Wit Script Cast: Vivian
Posner(youn g !octor"
&ea Doctors ()"
#$ray %urse
Co!e Blue
Dr. Kelekian Susie Monahan
C& scan %urse
&ea *ea! Co!e Blue &ea (+"
(SCENE 1, Office of Vivian Bearing) Mrs. Mrs. Ash Ashfo ford rd: :
(Poe (Poeti tica ca !ead !eadin ing. g.) ) "Death be not proud Though some have called thee mighty and dreadful For thou art not so For those whom thou think'st, thou dost overthrow Die not, poor death Nor yet canst thou kill me Thou art slave to Fate Chance, kings, and desperate men nd dost with poison, war and sickness dwell nd poppy or charms can make us sleep as well nd better than thy stroke !hy swell'st thou then #ne short sleep past !e wake eternally nd Death$ capital %D& comma shall be no more," Comma Death thou shalt die($ e)clamation mark
"ason, #o$%ve &issed the 'oint of the 'oe&. o$%ve $sed an edition of the tet that is $nreaistica# '$nct$ated. o$r essa# on *oly +onnet - is a &eodra&a that is $n*orth# of schoarshi'. +o it again. o$ng o$ng "ason "ason: :
B$t &aa& &aa&. . - need need to ta ta to #o$ a/o$t a/o$t so& soð ethin ing. g.
Miss Miss Bear Bearin ing: g: o$ng o$ng "ason "ason: :
0hat 0hat is it it - need need to to as as for for an et etens ensio ion n on 'a'e 'a'er. r. (Pa (Pa$se $se) ) -%& -%& sorr sorr#, #, - no* #o$r 'oic#, /$t...
Miss Miss Beari Bearing ng: :
+on%t +on%t te te &e, &e, #o$r #o$r gran grand& d&oth other er died. died.
o$n g "a son:
o$ ne*
Miss Miss Bear Bearin ing: g:
-t *as *as a g$ess g$ess. . (0it (0ith h disg disg$st $st.) .)
o$ng "aso ason:
- have ave to go ho&e.
Miss Miss Bearin Bearing: g:
+o *hat *hat #o$ #o$ *i, *i, /$t /$t the 'a'er 'a'er is d$e *hen *hen it it is d$e. d$e. ("ason *as off. 2ights fade o$t)
(SCENE 3, 14 #ears ater. Cassroo&.) Miss Miss Bearing Bearing: :
0hat, 0hat, then... then... is the the '$nct$a '$nct$ation tion that. that... .. o$5 o$5 (Sa&s (Sa&s ta/e ta/e and stares at +$&/ St$dent) 0hat is the '$nct$ation that &aes the dra&atic 'a$se in this sonnet
+$&/ +$&/ St$d St$den ent: t:
(star (stares es /a /an n# # at teac teache her) r) 6$h 6$h
Miss Bearing:
-n this sonnet, *hat is the... (Co$ghs)...the '$nct$ation that creates a 'a$se -% give #o$ a hint: -t has nothing to do *ith /aset/a.
+$&/ St$dent:
(oos at his /oo conf$sed) 7&&...
Miss Bearing:
o$ can co&e to this cass 're'ared, or #o$ can /e ec$sed fro& this cass, this de'art&ent, and this $niversit#. +o not thin for a &o&ent that - *i toerate an#thing in /et*een. (Stares at d$&/ st$dent.) (Be rings. 2oos at the cass.) ho&e*ors
+$&/ St$dent:
0e havent finished it #et, &aa&.
No*, cass, *here are #o$r
(Cass gets nois#.) Miss Bearing:
8$iet do*n... 9$iet do*n5 (Bo*s *histe and gets &ad) - tod #o$, #o$ need to have #o$r ho&e*or ever# singe da#5 (Boss# tone) 0heres #o$r st$ff5 et it o$t of #o$r /ags, right no*. 2ets go. 2ets go 'eo'e. (St$dents co&'aining.)
Miss Bearing:
- need to see those 'a'ers. 0here are those 'a'ers (Cass gets noisier) 8$iet5 (Sa&s /ac/oard rea# hard together *ith a s$dden intense 'ain in the a/do&en, then sience.) Ah. Aaahh5 (2eans /ac on the ta/e then fas do*n. Cass gets $nsta/e. 2ights fade o$t. A&/$ance siren so$nds.)
(SCENE ;, +octors Office)
o$ have cancer. Miss Bearing, #o$ have advanced &etastatic ovarian cancer.
Miss Bearing:
o on.
o$ are a 'rofessor, Miss Bearing.
Miss Bearing:
2ie #o$rsef, +r.
0h#, #es. No* then, #o$ 'resent *ith a gro*th that $nfort$nate# *ent $ndetected in stages one, t*o, and three. No* it is an insidio$s adenocarcino&a.
Miss Bearing:
-nsidio$s &eans $ndetecta/e at an ear#...
Miss Bearing:
-nsidio$s &eans treachero$s.
