PREFACE During the past decade, increasing attention has been focus on the Technology of Computer software. As manual manual comput computing ing system system become becomess more more numero numerous, us, comple complex x the need need for the system systematic atic approa approache chess development becomes increasingly apparent. The objective of project workDigital Diary is designing a convenient frame work including Address !ook, Dead"ines #ote!ook and $eminder Application to the user on one platform. A primary goal of this project is to develop good software to overcome the existing problem caused by manual systems. This application application is developed developed for the users who want to store contacts, contacts, want to set reminders reminders and dead line notes through single application. The users who have computer knowledge will get more advantage from this application. Although every care has been taken to check mistakes through verifications and validations, yet it is difficult to claim absolute perfection.
%e have developed Digital Diary application to makes ease the work of users by this computerised software. !y this application a user can store contact details, retrieve contact details, set reminder for important meetings of works and make dead line notes on single platform. Thus the user can manage his contacts and daily working schedules through this application. This application avoids user to make manual contact diaries to store the contact address. A user who is working on system can set reminder for the important work while doing some another work. $eminder will remind him about that work. &e can also set reminder message which will tell him what to do at which time by stealing his attention. Through dead line note book a user can set the start date, start date message, end date and end date message for any project. This will remind him about a project that he had started on which date and when to submit that project. 'n the whole this application will make a user punctual. The dead line note book will show current date dead line notes through red colour as a warning. (o, this application is convenient platform for a user to manage, contacts, daily work schedules and to enhance the punctuality of the user.
%e have developed Digital Diary application to makes ease the work of users by this computerised software. !y this application a user can store contact details, retrieve contact details, set reminder for important meetings of works and make dead line notes on single platform. Thus the user can manage his contacts and daily working schedules through this application. This application avoids user to make manual contact diaries to store the contact address. A user who is working on system can set reminder for the important work while doing some another work. $eminder will remind him about that work. &e can also set reminder message which will tell him what to do at which time by stealing his attention. Through dead line note book a user can set the start date, start date message, end date and end date message for any project. This will remind him about a project that he had started on which date and when to submit that project. 'n the whole this application will make a user punctual. The dead line note book will show current date dead line notes through red colour as a warning. (o, this application is convenient platform for a user to manage, contacts, daily work schedules and to enhance the punctuality of the user.
1. Acknowledgement 2. *reface 3. xecutive (ummary 4.*roblem (tatement 5.(ystem Analysis .0 .0 xist xistin ing g (yst (ystem em and and Draw Drawb back acks .) *roposed (yst (ystem em Descri cription 6. (oftware $e2uirement (pecification 7.3easibility Analysis 8.$ Diagram 9.Data3lowDiagrams 10.Data Tables Tables 11. 11.5odule Description 12.(ystem Testing Testing (ecurity 7 8mplementation 0).0 Coding 0).) Testing 0).+ (ecurity 0).- 8mpleme ementati ation 13.8nput:output ;<8 8nterface (creenshots 14.Conclusion 15.$eferences
) + / / 1 1 04 00 0) 0/ 06 06 06 06 06 09 09 )4 )0 ) )/
PROBLEM STATEMENT STATEMENT This point describe you how to overcome the problem that arisen general for any person scheduling the appointments, activities, daily work and managing contact details of their known=s. *reviously we were using manual systems to manage contact details of knowns. %e were using separate applications for reminder dead line note book reminder or manual methods to do that.
The task of managing daily activities future activities, contact details is time consuming and very complex and may lead to confusion if not properly scheduled. This is the application which provides user to maintain contact details, their present and future activities and their start and deadlines date of accomplishing any project through one platform with one application. A user can store contact details of any known person and side by side can set reminder and dead line project details.
SYSTEM ANALYSIS ANALYSIS (ystem analysis is a detailed study of various operation performed by a system and their relationships within and outside the system. s ystem. A key 2uestion is “what must be done to solve the problem?”. 'ne aspect of analysis is defining the boundaries of system and determining whether or not the proposed system should consider other related systems. During analysis, data are collect from the available files, decision points, and transactions handled by the present system. The logical system model and tools that are used in the analysis are Data 3low Diagrams >D3Ds?, data dictionaries and flow chart. The analysis part in the following pages cover@ • •
xisting (ystem *roposed (ystem
E!"#!$% S&"#'( ) *+,-,/"
Almost each person have their known=s who are living apart from him having some contacts details. 8t is a very complex task to store contact details manually at diaries and searching them page by page. A user also want to do some specific tasks in the future for that he always makes diaries or separate applications with limited memory sie to store reminder data and large number of reminders. (ide by side a user also has to complete any work at some specific dates. A person having large number of task to be done at different dead line dates also have to make manual entries in the separate applications or in the manual diaries and he have to check those notes daily to know about which project=s deadline date is reached. All these tasks are very time consuming and very complex.
