =ur early ancestors are 9ree to choose their leaders. @. =ur heritage is seen in our religion, politics, economics and &*t i& s*3i'% %i9e. @5. Cristi'&it( was the real secret (ehind the powers of %pain in the #hilippines. @9. #hilippines was (elieed to (e part of the 'i&%'&7 Asi'.
@6. Mt. Mayon @>. limate @@. #hilippine $eep @B. #agsanJan alls B7. !gorot B1. Luon B&. Gueon ity B. agayan *ier
a. (. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. J. 3. l. m. n. o.
Gueen of #hilippine lowers The (iggest island group The great peninsula The lowest place in the #hilippines The rice granary of the #hilippines The longest rier Most historic rier The largest la3e aorite tourist spot and moie location Tropical and monsoonal in character Dorld most perfect cone shape %tudy of the #ast #eople of the mountains or headhunters The largest ity #opulation/ orced la(or
B5. 'istory B9. "ataan #eninsula B6. #olo B>. entral plain B@. Laguna de "ay BB. %ampaguita 177. #asig *ier
GOODLUC; Prelim Exam – SS1
Prelim Exam – SS1