Sha - contin$e
Miss Bearing:
B# a &eans.
ood. -n invasive e'itheia carcino&a, the &ost effective treat&ent is a che&othera'e$tic agent. 0e are deveo'ing an e'eri&enta co&/ination of dr$gs designed for 'ri&ar#=site ovarian cancer, for the target s'ecificit# of stage three and /e#ond ad&inistration. A& - going too fast
Miss Bearing:
o$ *i /e hos'itai>ed as an in='atient for treat&ent each c#ce. After the initia eight c#ces, #o$ *i have another /atter# of tests. ?he antineo'astic *i inevita/# affect so&e heath# ces inc$ding those ining the gastrointestina tract, the i's to the an$s, and the hair foices. 0e *i /e re#ing on #o$r resove to *ithstand so&e of the &ore har&f$ side effects. (Pa$se.) +o #o$ have an# 9$estions so far
Miss Bearing:
Pease, go on.
!ight. No*, the t$&or is s'reading ver# 9$ic#. And this treat&ent is ver# aggressive. So far, so good
Miss Bearing:
Better not teach net se&ester.
Miss Bearing:
O$t of the 9$estion.
?he first *ee of each c#ce #o$% /e hos'itai>ed for che&othera'#. ?he net *ee #o$ &a# fee a itte tired. ?he net t*o *i /e fine, reative#.
Miss Bearing:
Eight &onths ie that.
?his treat&ent is the strongest thing *e have to offer #o$. And as research, it% &ae a significant contri/$tion to o$r no*edge.
Miss Bearing:
6ere is the infor&ed consent for&. Sho$d #o$ agree, #o$ sign there, at the /otto&. -s there a fa&i# &e&/er #o$ *ant &e to e'ain this to
Miss Bearing:
?hat *on%t /e necessar#.
ood. ?he i&'ortant thing is for #o$ to tae the f$ dose of che&othera'#. ?here &a# /e ti&es *hen #o$ *ish for a esser
dose, d$e to the side effects. B$t *e%ve got to go f$ force. (Pa$se.) +r. Bearing Miss Bearing:
o$ &$st /e ver# to$gh. +o #o$ thin #o$ can /e ver# to$gh
Miss Bearing:
o$ needn%t *orr#.
ood. Eceent.
(SCENE @, =ra# !oo&) N$rse:
Miss Bearing:
M# na&e Vivian Bearing.
Miss Bearing:
Bearing. B=E=A=!==N=. Vivian. V==V==A=N.
Miss Bearing:
es, - have a Ph.+.
o$r doctor
Miss Bearing:
Oh. Ah... +r. 6arve#
(N$rse assists her to tae =ra#.) N$rse:
?ae a dee' /reath and hod it. (cic) Oa#. Ar&s a/ove #o$r head, and hod it. (cic) Oa#. Oa#, that%s it. (SCENE , Ph#sica Ea&)
(N$rse S$>>ie trans'orts her *ith a *heechair and enter the door.) N$rse S$>>ie:
+r. Posner:
(Both stares inti&ate# at each other.) Mrs. Bearing:
(-nterr$'ts &o&ent.) 6i5
N$rse S$>>ie:
Oh. Miss Bearing, this is "ason Posner. (?$aa a# "ason) 6e%s gonna do &e... (!eai>ing her recessness.) do #o$r &edica histor# and as #o$ a fe* 9$estions. 6e%s +r.
+r. Posner:
6aha... -%& +r. Posner, cinica eo* at the &edica oncoog# /ranch, *oring *ith +r.
N$rse S$>>ie:
Sit over here, 'ease.
+r. Posner:
Prof. Bearing, - *as a st$dent at the $niversit#. ?oo #o$r co$rse in 1Dth cent$r# 'oetr#.
Miss Bearing:
+id #o$
+r. Posner:
es, - tho$ght it *as eceent.
Miss Bearing:
?han #o$. 0ere #o$ an Engish &aor
+r. Posner:
No, /ioche&istr#. o$ can%t get into &ed schoo $ness #o$%re *e=ro$nded. - /et *ith sef - co$d get an A in the three hardest co$rses.
N$rse S$>>ie:
!ea#. 6o*%d #o$ do
+r. Posner:
Miss Bearing:
+r. Posner:
A=&in$s. -t *as a ver# to$gh co$rse.
Miss Bearing:
(nods) M&&...
+r. Posner:
(to n$rse 2$c#) eah, $&&... -% ca #o$.
N$rse S$>>ie:
+r. Posner:
-% $st *hee this over. Oa#, -%& going to /e taing #o$r histor# *hich is a &edica intervie*, and then - give #o$ an ea&. Oa#, et%s $st get started. 6o* are #o$ feeing toda#
Mrs Bearing:
ine, than #o$.
+r. Posner:
And ho*%s #o$r genera heath
Miss B earing:
+r. Posner:
ood. 0e no* that #o$%re an acade&ic.
Miss Bearing:
es, *e%ve esta/ished that.
+r. Posner:
So *e don%t need to ta a/o$t #o$r *or.
Miss Bearing:
+r. Posner:
6o* od are #o$
Miss Bearing:
+r. Posner:
Are #o$ &arried
Miss Bearing:
+r. Posner:
Are #o$r 'arents iving
Miss Bearing:
+r. Posner:
6o* and *hen did the# die
Miss Bearing:
M# father, s$dden#, of a heart attac *hen - *as G1. M# &other, so*#, *hen - *as ;1 or ;G, of /reast cancer.
