1. A chil child d with with hemophi hemophilia lia scra scraps ps his his knee knee RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) 2. Two Two parents parents test test positi positive ve for sickle sickle cell trait trait each prenanc! has 2"# chance of $ein affected with sickle cell disease (a%tosomal recessive). &. 'awa 'awasa saki kis dise diseas asee place child in %iet environment to decrease workload on heart *. Child with with +irschspr% +irschspr%n nss disease disease has eplosive, eplosive, water! water! diarrhea diarrhea enterocolitis (lifethreatenin, notif! ph!sician immediatel!) ". ew$orn ew$orn fail%re fail%re to pass pass meconi%m meconi%m in first first 2* hrs hrs +irschspr%ns disease or Conenital Aanlionic /eacolon (or imperforate an%s $%t sho%ld $e noticed immediatel!, so check for the hole0). . ell!-like ell!-like stools stools containin containin $lood and m%c%s are are an indication indication of int%ss%scept int%ss%sception. ion. Ac%te, Ac%te, episodic a$dominal pain is characteristics of int%ss%sception. A sa%sae-shaped sa%sae-shaped mass ma! $e palpated in the riht %pper %adrant, (most alwa!s occ%rs at ileocecal valve). 3. +allma +allmark rk sin sin of 4ER 4ER in in infan infants ts $ack archin 5. Esoph Esopha aeal eal atre atresi siaa & Cs (c!anosis, chokin, co%hin) A6 maternal pol!h!draminosis. 7. 8i reason reason for varice varicella lla vaccin vaccinee e!e lesions 9$lindness 1:. /eckels /eckels divertic%liti divertic%litis. s. 11. +emorrhae is the most common complication of /eckels /eckels divertic%litis divertic%litis in children; therefore, this condition sho%ld $e considered in an! child with a$dominal pain of %nclear etiolo! associated with 4I hemorrhae. Intestinal o$str%ction is another possi$le dianosis $%t is more common in ad%lts. The dianosis of /eckels divertic%litis divertic%litis can $e confirmed $! 77mTc-pertechnetate scan, which detects heterotopic astric m%cosa or pancreatic tiss%e within the divertic%l%m. /eckels /eckels divertic%la are %s%all! completel! as!mptomatic, $%t resection is necessar! when complications develop. Colonic arterioveno%s malformations can ca%se 4I hemorrhae in children $ %t are m%ch less common than /eckels divertic%la. <=<> $lood with $owel movement 12. T?RC+ T?RC+ infections infections in %tero %tero deafness (Tooplasmosis, R%$ella, C!tomealovir%s, +erpes simple vir%s) 1&. irrita$le, irrita$le, sweatin with feeds, feeds, fre%ent respirator! infections infections 1*.
2". The child will lomer%lonephritis eperiences a pro$lem with renal f%nction that %ltimatel! affects fl%id $alance. 8eca%se weiht is the $est indicator of fl%id $alance, o$tainin dail! weiht is the hihest priorit!. 2. The a$domen of the child with FilmGs t%mor sho%ld not $e palpated $eca%se of the daner of disseminatin t%mor cells. 23. Dositionin the neonate with an %nrepaired m!elomeninocele infant is kept in the prone position to decrease tension on the sac. This allows for optimal positionin of the hips, knees, and feet $eca%se orthopedic pro$lems are common. 25. @or at least the first 2* ho%rs after insertion of a ventric%loperitoneal sh%nt, the child is positioned s%pine with the head of the $ed flat to prevent too rapid decrease in C<@ press%re. A rapid red%ction in the siHe of the ventricles can ca%se s%$d%ral hematoma. Dositionin on the operative site is to $e avoided $eca%se it places press%re on the sh%nt valve, possi$l! $lockin desired drainae of C<@. Fith contin%ed increased ICD, the child wo%ld $e positioned with the head of $ed elevated to allow ravit! to aid drainae. 27. A toic effect of valproic acid (6epakene) is livertoicit!, which ma! manifest with a%ndice and a$dominal pain. If a%ndice occ%rs, the client needs to notif! the health care provider as soon as possi$le. &:. The Davlik harness is worn over a diaper. 'nee socks are also worn to prevent the straps and foot and le pieces from r%$$in directl! on the skin. @or maim%m res%lts, the infant needs to wear the harness contin%o%sl!. The skin sho%ld $e inspected several times a da!, not ever! other da!, for sins of redness or irritation. otions and powders are to $e avoided $eca%se the! can cake and irritate the skin. (+ip d!splasia is a condition in which the head of the fem%r is improperl! rested in the aceta$%l%m, or hip socket of the pelvis. The characteristic manifestations are as follows> as!mmetr! of the l%teal and thih folds; limited hip a$d%ction in the affected hip; apparent shortenin of the fem%r on the affected side (4aleaHHi sin and Allis sin); weiht $earin ca%ses titlin of the pelvis downward on the %naffected side (Trendelen$er sin); ?rtolani click (in infant %nder * weeks of ae) &1. /%sc%lar d!stroph! is an =-linked recessive disorder. The ene is transmitted thro%h female carriers to affected sons ":# of the time. 6a%hters have a ":#chance of $ein carriers. It is a proressive disease. Children who are affected $! this disease %s%all! are %na$le to walk independentl! $! ae 7-11 !ears. There is no effective treatment for the disease. A characteristic manifestation is 4owerGs sin -- the child walks the hands %p the les in an attempt to rise from sittin to standin position. &2. 8eca%se factor III concentrate is derived from lare pools of h%man plasma, the risk of hepatitis is alwa!s present. &&. +alf-strenth h!droen peroide is recommended for cleansin the s%t%re line after cleft lip repair. The $%$$lin action of the h!droen peroide is effective for removin de$ris. ormal saline ma! also $e %sed. /o%thwashes fre%entl! contain alcohol which can $e irritatin. Dovidone-iodine sol%tion is not %sed $eca%se iodine co ntained in the sol%tion can $e a$sor$ed thro%h the skin, leadin to toicit!. A mild antiseptic sol%tion has some anti$acterial properties $%t is ineffective in removin s%t%re-line de$ris. &*. 8eca%se the $lind po%ch associated with TE@ fills %ickl! with fl%ids the child is at risk for aspiration. Children with TE@ %s%all! develop aspiration pne%monia.