As seen clearly a lot of time is spent and much effort is made for managing contact details of the known future activities times and submission dates of the projects. 8n today=s world which is growing, these all tasks should take minimum effort and less time. !ut the present system does not support this. 8n the
present system user install and operate on three different applications to complete about written task which is very difficult and complex. P+"' S&"#'(
The system which we have developed makes it easy for a user to maintain, search thousand of contacts, thousand of future activity reminder and thousand of future dead line dates for the projects through installing and operating on single application, as it provides@ • • •
A+'"" B to store add and search contacts M& N#' B to set reminder for dead line dates of projects. R'(!$'+" to set reminders for the recent future activities
(o, this system is very convenient a user. 8t saves the time of the user makes his work easy with fast speed through operating on single application. applicat ion. This is the application which provides user to maintain contact details, their present and future activities and their start and deadlines date of accomplishing any project through one platform with one application. A user can store contact details of any known person and side by side can set reminder and dead line project details.
SOFTARE REUIREMENT SPECIFICATION 1. I$#+/#!$ 1.1 P+"' The goal of the project is to develop the software for a computerbased personal Digital Diary. 'nly one user will use the Digital Diary at any time. There are three parts in the Digital Diary B a phone diary cum contacts list, task to do, reminder. The contacts are used to store and retrieve personal appointments.
the address and phone numbers? from the Digital diary. The phone numbers can range from 1 to )0 digits, thus allowing the user to enter local, long distance and international phone numbers. Addresses use conventional +line format The first line contains the house:building number followed by street name name,, foll follow owed ed by an apart apartme ment nt numb number er,, if any. any. The The secon second d line line cont contain ainss the the city city name, name, state state abbreviation and the 8* code. The third line c ontains the country name. The appointment reminder is used to store and retrieve personal appointments throughout the year. A user must use date:time as a key when storing or retrieving reminder details. ach appointment must also have a tag that can contain a name of the person in the appointment. !y this way, the user can retrieve the address and phone number of the person when needed. The Dead line note book will also work as reminder but it will show dead line dates of the project by highlighting the current dead line dated projects.
1.2 S/'
"ogical Characteristics@
>0? V!'- S#,#" >a? iew list of contact persons at once or differently >b? Can display all the upcoming appointments through reminders >c? Can display all the start and end dates of the projects to be accomplished >)? C,$%' S#,#" >a? 'ptions for changing a person=s information >b? 8nterface is easy to find person in list >c? 'ptions to edit reminder time, date, message and date, message for the coming projects.
2.2 ;,+-,+' R'<!+'('$#
The system has following hardware re2uirements@ *entium ) and higher processor • 0/ 5! $A5 minimum • /-kb cache memory at least • &ard Disk 4 5! space at least • 2.3 S:#-,+' +'<!+'('$#" The system has following software re2uirements@ •
'perating (ystem@ %indow E*:96:9:#T: )444:% 1
• • • • •
Database server @ 5saccess Data base connectivity@ 'D!C, 5icrosoft 'D!D Driver 'ther tools and technology@ CFF 3ront nd@ CFF !ack nd@ 5sAccess
2.4 P+/# F',#+'"
>0? *roduct will need to connect with 5sAccess database. >)? *roduct will work on windows operating only >+? *roduct will need to overcome search latency, when records are more then 0444. 2.5 A+#!$!$% : R'<!+'('$#" %e feel that we can accomplish all of the above stated re2uirements given the time that we have. %e have already limited the number of components that we intend to develop, because we do feel that we have time to completely finish and test more components then the ones listed in future. 3. S'/!:!/ R'<!+'('$#"= (pecific re2uirements include= 3.1 F$/#!$"= *roduct will perform following functions@ 3.1.1 F$/#!$, R'<!+'('$#"
8n this system there is lots of functioning@ The user can (earch and see any account information. a? &e will be able to get the record using character searching. b? There will also be a reminder and digital diary through this he can go to know about details. c? F$/#!$, R'<!+'('$#= #on functional re2uirements are as@ P'+:+(,$/' R'<!+'('$#" (oftware must be able to support more than )444 entries, and efficiently search them. S,:'#& +'<!+'('$# Database safety from viruses and operating system failure,+' <,!#& ,##+!#'" The 2uality of the database maintained in such a way so that it can be a very user friendly to all the user of the data base. *'"!%$ C$"#+,!$#" The system must be designed in such a way that it will easy to use and user friendly. R'!,!!#& %e try to make it reliable by testing it. A,!,!!#& (ystem will be available during all work hours. S'/+!#& "ogins will be used to restrict use.