+r. Posner:
Miss Bearing:
Breast cancer.
+r. Posner:
- see. An# si/ings
Miss Bearing:
+r. Posner:
And no* #o$r &edica histor#. 6ave #o$ ever /een hos'itai>ed
Miss Bearing:
- had tonsis o$t *hen - *as eight.
+r. Posner:
6ave #o$ ever /een 'regnant
Miss Bearing:
+r. Posner:
6eart &$r&$rs
Miss Bearing:
+r. Posner:
6igh /ood 'ress$re
Miss Bearing:
+r. Posner:
Venerea diseases, $terine infections...
Miss Bearing:
+r. Posner:
?h#roid, dia/etes, cancer...
Miss Bearing:
No. Cancer, #es.
+r. Posner:
Miss Bearing:
+r. Posner:
(Stares.) 0e not inc$ding no*.
Miss Bearing:
-n that case, no.
+r. Posner:
Oa#. Cinica de'ression, nervo$s /reado*n, s$icide atte&'ts...
Miss Bearing:
+r. Posner:
+o #o$ s&oe
Miss Bearing:
+r. Posner:
Miss Bearing:
- /eg #o$r 'ardon
+r. Posner:
Miss Bearing:
Ethano. es, - drin *ine.
+r. Posner:
6o* &$ch, ho* often
Miss Bearing:
A gass, *ith dinner, occasiona#, and 'erha's a scotch ever# no* and then.
+r. Posner:
+o #o$ $se an# s$/stances
Miss Bearing:
S$ch as
+r. Posner:
Mari$ana, cocaine, crac cocaine, PCP, ecstas#, 'o''ers...
Miss Bearing:
+r. Posner:
+o #o$ drin caffeinated /everages
Miss Bearing:
+r. Posner:
0hich ones
Miss Bearing:
Coffee, a fe* c$'s a da#.
+r. Posner:
6o* &an#
Miss Bearing:
?*o to... si. B$t - don%t thin that%s i&&oderate.
+r. Posner:
6o* often do #o$ have ro$tine &edica chec$'s
Miss Bearing:
Not as often as - sho$d 'ro/a/#, /$t -%ve fet fine, rea# have.
+r. Posner:
So, the ans*er is
Miss Bearing:
Ever# three to five #ears.
+r. Posner:
0hat do #o$ do for eercise
Miss Bearing:
+r. Posner:
Are #o$ having se$a reations
Miss Bearing:
Not at the &o&ent.
+r. Posner:
Are #o$ 're or 'ost=&eno'a$sa
Miss B earing:
+r. Posner:
0hen did #o$r 'eriods sto'
Miss Bearing:
A/o$t t*o #ears ago.
+r. Posner:
Oa#. 0hen did #o$ first notice #o$r 'resent co&'aint
Miss Bearing:
?his ti&e, no*
+r. Posner:
Miss Bearing:
A/o$t fo$r &onths ago, - fet a 'ain in sto&ach, in a/do&en... ie a cra&', /$t not the sa&e.
+r. Posner:
6o* did it fee
Miss Bearing:
2ie a cra&'.
+r. Posner:
B$t not the sa&e
Miss Bearing:
+$er and stronger, - can%t descri/e it.
+r. Posner:
0hat ha''ened net
Miss Bearing:
- don%t no*... - started noticing itte things a/o$t /od#. - *o$d /e teaching and fee a shar' 'ain.
+r. Posner:
0hat ind of 'ain
Miss Bearing:
Shar'... (Stares anno#ing#) and s$dden. ?hen it *o$d go a*a#, or, - *o$d /e tired... Eha$sted. - *as *oring on a &aor 'roect... the artice on "ohn +onne... for the #)ford .ncyclopedia of .nglish /iterature -t *as a great honor, /$t - had a ver# strict deadine.
+r. Posner:
0ere #o$ $nder stress
Miss Bearing:
-t *asn%t &$ch &ore stress than $s$a... - $st co$dn%t *ithstand it this ti&e.
+r. Posner:
Miss Bearing:
- had $s$a Engish cass at the coege that da#. - *as too stressed o$t fro& the nights *or - got &ad at st$dents in cass. S$dden#, - fet this s$dden 'ain in a/do&en. -t *as etre&e# 'ainf$ - co$dnt he' it - fainted in cass. ?he net da#, - *ent to see +r. Chin, g#necoogist, after -%d t$rned in the artice. She ea&ined &e, sent &e to "efferson, the internist... *ho sent &e to
+r. Posner:
And that%s it.
Miss Bearing:
?i no*.
+r. Posner:
?hat%s ver# interesting. 6&&... - g$ess *e% start the ea&. (Assists her to /ed.) 0h# don%t #o$ $st sort of ie /ac and
rea. 0on%t tae a &in$te. 2et &e get this sheet. (Cover Bearing *H a /anet) 6ere. Oa#. eah, $st... ('$s stirr$'s) eet in the stirr$'s here. Oa#. Oa#. Co$d #o$ $st... (Becons Bearing to co&e coser.) eah. ?here. Oa#. ood, oa#. Oa#. Oh. -%ve got to go get S$sie. -%ve got to have a gir here, so&e cra>#, cinica r$e. +on%t &ove, -% /e right /ac. (goes o$tside) S$>>ie Miss Bearing:
- *ish - had given hi& an A. ?*o ti&es one is t*o. ?*o ti&es t*o is fo$r. ?*o ti&es three is si.