&". After s%rical repair for an imperforate an%s, the infant sho%ld $e positioned either s%pine with the les s%spended at 7:-deree anle or on either side with the hips elevated to prevent press%re on the perine%m. Tr! to limit press%re on perine%m. &. Eatin with dirt! hands, especiall! after pla!in o%tside, can lead to lead poisonin $eca%se lead is often present in soil s%rro%ndin homes. Fhen $lood levels of lead reaches 1"-17 mJd.., an investiation of the childGs environment will $e initiated. ?ral chelation therap! is started when $lood lead levels reached *" mJd. Fhen the! reach 3: mJd, the child %s%all! is hospitaliHed for intraveno%s chelation therap!. &3. A neative %rinal!sis r%les o%t KTI in children L 2 !ears of ae. In children !o%ner than 2-!ears-old, a neative %rinal!sis does not r%le o%t a %rinar! tract infection. Kp to ":# of children with KTIs can have a false neative %rinal!sis. itrite and le%koc!te esterase presence in %rine dipstick have the hihest com$ined sensitivit! for KTI. In addition, if $oth are positive, the false positive rate is less than *#. /ost consider !o%n irls to $e at the hihest risk for KTI. This is in fact tr%e ecept for the neonatal period, when neonatal $o!s act%all! have a hiher risk than irls. Children with KTIs are manaed differentl! $ased on the ae of the child. The ver! !o%n are treated conservativel!, and those %nder & months of ae are enerall! admitted to the hospital for I anti$iotics. D!elonephritis %sed to $e commonl! manaed as an in-patient, $%t in well appearin children, this infection can $e treated as an o%tpatient with oral anti$iotics. &5. After tonsillectom! (sleep! from anesthesia) that is wh! !o% sho%ld position the 8 in R side l!in position to increase press%re in the side of the heart.) *&.
children with cleft palate remain well-no%rished and maintain ade%ate n%trition thro%h the %se of proper feedin techni%es. @ood particles do not pass thro%h the cleft and into the E%stachian t%$es. *3. Droectile vomitin is a ke! s!mptom of p!loricstenosis. *5. C%rrant ell! stool int%ss%sception *7. 8%rpin $a$ies thro%ho%t the feedin will help prevent astric distention that contri$%tes to esophaeal refl%. ":. The least restrictive restraint for infant with acleft lip and cleft palate repair is el$ow restraint. "1. anoin slows and strenthens (inotropic effect) the contractions of the heart. An increase in %rinar! o%tp%t shows that the medication is havin a desired effect. "2. The primar! reason for placin the child with cro%p%nder a mist tent is to li%ef! secretions andrelieve lar!neal spasm. "&. 6ioin treatment for tetralo! of fallot "*. @leion of the hip and knees with passive fleionof the neck. A positive 8r%dHinskis sin Mfleionof hip and knees with passive fleion of the neck;a positive 'ernis sinM ina$ilit! to etend theknee to more than 1&" derees, witho%t pain$ehind the knee, while the hip is fleed %s%all!esta$lishes the dianosis of meninitis. "". Clothin has $ecome tiht aro%nd the waist of a 2 !ears old Darents often reconiHe the increasin a$dominal irth first. This is an earl! sin of FilmGGs t%mor, a malinant t%mor of the kidne!. ". The recommended ae for switchin from form%la to whole milk is 12 months.
!statin Troche> +ead In%ries> The hospitaliHed child> Conenital hip d!splasia> Davlik +arness 7 k patient who cons%med *: oH of 22calJoH form%la (how man! cal did she cons%me) ephrotic s!ndrome>