FEASIBILITY STU*Y 3easibility study is a high level version of the entire system and design process. The purpose of feasibility study is not to solve the problem but to determine if the problem is worth solving. 8t is conducted to select the best system that meets performance re2uirement. A system=s re2uired the identification of specific system objectives, and a description of out puts defines performance. Three key considerations are involved in the feasibility analysis@ • • •
conomical feasibility Technical feasibility 'perational feasibility
E/$(!/, :',"!!!#&= economical analysis is the most fre2uently used method for evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed system. This is an ongoing effort that improves inaccuracy at each phase of the system life cycle. As the necessary software and hardware is available in the system, the initial investment for the proposed system is #8". The proposed system minimies the time and effort right from managing the activities. Thus, the proposed system is economically feasible. T'/$!/, :',"!!!#&= it centres on the existing computer system >hardware, software etc? and to what extent it can support the proposed system. The necessary hardware and software tools are available in the computer system and the software recommended supports the system objectives. Thus, it is technically feasible to design and develop the proposed system. O'+,#!$, :',"!!!#&= people are inherently resistant to change and computers have been known to facilitate the change. As estimate should be made of how a strong reaction the user is likely to have towards the development of a new system. As the proposed system is a user friendly package with all the visual aids, the effort that goes into the educating and training the user staff is almost negligible. Therefore, resistance to the proposed system is #8".
!ased on the above analysis, the recommended system is feasible.
ENTITY RELATIONS;IP *IAGRAM #ser #ser Name Digital Diary do
Pass$ord !ogin
Reminder System
Address Book Selet ID
My Notes
Date ID
Start Date
Father’s Name
Dead !ine Date
Dead !ine Notes
Other Details Mail ID Designation DOB
"ime Message
#include #include #include #include
int password(); void addrecord(); void viewrecord(); void editrecord(); void editpassword(); void deleterecord();
struct record { char time[6]; char name[!]; char place["]; char duration[$!]; char note[!!]; %;
int main() { int ch;
print&('nntn'); print&('t*+,,-/0 */123120 *2/,4+5 0+/7n');
{ print&('nntt8+4 8249:'); print&('nnt+00 /23/0t[$]'); print&('nt2- /23/0t["]'); print&('nt201 /23/0t[]'); print&('nt025212 /23/0t[]'); print&('nt201 *+,,-/0t[]');
print&('nt2=1tt[6]'); print&('nnt2412/ 79/ 332:');
switch(ch) { case $:
case ":
case :
case :
case :
case 6: print&('nntt1+4C 79 D/ 9,4E 12 ,D1-+/2 F7:nntFG+7 *9/nntF+49 *9025nnt4/*+, +72/...');
de&ault: print&('n79 2412/20 -/4E 332..'); print&('n*/2,, +47 C27 1 1/7 +E+4');
breaB; %
sIstem('cls'); % return !;
% void addrecord( ) {
sIstem('cls'); D52 &p ; char another J K7K @time[$!]; struct record e ; char &ilename[$]; int choice;