+r. Posner:
(co&es in *ith n$rse S$>>ie) Oa#, here%s ever#thing.
N$rse S$>>ie:
0hat is this 0h# did #o$ eave her ie this
+r. Posner:
- had to find #o$, no* co&e on. (?o Bearing.) 0e%re read#, Prof. Bearing. "$st get this on. (P$ts goves on I $/ricant.) A right. "$st get this $'. "$st rea. (starts -E) Oa#. -sn%t that interesting, S$sie, that - had Prof. Bearing
N$rse S$>>ie:
eah. - *ish - had taen so&e iterat$re. - don%t no* an#thing a/o$t 'oetr#.
+r. Posner:
Prof. Bearing *as high# regarded on ca&'$s. 6er co$rse ooed ver# good on transcri't. ?he# even ased &e a/o$t it in intervie* to &edica schoo. (fees soðing) osh.
N$rse S$>>ie:
Miss B earing:
+r. Posner:
eah, - s$rvived Bearing%s co$rse. eah, no 'ro/e&. eah, "ohn +onne, those &eta'h#sica 'oets ?hat &eta'h#sica *it. 6ardest 'oetr# in the Engish de'art&ent. 2ie to see the& tr# /ioche&istr#. Oa#. 0e%re a&ost done, a right. eah, oa#. ?hat%s it, *e%re done. (?aes goves off I thro*s the& in gar/age.) - gotta go. ?ae her feet o$t. eah. (S*ift# *as o$t I sa&s doors. ?hen a**ard sience.)
N$rse S$>>ie:
6ere. (hands Bearing a tiss$e.)
Miss Bearing:
?han #o$. -%& $st gonna... (*i'es her vagina)
(Aone in roo&) Miss Bearing:
(vo&iting.) Oh, od. Pease... Stead#. Stead#. Oh, od. 0hat%s eft - haven%t eaten in t*o da#s. 0hat%s eft to '$e od, -%& gonna /arf /rains o$t.
Nurse +u00ie1
23hone beeps Then +u00ie calls4 *ow you doing, 5iss 6earing 7ou having some nausea
Miss Bearing:
Nurse +u00ie1
#kay, -'ll be with you in a second
2Nurse +u00ie comes in4
Miss Bearing:
-t%s a/o$t 344 ccs.
N$rse S$>>ie:
-s that a
Miss Bearing:
-t *as ver# hard *or.
N$rse S$>>ie:
(Meas$res vo&it.) eah, it%s 344. ood g$ess. Oa#. -s there an#thing ese - can get #o$ o$ *ant so&e "eo or soðing
Miss Bearing:
?han #o$, no.
N$rse S$>>ie:
Are #o$ oa# a /# #o$rsef in here
Miss Bearing:
N$rse S$>>ie:
Not having a ot of visitors, are #o$
Miss Bearing:
None to /e 'recise.
N$rse S$>>ie:
- didn%t thin so. -s there so&e/od# #o$ *ant &e to ca, or soðing
Miss Bearing:
?hat *on%t /e necessar#. - don%t *ant visitors.
N$rse S$>>ie:
Oa#. -% te #o$ *hat. -% co&e in ever# once in a *hie to see ho* #o$%re doing. Mae s$re #o$%re oa#. -f #o$ need an#thing, #o$ $st ring. (!ecords data in chart.)
Miss Bearing:
?han #o$. Oa#.
N$rse S$>>ie:
(P$ts hands in her sho$ders.) o$ $st ca. (0as o$t.)
(rand !o$nds) +r.
+r. Bearing.
Miss Bearing:
+r. Posner:
Prof. Bearing. 6o* are #o$ feeing toda#
Miss B earing:
+r. Posner:
reat, $st great.(O'ens sirt s$dden#.) Ver# ate detection, stage is fo$r $'on ad&ission. 6eaðo'hos'haci *ith Vin'atin to 'otentiate. 6e at 344 &iigra&s 'er &eter s9$ared, Vin at 144. ?oda# is c#ce fo$r, da# three. A c#ces are at f$ dose. Pri&ar# site is here, /ehind the eft ovar#. Metastases are s$s'ected in the 'eritonea cavit#...
&ain# in this area here. $ #&'hatic invove&ent. At the ti&e of first=oo s$rger#... a arge 'art of the t$&or *as de=/$ed... &ain# in this area here. 2eft and right ovaries... fao'ian t$/es, $ter$s, a o$t. Evidence of 'ri&ar#=site shrinage. Shrining in &etastases has not /een doc$&ented. Pri&ar# &ass fran# 'a'a/e, in 'evic ea&... a thro$gh here. +r.