print&('nnttn'); print&('tt -25382 1 12 +00 8249 ');
print&('nttnn'); print&('nnt2412/ 0+12 D 79/ /23/0:[IIIILmmLdd]:');
gets(&ilename); &p J &open (&ilename@ 'abM' ) ; i& ( &p JJ 4955 ) {
i&(&pJJ4955) {
print&('n,7,128 2///...'); print&('n*/2,, +47 C27 1 2=1');
getch(); return ; % %
while ( another JJ K7KNN anotherJJKIK ) {
&&lush(stdin); print& ( 'nt2412/ 182:[hh:mm]:');
while(&read(Ae@siOeo&(e)@$@&p)JJ$) {
i&(strcmp(e.time@time)JJ!) { print&('nt12 /23/0 +5/2+07 2=,1,.n');
choiceJ$; % %
i&(choiceJJ!) {
strcpI(e.time@time); print&('t2412/ 4+82:');
&&lush(stdin); print&('t2412/ *5+32:');
&&lush(stdin); print&('t2412/ 09/+14:');
&write ( Ae@ siOeo& ( e )@ $@ &p ) ; print&('n79/ /23/0 , +0020...n'); % print& ( 'nt+00 +412/ /23/0...(7P4) ' ) ; &&lush ( stdin ) ; another J getchar( ) ; %
&close ( &p ) ; print&('nnt*/2,, +47 C27 1 2=1...');
getch(); %
void viewrecord( ) { D52 &pte ;
sIstem('cls'); struct record customer ; char time[6]@choice@&ilename[$]; int ch;
print&('nnttn'); print&('tt 2/2 , 12 2-4E 8249 ');
i&(choiceQJ!) { return ; % do { print&('nt2412/ 12 0+12 D /23/0 1 F2 2-20:[IIIILmmL
&pte J &open ( &ilename@ 'rb' ) ; i& ( &pte JJ 4955 ) { puts ( 'n12 /23/0 02, 41 2=,1...n' ) ;
print&('*/2,, +47 C27 1 2=1...');
getch(); return ; %
sIstem('cls'); print&('nt- -950 79 5C2 1 2-:n'); print&('nt$.-52 /23/0 D 12 0+7.'); print&('nt"./23/0 D D= 182.'); print&('ntt2412/ 79/ 332:');
switch(ch) { case $: print&('n12 -52 /23/0 D/ ?s ,:'@&ilename); while ( &read ( Acustomer@ siOeo& ( customer )@ $@ &pte ) JJ $ ) {
print&('n'); print&('n182: ?s'@customer.time); print&('n82214E -1: ?s';
print&('n82214E +1: ?s'; print&('n09/+14: ?s'@customer.duration); print&('n412: ?s'@customer.note);
print&('n'); %
case ":
&&lush(stdin); print&('n2412/ 182:[hh:mm]:');
gets(time); while ( &read ( Acustomer@ siOeo& ( customer )@ $@ &pte ) JJ $ )
i&(strcmp(customer.time@time)JJ!) { print&('n79/ /23/0 ,:'); print&('n182: ?s'@customer.time); print&('n82214E -1: ?s';
print&('n82214E +1: ?s'; print&('n09+/+14: ?s'@customer.duration); print&('n412: ?s'@customer.note); % %
de&ault: print&('n79 17*20 ,8214E 25,2...n');
breaB; %
print&('nn-950 79 5C2 1 341492 2-4E...(7P4):');
&&lush(stdin); scan&('?c'@Achoice); %while(choiceJJK7KNNchoiceJJKIK); &close ( &pte ) ; return ;
% void editrecord() {
sIstem('cls'); D52 &pte ; struct record customer ; char time[6]@choice@&ilename[$]; int num@countJ!;
print&('nnttn'); print&('tt -25382 1 12 2014E 8249 ');
i&(choiceQJ!) { return ; % do { print&('nt2412/ 12 0+12 D /23/0 1 F2 20120:[IIIILmmL
print&('nt2412/ 182:[hh:mm]:');
gets(time); &pte J &open ( &ilename@ 'rbM' ) ; i& ( &pte JJ 4955 ) { print&( 'n/23/0 02, 41 2=,1,:' ) ; print&('n*/2,, +47 C27 1 E F+3C');
return; % while ( &read ( Acustomer@ siOeo& ( customer )@ $@ &pte ) JJ $ ) {
i&(strcmp(customer.time@time)JJ!) { print&('n79/ 50 /23/0 -+, +,:'); print&('n182: ?s'@customer.time); print&('n82214E -1: ?s'; print&('n82214E +1: ?s';
print&('n09/+14: ?s'@customer.duration); print&('n412: ?s'@customer.note);
print&('nntt-+1 -950 79 5C2 1 201..');
print&('n$.182.'); print&('n".82214E *2/,4.'); print&('n.82214E *5+32.');
print&('n.412.'); print&('n6.-52 /23/0.'); print&('nR.E F+3C 1 8+4 8249.'); do { print&('nt2412/ 79/ 332:');
switch(num) {
case $: print&('n2412/ 12 42- 0+1+:'); print&('n42- 182:[hh:mm]:');
case ": print&('n2412/ 12 42- 0+1+:'); print&('n42- 82214E *2/,4:');
case : print&('n2412/ 12 42- 0+1+:'); print&('n42- 82214E *5+32:');
case : print&('n2412/ 12 42- 0+1+:');
case : print&('2412/ 12 42- 0+1+:');
case 6: print&('n2412/ 12 42- 0+1+:'); print&('n42- 182:[hh:mm]:');
gets(customer.time); print&('n42- 82214E *2/,4:');
gets(; print&('n42- 82214E *5+32:');
case R: print&('n*/2,, +47 C27 1 E F+3C...n');
return ;
de&ault: print&('n79 17*20 ,8214E 25,2...1/7 +E+4n');
breaB; %
breaB; % %
i&(choiceJJ) {
print&('ntt2014E 38*52120...n');
print&('LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLn'); print&('12 42- /23/0 ,:n');
print&('LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLn'); print&('n182: ?s'@customer.time); print&('n82214E -1: ?s'; print&('n82214E +1: ?s'; print&('n09/+14: ?s'@customer.duration); print&('n412: ?s'@customer.note);
&close(&pte); print&('nnt-950 79 5C2 1 201 +412/ /23/0.(7P4)');
countMM; %
else { print&('n12 /23/0 02, 41 2=,1::n'); print&('n-950 79 5C2 1 1/7 +E+4...(7P4)');
%while(choiceJJK7KNNchoiceJJKIK); &close ( &pte ) ;
i&(countJJ$) print&('n?d D52 , 20120...n'@count); else i&(count>$) print&('n?d D52, +/2 20120..n'@count);
else print&('n4 D52, 20120...n'); print&('t*/2,, 2412/ 1 2=1 2014E 8249.');
% int password() { char pass[$]J{!%@checB[$]J{!%@ch; D52 &pp; int iJ!@U;
print&('::D/ ,239/17 *9/*,2::'); print&('::457 1/22 1/+5, +/2 +55-20::');
&or(UJ!;U<;UMM) {
iJ!; print&('nnt2412/ 12 *+,,-/0:');
while(pass[i]QJKrK) {
i&(pass[i]JJKbK) {
print&('b'); print&(' ');
pass[i]Jgetch(); %
else {
pass[i]Jgetch(); % %
&ppJ&open(',2'@'r'); i& (&ppJJ4955) { print&('n2/// -1 12 ,7,128 D52...[D52 8,,4E]n');
getch(); return $; %
while($) {
i&(chJJ2D) {
breaB; %
iMM; %
i&(strcmp(pass@checB)JJ!) { print&('nnt+332,, E/+4120...n'); return !; %
else { print&('nnt-/4E *+,,-/0..nnt+332,, 02420...n'); % % print&('nnt::79 2412/20 -/4E *+,,-/0::79 +/2 41
+55-20 1 +332,, +47 D52::nnt*/2,, +47 C27 1 E F+3C...');
getch(); return $;
% void editpassword() { sIstem('cls'); print&('n'); char pass[$]J{!%@con&irm[$]J{!%@ch; int choice@i@checB; D52 &p; &pJ&open(',2'@'rb'); i&(&pJJ4955) {
i&(&pJJ4955) { print&(',7,128 2///...');
return ; %
print&('n,7,128 /2,1/20...n79/ *+,,-/0 , K2412/Kn */2,, 2412/ 1 3+4E2 *+,,-/0nn');
getch(); %
i&(checBJJ$) { return ; % do {
i&(checBJJ!) {
print&('nnt2412/ 12 42- *+,,-/0:');
while(pass[i]QJKrK) {
i&(pass[i]JJKbK) {
print&('b'); print&(' ');
pass[i]Jgetch(); %
else {
% %
iJ!; print&('nt34D/8 *+,,-/0:');
while(con&irm[i]QJKrK) {
i&(con&irm[i]JJKbK) {
print&('b'); print&(' ');
con&irm[i]Jgetch(); %
else {
con&irm[i]Jgetch(); % %
i&(strcmp(pass@con&irm)JJ!) {
i&(&pJJ4955) { print&('ntt,7,128 2///');
getch(); return ; %
while(pass[i]QJK!K) {
iMM; %
&close(&p); %
else { print&('nt12 42- *+,,-/0 02, 41 8+13.');
% %while(choiceJJ$);
print&('nnt*+,,-/0 3+4E20...nnt*/2,, +47 C27 1 E F+3C...'); getch(); %
void deleterecord( )