Eceent co&&and of detais. Oa#. Pro/e& areas *ith 6e and Vin
+r. 1:
+r. Posner:
(interr$'ts) M#eos$''ression... o*ering /ood=ce co$nts. 0ith this co&/ination of agents, ne'hrotoicit# *i /e net.
An#/od# ese Side effects
+r. 1:
Na$sea, vo&iting.
+r. Posner:
+r. G:
Pain *hie $rinating.
+r. Posner:
+r. 3:
Ps#choogica de'ression
+r. Posner:
No *a#.
An#thing ese Other co&'aints *ith 6e and Vin Co&e on.
+r. ;:
Mo$th sores
+r. Posner:
Not #et.
+r. G:
Sin rash
+r. Posner:
0h# do *e *aste o$r ti&e, +r. Bearing
Mrs. Bearing:
- do not no*, +r.
7se #o$r e#es. ood grief. 6air oss.
Co&e on5 ?hat doesnt co$nt5 o$ can see that5
+r. Posner:
6air oss after first c#ce of treat&ent.
?hat%s /etter. +r. Bearing. $ dose ood, eceent.
+r. Posner:
Oh. !ight. ?han #o$, Prof. Bearing, #o$%ve /een ver# coo'erative.
(Arriving at hos'ita fro& ho&e) Miss Bearing:
ever and ne$tro'enia.
N$rse S$>>ie:
Oa#, *hen did it start
Miss Bearing:
- *as at ho&e reading. - fet so /ad, - got cod. ever and ne$tro'enia. ?he# said to co&e in.
N$rse S$>>ie:
o$ did the right thing. +id so&e/od# drive #o$
Miss Bearing:
- too a tai.
N$rse S$>>ie:
Can #o$ *a Oa#, $st sit here a &in$te. -% get "ason, he%s on ca tonight and he% /e a/e to give #o$ so&e &eds. ad - *as here tonight. -%& gonna get #o$ to a /ed soon, oa# -%& gonna get #o$ so&e nice $ice *ith ots of ice, oa#
Mrs. Bearing:
2ights. - eft a the ights on at ho$se.
N$rse S$>>ie:
+on%t *orr# a/o$t it. -t% /e oa#.
(N$rse S$>>ie goes o$t to ca "ason. 6e $st *oe $' and is sti in a see'# &ood.) +r. Posner:
(in a see'# &ood) Prof. Bearing, ho* #o$ feeing
Mrs. Bearing:
M# teeth are chattering.
+r. Posner:
(?o S$>>ie.) Vitas
N$rse S$>>ie:
?e&' 14G. P$se 1G4. !es'iration G.
+r. Posner:
ever and ne$tro'enia, it%s a shae and /ae. Bood c$t$re and $rine, stat. Ad&it her. Pre'are her for reverse isoation. Start *ith aceta&ino'hen. Vitas ever# fo$r ho$rs. (*as o$t)
N$rse S$>>ie:
(chases after hi&) "ason. o$%d /etter ta to
+r. Posner:
(in disg$st) 2o*ering the dose No *a#, she%s to$gh, she can tae it. $ dose. 0ae &e *hen the co$nts co&e fro& the a/. (*as a*a#. N$rse S$>>ie stares at hi& in dis/eief.)
Ms. Bearing:
(M$ttering.) 0e *ant to re&ind the s'eaer of the ass$rance of savation. B$t it%s too ate, the 'oetic enco$nter is over. 0e are eft to o$r o*n consciences. 6ave *e o$t*itted +onne (S$>>ie nocs.)
N$rse S$>>ie:
Miss /earing
Miss Bearing:
Or, have *e /een o$t*itted
N$rse S$>>ie:
Miss Bearing:
0hat is it
N$rse S$>>ie:
o$ have to go do*n for a test. "ason $st caed. ?he# *anna do another $traso$nd. ?he#%re concerned a/o$t a /o*e o/str$ction.
Miss Bearing:
No, not no*.
N$rse S$>>ie:
-%& sorr#, the# *ant it no*.
Miss Bearing:
Not right no*, it%s not s$''osed to /e no*.
N$rse S$>>ie:
?he# *ant to do it no*, -%ve got the chair.
Miss Bearing:
-t sho$d not /e no*, -... - have this 'anned for no*, not an $traso$nd. No &ore tests, *e%ve covered that.
N$rse S$>>ie:
- no*. B$t the# need for it to /e no*. -t isn%t a /ad 'roced$re and it *on%t tae ong, so *h# don%t #o$ co&e no*
Miss Bearing:
- do not *ant to go no*.
N$rse S$>>ie:
Miss Bearing...
(7traso$nd !oo&) N$rse:
Miss Bearing:
-t% $st /e a &in$te.
Miss Bearing:
?i&e for #o$r /rea
Miss Bearing:
?ae a /rea.
(-n 'ain)
(Bearing e'resses great 'ain. ?hen S$>>ie enters and sits /# Bearings side.) N$rse S$>>ie:
Oa#. 0e%ve ocated +r.
Mrs. Bearing:
od, it%s so 'ainf$. So &$ch 'ain.