sIstem('cls'); D52 &p@&ptr ; struct record &ile ; char &ilename[$]@another J K7K @time[$!];; int choice@checB;
print&('nnttn'); print&('tt -25382 1 025212 8249');
print&('nttnn'); checB J password();
i&(checBJJ$) { return ; %
while ( another JJ K7K ) { print&('nnt- -950 79 5C2 1 025212.'); print&('nnt#025212 -52 /23/0ttt[$]');
print&('nt#025212 + *+/1395+/ /23/0 F7 182t["]');
do { print&('ntt2412/ 79 332:');
switch(choice) { case $: print&('nt2412/ 12 0+12 D /23/0 1 F2 0252120:
gets(&ilename); &p J &open (&ilename@ 'wb' ) ; i& ( &p JJ 4955 ) { print&('n12 D52 02, 41 2=,1,'); print&('n*/2,, +47 C27 1 E F+3C.');
return ; %
remove(&ilename); print&('n0252120 ,9332,D9557...');
case ": print&('nt2412/ 12 0+12 D /23/0:[IIIILmmLdd]:');
gets(&ilename); &p J &open (&ilename@ 'rb' ) ; i& ( &p JJ 4955 ) { print&('n12 D52 02, 41 2=,1,'); print&('n*/2,, +47 C27 1 E F+3C.');
getch(); return ; %
i&(&ptrJJ4955) { print&('n,7,128 2///'); print&('n*/2,, +47 C27 1 E F+3C');
getch(); return ; % print&('nt2412/ 12 182 D /23/0 1 F2 0252120:
while(&read(A&ile@siOeo&(&ile)@$@&p)JJ$) {
&write(A&ile@siOeo&(&ile)@$@&ptr); %
rename('temp'@&ilename); print&('n0252120 ,9332,D9557...');
de&ault: print&('nt79 2412/20 -/4E 332');
breaB; %
print&('nt0 79 5C2 1 025212 +412/ /23/0.(7P4):');
scan&('?c'@Aanother); % print&('nnt*/2,, +47 C27 1 2=1...');
T,' $'+ A+'""B.( *,#,,"'= 0. AddressData Table ). login Table A+'""*,#, T,'=
%!$ T,'=
T,' $'+ M&N#'".( *,#,,"'= #1$#'" T,'=
R'(!$'+ "'" #' XML :!' :+ /+',#!$% #' *,#, T,' ," %!'$=
The main objective of the Digital Diary is to Display, (tore, dit, (earching Contacts, setting reminders and setting dead line project dates. %e have divided it into three submodules as given under@ 1. A+'"">B @ for inserting, editing, searching the contacts of the known. 2. M&>N#' B @ for inserting the start date with message and end date of the project with specific
message. 3. R'(!$'+@ to set reminder for accomplishing specific activities at time. All the above three modules are integrating within the Digital Diary to give an ease to the user. A single user can operate on it at a time in one system. Total control on the application is provided to the authoried user.
3irst submodule is the Address !ook that a user can use to store contacts of their known. &e can store thousands of the records in it. A user can edit any contact easily and he can also search the contact by the initial character searching of the contact name.
(econd submodule is 5y #ote !ook that a user can use to manage the starting and deadline dates of the projects that he has to complete. &e simply can add, edit and delete any entry made in it. The starting and end date of the projects with the specific messages can be stored in this #ote !ook. The current deadline dated projects will be highlighted with the red colour as a warning.
Third submodule is $eminder that a user can use to remind him about the activities planned by him to complete at some specific times in future. &e can add any reminder with specific message at specific date and time to be shown. A user can also edit and delete any entry at any time.