N$rse S$>>ie:
- no*. "$st tr# and rea and cear #o$r &ind. 0e% get #o$ 'atient=controed anagesic. (?r#ing to e'ain.) -t%s a itte '$&' *ith a itte /$tton and #o$ 'ress it... and #o$ decide ho* &$ch &edication #o$ *ant. -t%s ver# si&'e and it%s a $' to #o$. Oa#.
+r. Bearing. S$>>ie.
N$rse S$>>ie:
(Stands $'.) -t%s ti&e for 'atient=controed anagesic. ?he 'ain%s iing her.
(Ca&#) +r. Bearing, are #o$ in 'ain
Mrs. Bearing:
(?o sef) - don%t /eieve this.
- *ant a &or'hine dri'.
N$rse S$>>ie:
0hat a/o$t 'atient=controed She%d /e &ore aert.
Ordinari# #es. -n her case, no.
N$rse S$>>ie:
B$t - thin she *o$d rea# rather...
(-nterr$'ts and stares.) She%s earned her rest.
(S$>>ie sitsdo*n h$rried#.) +r.
Mor'hine. 14 '$sh no* and start it in an ho$r. +r. Bearing, tr# to rea, *e% he' #o$ thro$gh this. +on%t *orr#. Eceent. (S$>>ie stares at hi& in disg$st. ?hen a eits.)
(S$>>ie co&es /ac to ad&inister &eds on -V.) Miss Bearing:
- tr$st this *i have a so'orific effect
N$rse S$>>ie:
- don%t no* a/o$t that, /$t it s$re does &ae #o$ see'#.
Miss Bearing:
N$rse S$>>ie:
0hat%s so f$nn# 0hat
Miss Bearing:
-t%s $st... -t%s that Jso'orificJ &eans... J&aes #o$ see'#.J
N$rse S$>>ie:
-t does ?hat *as d$&/. (Both a$ghs.)
Miss Bearing:
No, it *as f$nn#.
N$rse S$>>ie:
eah -n a d$&/ sort of *a#. -%& gad #o$ e'ained it to &e. - never *o$d%ve tho$ght of that.
("ason I S$>>ie) +r. Posner:
eah, she *as a great schoar. 0rote tons of /oos, artices. She *as the head of ever#thing. Peo'e $sed to h$g the *as *hen she 'assed. (!eads chart.) GD@, @G4. (?o S$>ie.) 2et%s $' the h#dration. She *on%t /e drining an#&ore, see if *e can ee' her idne#s fro& fading. - had a ot of res'ect for her. More than - can sa# for the entire /io=che& de'art&ent.
N$rse S$>>ie:
0hat do #o$ *ant, detrose
+r. Posner:
ive her saine. She gave a he of a ect$re. No notes, not a *ord o$t of 'ace. -t *as i&'ressive. A ot of st$dents hated her, tho$gh.
N$rse S$>>ie:
+r. Posner:
She *asn%t eact# a c$'cae.
N$rse S$>>ie:
She hasn%t eact# /een a c$'cae here either. (?o see'ing Bearing.) Miss Bearing, "ason and - are here, *e% insert a catheter to coect $rine. -t *on%t h$rt, so don%t *orr#.
+r. Posner:
(s&irs *hie '$tting goves on.) 2ie she can hear #o$.
N$rse S$>>ie:
-t%s $st nice to do.
+r. Posner:
Eight c#ces of 6e and Vin at f$ dose.
N$rse S$>>ie:
She%s not *hat - i&agined. - tho$ght so&eone *ho st$died 'oetr# *o$d /e &ore drea.
+r. Posner:
Not the *a# she did it. 6er co$rse *as &ore ie /oot ca&' than Engish. "ohn +onne *as incredi/# intense. o$r *hoe /rain had to /e in nots /efore #o$ co$d get it.
N$rse S$>>ie:
6e &ade it hard on '$r'ose
+r. Posner:
-t has to do *ith s$/ect &atter. ?he *oly +onnets *e *ored on &ost# *ere &ain# a/o$t savation aniet#. 6e%s this /riiant g$#, - &ean /riiant. 6e &aes Shaes'eare so$nd ie a 6a&ar card. And #o$ no* #o$%re a sinner. ?here%s a 'ro&ise of savation, the *hoe reigio$s thing. B$t #o$ can%t dea *ith it.
N$rse S$>>ie:
6o* co&e
+r. Posnoer:
Beca$se it doesn%t stand $' to scr$tin#. B$t #o$ can%t face ife *itho$t it, so #o$ *rite these scre*ed=$' sonnets. 2ie a ga&e to &ae the '$>>e so co&'icated.
N$rse S$>>ie:
0hat ha''ens in the end
+r. Posner:
?he end of *hat
N$rse S$>>ie:
?o "ohn +onne. +oes he ever get it
+r. Posner:
et *hat
N$rse S$>>ie:
6is savation aniet#. +oes he ever $nderstand
+r. Posner:
No *a#. ?he '$>>e taes over. o$%re not even tr#ing to sove it an#&ore. ascinating, rea#. reat training for a/ research. 2ooing at increasing eves of co&'eit#.
N$rse S$>>ie:
7nti *hat
+r. Posner:
0hat do #o$ &ean
N$rse S$>>ie:
+o #o$ ever get to sove the '$>>e
+r. Posner:
No. 0hen it co&es do*n to it, research is $st tr#ing to 9$antif#... the co&'ications of the '$>>e.
N$rse S$>>ie:
o$ he' 'eo'e, #o$ save ives and st$ff.
+r. Posner:
S$re, - save a g$#%s ife... and the 'oor so/ goes o$t and gets hit /# a /$s.
N$rse S$>>ie:
eah, - g$ess so. - $st don%t thin a/o$t it that *a#. g$ess #o$ can te - never too a co$rse in 'oetr#.
+r. Posner:
-f there%s one thing *e earned in 1Dth Cent$r# Poetr#... #o$ can forget a a/o$t that senti&enta st$ff. En>#&e inetics *as &ore 'oetic than Bearing%s cass. Besides, #o$ can%t $st go aro$nd... thining a/o$t that &eaning=of=ife st$ff a the ti&e. o$%d go n$ts.
N$rse S$>>ie:
+o #o$ /eieve in it
+r. Posner:
Beieve in *hat
N$rse S$>>ie:
- don%t no*, the &eaning=of=ife st$ff.
+r. Posner:
0hat do the# teach #o$ at n$rsing schoo She%s o$t of it. Sho$dn%t /e too ong. o$ done here
N$rse S$>>ie:
eah, -% $st tid# $'.
+r. Posner:
See #a.
N$rse S$>>ie:
(+o$/ts and +ecisions of +eath) N$rse S$>>ie:
Miss Bearing, is that #o$ /ee'ing at ; ococ in the &orning
Mrs. Bearing:
- co$dnt see'.
N$rse S$>>ie:
!ea# 0hat%s the tro$/e, s*eetheart
Mrs. Bearing:
-... - can%t see& to fig$re things o$t. -%& in a 9$andar#. 6aving... these do$/ts.
N$rse S$>>ie:
0hat #o$%re doing is ver# hard.
Mrs. Bearing:
6ard things are *hat - ie /est.
N$rse S$>>ie:
No, /$t it%s not the sa&e. -t%s ie it%s o$t of contro, isn%t it
Mrs. Bearing:
eah. -%& scared.
N$rse S$>>ie:
6one#, of co$rse #o$ are.
Mrs. Bearing:
-%& *ored $'... - don%t fee so s$re of sef an#&ore.
N$rse S$>>ie:
And #o$ $sed to fee s$re, didn%t #o$
Mrs. Bearing:
es, #es, and - $sed to fee s$re.
N$rse S$>>ie:
-t%s oa#. -t%s a right. And it h$rts, - no*. - no*. -t%s a right. ?here #o$ go. -t%s a right. -t%s oa#, it%s a right. Vivian o$ *ant a 'o'sice
Mrs. Bearing:
es, 'ease.
N$rse S$>>ie:
Oa#. -%& gonna go get one. -% /e right /ac, oa# (oes to get 'o'sices.) (Co&es /ac.) 6ere #o$ go.
Mrs. B earing:
N$rse S$>>ie:
o$ s$re ?hans.
Mrs. Bearing:
?han #o$.
N$rse S$>>ie:
(Sits do*n /eside Bearing.) 0hen - *as a id *e $sed to get these fro& a tr$c. A &an *o$d co&e aro$nd and he%d ring his /e... and *e%d a go r$nning over. And then *e%d sit on the c$r/ and eat o$r 'o'sices. ?hat%s 'rett# 'rofo$nd, h$h
Mrs. Bearing:
So$nds nice.
N$rse S$>>ie:
Vivian, there%s soðing *e need to ta a/o$t. ?hat #o$ need to thin a/o$t.
Mrs. Bearing:
M# cancer%s not /eing c$red, is it
N$rse S$>>ie:
Mrs. Bearing:
?he# never e'ected it to /e, did the#
N$rse S$>>ie:
?he# tho$ght the dr$gs *o$d &ae the t$&or get s&aer. And it has, it%s gotten a ot s&aer. B$t the 'ro/e& is, it%s started in other 'aces too. ?he#%ve earned a ot for their research and it *as the /est the# had... it *as the strongest dr$gs. -t%s $st that there... ?here rea# isn%t a good c$re for *hat #o$ have #et. or advanced ovarian. -%& sorr#, the# sho$d have e'ained this to #o$.
Mrs. Bearing:
- ne*.
N$rse S$>>ie:
o$ did
Mrs. Bearing:
- read /et*een the ines.
N$rse S$>>ie:
0hat #o$ need to thin a/o$t is #o$r code stat$s. 0hat #o$ *ant the& to do... if #o$r heart sto's /eating. 0e o$ can /e f$ code *hich &eans that if #o$r heart sto's... *e% ca a code /$e and the code tea& *i co&e in and res$scitate #o$ and tae #o$ to intensive care $nti #o$ sta/ii>e. Or, #o$ can /e: J+o not res$scitate.J 0hich &eans that if #o$r heart sto's... *e% $st et it. o$% /e +N!. No*, #o$ can thin a/o$t it. B$t - $st... - $st *anted to 'resent #o$ *ith /oth choices... /efore
Mrs. Bearing:
?he# don%t agree a/o$t this
N$rse S$>>ie:
?he# ie to save ives. So an#thing%s oa# as ong as the ife contin$es. +oesn%t &atter if #o$%re hooed $' to a &iion &achines.