%$Coding is the process that transforms design into a programming language, which can be understood by the computer. Coding is viewed as natural source code which is based on internal documentation, methods for data declaration procedures for statement constructions and input output techni2ues. (ource Code is 8ntelligible if it is simple and clear. T'"#!$%=
Testing the newly developed or modified systems is one of the most important activities in the system development methodology the goal of the testing is to verify the logical and physical operation of the design blocks to determine that they operates as intended.
During testing the program to be tested is executed with a set of the test cases, and the output of the program for the test cases is evaluated to determine if the program is performing as it is expected to do so. There are a number of rules that can serve well as testing objectives. Testing is a process of executing a program with the intent of finding errors. ;ood test case is alone that has a high *robability of finding as yet undiscovered errors. A successful test is one that uncovers as yet undiscovered errors. The basic levels are unit testing, 8ntegration testing and Acceptance testing. The different levels of the testing attempt to detect different types of the faults as discussed below@ U$!# T'"#!
%$During the implementation of the system each module of the system was tested separately to uncover errors with all its boundaries.
%$ The objective of the integration testing is to take the unit tested modules and build a program structure that has been defined in the design. %e have down a top down integration, which is an incremental approach, which is constructing and testing small segments where errors are easier to isolate and corrected. The 8ntegration process was performed in three steps is@ 0. The main control was used as a test driver. ). Tests were conducted as each module was integrated. +. $egression Testing >Conducting all or some of the previous tests? to ensure that new errors not been introduced. S&"#'( T'"#!$% &ere the entire software system was tested. The references document for this process is the re2uirements document and the goal is to see if the system meets its re2uirements. •
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!oundary conditions as in case of the generating se2uences were tested to ensure that the module operates properly at boundaries established to limit or restrict processing. A//'#,$/' T'"#!
%$This is normally performed with the realistic data of the client to demonstrate that the software is working satisfactorily. Testing here focus on external behaviour of the system.
(ecurity is the main concepts we have to provide in the project, so that unauthoried users can not access or violate valuable information. 8n the present system we provided a logon screen which monitors the users. %hich helps the only authoried users can access the data.
The implementation phase is the period during which the system is used. The major activities of this are@ 0. ). +. -.
Complete conversion 'perate system valuate system performance 5aintain system and manage charges
The implementation phase follows the development phase.
#ormally a period of transition is re2uired to change from an old system to new one. 8f all the development phase implementation activities have been performed ade2uately the necessary manuals and documentation for the new system are available. There is a nucleus of trained personnel to assume responsibility for the new system. &owever it is critically important for the project team to remain heavily involved and in control during changeover. Changeover usually is one way process it must result in a planned, numerous unforeseen incidents and problems will arise. (ystem changeover is the most critical period in the entire life cycle of the computerbased system. *ositive support by all user organiation is essential. R#!$' O'+,#!$
At the conclusion of the changeover process the system has been operational for a reasonable periodH its performance is formally evaluated. The result of the evaluation is documented in an evaluation report, which should be presented to a user management review board. The principle user of the system should head the board. S&"#'( /,$%'
The modern system environment is dynamic subject to many internal and external influences. The business environment may trigger a change re2uest, which is then reviewed by the user management. This process may form a brief analysis of the re2uested change to an extensive investigation. This investigation could
cause a return to the study phase, in which case the resulting new design and development activities might yield a great modified system.
M,!$ F+(=
A+'"" B F+(=
M& N#'" F+(= This form is showing two states@ 1. S#,+#!$% M& N#'" F+(=
2. M&>N#'" :+( "-!$% *',!$' *,#' : +'/# -!# +' /+=
R'(!$'+" F+(= Three states of this form are shown@ 1. S#,+#!$% :+(=
2. F+( ,:#'+ +'(!$'+ '#,!" !$"'+#!$=
3. R'(!$'+ "-!$% >=
This report gives an overview of all that one needs to get ac2uainted with in order to work with software project documentation specifically in the field of software development. 8t was a diverse and enriching experience to learn from developing a software and documentation in a team on our own. This project helped us to enhance our skills in programming field of the software development. %e learnt how to develop software, how to make re2uirement analysis, how to make feasibility analysis and how to document the same. 'n a whole, this project helped us to enhance our technical skills, teamwork, documenting skills.