Mrs. Bearing:
- a*a#s *ant to no* &ore things. -%& a schoar. Or - *as... *hen - had shoes. 0hen - had hairs head.
N$rse S$>>ie:
Oa#, that%s fine. o$% /e f$ code.
Mrs. Bearing:
No. +on%t co&'icate the &atter.
N$rse S$>>ie:
No, rea#, it%s fine. -t%s $' to #o$.
Mrs. Bearing:
"$st et it sto'.
N$rse S$>>ie:
Mrs. Bearing:
N$rse S$>>ie:
So, if #o$r heart sto's /eating...
Mrs. Bearing:
"$st et it sto'.
N$rse S$>>ie:
o$ s$re
Mrs. Bearing:
N$rse S$>>ie:
Oa#. Oa#, -% get
Mrs. Bearing:
S$>>ie o$%re sti going to tae care of &e, aren%t #o$
N$rse S$>>ie:
Of co$rse - a&. +on%t #o$ *orr#, s*eetheart.
Mrs. Bearing:
(nods then starts cr#ing) B$t -%& scared. - fee so /ad. Oh, od.
N$rse S$>>ie:
es, - no* #o$ do. - can see. Oh, dear. ?here, there. ?here, there. ?here, there, Vivian. -t%s a *ind# da#. +on%t *orr#, dear. 2et%s see. Sha - read soðing to #o$ 0o$d #o$ ie that
Miss Bearing:
Prof. Ashford: Ver# *e. 2et%s see... "The 8unaway 6unny, /# Margaret 0ise Bro*n. JOnce there *as a itte /$nn# *ho *anted to r$n a*a#, so he said to his &other, %-%& r$nning a*a#.% %f #o$ r$n a*a#,% said his &other... - *i r$n after #o$. or #o$ are itte /$nn#.% %f #o$ r$n after &e,% said the itte /$nn#, - *i /eco&e a fish in a tro$t strea& and - *i s*i& a*a# fro& #o$.% %f #o$ /eco&e a fish in a tro$t strea&,% said his &other, K- *i /eco&e a fisher&an, and - *i fish for #o$.J% 2oo at that. A itte aegor# of the so$. 0herever it hides, od *i find it. See, Vivian J%f #o$ /eco&e a fisher&an,% said the itte /$nn#, %- *i /e a /ird and f# a*a# fro& #o$.% %f #o$ /eco&e a /ird and f# a*a# fro& &e,% said his &other, %- *i /e a tree that #o$ co&e ho&e to.J% %Sh$cs,% said the itte /$nn#. %- &ight $st as *e sta# *here - a& and /e #o$r itte /$nn#. And so he did. %6ave a carrot,% said the &other /$nn#.J 0onderf$. ?i&e to go. (
(?he Code)
+r. Posner:
Prof. Bearing, ho* #o$ feeing toda# 3:44 '.&., -V h#dration totas: G444 in, 34 o$t. ?hat%s it... idne#s gone. Prof. Bearing J6igh# $nres'onsive.J 0ait a second. o$r=five= seven=five. Code /$e, roo& D4D. +r. Posner, P=O=S=N=E=!. 6$rr# $'. One, t*o, three, fo$r, five, si, seven, eight, nine... ten, eeven, t*eve, thirteen, fo$rteen, fifteen.
N$rse S$>>ie:
0hat are #o$ doing
+r. Posner:
odda&n code...
N$rse S$>>ie:
She%s +N!5
+r. Posner:
She%s research5
N$rse S$>>ie:
She%s no code5 She%s no code5
Code B$e:
- got it.
N$rse S$>>ie:
No, the 'atient is no code. She%s +N!5 ?he 'atient is +N!5
Code B$e:
N$rse S$>>ie:
2isten, she%s Jdo not res$scitateJ5 ?he 'atient is no code5 ?he 'atient is no code, the order *as given. Sto' it5 +o not res$scitate5
Code B$e:
Move o$t of the *a#, go5 Cear.
+r. Posner:
- &ade a &istae5
N$rse S$>>ie:
?he 'atient is no code5
Code B$e:
0ho the he are #o$
N$rse S$>>ie:
-%& S$e Monahan, the 'ri&ar# n$rse.
Code B$e:
2et &e see the godda&n chart.
N$rse S$>>ie:
?he 'atient is no code. "$st get a*a# fro& her.
Code B$e:
J+o not res$scitate.
Code B$e:
0hat is he, a resident ot $s $' here on a +N!. Caed a code on a no=code.
"Death be not proud Though some have called thee mighty and dreadful For thou art not so For those whom thou think'st, thou dost overthrow Die not, poor death Nor yet canst thou kill me "Thou art slave to Fate Chance, kings, and desperate men
nd dost with poison, war and sickness dwell nd poppy or charms can make us sleep as well nd better than thy stroke !hy swell'st thou then #ne short sleep past !e wake eternally nd death shall be no more," Comma Death thou shalt die$